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Everything posted by Marxx.5021

  1. When you see cata duos in the oppenent team with top 10 titles why would you even want to play such BS matchups?
  2. Game designer when you refer to balance.
  3. There are no sPvP developers left. I don't think it is fair to blame devs who developed it years ago.
  4. If the best balance in years is still bad it tells everything you need to know about the state of sPvP.
  5. It plays as expected in PvP. Dogshit would give it to much credit.
  6. PvP is dead. Why would Anet invest anything into a dead game mode? Wake up dude and move on.
  7. Yes right - melee range is for the additional damage. However it is still disappointing how many changes other classes receive when for example scourge is in much more need for (PvP) buffs than warrior or elementalist for example.
  8. Also no change for scourge to get it back into PvP. Reaper shouts nerfed by reducing range from 600 to melee. Dagger and warhorn changes which will not do anything because they are still trash in PvP. Cmc knows how to kick necromancer when it is already down. Promote changes as buffs which are either don't change anything or are straight nerfs.
  9. So bad. No scourge changes that would make it viable in PvP. Huge nerf for reaper shouts in particular for PvP - range reduced from 600 to melee! Warhorn changes which wont make any difference. All of this is in line with the last balance patch. In PvP the class is as dead as the game mode itself.
  10. Balance is not the biggest issue of PvP. Next patch will maybe nerf and buff a few specs. The best you can hope for is that there are no such big outliers. Learning from recent news WvW has a team lead and producer. They even have a roadmap what to do - nice. I guess there is no such thing for PvP - propably not even a team of developers. No plans, no team no future.
  11. The "old" Anet has never left. PvP is dead and everybody knows. The "only" issue left are game designer who pretend otherwise. That lures new player into wrong expectations.
  12. There is noone balancing specs for years. What else would you expect.
  13. Why would you be dissapointed. PvP is dead for years. Everybody knows. Why still expect anything.
  14. This bladesworn discussion started in September before the nerfs/fixes. I think Catalyst and Spellbreaker are more of an issue now.
  15. You are a few years late dude. There aren't any competitive modes in GW2. Maybe WvW sees some comeback.
  16. Balance in GW2 does not aim to make classes or specs close in strength. It is about representation. Bringing down the number of necromancer players was intended. So for every so called buff the class received this year a better choice already existed in necromancer PvP builds. Nothing was really a buff while other under represented classes got real buffs. The only reason necromancer would receive a buff is when it is not played. Though there are still way to many necromancer playing.
  17. Scourge, reaper and harbinger have been nerfed to trash level in PvP. Lets remove core necro as well. Not that any necro spec is played much anyway.
  18. That's why PvP is so dead. Only a minority of players does multi class. The endless nerfs combined with making specs "giga OP" until they get nerfed as well is not everyones cup of tea.
  19. According to the GW2 Wiki short after 2015-10-23.
  20. In theory you need to play many more matches before rank means anything. In reality PvP is dead and wont come back.
  21. I wonder why Scourge gets no buffs in PvP. It is underperforming and rarely played.
  22. All classes have the ability to deal, damage, tank and heal. A balance philosophy that defines roles but doesn't have the goal to give every class at least one viable spec/build for every role is bad. It leads to class stacking and less diversity.
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