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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. That's why most big MMO developers post their numbers right? Oh no wait, they don't. This kind of data is only relevant to people who value playing the "hot game on the block" or are of somewhat relevance to financial performance. Given GW2 financial performance was good so far, the second aspect is answered by the quarterly financial reports which are openly available. You are now faced with a choice: play the game if you enjoy it, or not if you do not enjoy it. I agree looking for numbers takes away from the game. You should play if you like it, if all you are looking for is popularity then thats a shallow way to choose a game. Fortnight is popular but i cant stand that game. Agree, those numbers for me would not be to judge if the game is good or not, it would be to find where players are, i like to be where everyone is.The problem is that a lot of people would use it for different purposes, and some of those purposes actively harm the game and its population.There's a saying "never trust a statistic that you didn't forge yourself". In this age of internet and fake news it's more relevant than ever. You can bet that as soon as a game releases those numbers there will be people all over the place interpreting the numbers in weird ways and using them to proof one claim or another, like the usual "the game is dying" crowd. Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there unable to interpret the numbers without bias or even to recognize the bias going into other people's interpretation. Just look at all the doom and gloom postings out there that already happen with numbers like quarterly financial reports, steam logins, twitch viewers or whatever. Cold hard login numbers would likely not make them any rarer but rather add fuel to the fire and give those out to hurt the game (for whatever reason) even more tools to come up with (bogus or not) claims that the sky is falling.
  2. Personally I do think it is a good thing that ANet offers dailies from a large pool of different activities, even though some of them aren't my cup of tea either (like many of the adventures as well as daily world bosses/bounty runs). Not every daily has to be trivial to every player, or we'd end up with a very restricted set of dailies that would soon get stale. You don't like expansion dailies. Other players would rather avoid jumping puzzles, or daily dungeons, or whatever they could think of. To give every player their prefered daily choices every day, ANet would either have to blow up the pool of daily choices to the point where most people would quickly come up with their personal path of least resistance that will likely became stale just as quickly, or make dailies trivial to the point where they end up being no more than additional login rewards.
  3. Our family has six accounts, too, with both expansions on five of them (PoF only on the sixth). The difference: none of us see the dailies as game-changing, so we only do those that suit us. On days where there's easy stuff like mystic forger or vista in wherever (including HoT) we pretty much do those across all accounts, but when the dailies require us to go out of their way we simply let them be. There's really nothing that you get from dailies that you can't get by playing other parts of the game or just waiting for another day when the dailies are more to your liking. Incidentally two of our accounts started off as f2p and were thus restricted to core Tyria dailies for quite a while, and in our case those often felt harder rather than easier, but that might've been because those accounts weren't well suited to go into pvp or wvw back then, restricting the pool of dailies available much more than the choice of expansion. tl;dr: if you don't enjoy the dailies, don't do them. There's nothing punishing you except yourself if you insist of treating them as "must do".
  4. Sorry, that was probably a bit too sarcastic, but that's the main problem of any automated cutoff date: either people have to be much more defensive when posting stuff on the tp (because there's a real chance that you will get the item back and lose the posting fee after a set amount of time) or people will just use it as an extended long-term storage, inflating the number of listings instead of reducing them. On topic: I don't use the trading post all that often, but I have noticed that some days it works fine and others not at all, too. Up to now I suspected the problem on my end, but from the replies to this topic it seems to be a more widespread problem. I seem to have more luck with it working fine during the mornings european time, so maybe it's a problem of too many people accessing it at once rather than too many listings available.
  5. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands. I was not arguing against your other points. I specifically highlighted what is factually untrue.Sorry, but you have a very weird definition of the phrase "movement ability" then. It can go up like the springer, across gaps like the raptor, can glide like a griffon ... why is speed suddenly the defining factor of "movement ability"? To me it's all about getting somewhere, and often a very precise somewhere, and the skyscale gets me places more comfortably and precisely than all of the other mounts combined and without the hassle of having to switch mounts on the go (and possibly in hostile territory). That's a fact. The movement ability of the griffon, for example, is the dive and boosted speed, not gliding. The movement ability of Springer is the super jump. And no, Skyscale cannot go up like the Springer, nor fly like the Griffon, nor accelerate over water like the Skimmer, nor boost land speed like the Rollerbettle. The movement ability of Skyscale is hovering and that's not even close to a combination of all mounts like you claim it to be. Your claim is, plain and simple, false.If its all about speed for you that's fine. It's all about getting places for me, and I have yet to find a place (outside of jackal portals and beetle doors and possibly skimmer on longer journeys, since I simply can't use it without getting sick) I want to go that the Skyscale doesn't get me more comfortable and with less micromanagement than the other mounts. That's not false, that's the plain and simple truth.
  6. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands. I was not arguing against your other points. I specifically highlighted what is factually untrue.Sorry, but you have a very weird definition of the phrase "movement ability" then. It can go up like the springer, across gaps like the raptor, can glide like a griffon ... why is speed suddenly the defining factor of "movement ability"? To me it's all about getting somewhere, and often a very precise somewhere, and the skyscale gets me places more comfortably and precisely than all of the other mounts combined and without the hassle of having to switch mounts on the go (and possibly in hostile territory). That's a fact.
  7. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands.
  8. For me, on the other hand, the Skyscale is worth it so much more than I expected. It is like a quality of life overhaul combining the movement abilites of all of the other mounts (minus jackal sand portals and beetle walls or course) rolled into one mount. It goes up and down and across precisely where I want it to go, without having to calculate for turn or break speed, or having to switch mounts on the fly. No more getting stuck in combat in front of a cliff because I didn't get to switch from raptor to springer before some critter caught up with me. No more missing a small target platform because of the griffon's huge turn angle and break path. And most of all no more motion sickness from weird skimmer or beetle movements, springers sliding down cliffs, or even raptors getting stuck on tiny bushes along their path.
  9. I am in the camp of those who are surprised at how quickly the Skyscale became my #1 mount for pretty much all situations. I'd say it's a big quality of life upgrade for everyday play as it often allows you to skip awkward mount switching and lets you go to hard to reach places in one go. For example, just the other day I was map-completing Crystal Oasis, went from the zephyrite village towards the Sanctum of Nabka by going over the mountain range with my Skyscale and picking up the runeforger's chest and the three final puzzle chests up in the sanctum on my way to the poi in there, completely bypassing any need for precission jackal movement or complicated springer/griffon combinations. As an added bonus for me, it doesn't make me motion sick nearly as quickly as skimmer/griffon/roller beetle/springer sliding off cliffs does, so if you are in the camp of those affected by motion sickness when using mounts in this game, definitely go for the Skyscale.
  10. Those of you who complain about the clicking, how often do you use tomes to level characters? I'm having a hard time seeing how people go through tomes for levels often enough to make this an issue, and the only other use of tomes, conversion to spirit shards, already has a low-click alternative via the mystic forge vendor (as mentioned above).
  11. I used the treats and got my skyscale during Memorial Day weekend. All’s well that ends well!Congrats! Would you mind adding a line about the solution to your opening post so others that only read the first post won't rage-quit before finding the solution? :wink:
  12. I don't think a 1:1 conversion would work here. Getting three tomes of knowledge as an alternative to three spirit shards is potentially a lot more valuable. Personally I think even one tome is a stretch. As others mentioned, dailies already give a good bit of extra experience, and putting more of that into the completion reward would inflate the value of the completed dailies. Three tomes of knowledge per daily for a player that goes on a weekly key farming run would automatically add +21 levels to the key farming character, thus making it a lot easier to reach the level 40 and possibly the level 60 key. This could in turn entice more people to keyfarm weekly, thus widening the pool of black lion chest goods that are potentially available to the playerbase, which in turn would bring down the prices of the high ticket items and consequently make opening chests less interesting for players that might otherwise be tempted to buy keys with gems. On the other hand, players with only max-level characters and full mastery level that don't enjoy keyfarming would have to go through yet another menu daily to select their bag of spirit shards from the daily chest, so to them the change would only make things more complicated.
  13. I used to play LotRO for a couple of years, as well as other games all the way back to MUDs in the late 80s/early 90s, and having to rely on other people for content completion works fine as long as you have a good bit of disposable time on your hands (although one of my fondest LotRO memories is soloing dungeons on my warden pre Helm's Deep and just taking friends along to have someone to chat to ;) ). The older I got, the more my gametime was restricted, and the more I've come to appreciate games that give me all the opportunities to be social while not forcing them on me, as that would offer me alternatives if/when I couldn't find the right group for the content I wanted to tackle. I do play MMOs to play with other people, but I'm at a time in my life where I prefer to be in control over who to play with and when to play with them. Being thrown into a dungeon with a young know-it-all that is convinced they alone know right from wrong gameplay/equipment/rotations/whatever is not the kind of socializing I'm looking for in a game. I've had my share of that in other games. Not being forced to formally group up with strangers doesn't mean you want to play a single player game. It might just mean you are more picky about who to play with, and when.
  14. A friend and I had this happen during a balthazar temple event in straits of devastation yesterday. The whole world would freeze, skills were blinking but not going off, then we would loose connection and were unable to log in with any character for several minutes. Since we were playing from oposite ends of the country (we were in teamspeak at the time, that's how we knew it happened simultaeously) I suspect it was a map crash rather than an individual problem.
  15. This. I can be in a squad. With guildies. With room in the map they went to. And I will STILL be placed in another map simply because they are on one server (HOD) and I am on a different one. (AR)From what I've seen I think what happens is that the game does not put you into a map that is filled beyond a certain threshold, but rather leaves the last few spots open for people who purposely want to join that map. This way the last few players to join the map will have to make a conscious decision to go there, allowing room for parties and guilds to get their latecomers onto their map instance rather than filling it up with (possibly indifferent) people that would be just as content on another instance. Of course the algorithm isn't fool-proof as the game has no definite way to look into your mind and see if you really want to join the rest of your squad or not (and there are reasons for people to be in a squad and still wanting to go to another map instance), but this way you can fix it yourself by joining the other instance, which wouldn't be possible if the game filled it to the limit itself.
  16. That is was how it was when megaserver came out. A while later a patch made it so that new instances created within a certain amount of time after the event's scheduled start time will still spawn the event.From what I've seen I think that's what the pre-event phase is (e.g. the "five minutes to casino blitz" event you get before the event actually starts). Many of the meta chains however are considerably longer than the grace period to get it started. If you jump into Amnoon at 10 past the hour (5 minutes pre-event plus 3x5 minutes casino blitz would put any map that started on time in the middle of it all) you will no longer see the meta start if you end up on a new map.
  17. Technically there are no longer overflow maps in this game, and haven't been since the introduction of the mega server. Overflows used to be a thing before megaserver, since the game ran one copy of each map per server, and only created aditional, temporary maps if one (or several) server(s) had too many people in a map at the same time, so they overflowed into the temporary map. With the introduction of the mega server system, maps are created and closed down dynamically as players join and leave them. There can be one, five or fiftyfive instances of the same map at any given time, but each of those is a full map by itself. Whether the map persists or closes down depends entirely on the population on that map and nothing else. One of the restrictions of a newly created map is that events and event chains on a schedule, that were scheduled to start before the map was created, won't happen on that map. That is what happens to many people at the moment I think: they've gotten used to jumping into meta event chains halfway through the meta, but due to so many people wanting to participate, there is a high chance of new maps being spawned rather than people being sorted into existing maps, and since the chain already started it won't happen on the newly created maps. Stay on the map until the next scheduled start of the chain you are after, and you will see that it starts fine on the map you are on. If you want to participate in scheduled meta events and avoid being sorted into a newly spawned map, your only safe bet is to be there before the meta starts. Anytime after that has a risk of ending up on a map that spawned after the meta started, thus not getting the event until the next scheduled starting time.
  18. From what I understand of the techical make-up of outfits, the head pieces on all of them and the gloves on some are created in a way that it is possible to separate them from the rest of the outfit, and thus turn them on or off by themselves. The shoulders however are not. There is nothing in the outfit model that is "under" the shoulder pieces, a huge big nothing. Unless somebody goes and adds a model for the "top without/underneath the shoulders", turning them off will leave just a part of bare skin (provided the game substitutes the character's "naked" model into the missing spots) where you would expect the shoulder part of the shirt/jacket/whatever to be. And most likely there's not even a defined border that separates each outfit's shoulders from the rest of the piece. Outfits really are one-piece deals, considerably easier to create since the artists don't have to worry about where one part ends and another starts (except for the headpiece), but that comes at the cost that it is a one-piece deal and you can't easily separate it into parts.
  19. Choose the content you play by what you enjoy, and tailor your playtime to your preferences. There's nothing "quality of life" in wasting hours upon hours grinding content you don't enjoy just to get a set of equipment that might save you a couple of seconds switching equipment (or not even that, I know enough people with access to legendary equipment that still prefer to use ascended as they don't have to stat-change and rune/sigil-change each time they want to use a different set) in the far future. Spending a fraction of that time getting slightly less effective equipment to use when playing content you actually enjoy actually looks like a much better use of gaming time to me. OP, if you do want equipment to experiment with and figure out builds, as others have said exotics or even just rares can be had at negligible cost (compared to legendaries) and will serve you well enough to figure out builds. To get a baseline idea of what works and what doesn't, you can also go to the pvp lobby where you can tailor your (pvp) build without using any equipment at all (as the pvp build in this game works on the premise of every character has instant access to all stats available to the account).
  20. right click skin -> store in account wardrobe -> confirm It's already in game and has been since the wardrobe was first introduced. I suspect what you are asking for is not storing skins in the wardrobe, but rather a way to store the 1-time free use of said skin without using up inventory/bank space. I can think of a variety of reasons why implementing that is a non-trivial task, not the least of it becoming a storage issue for the game (as it would need additional space in each account's internal data structure to store these, and potentially a lot of these). A way around that could be just adding a transmutation charge to the account every time you add an unused skin to the wardrobe, but depending on how many people actually buy charges for gems this could seriously lower the revenue charges create as people would switch to buying cheap skins from the tp rather than the charges themselves.
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