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Everything posted by TheAgedGnome.7520

  1. It would be awesome to have a bank tab similar to Wardrobe Storage for doing build simulations.
  2. Yes, the existence of Elemental Celerity with the Cata spec is the only new thing upon which to claim that MS 'is too strong' now. compared to 2 yrs ago. In which case, if its really a problem - which to me it is NOT since Cata lacks so much of staff Weaver's better dmg skills - then increase the cooldown on EC, don't nerf MS damage.
  3. Not sure. Last weekend there was a Tempest on the other side that was just brutally hard to kill yet was still dangerous. No idea what the build was. Otherwise, Tempest healer maybe? Hammer Cata? Maybe some can do inane hammer routine, but I have no interest in it. Staff was a decent risk/reward, knowing if you got focused you were likely toast, but you could also make some tactical impact for your group with your AoEs. Nerfs like this are going to gut that role.
  4. Agreed - its complete kitten to make one-sided nerfs w/no compensating improvement in other skills or defensiveness. It's calculator laziness. Oh btw...did you see those ranged nerfs to Ranger's Longbow in the patch? No? Me neither. Weird, huh.
  5. I can't really get into EOD too much either. Overall, it was superficially interesting and unique; but after a short while, it feels empty, and events seem infrequent, and even those are uninteresting, as most use the copypasta mobs with 'void' skins thrown on. Cantha has no unique identity For a mysterious land that has been isolated for hundreds of years, there is little in the way of unique cultural identity beyond the superficiality of faces, dress, and architecture. Language is jarringly modern slang/idioms/swears, like it was lifted from tik tok, not like that of an imaginary society on an imaginary world that has been isolated for centuries. Arborstone - glad I didn't have to pay extra for this Awful garish lighting. Crafting stations aren't even located all together. If I have to hear Kestrel Zuru's "den of iniquity" line one more time... It feels neither majestic nor utilitarian - its just feels off. Seitung - yea, its bright and colorful Why is it so clumsy to travel from one side to the other of such a small map? Why are there entire villages full of Aetherblades, when just a few ships crashed there?? Risen too? Ok...but Orr...hmm. Jade Bot - a solution in search of a problem Offensive/defensive buffs are like FPS power-ups. 10 min timer is ridiculous Losing buffs/charges on map change or logout is not fun Jade Battery placements are arbitrary and un-immersive. Zipline placements are arbitrary and un-immersive. Where is our screenshot camera mode for the Jade Bot? New Kaineng Feels like an FPS map - something I'd expect in CoD or the like, with its lack of detail, lack of interior spaces, lack of NPCs, etc. (I.e., superficial) Verticality for the sake of sniper positions. Half-expecting to find a railgun, BFG or quad-damage powerup Unnecessarily annoying to navigate; i.e., intentionally obstructive Echovald Unnecessarily annoying to navigate; i.e., not in the elegant complexity style of Tangled Depths, but instead seems merely intentionally obstructive. (Maybe this a GW1 thing, I don't know - never really played GW1.) Structures and villages placements seem entirely arbitrary, rather than as representative of some organic societal organization. Meta is kinda meh, and the 0.34159 seconds to move behind a junkpile before getting slammed is annoying. Research Notes Obviously a sink for resources; ok, fine. Research Kits: lack of a 'Salvage Stack' option reeks of corporate-mindset approach to gating progress, as it is both crass and soul-sucking (and mouse-destroying). Dragon's End Dragon's End meta is truly great (yes, I just said that!). It may need a tad more fine-tuning, but this is what open world metas should aspire to. This is what made TD, AB, DS metas so great, and DE was a great next step forward. DE meta time commitment is kinda long, though. Aurene's melodramatic voice becomes grating as the meta wears on. Story Story was pretty good. Beyond the overworked Aurene deus ex machina role, the big negative for me is the proliferation of half-assed technobabble, in true Star Trek:TNG style, to explain situations and resolve them. This has been true of many story episodes in the past; I had hoped this time would be different.
  6. The worst thing is that these Protocols are entirely unnecessary busywork for the player, and tediousness of filling/losing battery charges & buffs just adds to that busywork. The mobs could simply have been tuned to a proper difficulty and Protocols removed, instead of overtuning the mobs just to make the Protocols feel relevant.
  7. Oh no, no, I'm certainly not arguing for intentional sparsity. I acknowledged the sparsity, and am doubtful if these maps will see much play in 6-9 mo. if they remain as-is. My last sentence "OTOH, I suppose you can't tune every map to be 'the' go-to map, or then they will all be overtuned" is to simply acknowledge that if Anet tunes up the events and rewards on these maps, then yes, it will increase their popularity, but do so at the expense of some other map(s). Anet could then try to tune up the events/rewards on those latter maps, but clearly, this just becomes whack-a-mole and a vicious circle, trying to make all maps always equally desirable. In short, I was acknowledging that popularity across maps will always be imperfect. I was not at all saying the status quo was acceptable.
  8. I wonder how it will be in 6-9 months, though, once the novelty and initial waves of EoD playthru is over. Event density does seem kinda sparse to me. OTOH, I suppose you can't tune every map to be 'the' go-to map, or then they will all be overtuned.
  9. A new video by Vallun of power Virtuoso w/staff + sword in PVP:
  10. I was running dagger/foc Virtuoso with Zerker/Marauder, and just for a test, I switched to my full celestial set. I'm rather surprised at how well it works, at least in OW. I don't have number comparisons, but its certainly a lot more durable and seems to kill pretty well. Will keep playing around w/it...
  11. So, I got my Virtuoso's Dagger (exotic), and equipped it, hit Customize, and these were the stat options: Carrion Dire Ritualist's (Vit, CondiDmg, Conc, Expertise) Um...what?? Is Anet trying to hint that Virtuoso should be a condi build, when nearly all its weapon/blade/utility damage is Strike Damage? Or, is Anet just trying to make the dagger useless, other than as a new skin?
  12. In the main room, on the left wall (your left, when facing where Joon stood), there is a charge to take. Also, one bad thing I found is that it seems to be possible to add a charge when you already have a charge. Since we start off with Jade Bot being able to only hold 1 charge, the second charge overwrites the first, and you end up short a charge. I had to restart the story because of that. So be extremely careful of remembering when your Jade Bot already has a charge, to avoid this. Anet should patch that so that if you already have a charge, it should refuse a second charge attempt.
  13. In the upstairs inner bedroom, with the laser in the corner and pressure plate: I assume somehow I'm supposed to use the pressure plate to open the doors to the hallway so that the laser can shoot the jade shield on the opposite side of the second floor? Or is the laser supposed to move, because it doesn't seem to move, just rotate. EDIT: FIGURED IT OUT - Stand on the pressure plate and deploy the jade bot to stand in the open doorway as the target, positioned so the laser will hit the jade shield.
  14. Because it seemed to be going on for hours at a time, over multiple days, led me to consider it botting. Not because it was a transform I didn't know the source of. It's also that repetitiveness that makes it so kittening annoying.
  15. Remove sounds from Candy Corn Gobbler to stop players from AOE griefing with that gawdawful noise endlessly.
  16. There's a Player standing in one location, constantly transforming into other creatures, with the most annoying noise possible. And this is going on endlessly, so I think this is botting. How is this player doing this, and why is ANet not killing this noise?
  17. So...longtime player but new to Deadeye. Sometimes when trying to use a stolen skill to trigger Death's Judgement, the rifle '1' skill will just flash repeatedly but never flip over to Death's Judgement. I'm not quite sure when it will or won't flip to DJ. On the other hand, evading will reliably cause '1' skill to flip to DJ. What am I missing?
  18. Gotta say, I'm having fun with Untamed, but using Axe/Torch + SB in a Cele build. Celestial armor/trinkets w/Traveler Runes Celestial axe/torch and shortbow Traits: Wilderness Survival 3-1-2 Beastmaster 2-3-3 Untamed 3-2-3 Perilous Gift, Exploding Spores, Lightning Reflexes, Unnatural Traversal, Forest Fortification Iboga & Jacaranda Its all open-world, but that's what I care about. Shortbow Ambush should be AoE around the target, instead of switching to ground-targeting. Hammer is ok, but is 'just ok'. I see no compelling reason to use it. On F5, change the icon for Unleash Ranger to face to the right, to add more distinction between the two modes. I mentioned this in previous beta.
  19. I agree. I get the intent...but switching from targeted to ground-targeted AoE was not really a good idea. It should be an AoE around the target.
  20. Gotta say, I'm having fun with Untamed, but using Axe/Torch + SB in a Cele build. Celestial armor/trinkets w/Traveler Runes Celestial axe/torch and shortbow Traits: Wilderness Survival 3-1-2 Beastmaster 2-3-3 Untamed 3-2-3 Perilous Gift, Exploding Spores, Lightning Reflexes, Unnatural Traversal, Forest Fortification Iboga & Jacaranda Its all open-world, but that's what I care about.
  21. Another place to search would be: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWarsDyeJob/
  22. Krytan Herald channel on Youtube has a lot of good style videos. A good place to start:
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