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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. So a war Rampages you...then Bull's rush you...then shield bash you...then Disrupting stab you...then Full Counter you....and you don't get stunlocked by using "fragments of faith" and meanwhile you avoid "arcing slice"..sure my man ...whatever you say Now you tell me that you pushback the warrior with your longbow..ok I am done P.SPeople get "stunlocked" by a druid...but fully avoid a spellbreaker full counter wambo combo??????? ------___-------- ....honestly I wish I'd never started to play this game in the first place I mean, some people are good enough to play with a single stun break, some aren't. I guess since you're unable to imagine how anyone could avoid telegraphed warrior skills, there's not gonna be a lot we can say. it's an old game, and warrior is a basic class. I mean, the stability and 5 counts of aegis from that trap might even help you avoid multiple skills or something...The same people who complain about infuse light or get CCed by a condi rev or worst..get "CCed" by a druid or Tempest Shocking aura ( this takes the cherry on the cake )...those same people are saying they survive a quickness rampage CC spamming machine while using a nonsensical build.... On of the contrary of what all Gods of PvP on the forum say....warrior is the class that got nerfed and not rev or druid or tempest of scrapper hammer or any other thing mentioned on this forum except the real broken stuff
  2. Certainly! I'd rather die 1000+ times to a revenant than a single time to condi mirage or thief or warrior The first two are carried by abusive, intrusive, unfun, unskilled gameplay option....the latter is carried(was and hopefully stays that way) by broken and uninteractive passive sustain that requires no investment of risky action from the player, leaving him free to stay on the offense with little repercussion, like "flying" a plane with auto-pilot more or less.. You dodge chaotic release and negate infuse light, your average rev will be put on the back foot already...warrior pre-patch? Pff you dodge their CC so?...ready again in 8s or so...take dmg so?..HS and passive might generation health back to full no problem ez ...skilled gameplay? XDDDDD.
  3. So a war Rampages you...then Bull's rush you...then shield bash you...then Disrupting stab you...then Full Counter you....and you don't get stunlocked by using "fragments of faith" and meanwhile you avoid "arcing slice"..sure my man ...whatever you say Now you tell me that you pushback the warrior with your longbow..ok I am done P.SPeople get "stunlocked" by a druid...but fully avoid a spellbreaker full counter wambo combo??????? ------___-------- ....honestly I wish I'd never started to play this game in the first place
  4. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_CarapaceThese are facts..again take your own advice and stop quoting me, wouldn't it be better to write a dozen or so buff threads in the mesmer sub-forum? It's your only main after all...the rest is just wiki knowledge what facts, you are wrong. wiki proves you wrong. admit mistake and move on.So I guess eng not your main language ok
  5. I call that absolute BS the only stunbreak at 48s CD a dragonhunter has access to is https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fragments_of_Faith are you for real?? Catching a liar has never been easier....next time make sure I don't play the class you try to lie about
  6. That would be easier to fix....we can start from stopping stealth acting like a de-facto stunbreak for example , increasing by 4x the CD of teleport skills like phase retreat etc etc etc...when all professions are on the same playing field...we'll see "who" doesn't get stunlocked 100% to 0% by a single player Basically nerf first all busted class designs..then we talk about the problems of stunlock...it's easy to say "never been stunlocked" when your class design is busted
  7. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_CarapaceThese are facts..again take your own advice and stop quoting me, wouldn't it be better to write a dozen or so buff threads in the mesmer sub-forum? It's your only main after all...the rest is just wiki knowledge
  8. We need ways to filter all the garbo spouted on the forum
  9. Well they did nerf thief dmg pretty hard so now their way is to wait to outnumber em and smack em repeteadly ? thief ate same nerfs as everyone else, about 30% They never nerfed thief mobility and stealth re-application frequency...that's why thief has always been meta, they never touched what makes thief strong to play on the contrary of other profession, which at one point or another have seen their strong points severely affected by nerfs All the dmg nerfs talk are absolute BS talk because all dmg nerfs come with sustain nerfs to other professions, the number changes but thief is always in the same spot more or less I was not talking to you, I dont want to talk to you. Talking to you is not productive, please dont respond to my posts, thank you.I don't give in BS talk from people expecting to play Judge-jury and executioner with the only class they play ..that's all. I state facts and not once I cared if people like me or not on this forum , you should take your own advice and stop quoting my posts in other threads
  10. Well they did nerf thief dmg pretty hard so now their way is to wait to outnumber em and smack em repeteadly ? thief ate same nerfs as everyone else, about 30%They never nerfed thief mobility and stealth re-application frequency...that's why thief has always been meta, they never touched what makes thief strong to play on the contrary of other profession, which at one point or another have seen their strong points severely affected by nerfs All the dmg nerfs talk are absolute BS talk because all dmg nerfs come with sustain nerfs to other professions, the number changes but thief is always in the same spot more or less
  11. you can dodge cc, you know that right ? Dodging a typical dagger SB : -dodge dagger main hand daze-dodge shield bash-dodge bull's rush-dodge rampage-dodge Full counter Do you think all professions have phase retreat or blink or stealth or similar...or even ranged pressure at all? Not all professions have the luxury of pewpew a warrior from 1200+ range comfortably dodging the stuns, not all professions have stability on demand ( not anymore at least) , strength wars basically have perma vigor and pre-patch Might passive spamming was delivering upward of 7k healing to wars passively every 20s on average on top of the healing given by HS After managing miraculously all CC skill you then need to dodge also arcing slice and the burst plus CC are relatively speaking on a low CD, all the while the wars was being carried by immense passive sustain that required no healing power investment, not only was war able to stunlock you but also your dmg was almost completely bypassed by their passive sustain. Saying all this...not like I expect people to admit it anyway.. its exactly the same as dodging other classes.doding holo.have to dodge shield stun, barrage, every explosive entrance, every nade, leap or corona.you dont get stunned, but you lose half hp.Maybe if CC lock would not exist in this game , people would not be so much against dmg on CC skills...if this was GW1 with decreased return on CC where you cannot CC the same target twice during the same CC phase, that would make the landing of CC actually skillful and not the keyboard faceroll that it's now where you just need to rotate all your CC on the target till he runs out of dodges and used couple of stunbreaks
  12. you can dodge cc, you know that right ? Dodging a typical dagger SB : -dodge dagger main hand daze-dodge shield bash-dodge bull's rush-dodge rampage-dodge Full counter Do you think all professions have phase retreat or blink or stealth or similar...or even ranged pressure at all? Not all professions have the luxury of pewpew a warrior from 1200+ range comfortably dodging the stuns, not all professions have stability on demand ( not anymore at least) , strength wars basically have perma vigor and pre-patch Might passive spamming was delivering upward of 7k healing to wars passively every 20s on average on top of the healing given by HS After managing miraculously all CC skill you then need to dodge also arcing slice and the burst plus CC are relatively speaking on a low CD, all the while the wars was being carried by immense passive sustain that required no healing power investment, not only was war able to stunlock you but also your dmg was almost completely bypassed by their passive sustain. Saying all this...not like I expect people to admit it anyway..
  13. The definitive nerf/changes list is here : 1) Reform Hotjoin to a proper gamemode2) New players will need to reach rank 100 in new mode before being able to join ranked pvp3) match making takes in consideration number of played games to sort players into proper matches4) 5 hrs PvP ban for afkers on first offense , scale to 10 hrs on second offense and 1 day on each offense there after5) Add class info to Forum profile indicating professions played and for how long6) Add PvP card to Forum profile showing max rank achieved and win rate
  14. The point was the overall balance of the game and if you want to consider only the PvP..go on and do that, in the end the original point remains : right now we have a relatively mobile high HP fortress dealing crit levels of dmg comparable to pre-patch Arcing slice. Dropping spite in favor of Death merely reduce the dmg overall by 2-3k in worst case scenarios, we're still talking about 3-4k crit dmg hits on targets with as much as 1800 toughness which should equal to 2900 armor.....that's hardly the sacrifice The spec was granted that level of dmg because of the supposed lack of mobility and then all of that changed with speed runes, quickness trait etc etc We have reached a point where the spec is barely weak to great ranged pressure and when played at mediocre levels, why some professions get to have so much sustain without doing anything other than move around
  15. Risk: Very slow melee class a slow-moving monster who can take a hit, if you take out the dmg and sustain you got a target dummy. oh yeah, reaper is so slow. Oh wait, perma swiftness with speed runes and two teleports and a dash :) Without quickness the reaper attacks would be super slow, so unless they actually make reaper shroud attack faster but without quickness, it would be simply too slow. Also, anyone can abuse those speed runes, because without it reaper is really friggin slow, and I mean really slow. It's not like guardians can't use it, and rumor has it they are very slow but they too have a ton of sustain with dmg combined. Take a look at who is being complained about most right now: holosmith and guardian, and guardian has had some broken stuff for a while now. Who is it exactly who do people complain about with condis? that's right, condition revs and burn guardians. Also, teleports? really? Nec has really limited teleport compared to other classes, and you going to go after them? Isn't it kinda unfair to say a class is mobile because a rune that everyone can use? Don't forget reaper shroud A: acts as both defense and attack, so if you drain it, they are vulnerable for 10S which unlike guardians can have access to their sustain and attack immediately. 10 seconds is an eternity in a battle of being vulnerable. It would be like complaining about Tempest overload and forgetting it has an actual cast time and you need to be within melee range to use it and makes you very vulnerable to attacks. I guess if you had it your way Reaper would do no damage and stand there and die as a target dummy right? God forbid powerful attacks are actually slow to land....why don't I get churning earth with 1/2s cast time then? Reaper was supposed to be slow for a very good reason the damage is incredibly high, higher than even a berserker while having 4x the sustain, now we have a **death carapace =600 toughness Perma swiftness dashing mobile fortress dealing upward 9k crits on medium armor targets Reaper is not flying under the radar, the playerbase has noticed it.....another can of worms only waiting to be opened but this playerbase too hung up on revs to fully pay attention to Death carapace reapers + Perma swiftness and quickness access. Eventually we'll get there just remember that Reaper is not flying under the radar at all What leonidrex said is true. And also quickness is what helps reapers slow attacks land. I heard comparisons of the reaper with warriors, but attacks are at times clunky to land. There is a reason why more noticeable folks in nec community want quickness replaced with actual speed on the attacks, because what good is an attack if you cannot land it due to how slow it is? Being too slow is too punishing for landing a blow.Some skills in this game are slow to land for a very good reason and necro is not the only class having them. The damage of these skills is so high that the slow cast animation is warranted otherwise I don't see why ,this ability to bypass the original design of skills, is not extended to other professions. Give quickness spam to an ele and let's see if the "community" like to be insta downed by a churning earth or be totalized by a couple of Dragon's tooth
  16. Risk: Very slow melee class a slow-moving monster who can take a hit, if you take out the dmg and sustain you got a target dummy. oh yeah, reaper is so slow. Oh wait, perma swiftness with speed runes and two teleports and a dash :) Without quickness the reaper attacks would be super slow, so unless they actually make reaper shroud attack faster but without quickness, it would be simply too slow. Also, anyone can abuse those speed runes, because without it reaper is really friggin slow, and I mean really slow. It's not like guardians can't use it, and rumor has it they are very slow but they too have a ton of sustain with dmg combined. Take a look at who is being complained about most right now: holosmith and guardian, and guardian has had some broken stuff for a while now. Who is it exactly who do people complain about with condis? that's right, condition revs and burn guardians. Also, teleports? really? Nec has really limited teleport compared to other classes, and you going to go after them? Isn't it kinda unfair to say a class is mobile because a rune that everyone can use? Don't forget reaper shroud A: acts as both defense and attack, so if you drain it, they are vulnerable for 10S which unlike guardians can have access to their sustain and attack immediately. 10 seconds is an eternity in a battle of being vulnerable. It would be like complaining about Tempest overload and forgetting it has an actual cast time and you need to be within melee range to use it and makes you very vulnerable to attacks. I guess if you had it your way Reaper would do no damage and stand there and die as a target dummy right? God forbid powerful attacks are actually slow to land....why don't I get churning earth with 1/2s cast time then? Reaper was supposed to be slow for a very good reason the damage is incredibly high, higher than even a berseker while having 4x the sustain, now we have a death carapace =600 toughness perma swifness dashing mobile fortress dealing upward 9k crits on medium armor targets Reaper is not flying under the radar, the playerbase has noticed it.....another can of worms only waiting to be opened but this playerbase too hung up on revs to fully pay attention to Death carapace reapers + perma swiftness and quickness access. Eventually we'll get there just remember that Reaper is not flying under the radar at all If you dont know what you are talking about then dont talk please.First of all deaths carapace doesnt give 600 toughness, but rather 300.Sec of all you wont have perma 30 stacks, more to about 20-25 making it less then half of what you are saying, and thirdly nobody good runs that line for reasons, and most importantly not a reaper. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_CarapaceAt best you're a silver mesmer main , for the last time stop embarrassing yourself by quoting my posts, you clearly know 1/4 of what you assume to know..and pls at the very least try to read the comments properly, the post says perma swiftness and nowhere it says perma death carapace...begone for the last time! what is wrong with you man? I pointed out you are wrong and instead of admitting you made a mistake you not only insult me but also go further up into lies.+10 Toughness per stack in PvPmax stacks 30. 30x10=300its as simple as that, go on. make another witty insult towards me, go ahead @Leonidrex.5469If you dont know what you are talking about then dont talk pleaseThis is a personal attack, treat people like you'd like to be treated...without using demeaning language
  17. They're not trying to optimize each profession...they merely try to please the playerbase and that gives different results than what it should really be, when you design a class/spec to have weaknesses and then you cave in and remove those weaknesses...that's not optimization that's powercreeping.
  18. @Sigmoid.7082 Let me add that I have already shown on this forum where I stand with screenshots and the likes, people like @Leonidrex.5649 should stop acting some TOP 3 God of PvP on this forum when all all he played so far are chronobunker and condi mirage for a couple of years
  19. Balance involves more than PvP in this game..read my post above I read it but still don't get the point..its the PvP section so most, if not all, things here would/should pertain to PvP. Secondly you try to discredit @Leonidrex.5649 but they are right. Their first point, it doesn't give 600 toughness rather 300, is true relevant to where you are currently posting and has been since the 4th of March. If the point is well it gives 600 in other modes then cool, stuns do damage in other modes and coefficients are higher, some things have different ICD or even values that change the trait...point being..none of them are PvP so aren't relevant to the current area being discussed. Their second point is also valid when you read your post..because you say 600 which always assumes max stacks. Their last point, nobody really runs DM anymore, is also pretty valid since its nerf the opportunity cost to take it isnt great. As a reaper you have 1 spare traitline since you have to take soul reaping because everything it provides can't really be passed up on reaper. I don't see the need for the personal attacks when the things they brought up, were quoting, and were questioning are technically correct where you're wrong.The thread is about overall balance first of all and I am talking about balance and I don't care about the necro police coming after me, I dealt with all "profession police departments" and I am still here stating the truth and that's why people come on me with personal attacks! That's a personal attack out of the blue and pure spite, I tend to ignore these individuals..but at I had to correct him (again like always) for others to see . Secondly the state of reaper is anything but balanced even in PvP and I consider necro as being far worst to face than a revenant....you can go and fight a bad revenant with a core ele...you can't even defeat a bad necro by comparison while playing a core ele : you need actually effort to overcome a badly played necro It's the idea that I need to put ""effort" to beat the bads of a particular class that shed light on the actual problem here : too much reward for the level of skill required to play a necro atm. Lastly...yes http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSA4BYB0AA reapers do run death magic...so far necro mains stated they don't run : blood magic..or death magic...unbelievable such liars
  20. Balance involves more than PvP in this game..read my post above
  21. Risk: Very slow melee class a slow-moving monster who can take a hit, if you take out the dmg and sustain you got a target dummy. oh yeah, reaper is so slow. Oh wait, perma swiftness with speed runes and two teleports and a dash :) Without quickness the reaper attacks would be super slow, so unless they actually make reaper shroud attack faster but without quickness, it would be simply too slow. Also, anyone can abuse those speed runes, because without it reaper is really friggin slow, and I mean really slow. It's not like guardians can't use it, and rumor has it they are very slow but they too have a ton of sustain with dmg combined. Take a look at who is being complained about most right now: holosmith and guardian, and guardian has had some broken stuff for a while now. Who is it exactly who do people complain about with condis? that's right, condition revs and burn guardians. Also, teleports? really? Nec has really limited teleport compared to other classes, and you going to go after them? Isn't it kinda unfair to say a class is mobile because a rune that everyone can use? Don't forget reaper shroud A: acts as both defense and attack, so if you drain it, they are vulnerable for 10S which unlike guardians can have access to their sustain and attack immediately. 10 seconds is an eternity in a battle of being vulnerable. It would be like complaining about Tempest overload and forgetting it has an actual cast time and you need to be within melee range to use it and makes you very vulnerable to attacks. I guess if you had it your way Reaper would do no damage and stand there and die as a target dummy right? God forbid powerful attacks are actually slow to land....why don't I get churning earth with 1/2s cast time then? Reaper was supposed to be slow for a very good reason the damage is incredibly high, higher than even a berseker while having 4x the sustain, now we have a death carapace =600 toughness perma swifness dashing mobile fortress dealing upward 9k crits on medium armor targets Reaper is not flying under the radar, the playerbase has noticed it.....another can of worms only waiting to be opened but this playerbase too hung up on revs to fully pay attention to Death carapace reapers + perma swiftness and quickness access. Eventually we'll get there just remember that Reaper is not flying under the radar at all If you dont know what you are talking about then dont talk please.First of all deaths carapace doesnt give 600 toughness, but rather 300.Sec of all you wont have perma 30 stacks, more to about 20-25 making it less then half of what you are saying, and thirdly nobody good runs that line for reasons, and most importantly not a reaper.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_CarapaceAt best you're a silver mesmer main , for the last time stop embarrassing yourself by quoting my posts, you clearly know 1/4 of what you assume to know..and pls at the very least try to read the comments properly, the post says perma swiftness and nowhere it says perma death carapace...begone for the last time!
  22. Risk: Very slow melee class a slow-moving monster who can take a hit, if you take out the dmg and sustain you got a target dummy. oh yeah, reaper is so slow. Oh wait, perma swiftness with speed runes and two teleports and a dash :) Without quickness the reaper attacks would be super slow, so unless they actually make reaper shroud attack faster but without quickness, it would be simply too slow. Also, anyone can abuse those speed runes, because without it reaper is really friggin slow, and I mean really slow. It's not like guardians can't use it, and rumor has it they are very slow but they too have a ton of sustain with dmg combined. Take a look at who is being complained about most right now: holosmith and guardian, and guardian has had some broken stuff for a while now. Who is it exactly who do people complain about with condis? that's right, condition revs and burn guardians. Also, teleports? really? Nec has really limited teleport compared to other classes, and you going to go after them? Isn't it kinda unfair to say a class is mobile because a rune that everyone can use? Don't forget reaper shroud A: acts as both defense and attack, so if you drain it, they are vulnerable for 10S which unlike guardians can have access to their sustain and attack immediately. 10 seconds is an eternity in a battle of being vulnerable. It would be like complaining about Tempest overload and forgetting it has an actual cast time and you need to be within melee range to use it and makes you very vulnerable to attacks. I guess if you had it your way Reaper would do no damage and stand there and die as a target dummy right?God forbid powerful attacks are actually slow to land....why don't I get churning earth with 1/2s cast time then? Reaper was supposed to be slow for a very good reason the damage is incredibly high, higher than even a berseker while having 4x the sustain, now we have a death carapace =600 toughness perma swifness dashing mobile fortress dealing upward 9k crits on medium armor targets Reaper is not flying under the radar, the playerbase has noticed it.....another can of worms only waiting to be opened but this playerbase too hung up on revs to fully pay attention to Death carapace reapers + perma swiftness and quickness access. Eventually we'll get there just remember that Reaper is not flying under the radar at all
  23. I hope you realize that people use condition builds because the direct damage got lowered quite handily and now some specs happen to be literally impervious to direct dmg unless heavily outnumbered so.....any nerf to condition dmg must bring nerf to the sustain of some specs : prot holo- necro in general(death carapace), revenant I'd say also...yeah I may forget something but you get the idea, any nerf to condi build will require some "butchering" of your builds too because otherwise we'd really sink into the worst bunker meta to date
  24. Warrior being weak to condis it's an inherent designed weakness one the devs ( @Jonathan Sharp) explained this in 2012 around November , you can't go around removing weaknesses from professions, at best you should aim to balance those specs that exploit too much those weaknesses : necros, condi mirage and condi P/P thief basically anything dealing ranged condi damage hard counters wars too much and those are the specs you want to deal with. Everything else (including condi rev) are fair play for warrior , those specs are at melee range and thus give enough counterplay options to warrior which has the mobility/CC/Block/evasion to do something about the incoming condi dmg
  25. Core ele d/d cannot go toe to toe with anything given its range, current levels of damage and sustain...you cannot survive
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