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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Do you think ele is the only one that can use celestial? I can use this as it's not even all of it : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAceDMNMB8AMi0A-z1IY1oh/EU80MhXLA-w , I can run cele war, necro, engi, guardian (retaliation changed to resolution which will pretty cut most of your burn dmg), furthermore with that level of toughness...you'll be pretty much oneshotted by grenade runaway holo and OWP soulbeast especially with you running s/d. You are greatly overestimating the benefits of an additional 42% concentration, it's merely an extra 2s on a boon from the base duration and ele hasn't got access to the most powerful boons like quickness/alacrity/resolution. I have made a thread about the dangers of adding concentration to celestial but ele...it's definitely not the one I was worried about, I am concerned about the arrival of power roamin firebrands especially now that mantra have no charges, boonbeast, holos, core necros....compared to these a simple water weaver is the least of my or anybody concerns
  2. Extremely shortsighted change, unrequested and unrequired,basically anybody with deep experience in roaming and build crafting can see the huge issues that this change will cause to the game. Adding concentration and expertise to PvE stats.....this is uncalled for, the decision should be reverted. Dear Devs.......you're doing a colossal mistake by adding concentration/expertise to celestial and I fear that before long, you'll start nerfing professions around celestial only for you to go and remove or backtrack the stat addition. Please for the love of god...don't do it....
  3. Rangers with axe, guardians can run full celestial and , warrior with bow, axe/shield( we may see a come back of hambow) , every engi build, necro.....these are the ones which can easily use optimal full cele set up alongside the ele, herald. You can basically run a powerful boonbeast now with nature magic, core guardian with "save yourself"....I mean....adding concentration to celestial was possibly the unwisest decision from Anet, really shortsighted
  4. Power builds can still use fire with Fire expulsion dealing upward of 3k dmg under ideal conditions, plus flame uprising for another 3-4k dmg, fire/arcane focusing on vigor uptime. For air users, nothing surpass dagger main hand thx to convergence shorter cd
  5. Power builds doing huge dmg, die as fast as they kill, risk=rewardCondi builds do now burst dmg but don't die nearly as fast as they can kill, can do multiple mistakes like eating burst several times and still come on top, zero risk=reward
  6. In line with the current state of the game, it would not be too much to ask a reduction by 10s on the global CD
  7. Based on the assumption that each class will receive a different weapon type each time and considering the unused playstyles... Elementalist - 2hand rangedEngineer - off hand rangedRanger - off hand meleeWarrior - main hand rangedGuardian - off hand meleeRevenant - main hand meleeThief - main or off hand meleeMesmer - 2 hand melee or rangedNecromancer - main hand ranged Although thief got 2 hand weapons both elites so...
  8. Again the same thread..... A ) Skilled player is full power burst and relies on dodge/mind games/positioning to win B ) Unskilled player is full condition, full trailblazer or dire, relies on stats and broken mechanics to win fights he would normally lose /thread
  9. And necro is diminished in PvP...now imagine WvW....
  10. Yea no im pretty sure there are less players now and more bots I dont know why you still think the February patch as a good thing. That's because people are tired of the game mode. Conquest is trash that leads to boring, limited build variety regardless of how you balance the game. 8+ years of this. If they don't entirely switch up the game mode for EoD, spvp will be dead dead. And what's your alternative? Because in 2v2 and 3v3 half the classes aren't even viable right now. There are many roles and niches in Conquest which create build diversity. You're deluding yourself if you think replacing Conquest will help build diversity.Indeed...so you make open 10v10 as the official game mode, no capture point...just an open large map like AB in GW1, regardless of what "pro" say, a gamemode like that would be more balanced than what we have now where they just nerf sidenoders and support builds on rotation
  11. And most importantly, it had fun game modes. Precisely....
  12. It's not that builds that were nerfed are considered Great rather then Meta on meta-battle are actually "great"...its more like players are forced to run the builds that work rather than what does not. For example, the only reason I play full zerk Spectral Onslaught Reaper, is because many of the other configurations of reaper are absolutely garbage in a competitive format. I never WANTED to play this build...I HAVE to in order to stay relevant on a class i enjoy playing. The same is really the case with many other builds...people want to create their own builds AND be competitive but they simply can't and have to default to the only builds that work...and so no matter how much some of these builds do get nerfed they will be played until they are nerfed to the level of garbage as the rest of the options they have. In most cases, people don't bother anymore and just leave the game, because it's not fun to be forced to play something bad or to play something you never wanted to play. I said this once in-game in map chat : Just because you wipe out humanity, doesn't mean the pufferfish will flourish. The pufferfish will be just as bad as it always was, and still struggle with the same struggles it has been going through all it's life. And I'll tell you that when something sucks because of it's design, it will always suck because of it's design, just like how in PvE you have no reason to use certain skills because they're not useful in the aspect of PvE. It's no different for PvP and to expect it is unreasonable. I would like you to not lazily back up your argument into my statement saying Anet is doing a bad job and it would be better if nothing hadn't been done, I heard it a thousand times by now. Anet is doing better than expected and a lot of things get to flourish despite the persistence of certain overpowered aspects, many things are always gonna be irrelevant and it's an undeniable fact while others will take more skill than others, that's up to the players doing so because that's how it has always been in any games. GW2 is not immune to that fact and it gets tiresome to hear so. I was told Core P/P engineer sucks yet I'm actually gonna main it seriously because the skill ceiling with it is hella fun and rewarding to play as over being a carbon copy of the 9 other players I get paired against. Finally people can create their own builds AND be competitive if they care to do it right, what doesn't work isn't anyone to blame but the user for simply expecting much from something that is expected to not work in practice. You have numbers then you have skill, very often the numbers mean nothing if the skill isn't up to part and it's time players accept that next to what isn't suited for what they want to do. You are lost in the contradictions of your own argument from one side you say the meta is flourishing and from the other you say that people should not expect these "new builds" to be working in the first place No that's where you're missing the point, you're expecting everything to work where as it's obvious not everything will. We still got more builds to work out of this right now than we had years before. The reply is just as expected, you gave me the unreasonable answer, why should everything miraculously work anyway? That's not what balanced implies, if we had said perfectly sure. Otherwise no, not everything will work. You're advocating for builds that also makes no sense by telling me so because not everyone has the brightest of ideas when it comes to their short comings.You gave the typical answer of somebody giving a lecture from the narrowness of their single point of view, you talk about an expanding meta when you don't play every class competitively to draw that conclusion in the first place, you sound like the guy in the city mocking the guy in the countryside why he hasn't got access to fibre internet.Do you actually understand what you're saying? So there is only a predetermined way to play a class as all other options are not viable but then you say more options are becoming viable....what?? Player A: now your ele has got more ways to playPlayer B: cool so I can play FA ele and...Player A:lol no, it's still trashPlayer B: so nothing changed....Player A: no you can play what you were playing before but in different waysPlayer B: what other different ways?Player A: different ways d'ho! ........... P.S the best part in all of this is the GW2 community: Day1 : build diversity is low, population is low, Anet is badDay2 : "OMG build X on class Y is OP, pls nerf"Day3 : "OMG build K on class L is OP, pls nerf"Day4 : build diversity is low, population is low, Anet is bad Rings any bell?
  13. It's not that builds that were nerfed are considered Great rather then Meta on meta-battle are actually "great"...its more like players are forced to run the builds that work rather than what does not. For example, the only reason I play full zerk Spectral Onslaught Reaper, is because many of the other configurations of reaper are absolutely garbage in a competitive format. I never WANTED to play this build...I HAVE to in order to stay relevant on a class i enjoy playing. The same is really the case with many other builds...people want to create their own builds AND be competitive but they simply can't and have to default to the only builds that work...and so no matter how much some of these builds do get nerfed they will be played until they are nerfed to the level of garbage as the rest of the options they have. In most cases, people don't bother anymore and just leave the game, because it's not fun to be forced to play something bad or to play something you never wanted to play. I said this once in-game in map chat : Just because you wipe out humanity, doesn't mean the pufferfish will flourish. The pufferfish will be just as bad as it always was, and still struggle with the same struggles it has been going through all it's life. And I'll tell you that when something sucks because of it's design, it will always suck because of it's design, just like how in PvE you have no reason to use certain skills because they're not useful in the aspect of PvE. It's no different for PvP and to expect it is unreasonable. I would like you to not lazily back up your argument into my statement saying Anet is doing a bad job and it would be better if nothing hadn't been done, I heard it a thousand times by now. Anet is doing better than expected and a lot of things get to flourish despite the persistence of certain overpowered aspects, many things are always gonna be irrelevant and it's an undeniable fact while others will take more skill than others, that's up to the players doing so because that's how it has always been in any games. GW2 is not immune to that fact and it gets tiresome to hear so. I was told Core P/P engineer sucks yet I'm actually gonna main it seriously because the skill ceiling with it is hella fun and rewarding to play as over being a carbon copy of the 9 other players I get paired against. Finally people can create their own builds AND be competitive if they care to do it right, what doesn't work isn't anyone to blame but the user for simply expecting much from something that is expected to not work in practice. You have numbers then you have skill, very often the numbers mean nothing if the skill isn't up to part and it's time players accept that next to what isn't suited for what they want to do.You are lost in the contradictions of your own argument from one side you say the meta is flourishing and from the other you say that people should not expect these "new builds" to be working in the first place
  14. This is a difficult and hard to answer question, the reason being it's hard to answer, is because there are so many issues that Guild Wars 2 has in it's inherent game design, that it's hard to really say where to start and where to end. In addition, diversity isn't an analysis of just 1 skill or element, it's really an analysis of all skills and elements in aggregate. So removing celestial amulet as an example, alters the diversity of the entire system of the game, where locally diversity might increase somewhere's, and locally somewhere else it decreases. But overall, because the possibility space decreases, the complexity decreases and therefor diversity will be less then what it was before across the whole system. When looking at the analysis of the aggregate of the system's behavior, one needs to focus not on it's individual components, but how many of these components are actually interacting with each other. In accordance with complexity, there's a number of commonalities that a system should exhibit if it wishes to have complex behavior. By looking at these commonalities, one can make changes to the game in accordance with them.Scale Invariance Feedback Loops and Scale Invariant Trade-offs Possibility Space Conclusion Now you can tell how by looking at these commonalities, you can see how and why a game like Guild Wars 1 had a lot more build diversity and complexity then Guild Wars 2. Target caps didn't exist, skill selection was not linear (it was freeform) and many of the cooldowns in that game were less than 20 seconds, with durations that usually exceeded the cooldown time. The freeform nature of the game allowed the possibility space to be rather large, and so we were able to see very complex gameplay, with emergent and diverse qualities. As a result, the balance was never really that much of an issue for that game (with a few exceptions that were worth studying and identifying how those problems carried over, and were even built upon into Guild Wars 2.) Aside from everything said so far, there are a lot more, less structurally dependent things, that come down to how individual skills work and how some mechanics are not complex enough. the lack of complexity in these mechanics lead to optimality calculations that on the scale of skills takes too short a period of time , and determining what optimal skill your class has available is also a problem that drives us faster to a homogenous game state. This is akin to looking at the Reaper class, and automatically bringing the Onslaught trait over any other choice...because the complexity of these traits aren't nearly complex enough where a simple evaluation make it too easy to tell which skill is going to give you the best results. GW1 had more build diversity because the game was balanced around the concept of effort=reward where the GW2 playerbase is all about effort<reward...as far as their one profession goes
  15. A player asking for tips rather than nerfs....it's surely a welcome sight, truly not something I'd expect any more on these forums
  16. The problem with Menders was a prolem of our own creation, and this: "--It didn't belond and needed to be removed" This mindset is what caused it. Imagine for a second a city decides to get rid of sidewalks. They spread their shopping centers far apart, and they get rid of all biking lanes.Fewer people walk to get around, and more decide to hop in a car and take the road. As a result, roads get larger. An environmentalist looks at the problem and says "Gee, there sure are a lot of carbon emissions coming from the city lately, the air quality has gone down. Cars must be the problem! We should do something about cars" Even if they've correctly identified the main culprit, they've completely glanced over the underlying cause. Cars became an issue because you got rid of every other option. People can't walk or bike even if they wanted to. Now consider what happened to PvP. If you wanted to be a bunker, you would run amulets like Knights, Paladin, or Cavalier. This meant you had a decent mixture of durability and pressure, but you notably lacked in healing power, so you could expect lower sustain. We got rid of these because they were "unhealthy" and "didn't belong in PvP" Then what were bunkers left to use? Celestial? We got rid of that too. The only thing builds like this had left was Mender. This single amulet was left to try and carry bunkers and supports. That's why it saw an over abundance of use. No kitten, sustain went through the roof, we forced each of these different build archetypes to run a sustain amulet. If that werent enough, we got rid of amulets that would have aided supports at doing their job while still being vulnerable to counterpressure. We lost both Harrier and Marshal, which were perfectly healthy options. Mender's would have never been an issue if not for previous removals. What happens when new amulets and builds become an issue? Do we remove Demolisher next? It's obviously "carrying" side noding builds atm (looking at you SpB and Druid), as well as some teamfight builds like Holo, Scrapper, and Renegade. Even meme builds like Flamethrower scrapper run it. At what point do we put actual effort into these balance patches and address the underlying issues? Ok I have no idea who's giving you the thumbs up. You are all clearly lost. Everyone who upvotes this guy is a lost soul. No you don't remove Demolisher's. It's for side node builds, like you said. I literally made a post about Druids switching to Demolisher's right after the patch hit. Tested it for 2 games, knew it "yup this is the side node amulet now". But that's fine. Mender's was removed because it was allowing bunkering + supporting with one stat type. Two roles, one amulet. Now, you can still bunker the side node with Demolisher's but you can't sustain your teammates when they come to help you. Demolisher's was clearly the next in line for an attrition bruiser and it will be the main amulet for a lot of specs. But you'll still see zerker builds because they do way more damage. You'll still see Carrion. And you'll still see Marauder, Sage, Avatar. As far as I'm concerned, take out the rest of them and focus on tweaking the talent trees. Balancing needs to be simplified and taking out stat combos is one way to do this. It's clear as day. Obviously you're not remembering the Celestial meta when we were seeing 3 d/d eles per team. Same flaming trash pile of a meta. Took them 2 years to nerf boon stacking, and another 2 to remove the amulet. In the meantime, you still have Sage and Avatar + SoT if you wanna support so play around with that for a few months before crying. Who are you even and what do you know?"Who are you even?"..........mate...your words here have as much weight as the next guy
  17. You talk like you carried games on core ele which obviously didn't happen for reasons you are well aware of, a cantrip core ele is certainly playable but hardly able to change the outcome of a game.
  18. If you like limited stats, choices...go PvP....simple as that, let new players or whatever play what they want, they'll soon realize that stacking toughness counts for nothing if you can't dodge and btw they are no passive invulnerability and "infinite protection" builds are likely no a threat for vets
  19. Ele was designed to be master of nothing and trader of different sets and other professions were supposed to be able to specialize only in one thing at the same time at the expense of other parameters like this : ele - Attack 5 Defense 5 and Support 5Other professions - Attack 8 Defense 3 and Support 3 But with time through the addition of elites and overbuffing due to whining we have : ele - Attack 4 Defense 4 and Support 4Other professions - Attack 7 Defense 5 and Support 6 The end result is that other professions got overbuffed while ele has been left mostly in the gutter, what make it worst is that many aspects deemed to powerful to have on ele ( sustain and mobility or super burst) got applied later to the power of 10 to other professions Double standards and bias at its finest
  20. You can try all you want in convincing yourself that condi build are equal to power builds in terms of effort requirements....that won't change the actual facts : to play condi builds you need a single stats...rest goes all in defense , easier than trying to juggle between dmg, sustain, crit dmg and precision that must reach a certain threshold to be actually useful: crit chance 40%+ and crit dmg 185%+ to be worth the investment
  21. We can buff core ele by nerfing all other core professions , claiming that nerfs to weaver would benefit core ele at all...I don't know who you are trying to convince.... im claiming that buffing core ele would make weaver overpowered, so by nerfing barrier ( weaver ) we make space for core buffs It won't work and you even wrote why, but still belive that nerfing barrier would make a space for core buffs, which still would be a buff Weaver indirectly(even Tempest).The real problem here is that most e-speces are built on top of core classes, which include Elementalist.Look at Necromancer and it's Reaper and Scourge, do you see how it really do change how you play your class? Compare it to Eles Tempest or Weaver:Tempest: whirly stuff, added just few skills ON TOP of Core mechanic and that's it.Weaver: added few skills, copy-paste of teef and that's it.Nothing is "different" in playstyle, you do the same kitten with few more button presses and effects.In Necromancers case, you can buff it's Unique skills, which won't affect it's e-spec counterparts.Elementalist doesn't have anything Unique to buff that it wouldn't affect e-speces, none, which is the real problem with this class(and many others).I was thinking about "locking-out" specific traitlines for e-speces, e.g.:If you pick Tempest, you lose access to Water and losing as well traitable skills (Cantrips);If you pick Weaver, you lose access to Arcane and losing as well traitable skills (Arcane);Core of course would be able to pick both Water and Arcane.This way you could buff traitlines which mostly core could take advantage of them fully, but I'm pretty sure it would create it own balance problems...Too lazy to think about solutions~ 1) if you pick Deadeye or daredevil you lose access to Shadow art2) if you pick druid, you lose access to beastmaster, if you pick soulbeast you lose access to Markmanship3) if you pick Herald you lose access to Invocation, if you pick Renegade you lose access to Retribution4) if you pick Spellbreaker you lose access to Strength, if you pick Berseker you lose access to Discipline5) if you pick Scrapper you lose access to Explosive, if you pick Holosmith you lose access to Alchemy.... Too lazy to type other professions if you take mirage you lose access to honor and dignity of a human being No no, that happens when you decide to run condies on any class. I find it interesting that loads of people complain about 1shots and bursts, yet are 100% fine with power builds and absolutely hate condis RNG, boring, annoying, uninteractive, passive, unbalanced and many others things that could describe condi in GW2. I'll probably never understand people that enjoy condies, it's one of the worst and most boring gameplays I've ever seen. Tried it few times and I feel like falling asleep by using them, 0 fun or entertainment.They should stay as "support" mechanic, but instead they were changed into this abomination because PvE complained about bosses.Giving so much freedom by A-net was a curse, which in long run took away that "freedom". RNG? how is condi rng? it has set damage and it deals this damage, its the power that is rng with crit chance and weakness glancing, making hits jump between 2k and 8k from the same skillBalanced? almost every meta is power metaPassive? depends on the build reallyannoying and boring is subjective, I like condis as they bring something new to the game and add a new layer to combat, instead off current brainded I landed 3 skills so you die The reason why people prefer power is because those 3 hit kill requires mostly a glassy set up that can be either dodged or blocked way easily than condi attacks, which tend to be AoE on short CD( necro wells, scepter, focus - mesmer shatter, clone bounces etc etc etc) and condi burst still requires a single stats investment and doesn't require the player to pay any particular attention to the enemy....just unload everything you have and doesn't matter whether he dodges or not. Realistically speaking the meta is power only at the top where people can coordinate well enough to bring down condi bunkers, from there all the way down is full condi spam and that cannot be negated given the huge presence of necros, burning build and others. In WvW smallscale is dominated by condi builds too and the only reason condi doesn't dominate zerg fight is due to Purity of Purpose exept power shatter has like half the CD off condi one and most classes dont get pulsing aoe condi kitten and those that do dont even do all that much damage and are easy to cleansein fact most power builds are more degenerate then condi, cough thief perma-stealthing, rev teleporting through walls with quickness and unblockable.And meta is power since power kills you NOW, and condi kills you MAYBE in the next X secounds, giving time for people to heal, cleanse, escape, invuln or get healed by teammates. Mechanically power is superior and has LESS counterplay so its played more often.Power doesn't kill you now unless you're both glass and you get caught by surprise with no CD left, condi kills you regardless of what stats you are running as it depends all on how many condi cleanse have you got left, we had this discussion on this forum countless times already , power is all about mind games where condis is all about using skills off CD to overwhelm opponent condi cleanse , all the while you're tanky as hell
  22. We can buff core ele by nerfing all other core professions , claiming that nerfs to weaver would benefit core ele at all...I don't know who you are trying to convince.... im claiming that buffing core ele would make weaver overpowered, so by nerfing barrier ( weaver ) we make space for core buffs It won't work and you even wrote why, but still belive that nerfing barrier would make a space for core buffs, which still would be a buff Weaver indirectly(even Tempest).The real problem here is that most e-speces are built on top of core classes, which include Elementalist.Look at Necromancer and it's Reaper and Scourge, do you see how it really do change how you play your class? Compare it to Eles Tempest or Weaver:Tempest: whirly stuff, added just few skills ON TOP of Core mechanic and that's it.Weaver: added few skills, copy-paste of teef and that's it.Nothing is "different" in playstyle, you do the same kitten with few more button presses and effects.In Necromancers case, you can buff it's Unique skills, which won't affect it's e-spec counterparts.Elementalist doesn't have anything Unique to buff that it wouldn't affect e-speces, none, which is the real problem with this class(and many others).I was thinking about "locking-out" specific traitlines for e-speces, e.g.:If you pick Tempest, you lose access to Water and losing as well traitable skills (Cantrips);If you pick Weaver, you lose access to Arcane and losing as well traitable skills (Arcane);Core of course would be able to pick both Water and Arcane.This way you could buff traitlines which mostly core could take advantage of them fully, but I'm pretty sure it would create it own balance problems...Too lazy to think about solutions~ 1) if you pick Deadeye or daredevil you lose access to Shadow art2) if you pick druid, you lose access to beastmaster, if you pick soulbeast you lose access to Markmanship3) if you pick Herald you lose access to Invocation, if you pick Renegade you lose access to Retribution4) if you pick Spellbreaker you lose access to Strength, if you pick Berseker you lose access to Discipline5) if you pick Scrapper you lose access to Explosive, if you pick Holosmith you lose access to Alchemy.... Too lazy to type other professions if you take mirage you lose access to honor and dignity of a human being No no, that happens when you decide to run condies on any class. I find it interesting that loads of people complain about 1shots and bursts, yet are 100% fine with power builds and absolutely hate condis RNG, boring, annoying, uninteractive, passive, unbalanced and many others things that could describe condi in GW2. I'll probably never understand people that enjoy condies, it's one of the worst and most boring gameplays I've ever seen. Tried it few times and I feel like falling asleep by using them, 0 fun or entertainment.They should stay as "support" mechanic, but instead they were changed into this abomination because PvE complained about bosses.Giving so much freedom by A-net was a curse, which in long run took away that "freedom". RNG? how is condi rng? it has set damage and it deals this damage, its the power that is rng with crit chance and weakness glancing, making hits jump between 2k and 8k from the same skillBalanced? almost every meta is power metaPassive? depends on the build reallyannoying and boring is subjective, I like condis as they bring something new to the game and add a new layer to combat, instead off current brainded I landed 3 skills so you dieThe reason why people prefer power is because those 3 hit kill requires mostly a glassy set up that can be either dodged or blocked way easily than condi attacks, which tend to be AoE on short CD( necro wells, scepter, focus - mesmer shatter, clone bounces etc etc etc) and condi burst still requires a single stats investment and doesn't require the player to pay any particular attention to the enemy....just unload everything you have and doesn't matter whether he dodges or not. Realistically speaking the meta is power only at the top where people can coordinate well enough to bring down condi bunkers, from there all the way down is full condi spam and that cannot be negated given the huge presence of necros, burning build and others. In WvW smallscale is dominated by condi builds too and the only reason condi doesn't dominate zerg fight is due to Purity of Purpose
  23. Ele was meta in WvW for most of the life of this game, where as engy for example did not have a proper meta build for the first 6 or so years of this game, until they eventually reworked scrapper. The notion that Anet "hates" ele is absolutely laughable. Given how scrapper was released in 2015 and GW2 launched in 2012...I call it BS garbage your statement as scrapper was pretty much wvw meta since day 1 of launch and briefly dropped down to good rank after few gyro nerfs, only to be buffed back to full force some months later. Ele was meta staff probably for 2 years after launch, in 2015 staff ele got shafted left and right with nerfs and ele was not meta anymore till the release of tempest with which the class stayed afloat for a good while before the obvious wagon of nerfs claimed the class once again Overall you may want to take your selective memory and compare it with the actual facts
  24. As somebody with multiple invested mains: ranger -guardian -warrior -ele and necro I gladly repeat what I have stated: the list is 100% correct. Playing ranger compared to the rest of my other mains...I feel like god mode when roaming, it does well in small skirmish too with either soulbeast (supportish custom build..does its job family enough) or druid; of my other main...warrior is, without doubt, the weakest quickly followed by ele, with which I can yes win some 1v1 given enough time and situation which rarely happens, despite running power stats ( no condi BS ) I can rarely hit the 5k mark without meticulous set up beforehand and my escape options are limited to lighting flash but...given how even reapers can easily catch up...dunno what's even the point in using it most of the time. The main reasons behind all of this is that the bottom professions have to sacrifice almost everything to have either damage or sustain...on ranger, necro I can have it all, likewise on thief(which I don't play but got hundreds of fights against this class after 8 years) and engineer is the same story. Guardian has no mobility otherwise yes it would be up there with the rest....it does good 1v1 too...better than ele in most instances thx to teleports and better traits overall. Mesmer and Revenant are like the middle of the table considering sustain, damage and mobility ratio with respect to the effort required to do well, I am not suggesting now to nerf top professions but...the bottom professions need most of the nerfs reverted and some traits/utilities need update
  25. Been like that...for years now since 2016...necro has been steadily buffed to kingdom come for years...then the Feb patch made everything worst by lowering dmg and sustain on almost everything But I have hope now....even MightyTeapot had to notice recently how much dmg reapers do.....finally people are starting to realize...hopefully something will change in the not too distant future
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