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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. Completing the Grove takes 8 minutes. if you mean farming the grove with a new character and deleting it, remaking it, rinse and repeat. it will take more than 8 minutes each time: you factor in character creation, a cutscene or two you can't skip in the tutorial mission, tutorial itself, teleporting/walking to the grove, with all loading screens compounded it's probably closer to 15minutes more or less depending on how fast one is
  2. we don't need one but still, i'd like a better font as well. one suggestion is google noto sans. it's a great UI font created to unify the character sizes/strokes (basically the goal was to create a font that makes all characters clear and relatively uniform regardless of language or mix of languages used.. though there are other great options out there as well but this is one font i quickly though of) https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Noto+Sanshttps://www.google.com/get/noto/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noto_fonts
  3. mostly just you. it's an issue at the user's ISP/Internet Provider or the user's computer (like your firewall or security settings) see: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015860488 for more info about error 42 if other players/user share the same ISP as you they may encounter similar issues
  4. you will not be permabanned, but there is a risk that a random security sweep can and may flag your account as compromised if you use a VPN and your logins will be blocked. it's easily fixed by just contacting support via anonymous ticket (usually around 3 to 5 days before your account gets opened again) but the hassle of having to go through that may or may not be worth the risk
  5. i would love these, instead of just throwing them away (yes i know they are used for guild hall progression and other things but the guilds i am in do not need them anymore) and it's been 1000/1000 on my storage since forever
  6. How do these two work together? If the guild is in war mode and I don't want to be in war mode, it's no longer optional.I guess you being in that guild would be considered optional. Still doesn't make it any better of an idea. there has to be a way to opt out otherwise it will never be "optional". like say you'll only flag for pvp/war if you're representing a guild when it's in war mode. if you don't rep, then you're no longer flagged for pvp and cannot be attacked in the open world. still, OP should just wait for alliances whenever that would be
  7. never really treated GW2 or any mmorpg im playing as a "main" or "side mmo". i tend to get attached and invested to whatever mmorpg im currently playing so i find it really hard to play another one at the same time. other mmorpgs i played in the past (in no particular order) are: swtor, ff14, ragnarok online, archeage, and pso2 japan. for each one of them i was just playing one at any given time period unless i was trying out another mmorpg's trial/f2p (or checking out a new expansion/release/big update to an mmo i played before) just to see if i can find a new home -- which would then replace what i was currently playing if it so happens to be good. oh and having played older and newer korean mmorpgs before, i found GW2's "grind" laughable.
  8. simply "Go!" or "Go! go! go!" would also work in the context of attacking or retreating regardless of game mode.
  9. dislike on the tag size adjuster... what will stop someone to increase their tag to max size potentially blocking other map/minimap objects like waypoints/pois/etc. ? more colours is what's welcome. you can already clear a target afaik by clicking elsewhere on the screen (like clicking the floor, where there is no object or npc/enemy on or near) a dedicated keybind to cancel any casting/cast bar/channeling is a nice QoL
  10. i hate medium armour while i like all 3 medium classes. for all races it's just trench coats, baggy coats, butt capes, you name it.. the non coat, non cape skins we have number very few in comparison
  11. i've found all starter zones to be decently populated as long as you play on the peak/primetime hours of your server's region (US/EU). i suggest your friend and you to level together to 80 from level 1. there are many posts and threads here on the forums about using a level 80 boost do a search on them, you can find all the reasons why people suggest not using it on a first character. it's not "very difficult" per se in my opinion just that it's a step up in difficulty from what you were used to in core tyria. HoT is very much doable even without mounts
  12. and if underwater combat was that bad that most (as in, overwhelming majority) people hated it, there would probably be mass protests in reddit and this forum and/or elsewhere to remove it or revamp it asap. as it stands i believe the opinion is divided between people who hate it, those who are fine/"meh" with it and think it could improve, and those who like it as it is currently. i don't think any of those opinions are in the majority/most
  13. im usually against invisible walls in the open world, but for story missions/instances i think that would be the best solution. i'd rather they put invisible walls instead of a kick-you-out boundary if they wanted to limit the play area
  14. OH lol well i wouldn't know because i just read it said "edited" on the post header =)
  15. what do you mean by "Parallel Desktop"? is it the Parallels virtual machine for macOS? if so then you'll suffer really degraded performance running GW2 under a VM especially on a Mac Mini. assuming i understood your post correctly, that you're mounting an m.2 ssd via usb-c, then i suggest moving your media (music, videos, documents, non-system files) into the "external drive" or your m.2 and then free up enough space on your main disk and just bootcamp windows 10 from it to run GW2 natively -- you'll get better performance this way, maybe even better than when you were using the mac gw2 client.
  16. also came from other mmorpgs. i was able to get around the fixed weapons skills pretty quickly when i was new, my main gripe back then was i couldn't have a "hotbar 2" to put consumables and other items (non skills) on it
  17. Kills etc. Do you understand how damage against players would work in such unbalanced gamemode? Literally everything could one-shot you. This isn't fun, it's just annoying. Just try your PvP arena in Guild Hall. As a deadeye main, I could kill everyone with 2x three round burst. Its 8-10k crit per use.You want GvG, do it in WvW or make another gamemode for it.this. also i don't want arenanet implementing any of the pvp and wvw balancing (nerfs) and change my pve e-specs. just no. i dont want 1 endurance bar for mirage on pve for example. make a gamemode for it or stay in wvw. that said if it's another form of Guild vs Guild competition such as guild event leaderboards that's ok -or- fine let's say, maybe a special type of instance where it's like a guild challenge mission but it's also guild vs guild pvp as well where 2 guilds compete for the mission objective, i'll be fine with that as long as it's instanced and isolated where the PvP/WvW balancing can come into effect just for that.
  18. No you did not, I think OP mixed raid up with expansion. the OP changed/edited the title now lol :) i think Anet has been silent for all 1~4. so mostly speculation but if anything i think we'd likely get (1) Legendary Armoury the soonest but still we're all in the dark here. as for wvw alliances, new raid wings and an improved game engine -- who knows? maybe near the game's end of life or maybe when EoD comes out late this year
  19. lol ikr? personally underwater combat is fine for me. though if there'd be any revamping to do, i'd have a look at some of the underwater skills for some classes... in my opinion some classes clunky to use underwater while others are really fun to play (like for example: speargun on thief and ranger for me are alright but i just couldn't with engineer)
  20. i do believe they have someone to look at and skim through each and every forum topic (not every Anet employee ofcourse) and also on reddit (to a limited extent) so the bugs we mention or report here whether they are valid or not (and not part of the known issues list) do get seen and passed to the appropriate teams. it's also why when we have a big patch out, and many people post threads about something silly to laugh about (visually or mechanically or game breaking) because of a bug introduced by the new update, it gets hotfixed usually within 24hrs now there are also bugs that they haven't fixed since forever like the bowstrings magically disappearing bug:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29618/bow-string-issues-with-weapon-swap-and-mounts-merged/p1it's a very very trivial/minor issue but they never got around to doing anything about it. but i'd like to believe it's on their to-do list somewhere just way way down in the "non-priority" part of the list. lol
  21. for the most part, yes i love seeing a populated openworld. but i dont usually interact with people, i leave them be unless they ask for help to kill something (champ/event) the only time i sort-of hate seeing more people (but not really) is when im doing map completion on an alt and it's an annoying heart where the objectives are often contested and scarce -- luckily these aren't many so what i usually do is just do them during off-peak hours when there are usually less people online.
  22. not just that, you also have to build specifically for a dungeon run you're doing, so that means playing around with your traits/build a bit and carrying and swapping around multiple armour sets depending on what you're facing. and also i think some explorable paths are basically impossible to do solo even if you use portals or rewinder (atleast as intended/without exploits) like the laser room in CoE where you need to interact with 5 consoles at the same time this is not something a completely new player can do or even manage
  23. yeah it kind of has to move like this mini https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Mystical_Dragon for it's "flying" or floating in the sky to make some sense. so that's rigging a new skeleton and animations as the default skyscale one's probably would look silly
  24. they aren't exactly easier to make human looking because you reference humans, with every anthropomorphic design you come up with you are pulling something out of the human design be it in parts or a whole, whereas humans are already humans. that's just my take on it anyway. im all for getting more customisation for all characters since i play each race too and i prefer not looking like the next person as much as possible
  25. the thing about humans getting more faces and hairstyles is because it's easier to associate with the human race in gw2 because we and the devs are human beings. so naturally one's imagination can think of and create more designs that would work for humans than that which would work for other races in the game. you can only come up with so many ideas and designs for new faces and hairstyles for asura/charr/sylvari before you run out and each new design would end up straying farther and farther from from what you can call asura/charr/sylvari-ish and fit with lore and immersion... meanwhile for every single idea/design for other races you can come up with two or three more for humans. -- not saying it's impossible just that coming up with unique and non-redundant customisation options for other races is much harder -- whereas for humans you can just google image search something up about hairstyles and the latest trends and you'll instantly get so many new results to reference with and that's not even thinking or coming up with your own design norn have it lucky since they look like humans so it's easier for them in a way. can also argue that sylvari can adapt human face styles and body types too but that's about it. but yeah i'd love to see equal treatment for the next expansion and that every race gets something new to customise our characters with.
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