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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. are they unique per character?I think they are actually unique to the map instance, so if you hop back in on the same account two hours later you should have a new map with new pods available.
  2. There are a few pods scattered across the lanes that are there all the time, regardless of event status, so you can take a character (or a few) through the contested map, hunting out those pods. Of course it's slower than opening pods on a full map, but if you can't find an active map in lfg this is the way to go.
  3. I suspect it's one of those "too expensive and error prone while too seldom used" kinds of things. They would have to reroute rewards from different activities (each tome you click) to one and the same bouncy chest, no matter if you used 5 or 50 or 79 tomes. It would have to work regardless if you start on level 2 (fresh out of the tutorial), or use an instant 30 scroll first, or decide at level 63 that you're tired of leveling and tome the rest of the way. It would have to work for people leveling up the regular way but not picking up the bouncy chest between levels (unlikely, but not impossible). It would have to be able to pull rewards one by one until your bags are full, or you're likely to have to trash a bunch if you accidentally claim them with a character with not enough bag space. There's probably all kinds of other things they'd have to look out for to make sure it doesn't bug out. That said, I could see an extra interface, maybe a cross between the login rewards calendar and the pop-up you get when you are overloaded, where you can see all the level-rewards, and bulk-select the rewards you want to choose/pick up now until you are done. It could work well if designed that way, but considering the developer resources needed to code it, design the UI and so on, compared to how relatively seldom people do tome up characters (even those that tome a key runner only do so once a week), those developer resources are probably better spent elsewhere where they have an impact on more everyday nuisances.
  4. The skritt might scale to the level of the area, but they're just regular enemies (not veterans or champions) so there's unlikely to be any issues with being unable to kill them, I don't think they drop anything except the hunting bond reward and that's not level scaled. (It's almost certainly not affected by Magic Find either, but I've not actually tested that.)They actually do have a chance to scale if there are a lot of players around. I saw an elite knife tail gang skritt in one of the larger events in Cursed Shore yesterday. It does however not matter if you can kill it or not. The buff that holds the chance to spawn a skritt isn't affected by the spawning itself, but only reduces whenever you loot a package. From what I've seen happen yesterday the technical side of things is that you loot a(n auto-open) package from every skritt you kill, regardless of who spawned it. The buff doesn't care how many skritt you spawn but will tick down every time such an auto-opened package detects a buff on you and gives you the appropriate loot box. If you don't have any buff when after looting a skritt, the package will just drop a trash item (fur) in your inventory instead.
  5. What do you consider a gamble? There's all kinds of items and activities with random rewards in this game.
  6. Expecting new players to gold farm after playing content so they can go back and play content to give the content they've just played context is a ludicrously inelegant solution Not really if gold farming includes actually playing the content you already have access to. ". Going completely conservatively and just doing SW farming , which is easy to do, its sth like 4 hours a day. And this reduces a lot if you are skillful in the game and know how to do fast t4 runs and dungeons runs or raid full clears. And you can mix by adding istan and HoT metas for some variety."I think you proved my point about expecting new players to gold farm is silly. Not to mention it's terrible game design. in that case there is bad news for you. GW2 is all about farming for gold or materials. E.g. the narrative part of a living story episode is easily played through in 1 or 2 short evenings, then it is weeks again farming maps for some irrelevant skin or achievement. It is not completely without appeal, but in GW2 you don´t go on adventures, you scrounge the majority of your time. Relaxing, sometimes entertaining, rarely exciting.That may be your way of playing this game, but I can assure you that it's not universal :) .
  7. Could you be a bit more precise please? What is it that you want? To put a limit on daily fractal relics earnable per account in order to time-gate relic aquisition? What exactly is the problem? You are using some title bought with fractal relics (?) to gate access to your fractal party that way? Did I understand that correctly? If I did, then it sounds a bit like the old dungeon lfgs where people asked arbitrary numbers of achievement points as requirement to join their party that really have nothing to do with a player's ability to know and play said dungeons. What exactly are you trying to achieve that requires time-gating others from gaining relics?
  8. Stability comes from a playerbase that has things to do in game new stuff to look forward to and work towards. I dont play games to go shopping, i can do that irl. I play games to have something to beat, something to achieve, something to earn, something that lets me slay dragons and rip their shiny loot from their cold dead hands.Yet others play games to immerse themselves in a fantasy world, to explore, to socialize, to roleplay. This game seems to have a lot of that kind of players that are happy with the direction of this game, enough to form a stable playerbase by themselves.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I certainly see flaws in the current system, but like I said before, the solution is human, not technical. Having pugged a lot of dungeons in the early years of this game, I sure am glad they changed the system to remove party leaders, as things go a lot smoother these days when dealing with lfg.
  10. There's no such thing as "your" party in this game. They removed party leadership for good reasons, since people used it for all kinds of troll behaviour. The downside is that whoever joins your party (be it a single person or several already in a separate party) has as much "rights" as you do, including the right to put up or change an existing lfg listing, choose a dungeon path or fractal level, and initiate a kick vote. It's really not a technical problem but a behavioral problem. Remove party merging, and other nuisances will pop up. Set up a party leader system, and yet other problems arise (that we have seen a lot of in the early years of this game). There really is no technical way to set up the party system that is immune to people's expectations clashing or downright trolling of others.
  11. Oh, that postcard idea has the collector in me all excited. Besides gemstore-bought motives, you could attach them to achievements and collections, motives from different vista around the world that you unlock by watching that vista, from meta events unlockable by doing those events ... ok, ok, I admit that's a ton of development needed for fluff, but for once it would be something I'd really love to get into :) .
  12. A lot of people have expressed the wish to have their Skyscale herd permanently installed in Sun's Refuge to be able to play the minigames even after the mount is grown. I suspect that to make that happen would mean a developer would have to take up the idea as their personal side project they work on whenever time permits, but seeing ANet's track record I think there's a good possibility this might happen one day, although probably a good bit away yet.
  13. For me the point is: I do not like to play where people judge my build, my DPS.I will play raids, should the DPS-meter user, the rage quitter and party kicker go somewhere else, but I will stay away as long as they are there. Honestly, that's a pretty sad statement, but it perfectly sums up the state of the game and a big portion of the player base. People just want rewards, with zero effort, skill, dedication, or grind... That's not what they are saying. What they are saying is:@Dayra.7405 said:For me the point is: I do not like to play where people judge my build, my DPS.There's a pretty huge gap between not liking to be judged and just wanting rewards for zero effort.I've done my share of competitive raiding in other MMOs in the past, at the top level. As I grow older, I find that while I still enjoy the challenge raids pose, both at a personal and group level, including matching builds and roles, practicing, and whatever else it takes to succeed, I no longer enjoy the way a lot of (mostly younger) raiders interact with each othe. In my experience that's more often judging and finger-pointing rather than finding the right way for THIS squad and THESE players that may very well get along better with understanding of builds, mechanics, and personal limitations rather than sticking to a strickt theoretical meta setup and throwing around the blame if that doesn't work as expected. To be honest, raiders haven't really changed that much over the years or between games either, but the older I get, the lower my tolerance for that kind of behaviour drops. I still play raids occasionally if the right squad comes along, but only for the fun of it, not for the rewards. The first generation of MMO players is around 50 these days, and has very different capabilities and priorities compared to our first games close to 30 years ago. As was said before in this thread, for many of us, fun is much more valuable than in-game rewards. Raiding attracts a kind of player that often doesn't mesh well with us older folks. To say we want rewards for zero effort just because we prefer to play different content with different priorities than you do is in itself a sad statement, as it shows that you don't even try to understand where other people come from and how their goals may differ from yours.
  14. My guess is that it would be a serious amount of extra coding (including all the extra chances to mess up and introduce new bugs to pve mounts in general) to figure out if the character in question has the associated wvw masteries unlocked and whether or not you are in territory controlled by your faction (whatever that may be in pve). Warclaw in wvw does start out with 2 energy bars and without extra speed in friendly territories, just like in pve. It's individual character masteries in wvw that enhance it for that character and gamemode alone.
  15. As for in-game weddings, there already are several places where you can stage a nice wedding ceremony, most notably the island in the eastern part of Lion's Arch. There's no need to attach any gameplay mechanics to it, those are better left for more general content that appeal more widely. "Forcing" people into things like character marriage just to get a unique in-game buff is an idea that doesn't really suit this game.
  16. I can hold my own when being ganked on pretty much any character I step into WvW with, but I still don't enjoy it any more than I did when I first stepped into the mode almost seven years ago. Being forced to duell people built specifically with cheesy ganker builds just isn't my thing. And before you ask, I'm not into zerg karma training either, but much prefer smallscale gameplay, just not with the objective to gank unprepared players. If you can't unmount people with a specialized ganking build that's on you, but the excuse of "warclaw killed wvw roaming" is a lame one, since it's simply not true. Try adapting instead of forcing people to play your way, and you might just find that it's much easier to bond with a team and actually have fun. We'll leave it here as you're not understanding.Try me.
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