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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. There are no infinite frames...no weaver build require more than 1 player...The spec itself is subpar unless played by skilled individual Ofc fire waever is only for ultra instinct ... lolWhile using a core ranger I killed all fire weaver not played by Top ele I have been killed by Top spellbreakers while using fire weaver myself. The amount of Top eles I consistently lose to...can be counted on a single hand Would I suddenly start to lose against somebody who started ele not long ago...I would agree with you... I seen upstart nobody losing to @Blamthrax.9785 And then proceed to cry wolf and how balance is unfair I believe in something called skill level
  2. At equal skill level while using a ranger, outside of the busted Lich form, in PvP the situation is 50/50. Nerfing things down to a level where they lose to every cat and dog...it's not the way to balance a MMO and guess what would happen to ranger if those professions get nerfed to no threat level...Ranger would be next on the crying list. What people on the forum hate to admit is there something defined as skill level, this is something we should all accept
  3. There are no infinite frames...no weaver build require more than 1 player...The spec itself is subpar unless played by skilled individual
  4. The patch was a mess due to the actual process behind it, they just applied numerical changes without any regard for each class raw stats and basic gameplay, EX: a flat number reduction in healing will affect a class like ele differently from say a thief or mesmer or necro which have access to better inbuilt defensive mechanics and don't rely on heal burst to stay alive, this is the reason builds disappear. When Anet talks about sustain nerfs they just go around nerfing raw numbers, professions like ele mostly and guardian will ofc suffer the most but other professions with access to evades, blocks and stealth won't care at all for the so called "sustain nerfs" A balance patch means numerical AND mechanical changes necessary to reach a state of balance between professions, when you go and nerf raw healing number what about : block and reflection uptime? barrier spam? stealth and clones? shroud generation? evades rotations? They do the same thing with dmg, they go and nerf dmg across the board but...some skills will still have 1+ cast time plus after cast and becoming worthless, other sources of dmg will now have just lower dmg but will still be insta cast.........How can we consider that balance?
  5. People are asking to nerf that stupid gutling gun Elite 11111 spam, that would make things much more tolerable....or at the very least stop the elite from being affected by quickness, due to this boons you'll receive around 12k dmg within 1s
  6. Not quite the point of this thread; I understand there are other classes, but I'd like to talk more in-depth about possible changes to Dragonhunter Guardian. It has so much potential in its unlock, but it's wasted. Hello Bastrii, Unfortunately the first thing you did was compare GW2 to other MMOs like WoW. This game is specifically meant to not be like those games. Secondly, unfortunately GW2 is very unbalanced like others have mentioned before me. To get to the root of the problem you are trying to make dragon hunter something it is not. It is nothing even close to a healing build. Support yes but healing no. Another thing to keep in mind is that no build is going to be dps/healer and be able to kill things in one shot. Dps can but you give up the healing for that power and vice versa. The other thing to keep in mind is where you are using this build/class. Open world PvE, raid/fractal PvE, WvW and PvP. There are different builds for all playing platforms but remember a mixed build won’t work in anywhere but open world PvE and you have to realize that by having a mixed build you are basically making a survivability build. One in which you can kill things but it will take longer to do so. I am a main ranger but I have played all content and classes. The dragon hunter in my experience is strictly survival or dps. It really isn’t meant to be a healer. If you are looking for healing then look to druid, firebrand,tempest and scourge. If you want heals for guardian then I would go firebrand since there is major healing but do not expect it to be dps if you go the healing route. You can certainly make it a happy medium but remember it will take longer to kill things. ANet I highly doubt will change the dragon hunter to be what you want since it’s other elite specialization covers healing. While vanilla guardian covers boon support/dps and dragon hunter used to cover dps. I understand wanting everything in the esthetics of the build you like but when something else in that same class covers healing it is unlikely they will change it to make two elite specializations to cover the exact same use. The best thing for you to ask would be to free the weapons from elite specializations and allow vanilla, and elite specializations to use the elite specialization weapons. Then you could create a guardian with long bow or a firebrand with long bow and have it closer to the healing ranged attack you want. If you want help finding another class or finding a decent survival build or any build feel free to message me and I’ll give you some pointers and links to builds. All I ask is you don’t give up on the game and try some other classes or builds and to keep your mind open to the different possibilities even if they might not hit every note you want but might be able to come close. Look, all I want is my first to be a longbow that does DPS (that I can get with Warrior) and my second to be a staff for support. But I'm having trouble even attempting getting that to work, 'cause the bow is kinda advertised as damage and control but has neither. And people just want to keep saying "Go Soulbeast, go Soulbeast" or "You didn't get what you wanted, too bad, try something else and stop bringing up other games". Man, I just wanted to point out that the weapon is kinda trash on its own, has little synergy with the rest of the toolkit, and could use some buffs. I didn't come here to be told to do x or try x, I'm not looking for solutions here. And when I compare to other MMOs, it's cause I have a lot of history with them and even though it's trying to be different, GW2 falls into a lot of the same tropes as some MMOs. It's not 100% unique and made of absolute gold, it's definitely different - but it's not untouchable, kitten. I already uninstalled, you all win. Bye. Aww did you give away your stuff to someone before you left atleast?Im mean its rude to leave it collecting dust when others could use it.Hope you find something else to play were your happy.EditAnd about the soulbeast.1 it can support and heal as well with stance share2 got longbow and merges with pet so do dps without pet just like you wanted.Support on soulbeast is laughable at best compared to scrapper-healbreaker-chronomancer-scourge-firebrand/coreguard-tempest.....generally speaking support on ranger is a laughable matter, it just see play during raids...sure nobody will stop you from trying hard as a "support ranger" in WvW but I'd suggest you to stick to roamer/harasser role as ranger in wvw. Played ranger for 4.5k hrs and guardian for 1.2k hrs
  7. I hope you are not suggesting the removal of Rune of Resistance from the game, given the state of condi in WvW, those runes have become borderline vital. I know only few people here keep track of the market so allow me to explain : the price of most condition based runes has tripled as of recently...even Rune of the Undead has jumped in price by 1000%..yes 1000% , the state of condition damage is that crazy...no nerfs since 2015
  8. Above anything else, the elite must not be a duellist spec else we end up with more nerfs to core ranger...it barely holds after all the nerfs it received due to druid (WS and NM nerfs , smokescale dmg reduced close to zero, bristleback dmg gutted) and soulbeast (more nerfs to NM and WS, plus more nerfs to pets: birds, tiger and gazelle dmg nerfs)
  9. Then delete the servers, set the building on fire....and throw salt on the ground
  10. In second post you are saying guard is the strongest, in third post you are saying spirit weapons are op, in fourth post you are saying trapper rune is op... decide now pls Goldfish can only remember the last thing that killed them, and that must be the most OP thing ever. Guard is still the strongest. Unfortunately, I don't see any real patching happening. It is not happening because you are right, it is just not happening because no one is there to patch it. I said don't forget about ele, not that it is the strongest overall, but it is the strongest side noder/1v1, duelist atm. For once I have the most thumbs in the thread, maybe I am right lol. I think thief is fine, condi thief can be toned down (or deleted IDC). Some classes are too prominent after the damage nerf last feb, and they need to be brought in line. You see, when you attack my "IQ" without argument, you already show you don't have one.Waiting for your necro nerf thread....and this is no sarcasm, if there is one class that needs tone downing is necro, even more than ele it has slipped under the radar...although ele has been nerfed several times since Feb last year....necro hasn't received serious nerfs for more than one year: they still have pre Feb patch levels of sustain for 1v1 especially. I will accept nerfs to ele...only when necro get nerfed too
  11. Make PvP great again! We will build a strong, incredible skill border and players gonna come to PvP but they are gonna come to PvP as skilled individuals! CRAB FEAR 2021!
  12. This guy here(necro)..attacked me(while on ranger) out of the blue and then proceed to insult me by message trashtalking me : how bad I was, mediocre this and that...all the while I didn't even know who this guy even was; after all this he decided to come back with 2 more necros, he managed to catch me by surprise , killed me and then started jumping on me alongside his pals....all of this because I made a necro nerf thread and that's where I connected all the dotts.(It was really a try hard attempt from him as I was getting help from another ranger...he had to call 2 more necros plus a condi herald and a glass cannon ranger...to kill me and my friend...LOL) Nobody attacked him....nobody harassed him...didn't even know who he was but he still comes here claiming that some classes promote toxic plastyles and even more funny : stating that videogames are generally full of failed real life existences.....imagine saying something like this while being somebody who write a list of all the people who apparently wronged him on a forum for suggesting to nerf a spec - then go in game and verbally assault those people by message/whisper - not stopping there and proceed to grief/ganking that same individual But eitherway he's not the first...on average I get harassed by people in game when I make nerf threads about their professions, ofc at first I don't even know who they are...because I never cared to remember anybody name in a videogame ..except some guild member and friends......let alone making a list of account names on the forum like ...lol...sad I learnt to cope and do well against such behaviour , I actually learnt how to have fun at the expenses of such individuals and I can give few tips for people wishing to defend themselves against online griefing : 1)When roaming, always use the most tanky spec possible...but still capable of mobility/disengage and dmg, depending on the class/spec used you can measure how far from your bases you can move away. This is not WvW 2013.....it's now an extremely toxic environment , players here have no honor...no respect for you or for themselves, many are ready to use hacks (just yesterday I had a holo from [RAT] Underworld using a teleport hack to get away from my zerg....and he was trying to spawn camp my server along side other ....."nice people" from [sA], [idol]...all of them on UW). You would be foolish to run any high risk build in this environment.......'cause everybody else runs high reward builds with close to zero risk 2)Always announce in teamchat where gankers are and call for specific professions to come help:-against thieves..call for dragonhunters trappers, DE thieves, necros....then proceed to act as an "unaware" decoy and lure them in..where they'll get slaughtered by your teammates...have the last laugh lol ; my favourite strategy is to have several dragonhunters place their traps in a single spot...you sit on them appearing afk...wait for the thief gankers to jump on you....killed several SA/HUNT thieves in such a way 3)If you can't get a kill on the griefers....start using the most "cheese" build tanky/healer spec you profession can run.....then you start laughing in the face of the wannabe gankers as they try non stop to kill you, most of them will send extremely hateful whispers/message.......that's your victory, you can imagine them foaming at the corners of their mouth When everything truly fails(unlikely) join your zerg...lure them in...and run them over..profit! Yet here you are making a looong post about being killed and bm'd, maybe the necro you mentioned just used one of the 3 pieces of advice you gave in your examples and now you are the one foaming? Seems very much like itIf you would have read my "long" post more attentively you would have realized that..it really doen't matter what others may think of me and I am not the one sending messages/whispers to others, never done so...I just respawn and go again lol but you feel free to believe in what makes you more comfortable as long as you keep coming filled with rage attempting to kill me, it provides an amazing source of enteirtainment for me , my guild and the champs I call as back up. But if really you need to imagine something ..visualize this : me using a nomad water weaver in the middle of gankers with bloodshot eyes....they chase me everywhere ...even under the range of heroic guards ...XDDDDDD
  13. This guy here(necro)..attacked me(while on ranger) out of the blue and then proceed to insult me by message trashtalking me : how bad I was, mediocre this and that...all the while I didn't even know who this guy even was; after all this he decided to come back with 2 more necros, he managed to catch me by surprise , killed me and then started jumping on me alongside his pals....all of this because I made a necro nerf thread and that's where I connected all the dotts.(It was really a try hard attempt from him as I was getting help from another ranger...he had to call 2 more necros plus a condi herald and a glass cannon ranger...to kill me and my friend...LOL) Nobody attacked him....nobody harassed him...didn't even know who he was but he still comes here claiming that some classes promote toxic plastyles and even more funny : stating that videogames are generally full of failed real life existences.....imagine saying something like this while being somebody who write a list of all the people who apparently wronged him on a forum for suggesting to nerf a spec - then go in game and verbally assault those people by message/whisper - not stopping there and proceed to grief/ganking that same individual But eitherway he's not the first...on average I get harassed by people in game when I make nerf threads about their professions, ofc at first I don't even know who they are...because I never cared to remember anybody name in a videogame ..except some guild member and friends......let alone making a list of account names on the forum like ...lol...sad I learnt to cope and do well against such behaviour , I actually learnt how to have fun at the expenses of such individuals and I can give few tips for people wishing to defend themselves against online griefing : 1)When roaming, always use the most tanky spec possible...but still capable of mobility/disengage and dmg, depending on the class/spec used you can measure how far from your bases you can move away. This is not WvW 2013.....it's now an extremely toxic environment , players here have no honor...no respect for you or for themselves, many are ready to use hacks (just yesterday I had a holo from [RAT] Underworld using a teleport hack to get away from my zerg....and he was trying to spawn camp my server along side other ....."nice people" from [sA], [idol]...all of them on UW). You would be foolish to run any high risk build in this environment.......'cause everybody else runs high reward builds with close to zero risk 2)Always announce in teamchat where gankers are and call for specific professions to come help:-against thieves..call for dragonhunters trappers, DE thieves, necros....then proceed to act as an "unaware" decoy and lure them in..where they'll get slaughtered by your teammates...have the last laugh lol ; my favourite strategy is to have several dragonhunters place their traps in a single spot...you sit on them appearing afk...wait for the thief gankers to jump on you....killed several SA/HUNT thieves in such a way 3)If you can't get a kill on the griefers....start using the most "cheese" build tanky/healer spec you profession can run.....then you start laughing in the face of the wannabe gankers as they try non stop to kill you, most of them will send extremely hateful whispers/message.......that's your victory, you can imagine them foaming at the corners of their mouth When everything truly fails(unlikely) join your zerg...lure them in...and run them over..profit!
  14. How do you know? You don't know how to play ele good enough to claim he doesn't lose any MU, the likes of @Grimjack.8130 and @Blamthrax.9785 play on a zerker elet at 11k hp + 2k from runes and traits while having zero toughness. Btw....nerf thieeeeefff!
  15. https://www.twitch.tv/mightyteapotIs this Gold rank? ..There are like 5 guardians in a match here , if somebody new would take the forum seriously they'd think that PvP is 10 rangers per match....where each pet can facetank a whole team (minimum) by itself and then the ranger comes in and Maul one shot what's left standing xd
  16. I just can't take seriously anymore..... a guardian has an easier time vs a mesmer than a ranger.....like wtf really...is this the twilight zone? One of my favourite build is burn DH (not trapper BS) with which I melt typical ranger in a matter of secs , torch+sword combo and the pets disappear, JI+SoJ and the pewpew ranger is down for the count...and people have problem with that...but can easily beat a well played PU shatter chrono or mirage or even core. Yeah ok thank you for laugh..oh my god and how the hell does a well played guardian lose to a renegade when all they have for burst is shortbow and no access to Glint heal to cover for condi burst? The truth is that it's extremely easy to counterplay typical ranger and normally those who succeed on the class have spent few hundred hours on it..and not just started yesterday like you can do with builds like stealth DH trapper or MM core necro, an average guardian can shield or focus the untrained ranger...easily reach him and kill him fast with whatever...while the newb guardian just sit in its traps and require the opponent to actually show more skill by comparison Easier for a guardian to beat a mesmer than a ranger....this is horse manure .....
  17. There is not a single spec on ranger considered even Great as far as meta goes, the highest ranger spec is rated at Good ...lol
  18. Pulse reveal on Hunter's call?...god...I'd send a cake to Anet office, all paid from EU, Spear of Justice is the best skill in the game to use in WvW, another skill working in a similar way would be a god send
  19. Stability, blocks, ports out, invul. Does not seem narrow at all to counter it .. just saying if you get stuck on it with 0 cooldows yes i see how you can die to it but thats not dm fault. stability works.invuln worksblock does not work, you get cced back into the trapteleports kind of work, you do teleport but when teleport ends you still get knocked down.As a mesmer I never really gave a kitten cuz I had jaunt/blink and F4, but when I started playing ranger its kitten awfull.god forbids you dont have 100% cooldowns else you dead from full hp, no counterplay.like the only thing you can do is dodge out, and use stun-break during knockdown animation, and hope to gods that the trap bugs and lets you out, otherwise you die from full hp On ranger you have 3/4 cleanse utilities. Meaning you can cleanse the stacks whenever they get out of hand if you don't have the stability to get out. How is this any different from the old holo that could 100 to zero you in a prime light beam you didn't dodge? difference is that holo cant do that anymore and DH can. Don't get me wrong, burn dh is beyond dumb. But Maw or damage isn't the reason. Any class with triple offensive trait-lines and no stunbreak will be able to pump. Just remove trapper runes and the build will be gone. There are far far worst things than burn DH in this game atm......anything I can almost "face tank" with a core ele cannot be considered "beyond dumb", I would leave that title to things like : core necro MM or general, renegade, DE, condi herald, scrapper ect etc....more dumb than burn DH and with 3x more sustain and mobility Sure go on and nerf burn dh but...with that in mind what should even happen to the rest of this game I wonder.....
  20. It's not really an amazing feat I'd say to beat ranger at this point, with all the nerfs the class has received and how easy is to negate most of their dmg with reflect/dodge and side strifes to avoid pets, ofc there are still those who die to a ranger and cry wolf ....like some players using that bot class Necro and in WvW to boot out of all places. I can't remember the last time I lost to a ranger whether it be PvP or WvW, must have been like 1 year or more when boonbeast was a thing and soulbeast had pet swap, after that the conditions to lose to a ranger are : A ) You play a bot class like necro where you switch off your brain and F1 to glory so...people get used to never dodge and suchB ) You are a new player
  21. 1) They changed siege damage so that people focus on fights and not sitting in their towers surrounded by AC and ballista , siege is there to buy you enough time for help to come or just organize yourself....and if you lose the tower or whatever....just go and recap it! 2) WvW offers the biggest customability in the game, plenty of opportunity for you to change the way you play and plenty of guides to help you understand the game. Glaring problems are few in between , far less than what people would make you to believeThis would be a good starting point: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/l9y617/pvp_matchups_how_to_fight_all_9_classes_in_gw2/ 3) There is no fixing population , people will always lemming from one server to another looking to zerg their way to victory but guess what?....A small population server can still fight and win some fights because yeah....WvW has always been about simulation of war so like IRL , population imbalance is to be expected...deal with it! 4) If you want the so called "balance"...go PvP and see how fun it is, people ask for balance but still play into a PvE setting...go PvP then to see how fun it is now as they removed 3/4 of usable amulets, nerfed to the ground many professions and all you see it 2-3 professions spammed to death in each match The situation above is what happens when people keep asking for "balance" in a MMO without understanding what balance in a MMO means Everything else like Alliances or whatever, won't change the current scenario much more than that. Many people like me keep logging in GW2 just because WvW is still somehow fun to play, I gave up on PvP years ago and PvE...it's just a bland set up for me to complete once and access new reward tracks, mounts and mats. The moment WvW turns into another failure like PvP ought to be...it will be the moment I say goodbye to this game for good and before long, the "issues" you think exist will become far worst than now
  22. People asking for "balance"..should play PvP and see how fun it's the game once you start removing options....
  23. And with it the value of ranks and titles
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