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Everything posted by Rukia.4802

  1. That RAM is completely fine. Are you using any mods like dx12?
  2. There is still lag even in dead maps or instances so clearly its not just a player count issue and GW2 has never lagged like this before 2020 that I remember except the early days of WvW. Something happened on their end for sure, game didn't even lag like this on RELEASE.
  3. The whole group finder is awful, only need a few tabs and a search function would take care of the rest but ANet be like here's 9000 tabs that no one will ever use KEK
  4. Condi was extremely well designed in GW1, except blind top kek but how rare was that anyway. I only remember SoM on mes and maybe ele blinding flash in pvp. They just need a degen system like that and remove condi stat all together but they shot themselves in the foot already there is no going back now it will always be a clown mechanic that isn't fun to fight against unless you are built to directly counter it. Imagine just building for a single dmg stat and all condi still being useful with proper rot pressure like it should be not ridiculous burst equal or superior to power.
  5. Unranked will teach you literally nothing, worst suggestion ever lol Play rank and don't take the game seriously at all or you will end up like the rest of us, jaded and full of hate.
  6. Game is balanced around conquest , and has only a limited time arena (everyone loves limited time content hurr) and they both suck but if I had to choose it would easily be conquest. I don't even play the game when season is inactive especially since I would be a clown to bring my class in arena, and you couldn't pay me enough to play unranked. If only we had battlegrounds like every other game
  7. 30-40g an hour is not hard but you will uninstall from boredom, would you rather have fun or grind endlessly It is halloween however with easiest farm in game
  8. The game is decent enough optimized, the issue is not being able to see whats going on amidst 9000 particle effects and people with their clown suits , literal just a blob of visual clutter. They can't even get hidden nameplates to work much less add a particle slider. Yes GW2 runs on the garbage cheap amazon servers.
  9. GW2 engine buggy af, if you assume in your mind half your attacks are going to magically miss your target it gets a lot better :) its like the dice roll attacks from Morrowind.
  10. That does unfortunately sound about right, and the skins on top of being crazy grinds are usually complete trash. Its unfortunate that they lost all the charm GW1 grind had, it had similar skin grinds located in dungeons that were fun .These days you can't even make out a character with 9000 spell effects and gem shop costumes so whats it even matter lol. Its funny to think FF14 and WoW being more grounded with their visuals. Anyway, I'm sure cantha will be great until we run out of content and its back to the collection grind, which at that point I just quit and go back to WoW anyway with a much more lively pve scene and battlegrounds. I am fine with it, thats what this game is now, a korean grinder spamming the same events 24/7. I don't see that as any different than mindlessly slaying mobs in black desert. Both have about the same chance of getting something actually useful out of your play time other than raw materials. As long as it supports the extremely casual playerbase :astonished: one can hope that dungeons could make a return and raids are much more supported and pvp modes but the reality is they just aren't profitable compared to the korean grind design and gem shop skins which mainly attract casual pvers.
  11. HAHAHAHA are you serious? what an argumentLoL is a moba, it has only one map because that's the game. 3 lanes, jungles and 2 bases, same as DotA. World of Warcraft is a MMO just like GW2... still, WoW has capture the flag, conquest, king of the hill, arena, etc. lots of game modes :) LMAO WoW has 2 pvp modes - BGs and Arena (both having rated version). EoT. By you logic GW2 also has MobA-style PvP with 2 lanes, Domination-style PvP, large scale PvP (WvW), Capture the Flag PvP (the one unranked map where u are carrying white orb for extra points), castle defense and huge amount of PvP modes in festivals. Does all that matter? No? So does all the pvp modes in WoW - the only end-game, legit PvP there is Rated Arena and that knows every PvP player that is worth something. And trust me - all the rank 1 players would swap pillar hugging pvp for objective-based, 5-man PvP like the one in GW2, because it is impossible to balance WoW in it's current state, last-man standing game mode that is Rated Arena. I agree that WoW has generally 2 pvp modes, and I agree that the only competetive one that counts is the arena (or for some even more specific - 3v3 mode). But I dont think we should compare WoW pvp gamemodes and GW2. Lets be honest, who plays stronghold? We had deathmatch map, which was removed (kek). 2v2 and 3v3 is total clownfiesta who gets more ca**cerous team comp (faaaar more than what it looks like in WoW, because gw2 is not optimised for 2v2 or 3v3). WvW is like open world pvp but...not really. Few years ago maybe, sieges, castles, battles. But now its just a bunch of boomers and newcomers that are welcomed by last roamers and hardnoped to never come again (maybe for daily purposes only).That leaves only 5v5 conquest with some side quests like slaying beasts in forest or nuking lord. In WoW you have plenty of different maps with different MAIN quests. Hold/capture flags, assault/defend castle, assault/defend fortress, get resources, escort minecarts, escort and cap flag, hold orbs. Its like over 10 completly different maps and then you get weekly brawl which is another story. And those are only BGs, that are 'casually' played since 16 years and trust me, theyre all still fun. Then there are open world pvp and arenas. You dont have to make all pvp modes competetive, you have to make them fun to play, diverse so that after playing same game 8 years, majority of audience still wants to que (and when we look at que times, amounts of bots and cheaters, its a sad truth).I speak as a person that reached leg division in gw2 many times and so did glad in wow. And no, I dont think that we would swap our pillar hugging pvp for holding 3 circles. Im not saying that gw2 pvp is bad or worse than wow, nooo, combat is great. Its different, but for sure its far far less diverse than what its big brother WoW has to offer PS: comparing MOBA to MMO, lol. Yes, it has 1 map, but the amount of possibilities with different champs, tactics, items, builds etc etc. Just...dont. Dont compare those 2 modes please.Well said, I've been enjoying myself in WoW BGs I am willing to go with the gear grind at this point, because it should be more about fun than competitiveness, I realized this more as I got older. The BGs are where the FUN is at and that's why they have so many maps and modes. The brawls are awesome, currently its on eots where you get shot up in the air and can fly to any part of the map, simply hilarious and fun. Is it balanced? Hell no. But who cares.. The only reason to play GW2 is because of no gear grind to pvp. That reason alone doesn't carry this game anymore, pvp is dead because it is neglected and has only a competitive mode. I will play cantha no doubt, its my favorite campaign from 1 but pvp is a clown fiesta with 0 variety. GW1 pvp was so great because it had casual fun maps and competitive maps as well. I mean who didn't enjoy FA/JQ/AB even as a pver.. everyone played those because is was simple mindless fun. I just want to bring FUN back to pvp not sweat my balls off carrying a team of scrubs in 5v5 every day. There is a time to be competitive, and there's a time to relax and slay some nerds for the lulz in a fun environment.
  12. Hotjoin was garbage take the rose tinted goggles off, unranked replaced it, if you really want 8v8 just ask for that but its not gonna happen cuz they don't add new modes to pvp. The 1 guy on pvp team is probably the janitor and that takes much more work than to manage pvp so you better appreciate his limited time.
  13. 1 recognized (?) pvp mode Let's count how much pvp content GW1 got.. with a much smaller budget and team.
  14. The game isn't all about PvP. You don't like what you have, go play one of the many other PvP games like BDO etc. It frustrates me to no end that the PvPers think everything has to revolve around them so much so that they kitten and moan on Twitch streams. Also, balance is spelled balance. lol pvp gets 0 content and pvpers have the gall .. the AUDACITY! to be angry.. I agree bro. :) well back in the real GW days the franchise was the best pvp on the market, so you can understand our frustration. Though I've long since accepted that this is a pve collector game and not a pvp game, has been for eons at this point. No one actually expects anything for pvp, as we've gotten NOTHING for so long, at this point we're just memeing and laughing at ANets incompetence. Don't worry everything will change and all will be fluffy bunnies and teddy bears when alliances release in 2029 and spvp gets a new mode in 3034, until then, I agree pvpers should just go play the worst korean grinder ever released.. for pvp? xD
  15. You DO know what game you've been playing for the past 7 years, right? What awesome characters are you talking about? The Mary Sue in power armor, the Mary Sue in a Dress, the Mary Stu in a Dress, or the Mary Stu in armor with MY SWORD!? Bruh I'm talking about shiro and envoys, abbadon and demons, underworld and many other areas, the plague returning, etc. Not the disney quest troupe. You know how part of PoF was awesome with joko.. well I hope that's cantha but MORE. GW1 characters are 10x more interesting than anything in GW2.
  16. This isn't WoW forums where we claim we will never sub again or buy the next xpac. Anyone still here will probably buy it, because we want the game to improve and continue even if its a clown fiesta. I am curious though what new cancer they have thought up for class design that we will suffer in pvp.
  17. Cantha 2.0 yes please, just hope the great potential isn't ruined by HURRDURR ELDER DRAGINZ and we focus the awesome characters available.
  18. lol bunch of my team were placements , trolls, wintraders, botters, whatever explains their inaction or horribly wrong gameplay (in plat) I dropped to gold QUICK. I gotta say its the first season I experienced that so quick, and what is this rating loss? pvp is straight up broken.
  19. For some reason, a lot of steam users only play games on steam and sort of exist in their bubble. I don't know why, but often when an existing game is released on steam it gets a surge of new players, whether temporary or not it is exposure.
  20. I think dwayna cuz she had a hand in cantha before giving the emperor power which indirectly caused the jade wind to be so powerful, iirc.
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