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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. Thanks for the input and the link (always trying to look ahead to improve my earnings). My experience with Echovald/Dragon's End have been maps relatively empty that when are populated for event farming take a notable hit on framerrate which encourages me to move to ranged builds. Personally I prefer maps I can farm solo without that handicap (as farming volatile magic in Dragonfall). Not fan of the Jade Runestone alt parking, tho: you need to either eat the first chapter or EoD story to get a character there (plus completing a long jump puzzle) or using a teleport to friend device (I'm not in a guild currently) just to get ~50 silver a day x character (with prices fastly dropping and only going down). By contrast, before the 4 Wind Festival I was alt parking in the rich quartz node (very easy to reach for alts) for ~35 silver coins a day and now I'm alt parking those in a rich orichalcum ore for ~25 silver coins a day.
  2. As general rule, in this game: Ranged damage > mele damage. Condition damage > strike (power) damage. Maybe that will help in your choice.
  3. I read the updated notes for the 23th patch. Rev wise does nothing. It focuses on power variants at PvE for Herald and Vindicator. But power is obsolete, specially if is mele power. And VERY specially at OW large events (when the interactions run so crazy that the framerrate sometimes falls to single digits). Ok, ok, they are thinking about instanced content ... Hammer Rev... Instanced content... -laughs in Charlton Heston. But also, NO: EoD's 3rd and 4rth maps require large OW events to fill the exp bar (which moves at snail pace if you just kill mobs), and there's no reason to run a slow Vindi which goes even slower when swaps to hammer instead of using a Renegade with short bow (condi, of course). I won't run a power Rev ever again; and much less one using a hammer (or a staff). That thing is chungo .
  4. Three things: * If you really want to play the Mechanist I guess that purchasing EoD should be prioritary; being said that: * It will take you a looong way to finish all the story between HoT, PoF, the seasons and to arrive to EoD. I think that EoD has less value in terms of than other expansions in terms of content since the rewards aren't particulary magnificent (in terms of farming), the new mount is arguably the worst (yeas, even worse than the Warbeast), sailing and fishing aren't as impactful as the HoT masteries or the mounts from PoF, and talking about masteries, the EoD ones are character-based and not shared. * For most of players the salvaging machines aren't a must;: the game rewards you with enough with mystic forge stones to craft packs of salvaging tools and monthly black lion salvaging kits to cover your needs. Bank spaces and extra bag slots aren't as valuable as having extra characters and being good at maneaging your inventory. So, my top items from the gem store: * Extra character slots, probably until having 9-10 covering each profession and a male and female for each race. *Unbreakable gathering tools. For me the best combos are getting the unbound magic gathering tools + 2 molten sickles, one glyph of Volatility, one glyph of Reaping and two glyphs of Industry. A Molten sickle with Reaping glyph to farm winterberries in Bitterfrost, a Molten sickle with Volatility to gather crops in high density nodes for Volatile Magic (gold farming) and the unbound magic axe and pick with Industry Glyphs for maximum speed. * A permanant pass to the Sanctuary, Bastion or PvP private hall (call one based on your preferences). * Enough shared inventory slots to place those gathering tools and permanent pass. ...That's pretty much all. The characters gives you extra space, room to try the classes and can serve as mules or for earning gold alt parking. The gathering tools are both a quality of life items AND provides you extra gold while cutting time spent at gathering (they end paying themselves). The pass is super convenient, for a plethora of reasons...
  5. Farming the new specs with older ones. And is not a sarcasm.
  6. Depends. Albeit I have all professions and specs unlocked (in some cases more than one sample, currently I have 16 characters), I only play 3-4 classes and of those currently I only play 3-4 builds. So I enjoy less than half of the specs from my main and a couple from other class.
  7. Having played Archeage, ESO, a bit of BDO and LA, I disagree. Those last two have nice combat systems but the others and the ones in most of surviving MMOs are truly relics from the past which feels terribad, specially the ones in which cooldowns are shared between skills or are based on cancel animations to gain a sort of bugged alacrity since their code is even worse than the one in GW2. In the rest of your arguments I largely agree..
  8. Totally rigth, but: 1) Profitability on Fractals is largely related to the dificulty level and skill of the team and doing the daily; if you're on a good team of speedruners doing tier 4 cm reaching 20+ gc x hour is easy (albeit decreases once the daily is done), but if the level is lower or the team slow or you wipe the ratio decreases... On the other hand, mining ore and gathering crops in high density areas with high speed gathering tools and farming mobs for volatile magic in DF is easy, you can't wipe or die and you don't need others to have similar profits (and when the dimisishing returns starts you just move to another VM map with slighly lower rewards. 2) Fractals are (extremely) good for gold and have nice ascended rewards, but in the mid to long run I find PvP more rewarding: got The Ascension, Trascendence and 3 full sets of legendary armors there. Thing is: I farm for gold and I PvP for fun, but at PvP I still get ~6 gc x hour at ranked and ~10 gc x hour at ATs.
  9. For OW PvE I currently do prefer condi (celestial) Herald due how extremely tanky is even without running Devastation. Then would follow condi Renegade (Viper/TB) because the range and TTK. But my fav OW spec currently is condi Willbender. No clue about Revs in instanced content: hard to justify joining groups and try to complete fractals when my 45 minutes of daily farm+ Dragonfall farm provides me ~18 gold coins soloing the content.
  10. BIG HEAL of 731 HP, designed to be used oftenly to compensate for the pathetic values, now usable every 30 seconds 🤣 But now you're good: was removed from the game, which I can't blame: was a bad designed spec since the begining, so now rest where deserves...
  11. Ok, now that the ship (Vindi) crashed and is sinking in all kinds of game modes I would like to suggest which changes I would like in the spec; which wouldn't make me to like it but maybe could be enough for making it something I play outside of using a character for alt park/mule-. Probably is not what ANet would want to do with the spec but that's fine since a lot of Rev players also doesn't want anything involved with Vindi, so is a "tie". My suggestions: Greatsword: None, outside a corret tool tip describing how Phantom Onslaugh has only a 450 unit range with no attack if you didn't engage a target. Is not cool to lie new players about what skills do, and PO most of the time doesn't provide a 900 unit movement. Outside from that they should replace most of the animations (borrowed from Ranger and Reaper), but they wouldn't, so why not at least clarify in the tooltip of Tru Strike how the skill works? Is the damage based on number of attacks blocked by Imperial Guard, in the amount of damage prevented by it or just random? The Alliance: here's where I would do the BIG changes. Since Vindi lost alacrity and pure healer Vindi is outclased by heal Herald (which to be fair isn't anything outstanding compared agains the competition) I would suggest a radical change: keep the first four skills of Archemorus (Selfish Spirit, Nomad's Advance, Scavenger Burst and Reaver Rage) and replace Spear of Archemorus with Kurzic's Tree Song, but increasing the cost to 40 energy and adding an AoE pull as Heated Rebuke from Firebrand's Tome of Justice #3, with a defiance breakbar force of 300 (as Jade Winds). The rest of Kurzic's skills gets removed: No more flips from Luzon to Kurzic and viceversa. That would solve the absence of cc in Vindicator (you're mad if you think I'll run staff or Jalis again just for cc in the state they currently are), remove the useless Spear which oftenly does nothing (obstructed) or hits like greatsword's auto after a two seconds delay, and since sources of evasion and regen (Battle Dance) and protection and stability (Awakening) plus the Selfless Spirit heal are ditched we could go back again to a Selfish Spirit with 10 s cd. About Energy Meld, I don't known what is for: just remove it, along Alliance Tactics. See, on one hand, seems that this skill with no instant cast is designed to help Vindi to evade, but on the other hand you just nerfed vigor duration, so you don't want Vindi to evade, and why I would want to flip the Legendary Alliance stance if not only doesn't reset our energy to 50 but also it cost us 10 energy units? Is just absurd. So instead of providing us with a legend with 11 skills totalizing a energy cost of 175 units which only resets to 50 after swaping from the core legend, we could use a single mix of Archemorus and Victor totalizing 120, still expensive (Shiro is 135) but not mentally insane. as currently.That would kill heal Vindi but don't worry, is already dead! (and remember that YOU did that to yourselves) but at least power Vindi would be playable (given enough buffs in damage output). Of course I don't expect this change (since would be like recognizing that messing with evades and adding two lame legends with shared energy swap was a bad design since the start), but hey: you deleted banner Warrior from the game just to backpedaling it in a blink (for those who say that ANet never changes back, another example of that being not true), so seems that you're receptive to pain stimulous, so maybe there's hope...
  12. Sure it has. Forced Engagement has now half of the range and is bugged, Planar Protection increased its coodwon from 20 to 30 seconds and Unwavering Avoidance's vigor proc now lasts 1.5 seconds in PvP... 1.5 seconds! I won't be surprised if ANet ends removing energy sigils from PvP just because the Vindicator, for the pleasure to all the other 25 specs. And all in a meta in which the dps specs are mainly ranged... Glad you are having fun with the spec, is what you shoul do, but think about the initial reveal and showcase of the spec a year ago: to implement the silly jump (which was designed to be the origin of damage buffs) which replaces the evade in the Vindi ANet chose as a tradeoff to remove the stack of a second one and to increase the endurance cost; as compensation they filled the traitline and the F3 with sources of more endurance and procs to vigor. Then after 4 months of the patch team being unable to balance the spec at all they chose to trim down the vigor access and to turn the very low heals designed to be used oftenly in very low heals which can be only used sparsely.... Genious minds with unscrutable pattern designs. I won't touch Jalis/Kalla/Ventari/Mallyx/The Alliance in PvP again. Is like "I have a really, really bad idea for a design to a new class, which is also heavily untested, but I think that I can figure out how to balance it with my finely tuned traits. and counterweigths Then it happens that the balance isn't there at all, so I had to weed out all those intrincated mechanisms leaving the carcass of an abomination which doesn't work at any part of the game". By the way, and since a new expansion is on the making (and despite I would chose to have new core weapons and/or traits and skills INSTEAD of a new spec), in GW2: Ranged damage > mele damage Condition damage> strike damage So hopefully the next spec doesn't uses a mele strike weapon.
  13. I agree with both. The class feels very different from what was, and there's a lot of things that could have been nerfed in numbers without nuked the gameplay and functionality. Placing a root instaff #5 breaking your flow wasn't a need, specially if they plan to remove all the damage from Surge of the Mist. Removing the damage burst while stawping elegnd below 10 energy wasn't a must: they just could have add a delay and a visual call as they did Invoking Torment. Breaking hammer instead of tunning dow the damage was a mistake, and the amount of glitches and bugs which still plague the class after all those years is just chilling and a manifest of how little they care. Almost as little as me. I won't ever touch again staff or hammer (any game mode), and in PvP I won't play again Renegade (any variant), core (same) nor power Herald or Vindicator. If I want to play condi Herald I run the stupidly strong celestial build (with Wizard amulet at PvP), which farms Dragonfall without even touching helaing skills (and battles favorably most of new specs in WvW). And when I'm not in the mood I just run a condi Willbender (which hits like a nuke) or a (very weak) cc Firebrand which lacks sustain but oh man can be fun! Vindi is now as bad as was designed to be (single evade with x2 endurance cost which must to be spammed to do 2/3 of the dps of a Willbender, what could go wrong?) and is fine, because when I see what this almagam of regurgitated skills from Ranger and Necro does, and what a class that actually jumps in the air (as Drakania or Lahn do in BDO) I want to puke. The only positives from EoD I have is: my out-of-EoD farming patterns are on point, and I'm now finishing my third set of legendary armor, whith very little pressure to play outside what I want to. Outside WB, I still run legacy builds in my other 15 characters. I don't care further buffs nor nerfs; I'm in cruising mode at this game...
  14. Since the MOTA 2 had some aditional limitations/restrictions about class stacking and bunker stats I won't read too much about the current meta of team compsition for ranked/MATs. The fact that Teapot limited those to prevent slower killing pace and dominance for a very few specs tells us a lot. Also how some players were "forced" to play not main characters due that reasons.
  15. Dailies: 2 gold coins. Mining quartz with 12 of my 16 characters parked: ~4 gold coins. Playing ranked PvP: 5+ gold coins x hour (that's once I reach the bizantium chest and keeping at least a 50/50 w/l ratio). Soloing most of HoT HPs: ~4 gold coints in ~35 minutes. Mining 5 rich ores of orichalcum in a fast path in the PoF maps: currently ~2 gold coins x run (which takes ~6 minutes), but becomes very tedious once you past 500 runs... Choping wood at Siren's Landing: ~60 silver coins in 7 minutes. Harvesting crops with volatile magic sickles in the best maps of the game: currently testing this one, but so far seems promising. Farming Dragonfall (main event, side quests, farming mobs in the peaks): also on test currently. Disclaimer: I don't do all of that each day; it depends on mood and time available. I've reached ~60 gc at most playing a whole Saturday (when quartz and oricahlcum prices were way higher last summer) but usually I get 5 to 10 gold coins x day playing less than an hour.
  16. Also, the best zones to farm ascended trinkets are Bitterfrost frontier (rings, one accesory, back pack and underwater respirator) and Dragonfall + Sandswept Isles (amulet, ring, accesory). Bloodstone Fen provided amulet + ring + back pack and had an item to reset the stats, but the nerf of the currency in that map made it not worth it, imo.
  17. The most repeated dungeon path in the game, at Citadel Of Flame, used to take ~6 minutes to complete to 5 men groups BEFORE the expansions. Currently should be a curbstomp. You also can get as many tokens as you want stepping at 0 dungeons doing the PvP dungeon chest rewards...
  18. I run Nightmare but don't take me seriously since my PvE is mostly OW.
  19. ...Or you just run a firebrand and have everything. * You have viable mele and ranged weapons, which works with strike or condition damage indistinctly. *You share permanent quickness and tons of access to might, plus team stability and aegis, and you lose very little dps while gearing to share those boons. *Want to heal and cleanse allies? You have that in spades. * Situational utilities? All of them: need to insta-gib a breakbar? Sanctuary. Projectile hate? Tome 3. Projectile reflection? Wall of Reflection. Cleanses? Tome 2, Mantra of Lore, Purging Flames, Cleansing Flame... Instead Rev has a low dps power mele quickness build which only excels in cc, and a healing build which uses a legend which doesn't even have a breakstun... Tha's a great design indeed (makes Kalla initially released with the breakstun in the heal to look like a genious feature!).
  20. FF arised from its ashes in the online world due FF already was a huge offline franchise and Square Enix had tons of human and monetary resources to fund a second iteration... GW2 as a franchise doesn't exist in tha same plane of relevance as FF, Elders Scrolls or WoW, and if the PvP wasn't working when the staff was ~450 people much less now after losing 1/3 of that number. Notice also that in terms of PvP, those 3 huge franchises are really, really bad. You should look at Respawn Entertainment, Riot Games or Steam to understan how a competitive game should be supported for years without losing popularity. ANet doesn't even known how to deal with PvE without alienating their own players...
  21. Hi, have been using the PvP legendary heavy armor set for years and had the tokens to craft the medium and light for a while, but now I have the funds to almost finish those two. Given the current balance and fun provided across the professions and specs across all game modes, which one would you craft first? Thanx in advance.
  22. That part is fun since "okayish" means "not even the top Rev players in the world can make Vindi work in tournaments anymore". Which was expected since the class design was bad overall and only stayed meta due the unbalanced raw numbers it carried. Now that no longer has heals (as the Firebrand) and no longer has vigor to perform his single evade which costs 100 endurance and remains shocked and static in the floor as a mutilated war veteran which has lost both legs due a landmine it can be deployed in the trash can that always belonged. Anyway: I don't agree with the topic. Rev doesn't need buffs. ANet nerfed Renebow due it farmed EoD specs and power Herald was bad at the EoD condi meta... Until Willbender nerfs made the guardian spec worse than Herald again. But power Herald is just boring after so much time and nerfs, so I'll advice to run condi Herald or just rerroll class.
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