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Everything posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. Thief and weaver, halo'd be thy names.Your domination come. Give us each day your daily corona burstAnd forgive us our trespasses onto your trapsLead us not into mud slide Teef will be done.On Earth Attunement as it is in heaven.
  2. That recharge is without the context of heat. When you factor heat in, it's pretty rare to use HS more than once every 30ish seconds. This is part of why the complaints against skill recharges in PF are often problematic -- the heat is the major limiting factor in usage, not the stated recharge time. If you really want to nerf a skill in PF, all you have to do is increase its heat generation.
  3. It's a mashup of engineer, soldier, demoman, pyro, and medic. I don't think they mixed in heavy, scout, sniper, or spy.
  4. That's not an excuse. It's pointing out that the OP's argument is invalid, because holosmith has been nerfed repeatedly and substantially. I think some changes to reduce heat therapy may need to be in order, but overall I haven't seen that many problems with it.The nerfs were so long time ago (ye, it was a fun time when Zan without a weapon farmed everyone just with forge alone) and when every class seeing nerfs holo havent seen any meaningful nerfs this year at all. Thanks to complaints about the other class 24/7 and some dev main it xDTbh its not surprising that biased holo main think the class is fine because he plays it, thats pretty much it.HT wont stop holos from spamming everything with low cooldown and pretty much every skill worth a dodge, sure HT will fix it /sThe only drawback is covered by perma vigor (need a huge shaves), "Thermal Release Valve" that trigger HT (800 hp every evade) and drop heat (also need like 8-10% to reduce spam from it). Ah yes. The "biased X main" argument. Weren't you criticizing that very argument? What are you talking about no nerfs this year? There was a nerf to stability on March 5th. They added an additional penalty to overheating on July 16th. They added dynamic damage scaling to laser's edge, also on July 16th. These are all nerfs. Not to mention the serious nerfs to scrapper. I know that when your main gets hit, it hurts the most. But don't think they've been ignoring holo either.
  5. That's a problem of core necro being really bad, those "MASSIVE bonuses" just put necro elites in line with other elites, not above them. Once we go back to core, necro is sorely behind the rest of the pack, least PvE wise.Rest assured a lot of necros would gladly accept elite nerfs, if core was properly buffed making them alternate playstyle and not must haves to catch up with the rest of the world. My point is that while the F-gyro was a strict "addition" as someone here called it, it wasn't a massive bonus over core. But they've made this "elite" mechanic complete garbage now, to where it can't even finish a downed person who attacks it once or twice. And then it sits in the toolbelt and occupies a slot where other actually useful skills once were. It's an "elite mechanic" that passively harms the user. If they're not going to buff its health (at the very minimum), I'd rather they delete the entire thing altogether. That way they could give up the charade of scrapper actually having an elite mechanic. Warbanners didn't stomp downed ppl. That for starters was the biggest issue with function gyro. Not to mention function gyro did not need 180s to be used again. You're comparing an elite skill that is made to have huge impact, has huge cooldown and requires an elite slot, to a free utility, that costed nothing save equipping scrapper traitline. Warbanners do stomp downed people. Hard to call the old function gyro "disgusting". The old function gyro had 5000 health, and, when traited, one stack of stability, and a 10s lifespan. This meant that a downed player and a nearby ally could easily deal with it if they chose to. The downed ally could either waste the clock on the gyro (ele, thief), or remove the stability and let their ally help. Ah yes, the all-powerful Elixir R. I've seen that in so many PvP matches since HoT dropped that I can't believe it still exists. Really, does it still exist? /s I used to use Elixir R back when I did pvp, but I hate pvp so That was a long time ago :P, I would throw it and res myself, I never used it for other people, I'd get up and kill the guy killing me.Oh yeah, back when it was core only, Elixir R was useful in situations like that. It was kind of like AED before AED. Now it has virtually no utility in PvP.
  6. That's not an excuse. It's pointing out that the OP's argument is invalid, because holosmith has been nerfed repeatedly and substantially. I think some changes to reduce heat therapy may need to be in order, but overall I haven't seen that many problems with it.
  7. Just saying. The amount of pushback from a temporary change near the end of the season is kind of impressive, considering how very few spoke up when another spec got completely gutted. :smile:
  8. https://youtu.be/h_c3iQImXZg?t=172 (3 mins mark)
  9. Yeah, the ECSU build. Not an easy to play build against a golem, but in actual fights? Meh. I see no reason to pick it over the DH build.
  10. That's a problem of core necro being really bad, those "MASSIVE bonuses" just put necro elites in line with other elites, not above them. Once we go back to core, necro is sorely behind the rest of the pack, least PvE wise.Rest assured a lot of necros would gladly accept elite nerfs, if core was properly buffed making them alternate playstyle and not must haves to catch up with the rest of the world. My point is that while the F-gyro was a strict "addition" as someone here called it, it wasn't a massive bonus over core. But they've made this "elite" mechanic complete garbage now, to where it can't even finish a downed person who attacks it once or twice. And then it sits in the toolbelt and occupies a slot where other actually useful skills once were. It's an "elite mechanic" that passively harms the user. If they're not going to buff its health (at the very minimum), I'd rather they delete the entire thing altogether. That way they could give up the charade of scrapper actually having an elite mechanic. Warbanners didn't stomp downed ppl. That for starters was the biggest issue with function gyro. Not to mention function gyro did not need 180s to be used again. You're comparing an elite skill that is made to have huge impact, has huge cooldown and requires an elite slot, to a free utility, that costed nothing save equipping scrapper traitline. Warbanners do stomp downed people. Hard to call the old function gyro "disgusting". The old function gyro had 5000 health, and, when traited, one stack of stability, and a 10s lifespan. This meant that a downed player and a nearby ally could easily deal with it if they chose to. The downed ally could either waste the clock on the gyro (ele, thief), or remove the stability and let their ally help. Ah yes, the all-powerful Elixir R. I've seen that in so many PvP matches since HoT dropped that I can't believe it still exists. Really, does it still exist? /s
  11. Bolded the relevant section for obvious whataboutism - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism Riiiiiiight..... Quickness removed from Elixir U, Static Discharge damage reduced by 50%, Prime Light Beam CD increased by 25%, Holo Leap damage reduced by 34%, Light Strike damage reduced by 40%, Holo Shockwave damage reduced by 22%, Corono Burst might-generation reduced by 50%, Spectrum Shield CD increased by 33%, Aim-Assisted-Rocket damage reduced by 50%, Minesweeper damage reduced by 33%, Vent Exhaust damage reduced by 32%, Protection Injection CD increased by 100%. Probably more stuff too, that's just a very quick glance at patch-notes. I don't play Holo, so I've almost certainly missed something important. Don't mis-understand, Holosmith definitely needs a tune-down. I just find hilarious the whining of mesmers who think they're the only class to ever get nerfed. Yep. Holo's gotten nerfed substantially many times. The stability changes were some of the biggest ones. But you'd never know if you listened to a lot of the whiners. Could it use some more nerfs? Eh, probably. I think there's something to be said about its survivability (Heat Therapy/Iron Blooded shtuff) for its damage potential. But it's starting to become more of a l2p issue than it is a straight OP issue.
  12. June 23, 2015 Specialization update:Updated this trait to reflect the introduction of the specialization mechanic.After interrupting a foe, gain 5 stacks of might for 10 seconds and apply a second random boon to yourself.took em 4 years, if you consider that quick then lul. Before mirage, the trait was actually fairly balanced because mesmer couldn't put out as much instantaneous pressure to combine with its interrupts.
  13. Eh, most people were requesting they get rid of the AI entirely anyway. Allied AI in GW2 is notoriously bad -- minions, turrets, gyros... all have needed serious changes made, and they still have some pretty garbage AI. Smarter just to get rid of it altogether.
  14. It's not happening. Turrets have been a laughing stock for way longer than since 2017 -- they were in the gutter since the turret engi was meta back in pre-HoT days. People didn't like the way they played, and they were nerfed into the ground. They never recovered. Even if they were given back their original power, they'd still be underpowered today. And you know why I say it's not happening? It's been 5 or 6 years since this happened. If they wanted to fix turrets, they could have. They could have done so any time in all those years. I'm not wasting energy on turrets any more, because they simply don't care.
  15. If you do this, you have to reduce the rating gain for the winners by the same amount, otherwise you will have run-away rating inflation (not to mention opportunities for match manipulation). If you can, explain where the inflation would happen. I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, and I don't want to make any assumptions before I debate the point. The rating system has to be very finely tuned to create "equilibrium". If gains exceed losses, then you end up with everyone in Legendary-3. If losses exceed gains, then you end up with everyone in Bronze-1. As much as people complain about the current system, it is actually balanced correctly, the evidence for this is the distribution of ratings. If it were imbalanced, then you would see 1 of the 2 latter scenarios. Actually, the global average is gradually decreasing as players leave the game permanently. The bell curve is shrinking from one side only. Yes, but it is still maintaining a bell-curve, normalised I think on 1200 rating. How do you know it is shrinking from one side only? The number of players who are in the "legendary" and "platinum" tiers have shrunk substantially. In the US, it's between 5-10 in legendary now, but a few seasons ago it could be as many as 30. Sure. And do you know if the number of players in Bronze hasn't also changed? You said the bell curve is shrinking from one side only. You have demonstrated that one side is shrinking. Where is the "only" evidence?There's no way to prove that the number of bronze players is growing or shrinking without ANet's data. However, if the bronze players were also shrinking roughly equally, everybody's average would remain about the same. But the PvP leaderboards consistently show a decrease in the average over every season, and there's no indication that the number of bronze players has increased or decreased.
  16. I'd rather have net shot pulse immob (1s, 2 or 3 pulses) to make it more useful as a tool to hold people in place. It gets cleansed so quickly now, it's kind of bad.
  17. If you do this, you have to reduce the rating gain for the winners by the same amount, otherwise you will have run-away rating inflation (not to mention opportunities for match manipulation). If you can, explain where the inflation would happen. I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, and I don't want to make any assumptions before I debate the point. The rating system has to be very finely tuned to create "equilibrium". If gains exceed losses, then you end up with everyone in Legendary-3. If losses exceed gains, then you end up with everyone in Bronze-1. As much as people complain about the current system, it is actually balanced correctly, the evidence for this is the distribution of ratings. If it were imbalanced, then you would see 1 of the 2 latter scenarios. Actually, the global average is gradually decreasing as players leave the game permanently. The bell curve is shrinking from one side only. Yes, but it is still maintaining a bell-curve, normalised I think on 1200 rating. How do you know it is shrinking from one side only?The number of players who are in the "legendary" and "platinum" tiers have shrunk substantially. In the US, it's between 5-10 in legendary now, but a few seasons ago it could be as many as 30.
  18. Except the new shroud/shades add some MASSIVE bonuses to core necro. F-gyro has always had extremely limited utility. Why does the f-gyro require a more significant tradeoff for what is actually worse than the core skill?
  19. To be fair, necro is one of the easiest classes to play, and engineer one of the hardest. I mean, that depends on the build, remember how pre-PoF Power Engi was played? Sit Bomb Kit, 111111-2-11111 and use your toolbelts on cd, the build was noob proof, Engi by its design can be a hard class, but at the end, it all depends on the build.True, but on the whole, engineer is harder than necro.
  20. If you do this, you have to reduce the rating gain for the winners by the same amount, otherwise you will have run-away rating inflation (not to mention opportunities for match manipulation). If you can, explain where the inflation would happen. I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, and I don't want to make any assumptions before I debate the point. The rating system has to be very finely tuned to create "equilibrium". If gains exceed losses, then you end up with everyone in Legendary-3. If losses exceed gains, then you end up with everyone in Bronze-1. As much as people complain about the current system, it is actually balanced correctly, the evidence for this is the distribution of ratings. If it were imbalanced, then you would see 1 of the 2 latter scenarios.Actually, the global average is gradually decreasing as players leave the game permanently. The bell curve is shrinking from one side only.
  21. Good luck, they don't read here unless you report the post.
  22. To be fair, necro is one of the easiest classes to play, and engineer one of the hardest.
  23. Saying "good riddance" to the f-gyro is equivalent to saying good riddance to sand shades on scourge, or reaper shroud on reaper. It's supposed to be the defining aspect of the elite spec. Your "points" essentially amount to complaining about the fact that scrapper was allowed to even have a unique mechanic.
  24. Recently, as I'm sure many of you are aware, Scrapper was given its second rework. Compared to other elite specs, the scrapper elite mechanic has always been lackluster (really only useful in competitive game modes under very specific circumstances), so it seemed fitting that it was a freebie until recently. The newest balance patch included significant changes to the way the Function gyro behaved -- it now occupies the F5 slot, the elite toolbelt skill, whereas before it was a free addition. It also can spawn more function gyros. The problem? For one, it's now objectively worse than it was before: As was pointed out in this thread, the new function gyro has less than 1000 health. It is killable with a single attack, even from a downed enemy. The 180 radius on the new function gyro skill is tiny. Additional f-gyro spawns are incredibly unlikely given that it would require several bodies to pile up in a very close proximity. The lightning field is so small, that it adds very little to scrapper's arsenal.The cooldown on f-gyro was increased significantly compared to where it was before. This cooldown increases even further upon additional f-gyro spawns.In other words, for the sake of adding "tradeoffs," ArenaNet has functionally made the entire elite mechanic useless. Even more useless than it was before. In fact, it's worse than useless. It's downright harmful. As an engineer main, I would actually prefer to get rid of the function gyro altogether just so I could just have the elite toolbelt skill back. I can't even call scrapper a sidegrade to core engineer -- it's a downgrade. Is this your plan for other elite specs ArenaNet? Or is engineer just your testing grounds? Because it sure does feel like you're whipping a dead horse for no particular reason.
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