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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. Anything that's not Core Guardian is hype :3 Except we could probably already rank this particular elite spec among the current meta and say it's no where near being a 5th pick for AT's. I wouldn't mind a "Permeating Wrath" trait for F3 (better than the other trait options...). Activation hits are now 3 instead of 5 with the caveat that F3 boons no longer apply to teamates. I feel the entire elite spec is based off of the new virtue mechanics.... yet we have very little build options for them.
  2. Willbender performs soooo bad that 1200 range on our skills would be just right lol. Might as well turn the class into a side-point decapper at this point because we're not going to deal more damage than a DH and we're not surviving better on-point than a core bunker guard.
  3. This is maybe accurate in games lower than Gold II. Another crazy example is Condi Guard winning 1v3's lol. This just doesn't happen when you come across players who are running the right builds with mechanical awareness. Rifle War and other niche builds doesn't fly in higher ratings even IF you're able to pull that single hit unblockable Rifle shot on unsuspecting players more than once. If you're not Plat2+ and showcasing your awesome 1vX skills in AT as Rifle Warrior then you're not going to change anyone's mind here. Most of us already know that build's effectiveness, or lack thereof.
  4. I'm just waiting for the actual bot to reply on here saying, "Hello. I'm not bot."... then proceeds to email you regarding your cars extended warranty.
  5. It already is a condition. It's applied to your team after the first mid wipe, you'll know when a teamate has it when they start giving out insults such as, "yall are trash". Max stacks = them saying, "i'm gonna afk".
  6. LOL!!! bruh 4 bots on your team and Anet is over here like... "Yeeaahh these guys are bad so we're just gonna need to have you carry them mkay."
  7. I remember Anet made queue times extremely short. Then they made it extremely longer. The issue with both was that they made these specific changes across the board instead of having Silver/Bronze queue times seperated from Plat/Legendary queue times (iir). Based on history of how Anet has changed matchmaking before, queue times whether it be short or long, changed match quality quite a bit.
  8. 1700+... you mean 8 maybe 9 people? Yeah I have no issues with those guys waiting longer. They already queue dodge players on a daily anyways. In all seriousness though, i'm just asking for Plats+ for higher queue times. Literally 1m or 2m longer. So yes, this means 1700+ will need to wait 1m or 2m longer. That isn't going to break the game.
  9. @Genesis.5169 I gave insight on how the map can be fixed, not just a complete and utter removal of the map...put that in my title mostly for clickbait (even if i was half serious). You and I both know that Automated Tournaments, pre-assembled teams, will have a lesser issues with the map compared to random pug ranked games. Asking advice isn't needed because I know exactly what I'm talking about and I'm surprised you're not on the same page. Skyhammer's jump pads is atrocious and has to be fixed too but at least that map doesn't have a team-broken buff mechanic. Yes, Capricorn's Bell mechanic can get intense for both teams but when you play 400 games in a season, predicting correctly which team is going to win the game before the round even starts, you'll start to see what I've been experiencing every season.
  10. Addressing OP's pvp toxicity: That's in every PvP game. At least you don't have people in COMMS screaming in your ear after they die, telling you something about your mother lol. Other game's PvP is a whole lot worse than GW2. I consider myself a casual "veteran" player but wholeheartedly agree that we should lock-in classes on every Rank queue instead of being able to swap classes. Many don't realize this but Anet posted a thread giving the community a choice as to whether or not we wanted that and the community said, "NO I want to be able to change classes based on the team comp!".... and that was that. Anet isn't going to revert this change. They can change the matchmaking to however they want but the "majority of the community and 'top' players" asked for this. As for everything else, the meta is the meta just like any other game. But I have seen 2 thieves on a team completely dominate the map. So even though we do have a metagame, you can still outperform other players in the match to turn the tide. I am a SoloQ Guardian only player but have consistently maintained Plat for several seasons in a row even though I never swap classes. I'm currently at 501 games played in this season (may have an addiction issue lol!) and i'm still somehow still Platinum (the more games you play, the more likely you'll lose rating).
  11. I would link a screenshot for proof but I don't feel like posting it at the moment... but silvers get in matches with Plats all the time and it's becoming more and more frustrating. It's frustrating for Plats wanting their team to make better rotations and it's frustrating for Silvers who expected to get a game with players their own skill levels. My team got into an argument but then somewhat agreed (after revealing their rating) that Matchmaking SHOULD have done a better job. Silver III from Platinum I is a 300 rating difference and should NEVER be in the same match together. I've just never seen it this bad before. It could be due to the influx of players that we are getting from other games as well as the upcoming expansion. I've seen Anet adjust the Queue times in sPvP before. I wouldn't mind waiting a few minutes longer to find a match if it means I'll have players of similar skill rating on the opposite team as well as on my own team... even if they were Gold I or II, as long as it means the the quality of the match will improve then I am all for it.
  12. You're...joking right? Crowfall is a sinking ship. It's basically WvW on crack---at first glance, that is. You'll have fun for a few days until you realize doing anything as a solo casual is boring as hell. You'll join a huge guild not ever knowing where anyone is at any given time, ever. You'll be FORCED to join discord amongst 20+ other players who are doing their own thing. Meanwhile you'll constantly get steamrolled by classes you'll never win a 1v1 or 1vX to because they out gear you. There are so many QoL functions that the game needs, it just feels like an unfinished game. It absolutely should not have been released yet. People are actually coming back to GW2 (especially after leaving WoW) because it is still one of the Best PvP MMORPG games there is and this is pre-expansion. Players are familiar with Guild Wars.
  13. Remove trapper runes and buff DH because trapper runes are suddenly toxic? I can list so many other items that farms bad players and are "unfun" lol... this isn't even a sound argument at all. As always, the thread is full of Silver players not liking trapper runes but to be honest, i have a feeling they're going up against Gold3/Plat DH's because matchmaking is extremely bad. (why do they place silvers with plats??? this should never happen)
  14. Or just change the Bell capture point dynamic as the biggest issues are: 1: The Bell capture point is structured around team vs team. The best on-point AoE sustains/damages will win. Therefore this leaves very little for certain comps like stackable Thieves/Mesmers/etc who can't hold a point.. if anything, the more Guard/Necros you have, the better the odds you have to win every bell buff. 2: There really isn't a lot of room for strategic play around the map when 2nd Bell comes. You could cap both side points and hold it for a period of 15 seconds and STILL not out-point what 2nd & 3rd Bell gives. 2nd Bell is 50 points, 3rd is 75 points. Three consecutive Bell captures is basically a win, I've never even been in a match where the 4th Bell comes. For fixing the compound points on Bell I recommend a base of 25 points solid on all Bells.... a team can choose to capture bell but risk all the other nodes. Likewise, you can have a solid side-node team but lack Bell teamfighting. Thoughts?
  15. Pretty sure you have no idea how trash it heals for. You can buff the heal for 2x the current amount and STILL be the lowest heal skill in the game lol. Anet pigeon-holed the skill to be used with Honor and that is just lazy design with flaws...
  16. But whyyyyyy! FB was only toxic during the bunker meta but they removed those amulets... FB itself is just trash and I don't want it to be trash. FB actually had a higher skillfloor than DH did when it first came out :(...
  17. I see more posts about "nerf DH trahps!" than FB posts so.... yeah, lets bring back Firebrand in sPvP. Revert the nerf on the heal Mantra of Solice - currently the worse single heal in the game at the moment. Revert the nerf to Tombs and bring back FB quickness nerfs from prev patches for sPvP only. For the love of all that holy, please don't do the same to Willbender.....
  18. Post your class and I'll tell you how it should be played...
  19. They are already asking for WvW nerfs on Willbender yet in sPvP, it needs MASSIVE buffs. Willbender better not become another useless elite spec, like Firebrand, in sPvP... why they haven't fixed Firebrand in sPvP is beyond my understanding.
  20. Absolutely not. Adding a 1s ICD to a trait or ability is a good way to crippled, not just Willbender, but every Guardian build. Laziness isn't something we should be promoting here. A max Aegis HIT of 3 per person is something I wouldn't mind talking about... that's a much better change than just adding some ICD to Mystic Rebuke.
  21. 100% this ^ With a low radius hit and no real option to keep them in the "Flames" (it doesn't even add a burn per hit) it just becomes a crippled version of Symbols.
  22. I'm more concerned about buffing an elite specialization class that sucks, like Firebrand in PvP, (which has more team blocks and reflects to carry you) instead of having Anet work on a nerf only because a single Gold player has issues with DH. ....Firebrand's Mantra of Solice heals for only 199 and gives 1 block... why the heck is this not fixed on Firebrand LOL
  23. I was on the hype train for Willbender... after playing the class for several hours, I was so disappointed that I had to walk away from my PC lol.. The entire aspect of the class; from traits, virtues, to the Physical utilities, needs huge buffs.
  24. Per title.. also the elite 3s knockdown needs to be incorporated to our F1 or f3 and we need a whole new elite ability made. I know it's beta but why even bother giving us something so lame?
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