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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Just out of curiosity I ask this question, it may have shown somewhere and I missed it, I am not that big in following these streams but....from what I have seen so far, when they try to showcase ele gameplay...they use all sort of cheats, do they balance elementalist while having these devs codes activated?...It's hilarious to think so even if I can assume this doesn't happen (...right????) .....during these streams , in the rare occasions they show ele gameplay against actually attacking enemies....these devs spend 3/4 of the time downed. With every passing event...the idea that Anet balance ele based on golem benchmarks becomes more and more apparent...and it's a scary thought
  2. I vote for all elites from HoT ones to PoF ones...cheap mechanics and "handheld" gameplay
  3. Any class with a healing amulet...becomes "best" duellist when it's all about keeping a point in a fringe game mode.....everywhe else they laugh at your bunker build, what are you gonna kill with it?...and you think to be any better than the people who voted mesmer...
  4. It's because good players just start to troll you by staying at range while keeping pressure, this is one of the main reasons why warrior is not as hot as other professions against for roaming in wvw. When every meta class can literally win by staying range...it becomes tiring and frustrating to play a full melee spec
  5. Because the instances where a full melee ele is viable and fun to use are extremely rare outside PvE and some fringe PvP duel
  6. Spare me....the time of people playing something for the sake of it....it's over, been so for well over a decade, the vast majority of gw2 players are "glory hunters"...FOTM players if we must use the correct term. Thefe hasn't been any correlation between difficulty and gameplay for ages now...since corporations started to show their ugly head in the MMO market, influencing design decisions towards a direction of " as many players a possible in the shortest amount of time as possible" aka....easy rewarding gameplay for paying wales, the happier they are...the more gems they'll buy. Git gud to me? After you admit of playing on easy mode...you tell me to git gud....sure thing
  7. Shall we count how much CC a rene jalis has? You need high reflexes to dodge that kitten knockdown, then there is the taunt, staff knockdown etc etc...all the while the rev is tanky AF...those dmg reduction nerfs were specifically aimed at your class but imagine what nightmare has been up to this point with all that dmg reduction plus wvw stats....yeah...stupid condi rev tanks
  8. "Revenant is a class played by the best players and best players tend to win".....don't you see how hard to play are these jalis/shiro wvw tanks? They can only tank multiple people while almost oneshotting you 2k+ armor toon like nothing , definitely this class/spec is not as broken as yours...I mean we only see one ele for every 20 something revs pewpewing with their trusted shortbow. Have you got any idea how hard is to play a condi jalis renegade huuuh? They don't dodge anything, just facetank, pewpew, even support allies with jalis elite.....pff certainly not as easy as your ele where you need to dodge with millisecond precision to avoid losing 2/4 of your HP. Seriously man....revenant is so hard to play, especially pewpew renegade and that's why you see so many of them in wvw...because it's hard to play...on the other hand we have you on ele...the class is like 1 ele for every 20+ necro/revs/engi...wow ele is really super easy class to win with
  9. I won't bother to join the "nerf crusade" about necro as literally I don't care anymore.....BUT.......anybody who claims necro were at any point unviable .....should be publicly singled out. Necros haave been an overbearing presence in all game modes since the Dhuumfire patch and that was 7 years ago and at the same time they nerfed Diamond skin on eles as...poor necro mains...we can't have a hardcounter for such a "difficult to play" class P.S that was the time I started to play other professions too, was fun indeed to bully necros on LB dh, LB ranger, core warrior bull's rush....but alas everything has been nerfed to hell...and ofc the overbearing condi spam point blank BS of necro has not been diminished in any way, if anything it got worst.
  10. The best part about all of this is how dozen of players warned this community about the fallacies of the MM system, this happened during season 1. There was a healthy veteran middle PvP class , that vital part of every PvP community which keeps the game running , providing a realistic end goal for casual and a reasonable competition for the elites/try hard and then.....then the greed of people not happy with their status quo happened. 1-The lower class in this game rather than going the hard way and learn the game mechanics after weeks/months worth of defeats, they started to complain on how the game was unfair...even though nobody is born champion, people invested time in reaching a certain point. By contrast nowadays your average MMO player is extremely entitled, your average Joe after only 100hrs...expect to be platinum when back in the days with GW1, people would spend months "begging" for a chance at even reaching R3 hero to get the wolf emote, this after proving themselves worthy of being in the pvp arena by winning 25 consecutive matches in Random Arena. Nowadays typical player will buy the game..and next week he wants to be champion rank...no compromises , no game can realistically sustain that kind of mentality...but that didn't stop Anet from trying to please the loud crowd. It all started with the arrogant assumption :"if you're good..you can carry 3 people all by yourself" , Anet created a whole system around that absurd notion,the lower class plebs were happy..they didn't have to try nearly as hard, no need to learn the game...just hope to be carried by better players and the end result was you see today....the death of pvp in this game was only a matter of time No system can permanently support the selfishness of people....
  11. They didn't run out of weapons! They're just in their own plane of existence! Where any decent developer company would give to ele: longbow? Pistol? Shortbow? Rifle? And thief could get mace? Torch? Focus as shadow plane thief? Plenty of ideal weapon choices but these devs....urgh..don't let me open the book...giving hammer to elementalist....I stop here ...the mod police is always around
  12. Soulbeast trade off was justified..no complaints there, it is true that soulbeast was core ranger 2.0 so negating pet swap was a good call from Anet but at the same time we should stop pretending the loss of F5 is an actual trade off for holosmith, for all purposes..holosmith remains engineer 2.0, there is absolutely nothing a core engi can do better than a holosmtih, no reason to ever playing one over the other. Meanwhile it's totally possible to see a core ranger having a go at a soulbeast and trulu come up on top at equal skill level...possibly, it would be a 50/50 - 60/40 battle. Meanwhile a core engi stands absolutely zero chance against a holosmith. For the sake of argument we can all keep pretending that the loss of F5 means anything in the face of holosmith but players know better...the honest ones at least, at least you did confess that losing F5 means nothing compared to holoforge, so kudos to you for the honesty...majority of players on this forum are typically hypocrites
  13. Necromancer is a class made to sell copies of the games....no shame...no respect..nothing left in the MMO market
  14. Regardless of any beta result, the starting and ending point of players remains the same, some will win...and some will lose..the result won't ever change...didn't change after years of forum drama and won't change in the future, you can only ever get better in game....certainly not on the forum.....I can't put it anymore succinct than this..the forum CoC is enforced at all times...lol
  15. I seen mesmer players coming to the forum and cry about other professions..countless times, seen mesmers whining about LR ele, ranger pets, burn weaver, thieves...wow..so much hate against thieves from mesmer ...so many tears about the class being unplayable just because thief existed...imagine instead playing a class whose mechanic can be cancelled by a conditions pretty much available to anyone even on a sigil. My point is, the GW2 community in its entirety comes to the forum to cry everytime somebody kills them...I experienced the same whining while maining 4 different professions ...be it guardian, be it warrior, be it ranger, be it ele...8 years worth of whining for all of them
  16. This whole thread stirred up so much drama for nothing, the OP obviously disappeared, the mods breathing on your neck...just for trying to state the truth...that complaining about ele in any shape or form is like....haaa...censorship, but yeah am I allowed to say that I will never see anything above silver complaining about ele?..let's see
  17. You are free to believe so...I stand by what I have stated. It's not like nerf or buffs do really do anything for the average playerbase
  18. It's safe to assume that your idea of "trade off" is not applied to ele atm or ever because....you don't see pvp matches with 6-7 tempests out of 10 players and neither you see 50 tempest clearing a pve world event like scourges, which following your line of thought has a trade off. You can keep using your ideology in a vacuum..but balance is what it is
  19. I think you're using your own interpretation of "trade off" to hold the discussion, even more you're confused about your own interpretation. If we assume that trade off translate to "lose something", to gain something of far more value completely offset that very idea of losing anything, in that instance no F5 compares to holoforge, and for that very reason I'd suggest you to use a better example then holosmith which is basically an engi 2.0. To claim that Overload recharge is not a tradeoff "because you can chose not to use it" is...nonsense really, it's actually the only HoT elite after berseker where you can literally stop the ele from even using that very mechanic and where you need to specifically trait, to get a chance at using that very mechanic in the first place. You can't just go and talk about trade off in a vacuum without considering everything else including balance...that's how it may work on a forum, certainly not at Anet. Also, the OP made a thread to whine and cry about a spec which has not even been played , nowhere he talks about core ele and how to improve it : "Most elite specs lose something from the Core profession (even if what replaces it is better" There is no argument there....just a typical whine thread
  20. It's always about balance and not the personal feelings of what players consider fair and as you put it :"whether the trade is worth it or not are irrelevant"...Tempest gets double CD on overload use so double punishment for being a tempest over a simple core ele...and weaver get double attunement CD...catalyst (which you haven't even played yet) works around an energy mechanic. Now whether or not the trade off ele get don't allign with your biased vision....it's irrelevant to the discussion you're trying to create, if instead you want to discuss whether or not ele trade off are fair in your books then ...yes that's a balance discussion and I will mention if the "trade offs" other professions get are actual fair Outside ranger and warrior...I don't see that much trade off to all the rest I'd say and yes ele trade off are more in line with the idea of "losing something" than a necro, guardian, thief, mesmer, and especially engineer
  21. Those are not trade off.....who cares about f5 when you gain access to holoforge? and -200 HP on a medium armor class?....like from 15k to 13k...while gaining all the tanky goodies from scrapper, where engis are able to play tank bruiser while launching grenades from afar...
  22. ele has already plenty of tradeoff compared to other professions : low HP, melee range focus, no weapon swap......what are the real tradeoff on other professions like : engineer with scrapper and holosmith? -no tradeoff here either , guardian with dragon hunter and firebrand? - the elite virtues are better version of the core virtues in most cases...those are actually 2.0 versions...and I could go on and on
  23. Didn't hear this complain with : firebrand, dragonhunter, scourge, core necro, condi mirage etc etc etc
  24. Trade off has always been a BS/idiotic concept and we can all see how that worked out for the game, the population (obviously) focuses on classes/specs with the least access to trade off, and these specs are now dominating every aspect of the game -The pay off is almost never worth the trade
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