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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. What part of Guardian means they have to be just? Just going by the forum header we have: "Devoted defenders, smiting their foes with purifying flames." Nothing about that says they have to be moral or just, only that they are devoted defenders. Could be a White Mantle type slant on it for all we know...
  2. Druid is braindead easy roaming...so much so that I switch to SB for more of a challenge lol
  3. I did the entirety of HoT solo, so I have no idea what this topic is about. I think I used a TP to friend once in Verdant Brink for a POI I couldn't get to because I didn't have gliding mastery...outside of that literally everything can be reached, especially now with mounts makes map exploration a breeze. I think this all comes down to a vast majority of PvE players ignoring stats and builds and just YOLO'ing it then getting upset when they can't complete something. Learn your class and your build...there are plenty of builds where you steamroll everything and don't have a chance to die no matter what it is unless you play very poorly.
  4. Been around the block enough with KMMOs to know they aren't for me (back in the day Maplestory, Vindictus, Dragons Nest, etc.). They might be for some, but in my experience are mostly P2W no matter what they offer, and every region is always behind Korea obv. I don't think either is comparable to GW2, let alone WvW lol.
  5. Wait, is Lost Ark actually coming out? I remember reading about it like five years ago lol... Anyway, have fun with a game that is in eternal development and another game even streamers hate after playing for a few hours. EDIT: Looked up a trailer for lost ark...from 2014...that game has been in development for practically GW2's entire existence 🤣
  6. How is someone going to get Mursaat coins through a reward track? We can't just assume someone has a friendly neighborhood mesmer willing to port them to both coin spots (that are outside the JP and thus outside checkpoint help), or they have a position rewinder handy. I had to do that frigging thing four times, one for initial completion, two for coin runs, and lastly one for the seasons of dragons achievement. The only thing reward tracks helped on were map currency and the overall map reward (things like the houndskin mantle or other armor pieces). But nothing with the jumping puzzles, especially not Chalice of Tears.
  7. I guess I don't understand how mystic clovers or coins really means anything...yes they have arbitrary value if you outright buy them (i.e. buy coins and then also clover gamble)--but why would you? Like Aurora for example, I'm not looking at the mystic tribute--in fact, that's the easiest part. By just playing the game I have nearly 250 clovers and 4 stacks of mystic coins, and that's after crafting all my legendary armor. The hard part is the collections and crap, the jumping puzzles, timegates, events that require an open world group to do... Anyway, the long and short is its a literal single item out of many, many items you need to really get use of legendary. It doesn't actually matter for existing players, and gets new players in the game and interested in the armory. So it has all upside for anet no matter how much people complain that it's 'easy'.
  8. Yes, with resistance changes you actually have to play the game now.
  9. I think the weapon choice matters a lot less than what they do with the pet. Bruiser spec is going to be pointless if there isn't a pet merge instituted like soulbeast has. About weapons though, sword would be much better than greatsword if they'd up the auto damage a bit and shorten the activation times of hornet's / monarch's. As a kiting weapon sword is just better; greatsword has swoop and a block, which isn't enough usually, so soulbeast's run bird. The rest shakes out, you either get CC with hilt bash or poison with serpent's strike. The only thing left is maul which without quickness is borderline useless. All that said, not sure shield fits--unless they utilize 'command' abilities and tie it to the shield somehow. Given pet AI concerns this probably ends badly, but it's a possibility. Hammer's problem is that bruiser spec is opposite of every other ranger spec. Druid was obviously made for support with its kiting potential, immobs, heals, etc. but is not a bruiser. Soulbeast was designed to be a flanker as well because of mainhand dagger--it only gains some sustain through stances, but not enough to stay long. Not sure what a class enamored with the moon, venoms, and pets really gains from hulk smashing things with a hammer...
  10. Going to second this. About the only downside to it are classes that have access to a lot of cleanse and / or defensive abilities like invuln and block. Then it becomes more of a 'who gets bored first' situation. But in like 95% of other situations you win if you play your cards right.
  11. Since we're talking a video game here, you may want to rethink your statement about Steam and Amazon. Steam as a service has influence that far outweighs any other competitor by a vast distance. Also, the Prime Gaming stuff is purely for exposure so that's why the rewards aren't game-breaking. I mean they're literally free with a Prime membership...which anyone who uses the internet has unless they go out of their way to avoid Amazon.
  12. Just from a developer perspective, this is a convenience issue and its also a privileged one because it deals with the most expensive type of item in the game. So it's not going to be high on the list of things to change. Essentially though, if you are unequipping because the weapon is not one of your two swap options, then you are swapping builds, not weapons. Build templates exist for just this reason... And yes, I realize people don't want to buy build templates, but I don't want to buy bag slots either.
  13. My statement on mag is based on the overall reputation--the reason I believe mag stays T2 or lower is because they like to troll more than anything. It's just easier to do that out of T1 where you would face similar numbers. That's just my opinion though. For the PPT vs KDR aspect, simply I don't think WvW is structured competitively enough to warrant looking at KDR at all. It's extremely imbalanced because of food, gear, and other consumables that aren't in a structured mode like PvP and it supports uneven fights more often than not because that's how you win. Any KDR advantages can be boiled down to coverage, uneven numbers, or lack of skill but I believe lack of skill isn't really even a factor; you can probably also chalk it up to some servers having more organized groups and guilds than others. Lack of rewards is a huge factor, yes. I'm not saying PPT is exactly the right way to do things as taking empty structures is indeed boring--I'm saying it is literally the factor for winning under current design. Is this outdated? Yeah. No one is escorting yaks or defending camps anymore because structures auto-upgrade and claim buffs make fights against enemy owned territory too unbalanced most of the time, so roaming as we knew it is long gone. Anyway, long and short is, if they want KDR to matter at all it's going to need to have more impact and be shown somewhere in-game. Going to third party sites just to see it should show how highly its regarded by anet.
  14. This is categorically true. I've yet to encounter a spellbreaker that doesn't put on nikes the moment they start to fall below half HP. I also have long agreed with the notion that most SBs are terrible and only carried by bird swoop, GS block, stone signet, etc. Boonbeast is only powerful because boons are, not because soulbeast is in a great place. My opinion here though is druid. No one plays it because very few care to learn how to move past longbow and play it, but I can't find a spec that can kill me 1v1--though a few builds can stalemate until we're both bored. By that I mean specs with a lot of barrier in particular just take too long to care about, so I usually just ignore them and move on; everything else either gets nuked immediately or runs away in which case I still call that a win.
  15. I mean buildings wouldn't have walls and siege if they weren't meant to be held by non-fighting means. If it was about 'fighting for PPT' then you'd pretty much just have literal territories that are fought over...oh, yeah you'd be playing PvP. I also disagree with it being easier to k-train things in PvE, it's about equal if you just follow a blob around in WvW. I'm sure there's guild coordination somewhere but from all my time all I see is clouding and greater numbers win the day most of the time, none of that has to do with skill and makes KDR metrics useless. Anyway, for mag not wanting to PPT they sure do love to camp the heaviest PPT zone in the game in EBG, and hold SMC at all costs. If you hold SMC it's easy to get the surrounding structures and then also spawn camp with your greater numbers as it makes it very difficult for other servers to come out and fight. If you go outside EBG it was just mag backcapping BP all week. There's a reason mag tanks and stays in T2, and it isn't because of skill.
  16. Has any server ever tried that though? Just not holding any objectives and rolling over open field with KDR carrying? I would think not because all the other servers have to do is go inside a structure and wait. The community may not like it, but WvW is built around capturing and holding objectives...all things that grant PPT. The fights actually are literally secondary to this mode, you don't have to fight anyone to win. I mean this topic I guess is proof of sorts--BG losing badly in KDR to Mag but Mag is the one staying in T2 because they never leave EBG. I'm not sure theoretically which method makes a server 'better', but I do know by current WvW standards the one who PPT's more is moving up.
  17. WvW is about PPT no matter what the playerbase thinks. You don't move up and down tiers via KDR, you move based on warscore which is in turn based on PPT.
  18. Ya, miss is probably blind. Obstructed though--don't get me started on obstructed lol. In PvE it isn't super noticeable but in WvW...*sigh*
  19. Nah, the teleport hacking is in downstate. A few players would teleport around like thieves while on their scourges clipping into the ground and walls and such. I guess if giving the benefit of the doubt what we've seen here in the topic could be lag like what happens with dolyaks sometimes-- that is, you hit them but shows out of range as they are not where they appear on screen. Not sure though.
  20. I mean it wouldn't surprise me; I'm still convinced there was something weird going on with the rapid fire into smoke assault--that is, from the video, the distance you had covered on the warclaw should have gotten you out of range of smoke assault. I've ran into plenty of scourges teleport hacking (not trying to single out a spec but it was literally always scourges lol) so it wouldn't surprise me if someone was 'lag switching'. Especially someone from Mag (sorry not sorry 🤣)
  21. I think most of them may? I play both Druid (condi) and Soulbeast (power) and can succeed in any mode with either of them.
  22. High probability that this is either Warrior or Guardian because of the OG GWEN meta. Mesmer always slides in there because the devs clearly put a lot of time into Kasmeer lol.
  23. I'm not even sure its boons really... Just remove the gear that adds to the issue like trailblazer, marauder, etc. As full disclosure I have builds that use both of those as well, and only use them because that's how you play WvW. It's not great design at all because it just leads to way too much survivability for no downside cost. If you had to run glassy to utilize protection or something then it would feel better to fight against. I guess boon spam is still an issue but spreading out removal to more classes could alleviate that.
  24. How is the skirmish vendor overpriced? I don't see how a stack of MoB is a problem when you're supposed to play the game mode to get the stuff--if you don't like the gamemode then play the other ones? I've made a full set of legendary armor and still have 4-5 stacks left and haven't bought any ever, but that's because I pretty much only play WvW until recently with the 'return to' PvE stuff.
  25. I never realized this about PvE until some players were talking in LA chat; but, it seems that for open world most people just ignore every part of the gear system. What I mean is, these players didn't even know what runes and sigils are and had been through most of the open world content--and now OP just following metabattle without looking up what stats do. I'd just say read the wiki more than mettabattle as it will serve you better.
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