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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. Personally I've found that just gathering nodes and magic on the living story maps quickly has me drowning in magic, even without those glyphs. If it's just about gathering magic to buy the home instance nodes, you can farm those in other people's instances until you have enough magic to get them yourself. Check map chat in DR (other cities work, too, but DR seems to have the most people just standing around) or ask nicely. There are plenty of people around willing to share their home instance with strangers.
  2. That said, a month and a half is really not far into the game. There is a lot more to it than just playing story, and if you play around on the living story season maps you'll quickly find enough currency for getting ascended jewellery there. It is not however even necessary, especially if you don't intend to play group content like fractals and raids. Exotic jewellery is close and can be crafted by a jeweller or gotten for gold on the trading post. For (most) open world and story rare or even masterwork jewellery of the matching stat set will probably serve you just as well. The thing about this game's equipment system is that the difference in stats between the different rarity tiers isn't what will make or break your gameplay. Your personal experience with your class and the combat system, ability to adjust build, weapons, utility skills to suit your needs (and do that frequently and on the go if you come upon something your character isn't well suited to tackle), the ability to react to different mechanics, knowing when to dodge or use your defensive skills ... all of that is often more important and will separate the good players from the decent ones much more than the equipment they wear. If you can't get that one amulet there are others around that will be much cheaper and easier to get, and you probably won't notice a difference in your performance if you go for the easier alternative.
  3. Since I got my own guild about a year ago, it started to put me off because (yes this is true) I didn't needed it until then.But it's hella anoying if you are 10 ppl in a guild and you can't trade them. Between guild mates. Especially if you wanna improve the vendors or the arena. Or just if you wanna craft ley line tools (which are buyable though). Atleast give craftable once a day items the abbility to be guild bound. So you can trade them between guild mates. And help eachother out.Why do you need to trade them between guild members to upgrade your guild? Every guild member can help pay for guild upgrades, there's no need to trade quarz for that. I know I crafted celestial insignias/inscriptions for several of the guilds I'm in, but it was always a community effort with several people each contributing one or two of them. There never was a need to pool the materials before using them for the upgrade.
  4. Sorry, what I mean was are they going to rename server ? join servers up or keep existing servers but remove tag eg (Fr) (DE) etc.. Servers stay the same they are now. They are simply removing the restrictions in the linking process. Where up to now a (DE) world could only be linked to another (DE) world, starting next week they can be linked to any EU world of the appropriate size.
  5. Btw, as far as I recall no poi on any map is exclusively locked behind story access. Some are just easier/more convenient to access through story.
  6. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands. I was not arguing against your other points. I specifically highlighted what is factually untrue.Sorry, but you have a very weird definition of the phrase "movement ability" then. It can go up like the springer, across gaps like the raptor, can glide like a griffon ... why is speed suddenly the defining factor of "movement ability"? To me it's all about getting somewhere, and often a very precise somewhere, and the skyscale gets me places more comfortably and precisely than all of the other mounts combined and without the hassle of having to switch mounts on the go (and possibly in hostile territory). That's a fact. The movement ability of the griffon, for example, is the dive and boosted speed, not gliding. The movement ability of Springer is the super jump. And no, Skyscale cannot go up like the Springer, nor fly like the Griffon, nor accelerate over water like the Skimmer, nor boost land speed like the Rollerbettle. The movement ability of Skyscale is hovering and that's not even close to a combination of all mounts like you claim it to be. Your claim is, plain and simple, false.If its all about speed for you that's fine. It's all about getting places for me, and I have yet to find a place (outside of jackal portals and beetle doors and possibly skimmer on longer journeys, since I simply can't use it without getting sick) I want to go that the Skyscale doesn't get me more comfortable and with less micromanagement than the other mounts. That's not false, that's the plain and simple truth.
  7. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands. I was not arguing against your other points. I specifically highlighted what is factually untrue.Sorry, but you have a very weird definition of the phrase "movement ability" then. It can go up like the springer, across gaps like the raptor, can glide like a griffon ... why is speed suddenly the defining factor of "movement ability"? To me it's all about getting somewhere, and often a very precise somewhere, and the skyscale gets me places more comfortably and precisely than all of the other mounts combined and without the hassle of having to switch mounts on the go (and possibly in hostile territory). That's a fact.
  8. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands.
  9. For me, on the other hand, the Skyscale is worth it so much more than I expected. It is like a quality of life overhaul combining the movement abilites of all of the other mounts (minus jackal sand portals and beetle walls or course) rolled into one mount. It goes up and down and across precisely where I want it to go, without having to calculate for turn or break speed, or having to switch mounts on the fly. No more getting stuck in combat in front of a cliff because I didn't get to switch from raptor to springer before some critter caught up with me. No more missing a small target platform because of the griffon's huge turn angle and break path. And most of all no more motion sickness from weird skimmer or beetle movements, springers sliding down cliffs, or even raptors getting stuck on tiny bushes along their path.
  10. A friend and I had this happen during a balthazar temple event in straits of devastation yesterday. The whole world would freeze, skills were blinking but not going off, then we would loose connection and were unable to log in with any character for several minutes. Since we were playing from oposite ends of the country (we were in teamspeak at the time, that's how we knew it happened simultaeously) I suspect it was a map crash rather than an individual problem.
  11. From what I understand of the techical make-up of outfits, the head pieces on all of them and the gloves on some are created in a way that it is possible to separate them from the rest of the outfit, and thus turn them on or off by themselves. The shoulders however are not. There is nothing in the outfit model that is "under" the shoulder pieces, a huge big nothing. Unless somebody goes and adds a model for the "top without/underneath the shoulders", turning them off will leave just a part of bare skin (provided the game substitutes the character's "naked" model into the missing spots) where you would expect the shoulder part of the shirt/jacket/whatever to be. And most likely there's not even a defined border that separates each outfit's shoulders from the rest of the piece. Outfits really are one-piece deals, considerably easier to create since the artists don't have to worry about where one part ends and another starts (except for the headpiece), but that comes at the cost that it is a one-piece deal and you can't easily separate it into parts.
  12. right click skin -> store in account wardrobe -> confirm It's already in game and has been since the wardrobe was first introduced. I suspect what you are asking for is not storing skins in the wardrobe, but rather a way to store the 1-time free use of said skin without using up inventory/bank space. I can think of a variety of reasons why implementing that is a non-trivial task, not the least of it becoming a storage issue for the game (as it would need additional space in each account's internal data structure to store these, and potentially a lot of these). A way around that could be just adding a transmutation charge to the account every time you add an unused skin to the wardrobe, but depending on how many people actually buy charges for gems this could seriously lower the revenue charges create as people would switch to buying cheap skins from the tp rather than the charges themselves.
  13. Not having much time to play doesn't mean being entitled to get all the content cut to cater the limited gametime I have. It means I get to pick and choose what is fun to me. It's an opportunity, but also a responsibility I have to myself to play only what I enjoy. This game is great in that it offers so many things to do, yet doesn't disadvantage me for choosing not to do a specific piece of content. I don't see any reason to be outraged for ANet to put out more content than I have time to consume. On the contrary, I love that they do this because the way they do it I do get to choose the best out of a large selection of stuff to do.
  14. Don't be so quick to discard Sohothin. The 4 and 5 skills on that sword especially do insane damage. There's a reason why doing the fight without the sword gets its own achievement. You should be able to switch between your own weapon skills and Sohothin during the fight. Make use of that ability.
  15. So how does it come I'm already done with the 6 Dragonsblood weapons but don't even have the recipes to craft Astral weapons?You must've gotten extremely lucky with serpentite jewel drops if you've managed to craft 6 of those weapons in less than 5 days. That is, unless you circumvented the timegate on the dragonsblood weapons by collecting the daily resources beforehand.
  16. On the subject of powdered rose quarz: It does drop in generous amounts off the home instance node. The people I know that farm their home instance fairly regularly all have an overflow of quarz in their material storage by know. I know I have about five or six stellar weapons unlocked because I've crafted one each time my 2k material storage was full of the stuff, so the quarz for more astral weapons will accumulate all by itself over time, without any farming involved.
  17. I almost crafted all twenty before I even started bc this was the way I thought it worked too. But when I couldn't find the recipe on my chef I asked why in guild and lucky for me they explained how it worked before I crafted any. So I got through it all without using any and sold the one that you get in inv. I generally try to avoid skipping the actual playing part of the game if possible :p Pffft. When I discovered that only a story-complete Chef can craft them, I cranked my sole story-complete character from Chef 78 to 305 and crafted all 20 on purpose to save myself the faff of all the JPs.My chef hasn't even started the story yet, but can craft them just fine. I did however have to send her to Sun's Refuge to get a copy of the recipe from Gorrik first, as for some obscure reason the recipe only unlocks on the character that reads it (which in my case was my main charr ranger that doesn't know the pot from the stove when it comes to cooking ;) ). I suspect that's a simple oversight and will be fixed eventually. It is odd that this one recipe doesn't unlock universally, but once unlocked all your other cooks can acquire it from the discovery panel, no need for the trip to sun's refuge . . .I didn't in fact craft any, just wanted to find out what the ingredients were and didn't dare send the ranger to the chef crafting station for fear of accidents ;) .
  18. I tried to leave my free one for the most annoying one and then totally forgot about it 8) . So I used none and sold the free one in the end. I did however did this (like most of the other collections with a friend, so I was able to teleport to a couple of places before they got too anoying (and he did on a couple of different ones), plus I was pretty lucky with the event spawns that didn't keep me waiting long.
  19. I almost crafted all twenty before I even started bc this was the way I thought it worked too. But when I couldn't find the recipe on my chef I asked why in guild and lucky for me they explained how it worked before I crafted any. So I got through it all without using any and sold the one that you get in inv. I generally try to avoid skipping the actual playing part of the game if possible :p Pffft. When I discovered that only a story-complete Chef can craft them, I cranked my sole story-complete character from Chef 78 to 305 and crafted all 20 on purpose to save myself the faff of all the JPs.My chef hasn't even started the story yet, but can craft them just fine. I did however have to send her to Sun's Refuge to get a copy of the recipe from Gorrik first, as for some obscure reason the recipe only unlocks on the character that reads it (which in my case was my main charr ranger that doesn't know the pot from the stove when it comes to cooking ;) ). I suspect that's a simple oversight and will be fixed eventually.
  20. Really? It seems to me people are much more goal oriented than you and I. And while you're right that you can get them quite easily if you ignore the achievement and play through the map and only just minorly pay attention to it, it sadly doesnt really enforce the idea to play the game by putting such a focal point on these specific events. Instead it obviously distracts, seeing how some people do these. Well, that's the thing ... there ISN'T a focal point on these specific events if you don't camp them like a checklist. You do eventually encounter them as you naturally play the map. Sadly, that's how it works for many players though. The achievement is part of the overarching meta achievement after all, and you get the last missing armor piece of the map from it (Gloves or boots was it I believe). And since the general mentality is to I need to finish this map!", it is a hurdle that's in the way.You will always have a subset of players that is more interested in gaming the system than playing the game. No matter how much you try to counteract this with game design, they will find a way that seems more "efficient", even if it is totally counter intuitive to those who want to immerse themselves in the game world around them and play events organically. Personally I accept the trade-off that the open design of this game allows this kind of gaming the system like it allows RIBA farms in the Silverwastes or squads promoting to zerg down all post meta champs in Dragonfall in one group (rather than the three chains that seem to be set up for parallel play) or whatever else people come up with that prefer "efficient" over "immersive" play. Designing content to ultimately prohibit this kind of gameplay will be to the detriment of all players, as it will force us to play one way and one way alone as any deviation needs to be prohibited to avoid gaming the system. Gamedesign ultimately is about guiding the player through the content. Its not about prohibiting anything, rather than providing an entertaining piece of content. If the bridge achievement was designed to be part of the meta, none of us would even feel as being prohibitive or limiting, as it would be part of the design, that its just designed like that, players none the wiser.But it is. If on the start of the map people spread out to join the three escort events, two out of three naturally come upon a broken bridge that needs repairing. In fact even the npc chatter when the escorts reach the bridges it tailored to the escort coming upon a broken bridge. It was only when people started rushing ahead to specifically target the bridge event that the "natural" flow of events broke (and those rushing ahead at the same time messed it up for those playing more organically).Same goes for the other two bridges by the way. If people just play along with the way the events flow (and I've encountered a few maps where that worked beautifully), you'll eventually have caravans from the outer camps going to the central camp, crossing the south and west bridges in the process. Again if people don't camp bridges but just play along, there's a big chance that the caravan will come upon either a bridge defense event or a bridge rebuild event in the natural course of its path. There's not a lot ANet can do to keep people from camping those events and messing it up for others. Stalling the initial bridge event until the corresponding escort is at the bridge (e.g. by having the bridge npc start out at the starting point and walk to the bridge with the escort instead of spawning as soon as the map resets) would be a possibility to tie the intitial building of the bridge more closely into the escort. Triggering a build/defense event at the outer bridges once the caravan arrives could be another tweak to more closely link the events. Ultimately there will still be people refusing to participate in the escort events on the premise that they are "no efficient use of their time", and probably more whining on the forums from the very vocal part of the community that needs to have every reward and achievement done 5 minutes after release that these events are time-gating their progress. Right now, seeing how easy it is to get those 25 bridge events done, I fully expect the hype to die down within a week or two and bridge events and map meta being done as a natural part of playing the map on most maps again ... until somebody comes up with a new way to game the map's event structure for "optimized loot", breaking gameplay for the less optimization interested player in different ways.
  21. Really? It seems to me people are much more goal oriented than you and I. And while you're right that you can get them quite easily if you ignore the achievement and play through the map and only just minorly pay attention to it, it sadly doesnt really enforce the idea to play the game by putting such a focal point on these specific events. Instead it obviously distracts, seeing how some people do these. Well, that's the thing ... there ISN'T a focal point on these specific events if you don't camp them like a checklist. You do eventually encounter them as you naturally play the map. Sadly, that's how it works for many players though. The achievement is part of the overarching meta achievement after all, and you get the last missing armor piece of the map from it (Gloves or boots was it I believe). And since the general mentality is to I need to finish this map!", it is a hurdle that's in the way.You will always have a subset of players that is more interested in gaming the system than playing the game. No matter how much you try to counteract this with game design, they will find a way that seems more "efficient", even if it is totally counter intuitive to those who want to immerse themselves in the game world around them and play events organically.Personally I accept the trade-off that the open design of this game allows this kind of gaming the system like it allows RIBA farms in the Silverwastes or squads promoting to zerg down all post meta champs in Dragonfall in one group (rather than the three chains that seem to be set up for parallel play) or whatever else people come up with that prefer "efficient" over "immersive" play. Designing content to ultimately prohibit this kind of gameplay will be to the detriment of all players, as it will force us to play one way and one way alone as any deviation needs to be prohibited to avoid gaming the system. Opening up the map lock during meta on the other hand has a very real chance (as seen on other, similar maps) of people map-hopping from one promising meta event to another, only reaping the benefits while leaving others to do the heavy lifting (as in: bring the map to the profitable meta phase). That certainly isn't the solution to the temporary problem of bridge-squads.
  22. In the case of the new map, it actually is a lot better (as long as you turn off map chat ;) ) than some of the previous ls releases. Map and events are pretty clear and easy to figure out, and people are (mostly) spread-out enough to allow for playing at your own pace with just a few others around rather than being stuck with over-zerged events. I did catch a couple more bridge events while playing the map during escort events for the dolyaks that go from the Crystal Bloom and Mist Warden camps to the Olmakhan camp. Both of these have a bridge in their path that happens to be under attack regularly, so the chance of a dolyak getting mixed up in a defense is considerable.
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