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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. From the patch of July 7 2020: Demonic Resistance: Reduced damage reduction from 20% to 10% in PvP and WvW.Fiendish Tenacity: Reduced base heal from 197 to 132 in PvP and WvW.Crystal Hibernation: Reduced pulse base healing from 620 to 496 in PvP and WvW.Spirit Boon: Reduced protection duration when invoking Glint from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.Shining Aspects: Reduced base heal from 444 to 355 in PvP and WvW.Facet of Chaos: Reduced protection duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109335/game-update-notes-july-7-2020 For some reason you didn't even bother to check your claimed "facts".
  2. Let's be clear: in this game if you run a PvP build against an equally capable PvP build normally you won't be able to defeat more than a single foe, assuming similar skill level. Most of the 1 vs many videos out there do reflect a large disparity in skill between the player alone and the ones which outnumber him. The more experienced and skilled your foes are the less chances you will have to win in a 1 vs 2+, and this is specially true with Rev due it lacks access to stealth, which is the main tool to grant good bursts, prevent enemy damage or (in worst case scenary) to reset a figth gone wrong.
  3. Start with berserker armor stats because trinkets are really easy to obtain and even reset using multiple sources, even Living Season 3-4 maps, except if you like PvP. If you like PvP just go straiigth to get the legendary armor. One ascended armor set would cost you ~250/300 gold coins, the PvP legentary armor will take you at least 13 months and probably ~1500 gold coins, but once obtained it will let you freely reset your stats at will, and ANet has plans to implement a shared wardrobe for every legendary item, so all of you characters which use heavy armor will benefit from it (the exact way in which will implemented is still to be determined).
  4. Worst part is that some of us paid real world money to expand the amount of loadaouts available to our main character (which sadly happens to be this bag of bugs called Revenant) just to find that is essentially useless (because I need to check and re-reset the skill order every time I jump to a different game mode). So essentially we paid for a feature that doesn't work. I wonder how many money they lost due this (because I would never spent another dim in a Revenant template slot). To some extent is weird the lack of a fix because this IS a problem which affects their incoming, and the lack of a solution imo shows how unable is ANet to deal with the coding of the Rev class. I mean: Rev had a lot of bugs when was released, but for sure the leave of the main designer of the class didn't help at all.
  5. Anything Kodan; weapon: ground spear.Runner up: Jora; weapon: greatsword.
  6. Condi Herald with Dire or Trailblazer stats and tormenting runes can trample almost everything; not the highest dps but has the highest durability. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PmxAke7lhQKsIyiJRXMICjBSiMBqgj7SdrD-zRJYkRLfZ0RBESK49BJI6tsonG-e Power Herald can melt any HoT/PoF hero point thanx to the insane tolls to break defiance bars and survive very well in open world but is not as durable soloing bounties or fractal bosses. Is also harder to play than condi Herald. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmxAwyZlxQKMPyi1RXMOCjRSiMCqgpsVezE-zRIYR09fKtpAyUE0pQoCJgGPJhRvGK8aB-e Burn Firebrand has bigger dps and can reach 2k condition damage while having 3.2k armor and over 22K HP, but is slow moving and his sustain got a hit after the latest patches. Still, very powerfull and easy to use: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWABc6t3lRwAZVsP2IWyWevKA-zVZYXB9xFNcgsRMUKJUANmAZGBdGCOcSCi9wbZRPN-w
  7. Yep. I was shocked when I saw in the Renegade the breakstun sharing place with the healing skill... Masterpiece movement, what a brilliant moment of genius! They surprised everyone with that unexpected moment of awe! Related to the topic, not fan of Ritualist. Whatever weapon/s they chose, better have a defensive and movement skill, because the shield, short bow and trident are static as f. Before PoF I would love pistols, but ANet is unable to make viable ranged weapons for the class, so a mele gs would work (or even better, a mele hammer, or even a ground spear). Lore? Anything Norn, Kodan or even corrupted quaggan (Rev feels underdeveloped and lore isn't an exception).
  8. No. His question is "when the Herald dps is going to have some attention?, because is lacking in raids" and my answer is "probably never". My answer is not related to any game mode in particular; Herald is past water and doesn't move mill; efforts into buffing Rev dps will probably arrive in the next spec. Also, what's your answer to his question, because BzT arleady knowns my answer and what do you think about my answer, but not your answer!
  9. Maybe will became like the last 100 pages of The Lord of the Rings: a total anti-climatic epilogue about Frodo fighting mafia goons in The Shire.
  10. Ok, lets try to do this rigth this time: Raids are "abandoned content", no new ones in more than a year; probablñy not new ones in the making.Herald is also "abandoned content"; was popular in raids at the HoT release due the huge boon duration boost and helped to increase the sales of the game being pivotal in PvE, PvP and WvW. But now ANet is probably focused in the next "overpowered" specs instead of thinking in older specs which already did their job. So: probably (sadly) the next PvE dps buff for the Revenant class will arrive in the shape of the new spec for the third expansion, and not in hand of a Herald overhaul.
  11. Playing solo. Herald can endure figths that Renegade can't. Herald can win figths that even Mirage (before the evade and cc damage nerf) couldn't. People just play hurry, like the game were they job. Playing alone and seing so many bots one becomes aware that the time to kill isn't everything...
  12. Herald has the strongest builds of the class in PvP/WvW, and in PvE, albeit lacking the peak dps numbers of the Renegade has better sustain (condi Herald is just better than any other class/build at surviving in PvE). You can argue that Herald isn't wellcomed to raids, but who cares? Raids are already abandoned content...
  13. You started a thread in April saying that the power Rev was your favourite class and was nerfed and hitted like a noddle and now you start another saying exactly the opposite... How can you expect to be taken seriously?
  14. Lore and game mechanics. I usually prefer heavy plated classes, because in the real world (contrary to popular media) body armor usually works. Started as a Warrior, but got bored of him after 4 months, and moved to Guardian which mained ~3 years. Then jumped to Rev because hated the eternal need for HP stats in WvW/PvP and the lower moving pace/mandatory Traveller runes in every game mode (Rev has its own sets of handicap, as lack of cleanses and a constant stream of bugs). Guardian still has better build variety, and beautifully (visually), I mean: see how polished and crafted is the Firebrand weapon and skills compared with most of other classes. Even dumbed down in competitive game modes still looks elegant. But the thing is: what I like from paladins, crusaders and so is the concept of "tankiness" the armored juggernaut thing, and to be honest currently both condi and power Rev do feel more tanky than Guardian (specially in PvE), so albeit is still my second most played class, and one of the most well designed classes, Guardians doesn't lack their own shortfalls.
  15. Human: Mesmer, GuardianCharr: Warrior, EngineerAsura: Elementalist, EngineerSylvari: Thief, RangerNorn: Ranger, Necromancer
  16. ...So having large damage attached to skills as Drop the Hammer or Prime Ligth Beam is bad, but passively proccing large condi damage as a byproduct of hard cc skills which you can spam rotate is fine. Great. Ride out that crap.
  17. MOST of hard cc attacks which have high tellings and and long cooldowns do near 0 damage even if they land. Don't see WHY fear must keep both the hard cc (which can last extremely long and is spammable from different sources) AND the high damage x second which delivers. Terror's damage was ok before February's patch due some skills at every classes did both cc + huge damage, but is no longer fine in a context in which one can use the entirely skill roster of the Warrior's hammer and barely do a scratch to the foe due damage was nerfed as result of being linked to cc effects.
  18. I suspect that ANet team wasn't happy with Rev skills being able to target enemies under stealth, because sword # was able to catch them and they also nerfed the blinding in the staff (both weapons did cast pojectiles which informed about the location of cloacked enemies if they were inside the range). Because bursting from stealth seems to be fine but revealing stealth players seems to not (they released the Deadyeye with the capability to cancel reveals, just think about it...). But probably I'm wrong and doesn't exist an evil masterplan behind those changes, and they were just random. Utimately stealth users ended getting what they deserved: this meta of condi bunkers and bruisers in which they can't burst a thing.
  19. Hardly a problem: some classes are better at solo roaming (thief, mesmer, ranger... ), others are better at large goups (guardian, necros... ) and some are excellent at small skirmishes due AoE damage + cc access (engies, eles, condi revs... ).
  20. Condi Herald works better, specially for soloing the bosses.
  21. Power Herald can easily solo almost every hero point in the game and tons of OW champions; condi Herald can do the same but also solo almost the entire roster of bosses and sub bosses in fractals, and tons of OW events. The only reason Herald is depised in PvE content is because has comparatively low dps, it's insane sustain isn't "shareable" and the huge buff to boon duration that Herald provided at the HoT release was butchered to nothingness. Want to improve their popularity in PvE? Is as easy as buffing the dps of the auto attacks. And as meaningless: fractals, raids and strikes are becoming so niche that they are fading into "abandoned content" as happened with dungeons. Used to think that most of players in GW2 were PvErs, which is a broad term: now I'm sure that most of players are just farmers, and moving from Octovine to the Gerent to Dragon Stand and Istan Domain and lately Dragonfall to grind and farm is what most people do, so if ANet want's to improve the quality of life for Heralds they could make changes that are impactful for OW content with tons of pugs around. But, is not that important, because core, herald and renegade already do well in those events.
  22. Be real: they promised frequently balance updates, and they aren't honoring they word. And stop using "competitive game modes aren't their focus" as excuse of poor PvP/WvW support, because in terms of PvE currently ANet isn't shinning, neither.
  23. ^If you look at Twitch at any time of the year you'll see that the overwhelmenig majority of the top 25 most played games are essentially competitive player vs player games. Can you imagine any of those surviving with 4 balance patches a year? Some of them even rely in constant buffing/debuffing things as the cornerstone of their financial succes. And is not like GW2 is flooding PvErs with solo content to compensate the perennial drought in the competitive game modes, neither.
  24. Loved the changes because my power and condi Herald builds remain both mostly untouched. But I wonder why they nerfed the shield, which is barely used, and didn't rework that hot garbage called hammer. Also good to see that they didn't touch the axe now that Astralaria is almost in my pocket. Anyway, the most important fact provided by the new patch is that all the talk from ANet about having a faster pace of balance updates was nothing short of bs.
  25. Matchmaking and the ultra-low population in PvP is making wonders putting together in the same match players from 3 hard tiers away. Being said that, I think that the chat should be disabled in PvP and the matches should have a button to "give up", since in the first 3 minutes is easy to see if a match will be a onesided rolfstomp.
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