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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. I can't wait for these topics to pop up for the next two sets of specializations
  2. I dunno, the very first fight on this one features a thief that stood in lich form and still won the duel...that's not a great outlook in my book 🤣
  3. So if the box leak is right then we do get hammer...question is, will it make full melee viable again?
  4. I see far more one-shot nade scrappers and flamethrower troll scrappers than I do medkit...
  5. I mean any other legendary. For weapons / armors / runes / sigils you just choose any stat combination you want. So food you just choose any stat combination you want...
  6. The forums is definitely nitpicky, and this topic is one I personally don't find an issue--however, I can see some of the disparity coming from the various diversity and inclusion themes present in the game but without proper voice backing for the main character. I don't want a silent protag though, it feels way too disjointed to me. Games like monster hunter do this, and it feels so odd where you character can't speak but everyone else is having a full on conversation as if they can. I'd rather a pre-determined hero over customization options if it means voice acting or not.
  7. If legendary food existed, why wouldn't it work like any other? Stat selectable food / enhancement. Guessing the only issue is quantity and timing, but seems most common is feast / 1 hr so they could probably get away with that?
  8. I don't believe so. One huge problem with QoL in this game is lack of such icons, almost nothing with an internal cooldown has an icon to let you know it is on cooldown or off. A few examples of where this is problematic is with skills like evasive purity for dodge timing, ancient seeds for cc timing, etc. Believe pet taunt is the same way, just sort of have to remember when you used the F2 skill and count from there.
  9. Are you really arguing that ranger harpoon gun is OP? I can't decide if you are a troll or ill informed 🤣 Give me thief spear and I'll trade you ranger harpoon gun any day.
  10. tldr; look up Trailblazer gear. As for boons, if you instead go Celestial, you get everything and like 50% boon duration. This is why the average player needs to consider stats before coming here and typing out novels...it is an RPG, stats do matter. I get it's a casual RPG and we don't have Path of Exile like tree structures, but stats still do matter for a lot of encounters.
  11. Ya I get bunny thumper, I'd just be far happier if it were like the Wardens--just some crazy forest protecters with giant hammers 😄
  12. Hmm, true. Then I really hope it requires you to be out of combat before working or that's going to be a pain if someone accidently hits the key. I mean it SHOULD only work out of combat because of how mounts work now, but you never know...
  13. Yeah, for me some of the changes that I didn't like are mostly southern half of map. I think the fire keep pathing was better before going downward through and around rather than the current design of it. Also I think they could have definitely revised the oasis event to be something unique rather than another capture and hold mechanic because players are unwilling to change. It's problematic because hanging on to Alpine essentially means they can't create a new map. At this point even Alpine is very flawed--it is old (samey towers and keeps are boring) and gliders / mounts make travel way too fast. Essentially, I doubt they will go through the effort of assigning an artist to make a brand new map again when both DBL and EoTM were flat out rejected and still are.
  14. Heh, rewatching that Twitch video on DBL, they sure did change a lot. I feel like possibly the reason people don't like it now is a lot of the charm is gone with those changes.
  15. What's the issue with warrior again? I see plenty of berserker's and spellbreaker's running around.
  16. I love the fix for soulbeast interacting with water. I'm unsure of the need to add mount ability while you are in CA. I guess it is for completeness, but you'd have to somehow enter CA, get out of combat while still in it, and then mount? Pretty sure most of the AF would be drained by time you did this so guess losing all remaining is fine? Although there is an interesting idea of mounting while in CA and activating celestial shadow because CA ends. That could be really useful for escape sequences...
  17. I'm not sure if you've seen the livestreams regarding the three revealed specs but you may want to check that out. The willbender specifically references existing Canthan lore, and all three of them tie into Cantha somehow. So Warden would be the Ranger's tie into the lore, in both name and function.
  18. For reference, my posts are almost always coming from a competitive standpoint. Core ranger is far from 'fine' by the way--I realize you may only see longbow rangers in open world because open world you can use anything. This does not mean the spec is fine in the least. I'd do some research on GW1 Warden to understand where those of us that want a melee weapon like hammer are getting our perspective from.
  19. After the three e-spec preview today, I'm really hoping we get some kind of boon rip abilities. Something like AoE boon strip with hammer would be ideal... But on the flip side two of the specs are already melee focused, so the danger is there of getting another range spec for us =\
  20. Not sure how Dolyak is even out of line with all the other defenses classes get. We have engi 'mini me' that's immune to everything, thieves with 'spin to win' that's immune to everything, daredevils with a million evades, spellbreakers with infinite disengage skills, guardians with block and aegis for days... Dolyak is remove three movement imparing condis, give some stability and some damage reduction. Against boon strip or heavy pressure the stab is meaningless, and damage reduction only does so much. People that pop it just to YOLO away are better off with like lightning reflexes and stone signet, because you can get all the removal and everything that way anyway.
  21. Those bugfixes for ranger are HUGE. I cannot tell you how annoying it was to enter water, be unmerged, and have beastmode go on CD. The build template bug was annoying as well because it'd leave you with no pet on any spec unless you relogged or changed modes or whatever. Anyway, it's like thieves want to be nerfed more by complaining they were left out of the balance notes....
  22. Boonshare and pulsing quickness...well necro's have no fear of being left out of group content lol
  23. This just tells me they need to buff Orr, because before HoT you wern't solo'ing Orr very easily. Also no way you were solo doing big event chains in Malchor's or Cursed Shore. If anything HoT is simply an extension of main game mechanics that added other things like gliding which made it perceived to be harder. Add in the e-specs and proper builds though and it is no harder than its ever been.
  24. I have SO much faith if that is the true revised order and ranger is dead last...
  25. This is called equality, no? While there are thankfully certain PvE things you can do in WvW through reward tracks, there is still enough annoyance and timegating with certain legendary items (ex: Aurora) that make WvW players like myself be annoyed at having to play PvE. By this I mean grinding the same hearts every day for weeks is just as annoying to someone like me as it would be a random PvE'r getting stomped at spawn. Anyway, I don't think the solution is to make a separate PvE map for WvW, I think the solution is to make legendaries accessible without having to cross modes. For other things like dailies, just do the PvE ones? And for warclaw, it's literally made for WvW so you really should have to play WvW to get it. The argument could be made it should be given by default at this point, but that's a different matter.
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