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Everything posted by Westenev.5289

  1. Beetle or Griffon -> Springer or Skyscale -> jackal or skimmer -> other... Beetle and Griffon are fun to ride and extremely fast. They're my primary mode of travel when I don't feel like stopping to see the scenery. Springer and skyscale help me platform. Jackal and Skimmer are great for moving around enemy encampments, with decent speed and high evasion uptime. They are my primary mode of transportation when I don't want to be somewhere yesterday. I don't use the Raptor (too similar to the jackal) and the Warclaw is a trophy mount in PvE.
  2. I'm personally not a fan of the implimentation - I rushed through the story to get a skyscale, and got hit with two long collections and a "come back tomorrow" an hour after reset. The preconception that I'd do 2 or 3 collections at most made me rather salty, which is kind of a shame because it wasn't a bad collection (though I only thought so after I finally got what Anet was going for durring the third step of the achievement). I think I would have approached the Skyscale differently if I knew we were actually raising the skyscale, rather than simply rushing a bunch of pointless achievements (like with the Beetle).
  3. I mean, I don't do any of this hogwash and I don't feel any worse off for it. :# Different people like different levels and styles of play, who am I to tell other people to stop having fun just because I don't do something?
  4. I think the only way you'd make obscure rune choices viable is by creating situations where beserk/scholars doesn't cut it anymore (either by raising base precision or lowering base vitality). That way rune choice would be dependant on the skill of the player, rather than one rune that rules them all.
  5. Maybe it's time for our young Norn to rock some facial hair too!
  6. I like the skyscale, and encounter none of the problems I often hear on these forums. The skyscale is slow... but so is the raptor, if you don't use the endurance boost. Not to mention, the Skyscale can boost upwards (no matter how tempting it maybe to simply hover above a ledge). Doing this, you can go over ledges with less effort than the Griffon (and sometimes Springer). The Skyscale can descend using the 1 (skyscale attack) button, or by using Aurines ejection seat. The Skyscales endurance and flight bar are refilled when your dragon consumes volitile magic, turning the skyscale into a flying raptor with unlimited endurance in some areas. Skyscales don't stick to walls if you don't try to wallhug or fly into them. All in all, I think the Skyscale is a unique mount that is well suited for ths terrain in ls4 ep 6. They don't need free flight or to be jet fighters (we already have the griffon for the latter part).
  7. Meh. The game was balanced around the possibility of weak links - and dead players cease to count towards upscaling the event. I don't really see the problem here.
  8. This is a world of magic, and we're trying to throw our science at magical plant people? :#
  9. It was long enough for the charr to deploy troops to the region. Weren't they there for the Centaurs, though? No. They arrived to assist with the White Mantle as a token of the peace treaty.Righty-o. I'll just shut up and stand over there with the "this story makes no damn sense" crowd.
  10. It was long enough for the charr to deploy troops to the region. Weren't they there for the Centaurs, though?
  11. I wouldn't know about Karka or Scarlet Briar. I wasn't around for LS1. My opinion is that if Anet can't be bothered to abridge what happened, it never happened. B) The White Mantle comparison seems a little unfair though - the White Mantle launched a surprise attack that could probably be measured in hours, days or weeks. The Priory isn't a fighting force, and it takes time to field vigil troops. Even if Vigil troops were deployed, we were only sent to one theatre of the battle (and so, would have likely missed them). The Order of Whispers, at the very least, did send agents against Caudicus. Also, it's not like DR is helpless - the bulk of the fighting and relief efforts was handled by the Seraph and Exemplars. Before this, I think everyone was content letting the White Mantle scheme in secret. Everyone had bigger fish to fry durring HoT and Ls3. I think the Pact (in particular, the Order of whispers) would have a vested interest in maintaining peace between the Black Citidel and Kryta. Remember that the Pact is made of former lionguard, seraph and legionaries - many of which have family, friends and mates at home. The Pact simply couldn't survive if it adopted a hands off policy towards such a drastic situation as a war of extermination between two of its major factions. Remember that the Pact isn't only a militaristic faction - it's also very political.
  12. The Pact has, in the past, been used for more than Dragon research and have rallied to fight threats like the Flame Legion. If Blood or humans decided to go rogue, I don't think the Pact would remain neutral (especially since both instances would be hazardous for Logan's beloved Queen).
  13. It really depends on the game. If the question is, "would I buy a game for the simple reason it was made by Anet"... probably not. Just because I enjoy Gw1 and Gw2 doesn't mean I won't dislike their next game.
  14. Long Live the Lich was my favourite! While the map was... passable... the Beetle is has become my land mount of choice. Storywise, I think they did a great job with Joko... so much so that a piece of me wishes he somehow survived (horrible, I know!) ... Braise Joko!
  15. Perhaps you might want to play the same build, but sub some (or all) of your Berserker gear for Marauders. The extra +Vitality might help, and it doesn't really hinder your DPS too much.
  16. I'm just hoping the mount doesn't get motion sickness. I mean, imagine how the poor mount would feel spinning like it just doesn't care durring a Warrior's whirling blade or Thief's dagger/dagger 3. Now that I think about it, a lot of GS attacks are full frontal assults. Perhaps it might be wise to invest in mount helmets too?
  17. Pictures of what you dislike would be nice - although I do question if you have been to the bank to see some options. There are modest options... they just don't seem all that popular. Personally, I find it more impressive Heavy Fem Commanders can fight in heels.
  18. Remember the time we died, or all of the times "Lazarus" escaped? That sure felt like a win.
  19. I think good heroes are more important than your individual class. I'd suggest starting Eye of the North and Nightfall ASAP, and building your heroes skillbars. I had a blast with Assassin, but it's a big step back from GW2 thief. Ranger was also fun, since pets were kind of cuter in gw1.
  20. To be fair, Anet have set up the framework for something similar called "dynamic events". As far as I'm aware, Anet has never applied this on a map wide scale (the consiquences of success or failure rarely affect more than one portion of the map, and often have rather linear progression).
  21. If you put it that simply, you could say Aurine is Kormir 3.0. Bonus points for ascending beyond the realms of mere mortals as a result of our work.
  22. I have to admit, duel wielding in this game looks somewhat awkward - especially Revenant sword/sword, where one sword is limp 1/2 the time. While you probably wouldn't bludgeon people with a foci or warhorn, you'd think torches, shields and other offhands would be fair game (if you think shields don't have any use beyond blocking attacks, do some more research). Some more 1 skill animations would be cool if they could show this.
  23. I mean, when I heard I needed 250 map currency, I felt like I was punched in the gut. But, y'know, I kind of enjoyed the time I spent on the old maps - especially Gandara, a map I never thought to return to after that one story playthrough and obtaining the beetle. TL;DR - Are you playing the game, or are you checking off lists for your skyscale?
  24. I used one. Not for any specific purpose either, I just used it in the elon riverlands because it was the last location I needed to visit.
  25. My dreamer shoots pretty pink unicorns dancing on painbows. It was simply too awesome not to have.
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