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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. It's only a problem for a short time. As people have explained in this thread just getting to level 80 will give you enough hero points to unlock all the core skills and traits and then there's more than enough hero challenges in the world to unlock both elite specs. How come? could you explain? Gaining ranks in WvW or earning Skirmish Chests awards you Proof of Heroics which can be traded to a Heroics Notary for a Notarized Scroll of Heroics (Core), Notarized Scroll of Maguuma Heroics or Notarized Scroll of Desert Heroics. Using the scroll completes 1 random hero challenge in the respective area, giving you 1 hero point (for Core maps) or 10 for HoT and PoF maps. Hmm I see .. although I play the game for some time there are still lot of things I dont know and need to learn lol. Ty for the info i'll try to play WvW to get these good stuff, specially for the tomes of knowledge. I need many since the lving here takes kitten long and the level 80 boost don´t give access to elite specialization(still dont know why) what force the players to level or spend their boost to test all... The level boost puts your character at level 80, just as it says. It neither gives more or less hero points. Every level 80 character, no matter if leveled without boost, some boost or a level 80 boost, will have exactly enough hero points to learn ALL core traits and skills leaving only the 2 elite specializations (worth 250 hero points each) open. Given there is a total of 904 hero points in game (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero_point) and only 500 are needed to learn both elite specializations, you have a lot of freedom to decide which hero points you gather. As noted by others, HoT and PoF hero challenges reward 10 points each, while core Tyria reward 1 point each. Leveling here takes as long as you decide to make it. There are leveling guides which can help you reach level 80 in 1-2 days (somwhat arbitrary since it also depends on your playtime per day). Given there are a ton of instant level items (you get 10 level up scrolls per month), fast experience methods (craffting rewards upwards of 7-10 levels per maxed crafting skill. Some crafts take only a few gold to get to max level https://gw2crafts.net) and experience is rewarded for almost anything, this is a personal issue for you. Do you have any lving guide u can suggest to me? I got some time to play since i´m not working.. if I can make a lv 80 char in like one week that wont be bad for me. There is multiple youtube videos which explain how to level fast. Here is some general pointers:stick to levels close to your character and zones close to your character. That's because experience gained is based on your level or the zone level which you are in (and realize that different parts of a map can have different max levels). If you are level 20, move out of the level 1-15 zones unless you are close to map completing onedo your personal story missions every 10 levels. Those are usually 3-4 missions and will grant 2-3 levels into your next 10 levelsexploring gives experience and rushing through maps can rack up quite a lot of experience without fighting a single enemy. Try to keep a lookout for waypoints, vistas and hero points which all are fast to complete and give good experiencecrafting gives experience and the experienced gained is scaled to your level. gw2crafts.net has current guides based on current ingame prices. As of this writing, cokking costs around 4 gold to get to 400 (which is 10 levels gained), Jewelcrafting costs 9-10 gold to get to 400 (which is 7 levels for your character). If you have been doing dailies, these gold amounts should not be an issuedailies give scrolls of experience, so do monthly login rewards which result in another 10 levels in tomes of knowledgetry to keep gear up to date every 5 - 10 levelsmake sure to keep your gathering tools up to date and gather materials on the wayparticipate in events close by As such, let's assume you just hit level 30. You can do the level 30 story missions, which will immediately get you to level 32-33. Then you can run around the level 25-35 maps (remember, there is more than 1 map per level tier) just unlocking waypoints and hero points which would net another 2-3 levels (without any fighting). Once you are level 36-37, craft a bit cooking to hit level 40. Rinse and repeat. Obviously if you do events or heart quests, the amount of experience required from crafting becomes less. You could also level to 60, then level cooking and jewelcrafting and be close to level 80. Personally I'd suggest to use those levels from crafting to bridge gaps to next story missions, but that is personal preference. Here is the one big one though: do NOT grind enemies. It is literally one of the worst ways to get experience in this game. thanks, now i know why guild wars is one of the best community among the mmos, they are friendly.One addition to the great list: use buffs and consumables . Food and utility consumables usually give a bonus to kill-xp, as do celebration boosters (from login rewards and other sources). If you are in a guild they might have a guild bonus available that you can grab for free (per character, lasts 24h gametime). Use experience and hero banners that other players put up (more often in cities or wvw spawn areas). Each of those give just a small bonus, but it all adds up quickly.
  2. As with many others, my blocklist is primarily filled with gold-sellers of old (I should clean them out one of these days, I haven't seen any gold-sellers in ages). I do however block the occasional troll that gets on my nerves when I found their comments have an impact on my mood, but in the six years and 10k plus hours of playing I haven't gotten beyond 10 or 12 of those.
  3. According to the wiki you can get a total makeover kit for 10 Black Lion Statuettes . That's 10 keys at most, less if you are lucky with additional statuette drops, and probably a lot quicker to get than relying on them dropping from the previous generation of black lion chests. Looks to me like ANet took them out of the chests but put them within easy reach of those who buy/farm keys. This way they are still available to people who open chests, but won't annoy those who have no use for them.
  4. (snip)If all else fails do it with someone else, I think only 1 player has to reach the end for the whole group to get credit.That is correct. Ask a friend, guildie, or if all else fails ask in map chat for someone (preferably with a griffon and/or good at this kind of gameplay) who would join you in your instance. If they get through that part in time, then you will complete the instance, even if you are defeated along the way. Fun fact: On my second character through this instance I joined a friend hoping for a carry, since the instance had cost me a lot of time and nerves to succeed on my first (solo) playthrough (before I realized it's much easier on griffon than raptor). In the end I was the one to finish the instance for both of us, while the friend that did it easily with his first character totally failed this time :) .
  5. One of the main design decisions behind GW2 is that you should be able to get comparable rewards, no matter what content you choose to play. A side effect of this is that there simply is no content designed to be above-average lucrative, and especially no farmable content designed to be considerably more lucrative than playing a lot of different stuff in this game. Some players like to farm. Some players are conditioned from other games to where they expect to gather most wealth by farming. Sometimes players figure out ways to benefit from unintended gameplay like the original AB multiloot or even further back certain event-fail farms in the original Orr maps. ANet has however shown many times that they are not comfortable with farms of any kind that do give above-average wealth to people farming compared to people playing a broader mix of content. If you expect them to set up any kind of map, instance, narrow set of events or whatever to allow people who enjoy farming that kind of stuff to get ahead of those that don't, then I'm afraid you are out of luck.
  6. Are you posting your own groups on lfg, or waiting for groups to be advertised? Have you tried asking in the players helping players forum or whatever online community you prefer for people to join you? It usually is enough to have two people that know the path and don't mind explaining, and another three that listen to explanations and don't just run in head first ;) . I've even been through most of the paths (except p4, I don't know that one well enough myself ;) ) even with ultra-casual guildies where I was the only one who ever set foot into the dungeon before. It might take a bit for people to get comfortable with the boss fights, and it sure helps if you have one person that knows how to solo Lupi (and on p1+3 the orbs) in an emergency, but it's not mandatory. In addition, you can run 8 different easy paths of other dungeons you are more comfortable with, and choose Arah tokens from the bag you get from the repeatable dungeon meta achievement. It's slower than just running Arah, but it does get you a good bit of loot, gold and tokens for future projects on the way.
  7. That is not very useful if you are actually trying to use a bunch of tomes for leveling a character. On the other hand using Mouse Keys and moving your inventory to line up with the Okay button works decently well for that. They want to sell lvl 80 boost to the people being impatient so why make it easier to level up useing tomes?I honestly doubt that the target audience for the level 80 boost are players that have a ton of tomes.Personally I think that the amount of players using tomes regularly to level (keyfarmers?) just isn't big enough to justify the cost of implementing this feature, including the support cost because of people that accidentally consumed more tomes than they intended to.
  8. The only (visible) acknowledgement that there's a problem so far has been the change to multi-language linking. It's unfortunate that you are the server being hit this time, but judging from how ANet reacted to the problem so far (pretty much not at all) I wouldn't expect them to change anything for the remainder of this linking period. You can either wait out until next re-linking and hope that other servers have grown beyond your size by then, or move your guild to another server.
  9. For some people (namely those that don't have acsended back items coming out of their ears, which are surprisingly many) the reward is double rewarding, giving them a skin as well as a useful back item that helps them catch up to us veterans more quickly. Personally I like the idea of giving out rewards that reward everyone while at the same time helping to bridge the gap between older and newer players without being over the top. An ascended back item for a festival achievement seems too much for my taste (besides most of us veterans are drowning in those anyway and would at best salvage it), while skin only would take away a useful reward from newer players without giving the veterans anything more (aside from the satisfaction of staying way ahead of the newer players, which isn't really healthy for the game in my opinion).
  10. Personally I'm still hopeful that alliances won't be too far out, since the server matchmaking at the moment seems close to impossible. I'd love to see the current numbers this week compared to the theoretical numbers during linking 10 days ago, and how hard the player movement have skewed the population balance again. What I wouldn't like to see is ANet cutting down working on the alliance system to patch the current matchmaking, seeing how players are still able to break it so easily by transfering.
  11. I think you are pretty biased on this one, also i think the line about the sub fee had nothing to do with an optional sub that doesnt get you any content and all to do with having to pay sub to play. I didnt go msg by msg but did you see the op asking for any unique benefits? I personally suggested an addition but it wasnt smth that distinguishes "peasants" from non "peasants". And if you could pls do bring up an example. The more i read those line the more i feel theres been multiple moments in this gam's life circle that the rest have been broken. Here is an example. Let's say subscribers get a discount for buying gems. A person who spends on gems whenever they feel like it, won't be getting the same bang for their buck as the one who is subscribed. That automatically puts one group at an advantage over the other, between paying customers. And that's just one way it could go, same would apply for any kind of meaningful advantage, that would translate into in-game economy. Granted, it's already happening to an extent, with certain gem store items but that's hardly a reason to introduce more separation, isn't it? Now let's say the added bonus is something purely cosmetic, like exclusive outfits, mountfits or something less meaningful that doesn't affect in-game economy in any way. It's only speculation, as it hasn't happened here yet, but in my experience from other games, the same players who asked for the convenience of a sub, will proceed to blast it as something worthless. You are correct, there have been moments in this game's life circle, where the rest of that quote has been broken. That's why I chose to focus on the last part. More like a reminder than an argument, as I do believe it's possible they will brake this part too. Creative vision < $$$ after all. Imo if someone is choosing to give a steady stream of money for a better deal gem wise then i dont see the issue tbh. Its like having someone who has the money buying the 25 euro skin over someone who doesnt, in the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter.I still fail to see why giving them the same amount of money over the same timespan justifies one getting added value compared to the other. Because for the company the one that spends in bulk is a riskier spender, the person who spends monthly a set amount brings a steady flow of money to the company over a period of time and missing a month is far smaller of a loss. If for w/e reason the bulk spender isnt able to do their spending its a way bigger loss of income for the company. If they wanted to have a set, steady flow of income then they should have gone with a subscription from the start. I don't think you get this ... it's not about what Anet wants. The suggestion is convenience for players .. but yes, there are benefits for Anet if people buy gems in this manner. They has to be, otherwise there isn't any attraction from their side for the idea. No. The suggestion is for players to get a bonus above what other players get (even those that pay the same money). You are arguing that it's in ANet's interest to make it look less selfish, but changing from the status quo where everybody's money is the same value to a system where people are tricked into paying up-front what they might not even need so you can get a bonus on the value you'd pay for anyway is just that.Mind, this is the suggestion we are talking about right now. The original suggestion was really just for convenience, without any added benefits. I'm fine with that, but I'm not fine with giving a bonus that might well entice a lot of players to spend more than they need to feel like they got their money's worth.
  12. I think you are pretty biased on this one, also i think the line about the sub fee had nothing to do with an optional sub that doesnt get you any content and all to do with having to pay sub to play. I didnt go msg by msg but did you see the op asking for any unique benefits? I personally suggested an addition but it wasnt smth that distinguishes "peasants" from non "peasants". And if you could pls do bring up an example. The more i read those line the more i feel theres been multiple moments in this gam's life circle that the rest have been broken. Here is an example. Let's say subscribers get a discount for buying gems. A person who spends on gems whenever they feel like it, won't be getting the same bang for their buck as the one who is subscribed. That automatically puts one group at an advantage over the other, between paying customers. And that's just one way it could go, same would apply for any kind of meaningful advantage, that would translate into in-game economy. Granted, it's already happening to an extent, with certain gem store items but that's hardly a reason to introduce more separation, isn't it? Now let's say the added bonus is something purely cosmetic, like exclusive outfits, mountfits or something less meaningful that doesn't affect in-game economy in any way. It's only speculation, as it hasn't happened here yet, but in my experience from other games, the same players who asked for the convenience of a sub, will proceed to blast it as something worthless. You are correct, there have been moments in this game's life circle, where the rest of that quote has been broken. That's why I chose to focus on the last part. More like a reminder than an argument, as I do believe it's possible they will brake this part too. Creative vision < $$$ after all. Imo if someone is choosing to give a steady stream of money for a better deal gem wise then i dont see the issue tbh. Its like having someone who has the money buying the 25 euro skin over someone who doesnt, in the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter.I still fail to see why giving them the same amount of money over the same timespan justifies one getting added value compared to the other.
  13. The beauty of the current system GW2 has is that no matter how many gems I buy or how often, I can be sure to always get my money's worth in gems. I can buy 10 Euros worth of gems each month, or 120 Euros worth once a year, and I will end up with 120 Euros worth of gems either way. If ANet were to implement either a subscription with benefits or a discount on larger gem purchases that would in fact make me more wary of buying gems at all, because I would most likely always feel like I'm either buying more gems than I need, or not get my full money's worth in gems. It may be an irrational feeling, but it's nevertheless very real, to me as well as others. Somebody further up in the thread claimed that a subscriber deserves added benefits because they do support the game. That to me is the really problematic, if not even dishonest argument in all of this. Why do they deserve added benefits for paying monthly, when I don't get those benefits if I pay the same amount of money in one larger purchase instead? That's where people start being treated differently even though they support the game with the same amount of money. I don't mind people being able to set up a recurring payment plan, but I sure hope ANet will stick to their principle of same value gem purchases and not start muddling the water with discounts and benefits.
  14. I don't have a daily routine in game. This is what I do in my spare time to unwind, and I'd rather not mess that up by pressuring myself to follow a routine, whether I feel like it that day or not.
  15. I suspect it's a simple question of keeping people busy. By now many of the game's veterans have saved up so many resources that even the new legendary trinkets could mostly be paid for from what (some) people had saved up. I'd guess that the question of how many resources people have lying around strongly influence how expensive the newer collections are. Your "ultimate" reward will most likely be nothing more than a unique look/aura you can't get any other way.
  16. GW2! There's sooo much to do in this game. Trading it in for GW3 would be like trading a lifetime's collection of Lego blocks for a shiny new computer toy that only has one way to play with it. I still remember back when I was playing the Sims how I hated that each time they came up with a new series the new features would maybe keep you interested for a couple of days but in the end you'd just miss the diversity of activities available in the previous incarnation (and its countless expansions).
  17. I did not post it and the screens I took via phone names are redacted just fyi....I tried to report but there is no afk option so I was not sure what to pick needed advice. Wanted to check out options and not sure if anet reviewed maybe it would help.You could try botting. As far as I recall that one was advised for reporting afk players in pvp matches a long time ago.
  18. That said, I did have a useless player in the instance last night. They weren't exactly AFK, but restricted their contribution to hitting each boss exactly once and otherwise standing around in the arena imobily, or more often than not lying downed on the floor after being run over by mobs and bosses. The rest of the team got along of course, sometimes better than others (depending on who switched out of the instance and who replaced them), but seing somebody leaching everybody else's contribution to essentially get free dragon coffers does get on your nerves after a while.
  19. Less gem store stuff, more in-game rewards sounds like a player's dream, but how is ANet going to make up for the loss in revenue? Somebody somewhere has to pay for it.
  20. That was my question too. AFAIK you have to tag the mobs to get credit, course I wouldn't know otherwise since my momma taught me never to afk in group content.If the dragon bash arena doesn't scale to the number of players (and it seems that way to me, although that's purely my personal impression), then the afk player is making it harder for everybody else by blocking one spot in the instance that otherwise could've gone to somebody helping in the fights. If it does scale it's still scaled to one person more than are actually fighting.
  21. Posting screenshots of in-game behaviour is considered namecalling on the forums, so no matter how justified you just shouldn't do it. You can however open a ticket with support where you attach your screenshots as a way to report the behaviour. It's an alternative to the in-game reporting feature since that can't transport the full scope of what you are reporting. If you find somebody wilfully interrupting other people's gameplay and don't just want to let it slide, that's the way to go. If on the other hand you are simply worried about them talking bad about yourself and your friends on the forum, for one they are restricted by the same rules of not calling out another player by screenshot/character name/account name as everybody else, and for another my experience is that a lot of people like that really only make empty threats to bully others. Report (either in game or via ticket if there is conversation/screenshots/videos to explain the situation), block if you don't want to see what they write anymore, and move on. ANet will decide whether they have broken any rules and act accordingly, but by then you are out of the picture and it really is only between ANet and the troll from there on.
  22. If what you are waiting for is a boring mount that just lets you fly above everything indefinitely, then you probably are wasting your time. ANet has explained the design choices between this game's mount several times, and a "simple normal flying mount" doesn't fit into that picture at all.
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