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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. What are half of you even basing 'overpriced' on? 😂 I think I'm in the neighborhood of owning 40-50 statues of various heights / materials / etc. and can say that from all the prices I've paid this one seems inline as far as sizing and materials go. You do NOT want a more detailed Aurene statue. For one they can't mass produce that, and for two it's going to cost like $400-500 and that's not 'overpriced' that is literally low end for detailed statues.
  2. I can see lifting the armor weight requirement for cosmetic purposes--it's similar to how they lift weapon restrictions based on what specialization you are; but on the flip side that does create thematic problems, an elementalist decked out in heavy chainmail is no good. The outfit idea would require a ton of work just to split one outfit out into separate pieces. I'm not sure where splitting one piece out into multiple constitutes trivial work. Also these systems have been in place since GW1, going on some 16 years ago...why would they change now?
  3. My main point on the macro is I don't think it can be done with a normal rotation like it was shown in the OP's video. If someone wants to disprove that and show their skillbar / activations then go ahead. Also minonmancer maybe counters 1-shot builds like this but definitely not power soulbeast in general. But minionmancer is also a meme, running MH axe they are trivial if you don't literally stand in the condis. I mean sure they have a lot of HP / toughness but that goes away pretty quick with 3K axe autos lol. Anyway, I guess the whole point is no one should ever be losing to this type of gank build unless they were caught off guard like OP was.
  4. Why would you not assign that to a macro again? Also, from my roaming experience, power soulbeast is one of the only ways to deal with trailblazer minonmancer scourges and gets absolutely hardcountered by a good spellbreaker due to the blocks and boon rip. This 'one shot' stuff is just meme though and I rarely ever see it myself; probably because as we all learned in the topic dismounting before it is over or stunbreaking out right after will end their burst potential and they'll go back in their structure of choice.
  5. If we're taking casual play to an extreme, I guess the gen 2 ones because you can't just buy those off the TP? But for the topic, I am hopeful they add unique skins for the WvW/PvP ones. Think the reason they haven't is probably staffing restrictions as the perfect envoy stuff was literally made as a reward to promote raiding; the other two were nice addons for those of us that aren't heavy PvE people.
  6. This really. Most statues of this size aren't this cheap, and I can imagine this one is a mold because of the open pre-order window on it--typically a lot of the more expensive ones are limited in quantity, which wouldn't be good when you are promoting an expansion for an MMO. Do wish we had more shots against a non-blue background or a video outside of the reveal one where it was being held and shown briefly.
  7. Might just be me, but GW2 is the one MMO where I've never felt the need for an alt. I mean for muling, sure, but never felt the need to actively play more than one character at a time. The entire game seems to revolve around NOT having alts--from the 'my story' journey to the birthday gifts being per char to a lot of things back in the day being soul bound. Maybe its my age though and willingness now to just pay for whatever I don't have instead of park alts at farming spots 🤷‍♂️
  8. I dunno what you are going on about. Anyone can do this burst without a 20 button 'MMO' mouse lol--just not in the time shown in the video. I mean if it was a macro you need one button... Also the constant cries about how OP soulbeasts / rangers are in topics that have nothing to do with class balance (like this one) shows how bad the WvW community really is...
  9. You gotta read my whole post--never said they used GS (because it's impossible from the footage), but did say if they had the reaction time would have been difficult. My old CM Storm serves me fine for GW2; I don't need 20 buttons on a mouse to know the sequence of events in the video is unlikely without setting up a macro.
  10. The reaction time on GS Swoop that quickly would have me questioning, but if you look when they are BM'ing you--they are holding a bow, meaning there can be no way to have weapon swapped from LB to GS and back in the span of 3 seconds. So definitely a macro, which I believe is technically an exploit under anet's rules--but we have blatant botting in WvW with no repercussions so probably little they will do here unfortunately.
  11. Even though smoke assault will teleport you to your target, the range at which it happened is a little suspect. It's hard to tell from the video but it looks like there was more than 750 units when rapid fire was going on, so had to be a macro that timed it exactly or something odd happened. Looks like Rapid Fire + Sic Em' + OWP => Smoke Assault => Wordly Impact; the rotation is fine but as mentioned before the speed of execution and especially the range on the port to insta-down is really weird. I've never actually seen that myself, usually sic em' rangers will rapid fire you off the mount and then barrage => smoke assault or something to finish, not everything at once like that.
  12. Anything you don't enjoy can be considered a grind... Also, I've been playing for nine years, I didn't say it took me nine years to get legendary armor; in that nine years I've also amassed almost 2k mystic coins (total after crafting all armor pieces of one weight) and 300 mystic clovers without clover gambling. They're just materials for 'future use'. As for exotics being 'good enough', I think it wholly depends on how often you build swap. Playing WvW I play around with builds all the time, and re-crafting exotics or re-rolling ascendeds gets way too expensive for my liking, which is why I did armor before a legendary weapon. For me the true 'grind' are legendaries that require collections--take Aurora for instance, currently at the druid stone part which is almost 3 weeks of doing the exact same hearts to fill out the collections. That to me is a literal grind because I get nothing else out of it (aside from some karma to go with the 8 million I have).
  13. Bring swiftness skills until you can train the mount--it's how we had to get around prior to mounts being a thing. In fact, I would learn your class pretty thoroughly before going into WvW because you need to know your role. Learning everyone else's class isn't super important as long as you understand basic game mechanics and also have a basic idea of what to expect in each encounter. After that, really the only things you need to know are camps are easy captures for solo, towers for small groups, keeps for larger groups. It doesn't get too much more complicated than this--I've been playing for nine years and still haven't trained half the siege weapons for instance.
  14. That build is hardcountered by avoiding the burst; this is the reason no one likes Mag though...
  15. Just making mounts vulnerable to CC would be enough I think. Why anyone would want to remove gliding I have no idea--what does it even do other than straight up QoL improvement? 😄
  16. Double Bearbow Core Ranger is the hardest spec to master
  17. I think it's just because of the legendary armory. Kind of hard to use the armory with no legendaries, so you can progress multiple at once doing the seasons of dragons event.
  18. Literally everything added to the game can be considered a 'patch'. Thanks for the enlightening topic though.
  19. They're high on the Asian theme so guessing it's panda and yeah probably turtle to go with the siege turtle theme. Sadly both of those point to more charge/CC type abilities--would need elephant or something to get a ground target. Though by time it runs over and actually does the thing it may not be effective.
  20. So I think what we're forgetting here is the currently half-baked implementation of 'commands'. If it IS a shield then it leads me to believe they will fully implement the command feature, and put heavy reliance back on the pet--this may be the worst outcome of all. It is worst because pet AI and pathing cannot keep up with a 'guardian ranger' issuing commands unless they've revamped the entire AI system for EoD. If it is a hammer then they would have to have implemented some way for the pet to survive similar to soulbeast merge--not sure how likely this is compared with the above where the pet could be invuln while the ranger is commanding but the ranger vulnerable to damage (unless shielding) / cannot move...ok I'm going to stop theorizing now as I REALLY hope they don't do this 😂
  21. Ultimate comes with all the Deluxe items if I'm reading correctly.
  22. Please tell me you are young...I weep for the future if an actual adult is typing like this. Anyway, probably the deluxe but possibly ultimate if the gem prices check out. I might just buy only the Aurene statue though if the e-specs go south 😂
  23. Same general problem Ranger's have...even with 'return to me' on Ranger the pet takes 5 seconds to register anyway. One good thing about minions I guess is they give you mass HP/toughness and throw off targeting because there are so many of them...
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