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Everything posted by phokus.8934

  1. Star Wars Galaxies had a player bounty system which worked pretty well. If a player killed you, you had the chance of putting a bounty in them by spending credits (credits was swg currency). If GW2 had unrestricted player combat in Tyria then maybe I could see this implemented. But strictly for WvW, no thanks.
  2. Nothing stopping you from playing core today.
  3. There simply isn’t enough GW2 gamers in the OCX region to warrant a new region. AWS has quite a few datacenter regions in the OCX area but when ANet moves to AWS servers they had to choose a region. This is why the NA servers are in Virginia because the GW2 gaming population is central to that location. This is simply a cost-benefit and population numbers game. The OCX population isn’t there to warrant a new GW2 region.
  4. When you have nothing going for yourself in life and a game is everything, this tends to happen. And imgur sucks on mobiles.
  5. L3 handles most of the internet backbone within the continental US and they were experiencing issues yesterday. Good chances that’s why you and others were seeing issues.
  6. The main issue is them using Glicko-2 rating system in a team game. So your individual rating is in your hands but also in the hands of 4 others. I wonder if they went to True Skill if we'd see better matchups?
  7. Renegade was pretty clearly not designed with PvP in mind. But with regards to PvE (open world, fractals, and raids), it does extremely well with condi and support. We're probably all a bit jaded by having to stay with Herald since day one for PvP and WvW (to some extent), but I suppose anything can change for the better with a rework. But I'm not holding my breath we'll see one anytime soon or at all.
  8. Yup. Source? Ben P in twitch chat. Yup. Most likely not. Half way point puts us at the balance patch being next week but Christmas could come early. I trend towards believing Ben P on this one, but we'll see, you're right. Except Ben never reveals when a balance patch will hit unless it's been made publicly available. So I highly doubt we're seeing one today.
  9. Yup. Most likely not. Half way point puts us at the balance patch being next week but Christmas could come early.
  10. I want your backpiece <3 Those are the exalted shoulders you get from Black Lion Chests.
  11. It’s a good thing you’re not working for ANet. I’ve read some bad ideas but this is near the top. They have a 70% chance to evade or avoid an attack, while having some of the highest single target damage in the game. They also have access to permanent regen, and then protection through chaos armor/chaos storms. If anything, having the dodge count as a block rather than a complete evade would bring them into balanced territory. Having a blind on every shatter is also a root cause of their invulnerability. Either nerf this, nerf the distortion, nerf the dodge, or all 3.Mirage Cloak isn’t being changed to a block, so let’s take that off the board right away. Distortion being changed to work with clones makes little sense since the player was made baseline as a clone. The only thing that makes somewhat sense is modifying blinding dissipation. I’m not sure an ICD makes sense but wouldn’t be off the table. There’s a bit wrong with Mirage but I can only see the issues being around Axe. But I’m beyond the point of trying to figure out ANets balance plans because there have been good discussions on what part of Mirage is overpeforming but once the balance patch hits, they don’t come near changing the problematic areas. They should’ve modified axe 3 in a way that mattered but instead lowered the physical damage... headscratcher
  12. It’s a good thing you’re not working for ANet. I’ve read some bad ideas but this is near the top.
  13. WoodenPotatoes talked on a stream this sunday about a scourge bot in platinum and how he went out of his way to deliberately tank it's rating. And in ANet fashion, WP will get suspended for match manipulation.
  14. I'd ignore the OP as he has been making ridiculous OP claims recently. Even calling for Revenant hammer nerfs. Bad players will always be bad.
  15. Even the portal duration nerf is a significant change.
  16. Yeah a very questionable change. At least cut down the recharge time from 30 seconds. It doesn't necessarily feel elite with his change now.
  17. How so?Could you explain?What is wrong with the concept?How would you improve it? I wouldn’t improve it. It’s a pve race that can end in ~5 minutes without engaging the other team. It’s a mode that they shouldn’t have ever done but they were over ambitious and tried to ride the MOBA bandwagon during their “esports” phase. Scrap Stronghold and focus on 2’s and additional automated tournaments.
  18. I just want the bad guys to win so kill all of us off. Paul Joko needs to be reincarnated.
  19. Making it possible to dismiss the map vote box is on our backlog, though I'm not sure when we'll get to it. it shouldnt be that hard to implement a button hide a popup inside a game Oo It most likely has nothing to do with how hard it is but more likely that it's such a low priority item. I don't know how they do things over at ANet but where I work we have two week sprints where items are ranked and then developed through an iterative process. In our software we have a lot of items that are easy to implement but if we spent our development time doing that then the core product and the impactful changes we want to implement will never get done. So each line item is ranked and put into our backlog. We have 20% "other" time where we can work on small changes but those are usually reserved for bug fixes. So yes it's seemingly a small change but how it ranks up with other items is probably very low. Yeah but if a feature is really really easy it shouldnt even affect the rest of their backlog... since it would take less than a hour to add a "Dismiss" button which the previous popup already have (the one where you need to accept/decline the pvp match) :/You wouldn't think so but it does. Because of the trickle down effect in any change, especially a UI change needs to go through unit testing to QA and automating this piece to functional UAT. Before it even hits this part, it goes back to what I said earlier, how does this rank against other small changes that they want to implement? My best guess is that this change will come after a major content update or maybe in a bug fix patch. I just hope it's soon because I spend my time in wvw when queuing up for pvp and it's a pain in the ass when it pops up fighting.
  20. So adding slots to speed up the limitless gathering tools which are selled in the gem store had high priority (which was mostly irrelevent and take resources to be implemented, but produced earnings), while making a small change in the UI (moving the screen alert to a corner, or making it smaller, translucent or less intrusive in any way) which demands almost no effort but would have a big benefit in the quality of life of the players is disdained for more than 8 months... I known that WvW/PvP sit very low in the ladder or interest of ANet, but I think that there's no excuse. The worker that gently revamped the GW 1 graphics could probably do this in like 5 minutes... No one is saying it’s hard or a lot of work but it just falls low on the priority of things to change. This is how agile development works and is a proven methodology for software development. I wish they would change it too but being in software development I take things as they are and don’t put impossible standards on other developers. you seem to have some knowledge in the field so hopefully you can answer... why do you think swiss tournies and alliances are taking nearly a year to implement? Does it actually involve a lot of work or do you think its part of the backlog by this stage?I only know as much as the next person with why these changes are taking long but if I were to guess based on some forum posts from ANet... Swiss style tournaments is going to be their new approach to ATs. Instead of play until you lose, it'll now turn into play until you meet a criteria (i.e., lose 3 and you're out). From my understanding of swiss style tournaments, they're more robust on how they work than standard single game elimination. So when they said they're pushing a lot of backend framework changes in that we won't see, then they're setting up the changes so it doesn't all break once they go live. I don't know much about alliances but it does seem like a significant change. "A lot of work" is all relative to how they're changing or adding features. Seeing as how these are two massive changes to wvw and pvp I'd imagine they're doing their due dilligence in getting it right the first time rather than pushing it out just because people on the forums want it yesterday. Knowing that these are two significant changes, we also have to look at what else they're developing - we know living story is always in development with each major update, maybe expansion work, and other changes to the game. If they're still doing their 3 month release cadence then there's only so much that they can fit into those updates. So things have to get prioritized behind living world updates. I don't know how ANet operates or how their resources are allocated so this is just all guess work on my end. I work for a large healthcare consulting company and within it on their software development team and we have two major releases a year along with government regulatory updates each month. I can't quite compare us vs. ANet as they're so different but the fundamentals of software development from planning, analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance is all the same, more or less. Here's the good news - if a feature is in their scrum backlog then it's on their radar of being implemented. We just don't know when other than what they tell us. So based on what BenP said, he put the feature in as an item and is just waiting to get it added to one of their sprints. But we don't know when that'll be.
  21. So adding slots to speed up the limitless gathering tools which are selled in the gem store had high priority (which was mostly irrelevent and take resources to be implemented, but produced earnings), while making a small change in the UI (moving the screen alert to a corner, or making it smaller, translucent or less intrusive in any way) which demands almost no effort but would have a big benefit in the quality of life of the players is disdained for more than 8 months... I known that WvW/PvP sit very low in the ladder or interest of ANet, but I think that there's no excuse. The worker that gently revamped the GW 1 graphics could probably do this in like 5 minutes... No one is saying it’s hard or a lot of work but it just falls low on the priority of things to change. This is how agile development works and is a proven methodology for software development. I wish they would change it too but being in software development I take things as they are and don’t put impossible standards on other developers.
  22. Making it possible to dismiss the map vote box is on our backlog, though I'm not sure when we'll get to it. it shouldnt be that hard to implement a button hide a popup inside a game OoIt most likely has nothing to do with how hard it is but more likely that it's such a low priority item. I don't know how they do things over at ANet but where I work we have two week sprints where items are ranked and then developed through an iterative process. In our software we have a lot of items that are easy to implement but if we spent our development time doing that then the core product and the impactful changes we want to implement will never get done. So each line item is ranked and put into our backlog. We have 20% "other" time where we can work on small changes but those are usually reserved for bug fixes. So yes it's seemingly a small change but how it ranks up with other items is probably very low.
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