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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. rewards wise, if you're after ascended gear, i'd rather just go high tier fractals or farm+craft them manually. but for achievements, collections and mastery points (if you find you're lacking in IBS MPs) they're worth doing atleast once or a few times
  2. i think this was the first time i bought a select license just so i could get the shiba inu right away without RNG lol
  3. And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them. that's still better than scaling up the event and doing 0 dps -- it's still bad but better than "worse" and if they dont participate enough (due to being dead and afk) or not doing enough healing/dps then they still wont get credit Yeah, but i'd rather not settle on "bad". I know it's like wishing for the stars from the sky, but still...i know. i wouldn't either but can't help it if arenanet designs openworld meta content that caters to these people -- the only thing we can do is complain or voice our frustration just like the OP
  4. And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them. that's still better than scaling up the event and doing 0 dps -- it's still bad but better than "worse" and if they dont participate enough (due to being dead and afk) or not doing enough healing/dps then they still wont get credit
  5. but sure i'll play along, for something fast underwater, an eel like dragon that can dash like the beetle underwater might be something Canthan-ish. my knowledge of marine biology sucks so i have few ideas which fish or marine animal or fantasy marine animal would swim the fastest. for something not animal... a new charr+asuran tech submarine! lol
  6. it's more about the possible new mount - if they will ever make one - not being redundant. there's nothing more they can add to the list -- maybe a speed type underwater mount just like the beetle was for land based mounts, maybe we can get one underwater but that may just make the skimmer completely obsolete just like what skyscale did to springer (not in all cases but yeah)
  7. a completely new mount type? i believe it is unlikely as mounts were one of PoF's features as gliding was HoT's... EoD would probably have something new on the table for us. a new mount skin for existing mounts that we can unlock ingame via collections + with some Canthan lore background on it? yes please. a new mount or interactable (like the charr cars/tanks) that you can only use in a specific instance (forging steel) or meta (drizzlewood)? more likely than adding a new mount type. maybe a story instance thing or a new meta will likely have us riding and using something Canthan made just for that though EDIT: also this we've got all the movement types covered by the existing mounts, as said. we have:5 land based mounts (raptor,jackal,warclaw,springer,beetle)1 speed mount (beetle)1 surfing/diving mount (skimmer)2 aerial mounts (skyscale, griffon)1 jumping/vertical mount (springer) i dont see how they can add more to what's already on the list. new mount skins are more than likely though just like how we got lots of new glider skins in PoF's time.
  8. While it's true you wouldn't expect someone to go into a HoT zone to level, what they stated is correct. However, it only works if you can do enough damage to get credit for the event. I can't remember at which level you start doing enough damage for that though. not going to argue with that.. i merely said it's not a place a below-80 character would usually go to for leveling. good if you want the rewards though. but really you probably have to be level 76 or higher to even be able to get the bare minimum damage for participation not to mention many things will one shot you if not, leave you with less than 10% hp. not really what i'd call efficient especially if you can't really play the class/alt very well - better stick to core tyria until then.
  9. yes and no. yes, (in most cases) if you plan to play with randoms on fractals tier4 and cms. a lot of people will expect you to be in the meta build for your chosen class. though there will be some people who are very chill about it and as long as you pull your own weight they'll be fine with whatever you wish to play. no, if you plan to play with randoms on dungeons and tier 1 and tier 2 fractals (for tier3, it's a weird place/tier but generally no one demands you to be anything). being on a non-meta build will be fine and again, as long as you try your best and pull your own weight no one will care what build or class you play. for strikes and raids, i would suggest you find a guild willing to help you get started with these. there are a lot of learning/training guilds willing to teach people with 0 experience
  10. rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people). because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards? easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.
  11. meta when referring to strategies or character builds is an mmorpg term short for M-ost E-ffective T-actic A-vailable in the case of maps/zones and specific to gw2, map metas mean the defining series of events in the map you may have/had confused both at one point in time. so yes, "meta" in itself without context is a kind of slang/jargon specific to mmorpgs
  12. Tangled Depths and certain fractals like Twilight Oasis (which i only do if it's the daily) are among the few maps i get lost in mostly because i dont really go there often
  13. So far i can't enter PoF without listening to herald of balthazar go on about...whatever forgetable monologue it was. The fact that you can circumvent it with the teleport to friend things seems needlessly convoluted. Not to mention that you need to waste one of those things just for that. other than teleport-to-friend items, if you have the lily of elon invitation (from the PoF deluxe) you can teleport to Crystal Oasis as soon as you finish the tutorial mission and reach level 2
  14. Tarir Meta is the Auric Basin Octovine meta event where you free the golden city of Tarir from the Mordrem metas are basically the series of events found on most endgame zones/maps which give rewards and usually have lore and achievements tied to it. that said, while it's good for leveling HoT mastery points, it's not something/somewhere you usually go-to to level an alt that is below level 80 since it's a level 80 zone you'll definitely die a lot. @Fangoth.4503 might've misunderstood your post (or not and just deliberately posted that just for whatever)
  15. one possible reason: it's been hidden (moderator only view) and being cleaned up and then put back on at a later time. but i could be wrong though -- it could be bugged or mysteriously re-appearing and disappearing like what @AgentMoore.9453 says lol
  16. this one is part of a dragon response mission (icebrood saga)
  17. the nameplates affect FPS but only in very large numbers (high entity count). to test this join a popular full meta map. and join the squad of a commander running it. enter a big fight. then leave the squad and turn off all nameplates (including your own if you want) except for enemy nameplates and notice the fps difference (it's about 3~10fps depending on hardware)
  18. a setting to output only yourself + npcs/enemies would be really useful for pve openworld. but for instanced content such as fractals, strikes and raids, might need to have it forced to show squad or party. that said a setting like this would be useful for those who treat/play the game as a solo experience/single player
  19. while we're at it wish they'd add a hide/show helmet in combat/in town too (+ an always off/on option)
  20. Interesting suggestion. The dialogues in Cyberpunk work like this and I used it all the time to skip the less interesting parts of the story for me. Worked well in this regard in my opinion. yeah a fast forward button would work wonders too!
  21. that you can buy directly from the website (like on your phone) instead of requiring the game (some people can't always login to play) to buy what you need you missed the part of @Fuchslein.8639 's suggestion about accessing the gemstore outside of the game which includes buying things not just seeing what's for sale
  22. i'd honestly love something like this. like, login to guildwars2.com click that gemstore tab on the header and check what's on sale for %off. the ingame gemstore as it is right now makes use of a modified web browser anyway to display the contents so im pretty sure they can implement something similar on the regular gw2/arenanet website as well.
  23. im fine if they gave us a story-skip scroll/potion or allow one to make a new character and have the option of "no story" either should come with a good warning though that they'll be skipping one big part of the game and cannot be undone -- just to make it fool-proof for those people who might "accidentally buy/use" it
  24. having players still running on older systems isnt a reason not to upgrade the game's engine to support and utilise newer hardware. going with your cited games, WoW and FF14 when they offered dx11 rendering, still kept the dx9 as a legacy option for those who can't play with the newer client -- they supported both for quite a while, while also informing and recommending players to upgrade their systems soon. eventually after a year or so, they would drop support for the legacy client/rendering when enough statistics/data gathered from active players show that those running the old client are now a very very small minority such as what happened when FF14 dropped dx9 and 32bit support.
  25. it's not just about graphics APIs. it's also about the new CPU architecture that comes with all currently new and future (until they change it again) macs and macbooks. if arenanet wants to continue supporting macOS as a platform they need to maintain the x86_x64 (same architecture as intel/windows pc) mac client as well as an ARM64/M1 client -- the latter of which doesnt even exist yet so they have to rewrite/port the whole engine to that platform. now if arenanet doesnt have any inhouse programmers and software engineers who have experience coding for apple's new cpu architecture they would have to outsource a team to port it and then have to pay them to maintain it as well. they can't brand gw2 as having mac support but only for older macs. just doesnt look right -- it's better to drop support for the whole platform altogether it's just not feasible. so yeah it's not just the graphics api. i agree about them not upgrading the engine though -- but on the windows side. we need a 64bit directx11 client with better multithreading support (directx12 or vulkan would be nice too)
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