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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. You took personal time to go through my post history and go as far as make insinuations about real life....you're the one showing adverse attachment in a virtual environment, you may want to look at the mirror next time pal....
  2. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right?
  3. You had the "pleasure" to oppress the playerbase for years before finally being addressedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyHSqY5F_2U You made "life" unbearable for hundreds of players in WvW for years ....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwvN4GF1KPs so your one true argument is that it's okay for thief to be bad now because they used to be playable before?Your argument is that if it's not OP...must be unplayable
  4. You can have resistance for days on warrior while playing spellbreaker! At the same time you can pack enough punch to rip a hole through everything if you know what to dodge ofc and not just randomly use that rush. -Full counter gives back 3 condis every 12s CD plus an evade and 100% "block"-Berseker stance-Feather grace-Shake it off And you still have "Signet of stamina" and "Mending"/ "Natural Healing" or go crazy with "Defiant Stance", if everything fail ( dunno how ) you can learn to CC/lock necros and & with hammer-mace/shield....what more do you want? And...better stability?..Are you kidding me? Warrior is the only class with pulsing stability as utility Balanced Stance, then you have "Dolyak signet", "Stomp" and then you have the best transform in the game : "rampage" and you want more?....maybe you want to play ele and have a single utility to have stability..... And yes..I do play warrior among other things; don't just try to facetank everything simply because you play a warrior....dodge sometimes You're right. I can have resisstance for days, and Full Counter returns 3 Condis and so on, and so on. I can play less careless, and use Rush and Dodge better. You're right about that too. In fact, your right about everything you point out. You just forgot one small thing... No where in my post do I say, that I want "this" or "that", or want one build to rule them all. All I wrote was thoughts and ideas. That's it. I even started with letting everyone know, I actually feel Warrior is pretty nice as it is. So because you somehow failed to get that from my post, your reply falls short. Sorry. You did complain about condis and I have listed the options available to deal with them No I did not. I Pointed out that Warrior can't handle teamfights because Resistance and Stability is being stripped from them long before Warrior has an impact on the fight, and because of that, they melt, and should stay away as the 1vs1 class Warrior is.NOTE This is a general opinion and not directly aimed at you Don't jump head first shield in hand in the teamfights.... The class got all the tools to survive any teamfight ....as long as you are willingly to adapt which all of you are not because metabattle and some streamer says you must run strength-discipline-spellbreaker / zerker / bull's rush and shake it off in all situations ..whether you are provided with support or not, always use same build then rush into any battle, proceed to lose then go the forum and complain on how UP the class is. Warrior got the tools to survive heavy condi/dmg/cc ( depending on situation ) teams when there is nobody to provide you with cleansing and support..but most of you refuse to use the tools given and instead use the term "meme" for any build that doesn't come up on metabattle or been showcased by some l33t streamer. Few key points here : 1) Calling meme anything that doesn't land on your laps from metabattle...doesn't make you "cool" or "l33t", it only shows how much of a copy/paste parrot you are and can't effectively say to know how to use the class at all2) The class can duel , offer limited support and adapt seemingly to any situation through sheer ingenuity and mobility3) What metabattle and some streamer say may not necessarily apply to you where a different gameplay option will yield far better results
  5. That overall..."arrogance" of thief players for having that mentality where : " I only die if I want to die and I kill you when I want"...makes my blood boil , do you think that people buy the game to be your personal toy in a virtual playground ? Nobody in his right mind would play a game only to be in fear of a seemingly invincible enemy that can pop out of nowhere doing life threatening damage before slipping back into invisible mode Let's start from removing stealth from GW2, that should bring back the idea of "high risk" for some burst builds in this game
  6. "Most complicate and hard to learn" class....give me a break!At times around 2014 they were 2-3 thieves per team and in WvW you had thief ganking squads behind every corner.... Frustrating to fight...oppressive, I am very glad all of this is gone
  7. You had the "pleasure" to oppress the playerbase for years before finally being addressedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyHSqY5F_2U You made "life" unbearable for hundreds of players in WvW for years ....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwvN4GF1KPs
  8. Complicated class...... "High risk"......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLFE4JKDEF8 Don't want to link more video proof......
  9. The ceiling for every class is slowly lowered. The creativity is evaporating and people are cheering it on. Soon we will fight with pillows...can't wait, I hope you guys like my ghost stories, we will all sit around the fire after our pillow fight
  10. Good thing that I multiclass...always some main to play at viable/competitive levels in PvP/WvW
  11. Does it matter? People will start asking for new nerfs once the preview get released...they won't even wait for the patch to actually it and even if all classes get nerfed to the ground...the next day you'd find somebody asking for more nerfs...it's absurd but that a pvp forum in every MMO community, they just ask for nerfs...maybe out there you can find people that buy a copy of the game ...they won't even unwrap it before going to the forum and ask for nerfs im just asking what's been confirmed to be on the chopping block.Everything is always on the chopping block because this "studio" had the amazing idea of basing their balance decisions on forum gibberish, now to nerfs...follow revenge nerf requests which are then followed by counter revenge nerf requests which are then....you get the point. Everything is always on the chopping block because this company tends to delete specs rather than fix them and keep them viable, they remove options and choices ....the FOTMers just migrate from one OP spec to another as the nerfs hit Although now for "OP" I'd say more "viable" to play rather than broken overperforming..ofc that's left to personal judgement
  12. Does it matter? People will start asking for new nerfs once the preview get released...they won't even wait for the patch to actually it and even if all classes get nerfed to the ground...the next day you'd find somebody asking for more nerfs...it's absurd but that a pvp forum in every MMO community, they just ask for nerfs...maybe out there you can find people that buy a copy of the game ...they won't even unwrap it before going to the forum and ask for nerfs
  13. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Just because you have stated it doesnt mean its right. It was wrong the first time. Its still wrong. And sure, thieves can repeat the sequence. If they dont give it their all each time and intentionally sandbag. Though, the "till the succeed" part is a bit misleading. They dont succeed. They just repeat until they get bored of failing so many times in a row and just peace out. Or they die. One of the two. Actually, that has nothing to do with sustain. At all. Thats not what low sustain means. Low sustain means you cant stay in a fight long. It says nothing about your ability to run away. I could make a low sustain Ranger but I could still Swoop out of any fight. Also, if your grievance is the thief doing something actively bad, like trying to stealth up in combat, then thats on you. If they do that, punish them and kill them. Its quite easy. Stealth already is used only out of combat. Its not a "free reset option", its a "free damage for the opponent" option. Terrible idea. It just makes stealth even more problematic and does nothing to affect how thief works. If anything, in-combat stealth should be buffed up. Make it thieves unique way of sustaining in-combat, rather than a noobtrap that you should never use. 1) How the hell do you you stop thief from going stealth ? Who says you stop him? You just get all that free damage in that his attempt to stealthing gives you, then track him through stealth with cleave and kill him. Its trivial. Thats why thieves generally dont use in-combat stealth. Except in all MOBAs, multiple MMOs (even ESO), etc. etc.. Because that isnt the problem. In-combat stealth inherently has a major weakness. It means your opponent can hit you, but you cannot hit your opponent until you leave stealth. Out of combat stealth is the problem. 1)How many professions do you know that can keep up with infiltrator/shadow return? Hide in the shadows? and similar things?Once the thief goes "puff", there is no much you can do...not everybody got a reveal handy and even if used, the thief would simply shortbow 5 out of reveal debuff and you've wasted an utility slot for nothing You mean, Shadow Step? Its a 50 second cooldown skill. They cant exactly keep using it. Infiltrators Strike? Push the thief towards their port spot, and theyre screwed. Hide in Shadows? Its a 1 second channel. Just stun them if they use that bad healing skill (Note: This is why noone uses that bad healing skill). And as for the next part, first, you do most of what you can do before they enter stealth. But even then, you dont need a reveal at all. I mean hell, Im playing Engineer using the Tools traitline, and I simply dont use Lock On. Why? Its redundant. If the thief enters stealth, I just launch AoEs at their approximate position (after knocking off 50+% of their health with grenade barrage when they tried to enter stealth mid-combat), and they just die. There is a reason why thieves if they want to run never go for stealth and always just switch to shortbow 5. And that is how it works. In fact, the current problem is that it has too many weaknesses, so you see high-level thieves basically not using in-combat stealth at all. It leaves you extremely vulnerable, but has minimal benefits. You're playing a perfect combat scenario that works against thieves...what if I use the same scenario but in favor of thieves? That would invalidate every buff/nerf claim thieves have created up to this point "Perfect combat scenario"? Hah, no. Its the average combat scenario. The only way thief can stealth up "in-combat" without being punished is if theyre at range against an immobile melee class that has no pull of any kind. And at that point theyre not exactly "in-combat" anymore, are they? As I said, there is a reason thieves dont use stealth in combat. Its bad. How many melee specs have pull outside guardian GS and engi ? Well Reaper. But hence why I said "immobile". How many melee specs have neither mobility, nor a pull? I cant think of any.In a perfect combat scenario, the thief would try to stealth just next to you...so you just cleave him out, your average combat scenario only happens at low levels
  14. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Just because you have stated it doesnt mean its right. It was wrong the first time. Its still wrong. And sure, thieves can repeat the sequence. If they dont give it their all each time and intentionally sandbag. Though, the "till the succeed" part is a bit misleading. They dont succeed. They just repeat until they get bored of failing so many times in a row and just peace out. Or they die. One of the two. Actually, that has nothing to do with sustain. At all. Thats not what low sustain means. Low sustain means you cant stay in a fight long. It says nothing about your ability to run away. I could make a low sustain Ranger but I could still Swoop out of any fight. Also, if your grievance is the thief doing something actively bad, like trying to stealth up in combat, then thats on you. If they do that, punish them and kill them. Its quite easy. Stealth already is used only out of combat. Its not a "free reset option", its a "free damage for the opponent" option. Terrible idea. It just makes stealth even more problematic and does nothing to affect how thief works. If anything, in-combat stealth should be buffed up. Make it thieves unique way of sustaining in-combat, rather than a noobtrap that you should never use. 1) How the hell do you you stop thief from going stealth ? Who says you stop him? You just get all that free damage in that his attempt to stealthing gives you, then track him through stealth with cleave and kill him. Its trivial. Thats why thieves generally dont use in-combat stealth. Except in all MOBAs, multiple MMOs (even ESO), etc. etc.. Because that isnt the problem. In-combat stealth inherently has a major weakness. It means your opponent can hit you, but you cannot hit your opponent until you leave stealth. Out of combat stealth is the problem. 1)How many professions do you know that can keep up with infiltrator/shadow return? Hide in the shadows? and similar things?Once the thief goes "puff", there is no much you can do...not everybody got a reveal handy and even if used, the thief would simply shortbow 5 out of reveal debuff and you've wasted an utility slot for nothing You mean, Shadow Step? Its a 50 second cooldown skill. They cant exactly keep using it. Infiltrators Strike? Push the thief towards their port spot, and theyre screwed. Hide in Shadows? Its a 1 second channel. Just stun them if they use that bad healing skill (Note: This is why noone uses that bad healing skill). And as for the next part, first, you do most of what you can do before they enter stealth. But even then, you dont need a reveal at all. I mean hell, Im playing Engineer using the Tools traitline, and I simply dont use Lock On. Why? Its redundant. If the thief enters stealth, I just launch AoEs at their approximate position (after knocking off 50+% of their health with grenade barrage when they tried to enter stealth mid-combat), and they just die. There is a reason why thieves if they want to run never go for stealth and always just switch to shortbow 5. And that is how it works. In fact, the current problem is that it has too many weaknesses, so you see high-level thieves basically not using in-combat stealth at all. It leaves you extremely vulnerable, but has minimal benefits. You're playing a perfect combat scenario that works against thieves...what if I use the same scenario but in favor of thieves? That would invalidate every buff/nerf claim thieves have created up to this point "Perfect combat scenario"? Hah, no. Its the average combat scenario. The only way thief can stealth up "in-combat" without being punished is if theyre at range against an immobile melee class that has no pull of any kind. And at that point theyre not exactly "in-combat" anymore, are they? As I said, there is a reason thieves dont use stealth in combat. Its bad. @UNOwen.7132 said: 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Just because you have stated it doesnt mean its right. It was wrong the first time. Its still wrong. And sure, thieves can repeat the sequence. If they dont give it their all each time and intentionally sandbag. Though, the "till the succeed" part is a bit misleading. They dont succeed. They just repeat until they get bored of failing so many times in a row and just peace out. Or they die. One of the two. Actually, that has nothing to do with sustain. At all. Thats not what low sustain means. Low sustain means you cant stay in a fight long. It says nothing about your ability to run away. I could make a low sustain Ranger but I could still Swoop out of any fight. Also, if your grievance is the thief doing something actively bad, like trying to stealth up in combat, then thats on you. If they do that, punish them and kill them. Its quite easy. Stealth already is used only out of combat. Its not a "free reset option", its a "free damage for the opponent" option. Terrible idea. It just makes stealth even more problematic and does nothing to affect how thief works. If anything, in-combat stealth should be buffed up. Make it thieves unique way of sustaining in-combat, rather than a noobtrap that you should never use. 1) How the hell do you you stop thief from going stealth ? Who says you stop him? You just get all that free damage in that his attempt to stealthing gives you, then track him through stealth with cleave and kill him. Its trivial. Thats why thieves generally dont use in-combat stealth. Except in all MOBAs, multiple MMOs (even ESO), etc. etc.. Because that isnt the problem. In-combat stealth inherently has a major weakness. It means your opponent can hit you, but you cannot hit your opponent until you leave stealth. Out of combat stealth is the problem. 1)How many professions do you know that can keep up with infiltrator/shadow return? Hide in the shadows? and similar things?Once the thief goes "puff", there is no much you can do...not everybody got a reveal handy and even if used, the thief would simply shortbow 5 out of reveal debuff and you've wasted an utility slot for nothing You mean, Shadow Step? Its a 50 second cooldown skill. They cant exactly keep using it. Infiltrators Strike? Push the thief towards their port spot, and theyre screwed. Hide in Shadows? Its a 1 second channel. Just stun them if they use that bad healing skill (Note: This is why noone uses that bad healing skill). And as for the next part, first, you do most of what you can do before they enter stealth. But even then, you dont need a reveal at all. I mean hell, Im playing Engineer using the Tools traitline, and I simply dont use Lock On. Why? Its redundant. If the thief enters stealth, I just launch AoEs at their approximate position (after knocking off 50+% of their health with grenade barrage when they tried to enter stealth mid-combat), and they just die. There is a reason why thieves if they want to run never go for stealth and always just switch to shortbow 5. And that is how it works. In fact, the current problem is that it has too many weaknesses, so you see high-level thieves basically not using in-combat stealth at all. It leaves you extremely vulnerable, but has minimal benefits. You're playing a perfect combat scenario that works against thieves...what if I use the same scenario but in favor of thieves? That would invalidate every buff/nerf claim thieves have created up to this point "Perfect combat scenario"? Hah, no. Its the average combat scenario. The only way thief can stealth up "in-combat" without being punished is if theyre at range against an immobile melee class that has no pull of any kind. And at that point theyre not exactly "in-combat" anymore, are they? As I said, there is a reason thieves dont use stealth in combat. Its bad. This true on most builds except dp which can blind with black powder then HS to stealth and reposition and chose to disengage or re engage depending on the situation and of course opponent skill level as a blind can be cleared quickly thru cleave as well the thief can also take damage from said cleave. I've gotten more than a few comments in chat when downing a stealth'd thief on my warrior calling me a hacker as if thieves arnt aware invisibility in no way means invulnerability lol.Most thief builds dont use in combat stealth but dp does, just unfortunate it hits like $hit right now. @Psycoprophet.8107 said: 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Just because you have stated it doesnt mean its right. It was wrong the first time. Its still wrong. And sure, thieves can repeat the sequence. If they dont give it their all each time and intentionally sandbag. Though, the "till the succeed" part is a bit misleading. They dont succeed. They just repeat until they get bored of failing so many times in a row and just peace out. Or they die. One of the two. Actually, that has nothing to do with sustain. At all. Thats not what low sustain means. Low sustain means you cant stay in a fight long. It says nothing about your ability to run away. I could make a low sustain Ranger but I could still Swoop out of any fight. Also, if your grievance is the thief doing something actively bad, like trying to stealth up in combat, then thats on you. If they do that, punish them and kill them. Its quite easy. Stealth already is used only out of combat. Its not a "free reset option", its a "free damage for the opponent" option. Terrible idea. It just makes stealth even more problematic and does nothing to affect how thief works. If anything, in-combat stealth should be buffed up. Make it thieves unique way of sustaining in-combat, rather than a noobtrap that you should never use. 1) How the hell do you you stop thief from going stealth ? Who says you stop him? You just get all that free damage in that his attempt to stealthing gives you, then track him through stealth with cleave and kill him. Its trivial. Thats why thieves generally dont use in-combat stealth. Except in all MOBAs, multiple MMOs (even ESO), etc. etc.. Because that isnt the problem. In-combat stealth inherently has a major weakness. It means your opponent can hit you, but you cannot hit your opponent until you leave stealth. Out of combat stealth is the problem. 1)How many professions do you know that can keep up with infiltrator/shadow return? Hide in the shadows? and similar things?Once the thief goes "puff", there is no much you can do...not everybody got a reveal handy and even if used, the thief would simply shortbow 5 out of reveal debuff and you've wasted an utility slot for nothing You mean, Shadow Step? Its a 50 second cooldown skill. They cant exactly keep using it. Infiltrators Strike? Push the thief towards their port spot, and theyre screwed. Hide in Shadows? Its a 1 second channel. Just stun them if they use that bad healing skill (Note: This is why noone uses that bad healing skill). And as for the next part, first, you do most of what you can do before they enter stealth. But even then, you dont need a reveal at all. I mean hell, Im playing Engineer using the Tools traitline, and I simply dont use Lock On. Why? Its redundant. If the thief enters stealth, I just launch AoEs at their approximate position (after knocking off 50+% of their health with grenade barrage when they tried to enter stealth mid-combat), and they just die. There is a reason why thieves if they want to run never go for stealth and always just switch to shortbow 5. And that is how it works. In fact, the current problem is that it has too many weaknesses, so you see high-level thieves basically not using in-combat stealth at all. It leaves you extremely vulnerable, but has minimal benefits. You're playing a perfect combat scenario that works against thieves...what if I use the same scenario but in favor of thieves? That would invalidate every buff/nerf claim thieves have created up to this point "Perfect combat scenario"? Hah, no. Its the average combat scenario. The only way thief can stealth up "in-combat" without being punished is if theyre at range against an immobile melee class that has no pull of any kind. And at that point theyre not exactly "in-combat" anymore, are they? As I said, there is a reason thieves dont use stealth in combat. Its bad. You're stepping in a shadow field..it's not a single blind and your cleave will miss if it starts inside the field and....you managed to down a thief with a lucky aoe where the thief allowed himself to be killed, anecdotal evidence doesn't amount to anything these days
  15. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Just because you have stated it doesnt mean its right. It was wrong the first time. Its still wrong. And sure, thieves can repeat the sequence. If they dont give it their all each time and intentionally sandbag. Though, the "till the succeed" part is a bit misleading. They dont succeed. They just repeat until they get bored of failing so many times in a row and just peace out. Or they die. One of the two. Actually, that has nothing to do with sustain. At all. Thats not what low sustain means. Low sustain means you cant stay in a fight long. It says nothing about your ability to run away. I could make a low sustain Ranger but I could still Swoop out of any fight. Also, if your grievance is the thief doing something actively bad, like trying to stealth up in combat, then thats on you. If they do that, punish them and kill them. Its quite easy. Stealth already is used only out of combat. Its not a "free reset option", its a "free damage for the opponent" option. Terrible idea. It just makes stealth even more problematic and does nothing to affect how thief works. If anything, in-combat stealth should be buffed up. Make it thieves unique way of sustaining in-combat, rather than a noobtrap that you should never use. 1) How the hell do you you stop thief from going stealth ? Who says you stop him? You just get all that free damage in that his attempt to stealthing gives you, then track him through stealth with cleave and kill him. Its trivial. Thats why thieves generally dont use in-combat stealth. Except in all MOBAs, multiple MMOs (even ESO), etc. etc.. Because that isnt the problem. In-combat stealth inherently has a major weakness. It means your opponent can hit you, but you cannot hit your opponent until you leave stealth. Out of combat stealth is the problem. 1)How many professions do you know that can keep up with infiltrator/shadow return? Hide in the shadows? and similar things?Once the thief goes "puff", there is no much you can do...not everybody got a reveal handy and even if used, the thief would simply shortbow 5 out of reveal debuff and you've wasted an utility slot for nothing You mean, Shadow Step? Its a 50 second cooldown skill. They cant exactly keep using it. Infiltrators Strike? Push the thief towards their port spot, and theyre screwed. Hide in Shadows? Its a 1 second channel. Just stun them if they use that bad healing skill (Note: This is why noone uses that bad healing skill). And as for the next part, first, you do most of what you can do before they enter stealth. But even then, you dont need a reveal at all. I mean hell, Im playing Engineer using the Tools traitline, and I simply dont use Lock On. Why? Its redundant. If the thief enters stealth, I just launch AoEs at their approximate position (after knocking off 50+% of their health with grenade barrage when they tried to enter stealth mid-combat), and they just die. There is a reason why thieves if they want to run never go for stealth and always just switch to shortbow 5. And that is how it works. In fact, the current problem is that it has too many weaknesses, so you see high-level thieves basically not using in-combat stealth at all. It leaves you extremely vulnerable, but has minimal benefits. You're playing a perfect combat scenario that works against thieves...what if I use the same scenario but in favor of thieves? That would invalidate every buff/nerf claim thieves have created up to this point "Perfect combat scenario"? Hah, no. Its the average combat scenario. The only way thief can stealth up "in-combat" without being punished is if theyre at range against an immobile melee class that has no pull of any kind. And at that point theyre not exactly "in-combat" anymore, are they? As I said, there is a reason thieves dont use stealth in combat. Its bad.How many melee specs have pull outside guardian GS and engi ?
  16. Also the same guy said : In the thread where @Poelala.2830 was trying to defend the current status of Lightning rod which has been nerfed with the last patch at the contrary of the Mortar kit...lol
  17. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Just because you have stated it doesnt mean its right. It was wrong the first time. Its still wrong. And sure, thieves can repeat the sequence. If they dont give it their all each time and intentionally sandbag. Though, the "till the succeed" part is a bit misleading. They dont succeed. They just repeat until they get bored of failing so many times in a row and just peace out. Or they die. One of the two. Actually, that has nothing to do with sustain. At all. Thats not what low sustain means. Low sustain means you cant stay in a fight long. It says nothing about your ability to run away. I could make a low sustain Ranger but I could still Swoop out of any fight. Also, if your grievance is the thief doing something actively bad, like trying to stealth up in combat, then thats on you. If they do that, punish them and kill them. Its quite easy. Stealth already is used only out of combat. Its not a "free reset option", its a "free damage for the opponent" option. Terrible idea. It just makes stealth even more problematic and does nothing to affect how thief works. If anything, in-combat stealth should be buffed up. Make it thieves unique way of sustaining in-combat, rather than a noobtrap that you should never use. 1) How the hell do you you stop thief from going stealth ? Who says you stop him? You just get all that free damage in that his attempt to stealthing gives you, then track him through stealth with cleave and kill him. Its trivial. Thats why thieves generally dont use in-combat stealth. Except in all MOBAs, multiple MMOs (even ESO), etc. etc.. Because that isnt the problem. In-combat stealth inherently has a major weakness. It means your opponent can hit you, but you cannot hit your opponent until you leave stealth. Out of combat stealth is the problem. 1)How many professions do you know that can keep up with infiltrator/shadow return? Hide in the shadows? and similar things?Once the thief goes "puff", there is no much you can do...not everybody got a reveal handy and even if used, the thief would simply shortbow 5 out of reveal debuff and you've wasted an utility slot for nothing You mean, Shadow Step? Its a 50 second cooldown skill. They cant exactly keep using it. Infiltrators Strike? Push the thief towards their port spot, and theyre screwed. Hide in Shadows? Its a 1 second channel. Just stun them if they use that bad healing skill (Note: This is why noone uses that bad healing skill). And as for the next part, first, you do most of what you can do before they enter stealth. But even then, you dont need a reveal at all. I mean hell, Im playing Engineer using the Tools traitline, and I simply dont use Lock On. Why? Its redundant. If the thief enters stealth, I just launch AoEs at their approximate position (after knocking off 50+% of their health with grenade barrage when they tried to enter stealth mid-combat), and they just die. There is a reason why thieves if they want to run never go for stealth and always just switch to shortbow 5. And that is how it works. In fact, the current problem is that it has too many weaknesses, so you see high-level thieves basically not using in-combat stealth at all. It leaves you extremely vulnerable, but has minimal benefits.You're playing a perfect combat scenario that works against thieves...what if I use the same scenario but in favor of thieves? That would invalidate every buff/nerf claim thieves have created up to this point
  18. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Just because you have stated it doesnt mean its right. It was wrong the first time. Its still wrong. And sure, thieves can repeat the sequence. If they dont give it their all each time and intentionally sandbag. Though, the "till the succeed" part is a bit misleading. They dont succeed. They just repeat until they get bored of failing so many times in a row and just peace out. Or they die. One of the two. Actually, that has nothing to do with sustain. At all. Thats not what low sustain means. Low sustain means you cant stay in a fight long. It says nothing about your ability to run away. I could make a low sustain Ranger but I could still Swoop out of any fight. Also, if your grievance is the thief doing something actively bad, like trying to stealth up in combat, then thats on you. If they do that, punish them and kill them. Its quite easy. Stealth already is used only out of combat. Its not a "free reset option", its a "free damage for the opponent" option. Terrible idea. It just makes stealth even more problematic and does nothing to affect how thief works. If anything, in-combat stealth should be buffed up. Make it thieves unique way of sustaining in-combat, rather than a noobtrap that you should never use. 1) How the hell do you you stop thief from going stealth ? Who says you stop him? You just get all that free damage in that his attempt to stealthing gives you, then track him through stealth with cleave and kill him. Its trivial. Thats why thieves generally dont use in-combat stealth. Except in all MOBAs, multiple MMOs (even ESO), etc. etc.. Because that isnt the problem. In-combat stealth inherently has a major weakness. It means your opponent can hit you, but you cannot hit your opponent until you leave stealth. Out of combat stealth is the problem. 1)How many professions do you know that can keep up with infiltrator/shadow return? Hide in the shadows? and similar things?Once the thief goes "puff", there is no much you can do...not everybody got a reveal handy and even if used, the thief would simply shortbow 5 out of reveal debuff and you've wasted an utility slot for nothing 2)Yeah that's how it should work...major weaknesses while stealthed
  19. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Just because you have stated it doesnt mean its right. It was wrong the first time. Its still wrong. And sure, thieves can repeat the sequence. If they dont give it their all each time and intentionally sandbag. Though, the "till the succeed" part is a bit misleading. They dont succeed. They just repeat until they get bored of failing so many times in a row and just peace out. Or they die. One of the two. Actually, that has nothing to do with sustain. At all. Thats not what low sustain means. Low sustain means you cant stay in a fight long. It says nothing about your ability to run away. I could make a low sustain Ranger but I could still Swoop out of any fight. Also, if your grievance is the thief doing something actively bad, like trying to stealth up in combat, then thats on you. If they do that, punish them and kill them. Its quite easy. Stealth already is used only out of combat. Its not a "free reset option", its a "free damage for the opponent" option. Terrible idea. It just makes stealth even more problematic and does nothing to affect how thief works. If anything, in-combat stealth should be buffed up. Make it thieves unique way of sustaining in-combat, rather than a noobtrap that you should never use.1) How the hell do you you stop thief from going stealth ?2)You cannot restealth in combat once revealed in other games
  20. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches. No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Burst=low sustainLow sustain =/ running away and try again in few secs thx to ini Low sustain means that you have failed and it's time to pay the price...you don't get to try again in few secs time while staying in combat, this is the major grievance with thieves : their ability to re-stealth while in combat. Stealth in general should be only to safely engage and disengage once out of combat...it should not be a free reset option for you to try and try again and make up for your failed burst at the beginning. Remove entirely the ability to re-stealth while in combat and provide thieves with the tools to safely disengage out of combat and try again or deal with the enemy once the element of surprise is void Lol wow so ur idea of thief low sustain high burs in a game like gw2 means more times than not thief would just be a free kill, u know unless aegis, blocks,invulnerability and all the slew of ways someone could easily shut down a thiefs burst. In a game like gw2 with all the defensive skills given to classes a burst class as u describe having no disengage abilities would never attempt bursts as I'd be to risky and not worth it. Ur so biased no point discussing further, u or that kill guy lolI am using common sense..the same applied to other MMOs online and completely left out in GW2 : fail -restealth -fail -restealth -fail -stack stealth and try again...I win oh I have outplayed the enemy I am super skilled.....Get real! and realize this is completely crap as a mechanic and rightfully hated across the board. A stealth sniper with no counterplay...such crap can only be found in GW2 , perma stealth stacking builds...only in GW2; no penalties, no 5 min CD, go take a look at how stealth is handled in other games .
  21. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Sure, but burst spec = High burst. Something notably absent from thief. Actually burst specs would be great for dueling. They can just burst the enemy down. But that requires them to have burst. Thief currently has worse burst than even some of the "tank" specs. Not an ideal situation, is it? Stealth has no relevance here. "Resetting and disengaging" is something both warriors and rangers excel at, and theyve got high sustain. Hell even Ele is decent at it, and they got high sustain too. So no, thief would be able to keep it. They would lose some of the mobility, but not much. Or alternatively they get the burst they need to be burst specs. Are thieves asking for that? Right now thief burst isnt "huge burst twoshot". Its frankly rather pathetic. Thieves ask either for that burst, or for sustain. Currently they have neither. So we must copy the stealth of other games .Should we copy from WoW /Ender scroll /Rift where it breaks on damage or getting dots ? or from shouts ? A burst spec needs the actual burst that's in the name, right now tanks frequently out burst thieves, that is poor balancing as a burst hit and run playstyle is set up where the burst is significant enough to severely damage the opponent if burst is successful and the run part is there because to deal that high burst it would be unbalanced to have the sustain to stay in the fight also providing sustained dps which is why high mobility evasiveness is added for a way to avoid being insta downed if ur burst fails.I do agree that ALL melee damage should reveal thief, aoe and dots being exception due to gw2 prevalent aoe condi spamming as that would make stealth useless in most matches.No...I have stated that Burst spec is a +1 not a spec with massive opening dmg and retreat potential, right now thieves can fail and repeat the sequence till they succeed and that's my idea of "super duellist" and why people really hate thief in this game Burst=low sustainLow sustain =/ running away and try again in few secs thx to ini Low sustain means that you have failed and it's time to pay the price...you don't get to try again in few secs time while staying in combat, this is the major grievance with thieves : their ability to re-stealth while in combat. Stealth in general should be only to safely engage and disengage once out of combat...it should not be a free reset option for you to try and try again and make up for your failed burst at the beginning. Remove entirely the ability to re-stealth while in combat and provide thieves with the tools to safely disengage out of combat and try again or deal with the enemy once the element of surprise is void
  22. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Burst specs are married to high mobility and evasion to carry out their role, perfect for +1 situations...not super duellist role, this is something thief players still don't understand at all.....expecting to have the highest mobility, the burst and the sustain to go toe to toe with builds specced for tanking...and come on top after some time without any chance for the opponent to ever catch up the thief in mobility. You want to duel?...You can ask for the sustain to do so...but after doing that don't expect to keep the vast majority of that mobility, stealth resetting ability and disengage in general You simply can't have huge burst twoshot and sustain in the same spec... I'll agree burst specs should rely on high mobility and evades but a burst spec should also have burst like stated in the description of burst spec. If u compare a power dp burst to almost every other class ull in fact notice that most classes including bunker specs can do 5k bursts in multiple ways matching the burst of the so called high mobility/evasive burst spec.Balanced.... gw2 community lol.Listening to the majority of these players is part of the reason this game is a clown fest. U can't balance a game dependent on annoyance rather than actual over performance no matter how hard the community tries. Blame Anet and not the community...you won't find any game out there whose community accept any implementation of stealth, it has been a griefing mechanic since the dawn of MMO Random player request on reddit.... Do you see what stealth in a MMO normally entices? You can't blame people for hating any implementation of stealth in a MMO, it will always end being a griefing mechanic True I am incorrect in blaming the community for anet listening to their balance changes based off annoyance rather than actual overperfornance as it's on anets team to be knowledgeable to determine the difference, they've been so good at it this far lol.I understand people grievances with stealth and the have all the same complaints in all mmo's that have it which is most. There's a reason why it exists though. When creating a rogue archetype which is a popular archetype in mmo's and hated they all follow the same high mobility, highly evasive low hp/armor and usually have top burst potential which also creates a lot of q's. How would u create a class that has far lower hp/armor without giving it a mechanic like stealth to help being downed quickly in every engagements? Would u give it a huge number of evades/dodges to spam, not just 2 or 3 and some evades in select skillsAccess to a blind on almost every skill, or maybe enough burst that just evading a few attacks and hitting the opponent only a few times would quickly down even tankier classes since its risky to fight?How would u do the squishy burst class making it viable to fight and not just get deleted on first sign of counter pressure?Shadow stepping worked fine for assassins in GW1 and if really they'd need stealth, they could make so that stealth becomes an engaging/disengaging mechanic...not a reset button.
  23. Firebrand has 33 skills + mantra charges ..And quickness to activate everything faster plus insta activation mantra/tome skill/symbols..did I forget something?...I'd love to see a guardian attempting to play core ele in pvp/wvw and succeed if I can..you can also right?!...After all I do play guardian too
  24. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot. Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Burst specs are married to high mobility and evasion to carry out their role, perfect for +1 situations...not super duellist role, this is something thief players still don't understand at all.....expecting to have the highest mobility, the burst and the sustain to go toe to toe with builds specced for tanking...and come on top after some time without any chance for the opponent to ever catch up the thief in mobility. You want to duel?...You can ask for the sustain to do so...but after doing that don't expect to keep the vast majority of that mobility, stealth resetting ability and disengage in general You simply can't have huge burst twoshot and sustain in the same spec... I'll agree burst specs should rely on high mobility and evades but a burst spec should also have burst like stated in the description of burst spec. If u compare a power dp burst to almost every other class ull in fact notice that most classes including bunker specs can do 5k bursts in multiple ways matching the burst of the so called high mobility/evasive burst spec.Balanced.... gw2 community lol.Listening to the majority of these players is part of the reason this game is a clown fest. U can't balance a game dependent on annoyance rather than actual over performance no matter how hard the community tries.Blame Anet and not the community...you won't find any game out there whose community accept any implementation of stealth, it has been a griefing mechanic since the dawn of MMO Random player request on reddit.... Do you see what stealth in a MMO normally entices? You can't blame people for hating any implementation of stealth in a MMO, it will always end being a griefing mechanic
  25. 'A match where I don't play too well on D/P Thief, and neither does my team, but I adapt to bad situations. Showing that you can get kills easily as a thief so long as you find the right situations.', Vallun The last paragraph of his vid description doesnt describe a class in a good state. Shows u can still get easy kills with thief as long as u find the right situation. If ur rotating and picking off opponents in +1 that are low on hp that's the right situation and a class that requires such for kills especially a burst class is far from being in a healthy spot.Burst spec = low sustainBrawler spec = mid sustainTank spec = high sustain Burst specs are married to high mobility and evasion to carry out their role, perfect for +1 situations...not super duellist role, this is something thief players still don't understand at all.....expecting to have the highest mobility, the burst and the sustain to go toe to toe with builds specced for tanking...and come on top after some time without any chance for the opponent to ever catch up the thief in mobility. You want to duel?...You can ask for the sustain to do so...but after doing that don't expect to keep the vast majority of that mobility, stealth resetting ability and disengage in general You simply can't have huge burst twoshot and sustain in the same spec...it's just pointless at this point to keep asking for that, the community will never accept that idea of super mobile insta burst brawler from stealth..it's simply absurd
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