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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. I don't think Anet wants rangers to be anything more than Tower ranger with "yolo burst and run for the hill" sort of gameplay
  2. Anet only balances if a spec makes people cry in low ranked PvP and then WvW zergings...everything else gets a pass, reason why Harbinger and Willbender are untouched
  3. Deadeye? These days is all about willbenders and reapers/harbingers....the rest is rare
  4. I'd rather trash "forum Pros" in game than otherwise. My "skill level" it's just fine to do exactly that ....I played the game for 12k hrs let me correct you, and that time was well spent as the mechanic/awareness learnt from wasting time on trash design, got translated to dominating gameplay on other classes...against "forum pros". I am giving recommendations to a frustrated player...the rest can go back to acting pro on the forum...and getting farmed in game sending then salty whispers ..cya
  5. Yeah..and you what? play condi rev? renegade pewpew? "immortal" vindicator? ventari something?....I see no ele gameplay from you, it seems you play one of "learnt over a weekend" sort of specs.
  6. And the ones saying otherwise...never played an ele but base their opinions on the videos of some tryhard guitar hero who play 10 hrs+ per day and happens to play an ele....
  7. I'll pay you to show a video of you playing FA ele...no talks...show us a video
  8. Or you can just stop playing ele...and it's a legit suggestion, stop torturing yourself. You have nothing to prove to anybody, and we play the game to have fun....where ele is badly badly badly designed to say the least, it's just not bloody worth it man: full melee on everything..minus the dmg to justify full melee core sucks.....worst core class in the game, unplayable everywhere...even pve try hard gameplay with full combos required to gain even the most basic boons, where other professions sniff..and get resolution/resistance/aegis/protection etc etc etc lowest health in the game, and while guardian gets +180 HP traits being thrown everywhere...ele gets a kick in the balls...build theorycrafting is a nightmare Only really allowed to play on Tempest...rest is garbage It's just a chore to play....trying hard dodging for dear life even when facing muppets Played ele for 12k hours and was as salty as you are now....then seeing as things were not changing, decided to turn ele in what is supposed to be a "dust collector", playing war/guard/ranger/necro now and couldn't care less about what other say....I have fun....I win...and mostly importantly it's all stress free
  9. Or you can just stop playing ele...and it's a legit suggestion, stop torturing yourself. You have nothing to prove to anybody, and we play the game to have fun....where ele is badly badly badly designed to say the least, it's just not bloody worth it man: full melee on everything..minus the dmg to justify full melee core sucks.....worst core class in the game, unplayable everywhere...even pve try hard gameplay with full combos required to gain even the most basic boons, where other professions sniff..and get resolution/resistance/aegis/protection etc etc etc lowest health in the game, and while guardian gets +180 HP traits being thrown everywhere...ele gets a kick in the balls...build theorycrafting is a nightmare Only really allowed to play on Tempest...rest is garbage It's just a chore to play....trying hard dodging for dear life even when facing muppets Played ele for 12k hours and was as salty as you are now....then seeing as things were not changing, decided to turn ele in what is supposed to be a "dust collector", playing war/guard/ranger/necro now and couldn't care less about what other say....I have fun....I win...and mostly importantly it's all stress free
  10. The most basic concept to consider with balance, there is the fundamental aspect to consider always where gameplay is involved...and yet it is always omitted from discussions, out of convenience, I am referring to "personal skill level". The reality is that 7 times out of 10, players get outplayed and outbuilded by more experienced opponents....something that people will never admit. In essence, something is truly OP when there is absolutely nothing in your class repertoire to counter or at least neutralise that specific gameplay. People simply refuse to adapt and is far far easier to ask for nerfs/removals....thus the idea that somebody would think the same and only build they play, will and should triumph in every scenario...remains truly ludicrous. People are free to play the same build everywhere but....to expect the whole game to bend over, just so you can play against everything with the same spec....
  11. Sure...please count my dodges...2 should be enough against condi reaper, condi thief, condi druid, grenade engi and some other random condi build...all in the same team....all spamming AoE condis in 360 radius area...thank you for the kind suggestion
  12. SB is fine..really...it's fine, I like it the way it is
  13. This is where the balance should go..and this is what the devs should strive for now...
  14. I join the battle on the PVP forum...I will prevail against @Deadmoose.6594..the power of meme compels me
  15. Such nonsense....superspeed running around while throwing grenades behind them while running?...please nerf
  16. ..Paired with MoA form......mantra of distraction....stealth....distortion spam....way too much..pls nerf
  17. The same people who asked for nerfs yesterday...still ask for nerfs today..and they will ask for nerfs tomorrow and after tomorrow....a reality that never changes, just like them losing over and over again. How does all the nerf crying work out for you? Can you read?....yes you can keep crying about nerfs....it doesn't matter really...better players win always and bad players lose
  18. You forget chronomancer and reaper with procmancer and similar....ha wait..you play those 2 specs, reason they miss from your list
  19. The same people who asked for nerfs yesterday...still ask for nerfs today..and they will ask for nerfs tomorrow and after tomorrow....a reality that never changes, just like them losing over and over again. How does all the nerf crying work out for you?
  20. There are better players out there who will triumph, and no amount of whining and nerfs will ever change that. The better players know how to play their class...know how to kite....know how to dodge....know how to have patience.... and how to strategize......better players know to theorycraft new builds .... and Anet will, of course, keep the theorycraft going always. Without failure, they may nerf B...but they buff C...they may nerf C...but then buff A again ......whining and nerf calls will never win...can't possibly win. The better players will always have the tools to win fights and those tools can only change variant...never or even possibly taken away. Dozen, hundred....thousand of nerf threads will never ever change the reality of things: Better players win...and bad players lose, there is only one way up and that is playing the game.....the other option is to spend days on the forum asking for nerfs, while being stuck in the dreamwolrd where victory comes with no effort against everything
  21. People afk, because the matchmaking is garbage....simple as that
  22. You forget that 3/4 of wvw players walk in straight line without ever pressing the dodge button, what's more they copy paste some full zerk zerg build and then try to kitten kiss the nearest zerg all night long....most of them will get yated by the occasional tower ranger so...in their mind, a longbow ranger is the most outrageous thing they ever experienced.....ofc longbow ranger is completely worthless against any about average player with any resemblance of common sense..we're talking about the minority here
  23. This goes literally for every class out there, you get called OP, salt whispered, tanky shitter, stats abuser, hacker etc etc....if you dodge/survive the usual wambo combo ...copy pasted from somewhere. The vast vast majority of GW2 players effectively don't know that dodging is a think...like is kiting and LoS...most GW2 players are just straight line movement wambo combo and straight to the forum if you don't die to them and actually win instead
  24. Enough with the copium and myriad of threads: The general agreement is - you play willbender/harbinger because you can't play anything else, you lose on everything else. Done deal..now let people play whatever and let them pray those 2x specs never get nerfed. That day they'll either quit or else. Players on guardian and necro mostly ignore most basic mechanics like dodge, spatial awareness....the gameplay of those classes is button smashing off cd with no consequences for mistakes, 3/4 of their skills is close to instant AoE/PBAoE and all this comes with a set of overbloated traits doing dozen things at the same time at the press of a single F1 or F2. Anybody can become a champion overnight playing willbender or harbinger but...it takes 5-10x more skill to beat those 2 x specs. Still, you have people deluding themselves into thinking otherwise. It's scary. On the bright side....everybody should laugh their kitten off when they kill somebody playing a willbender or harbinger....like losing while playing one of those two specs...xd wow PS.....people think that we have 8x guardian/necros every 10 players in WvW...because those 2x classes take any resemblance of skill to play? Xd,
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