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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Adding a video at @Arrow Blade of El Elyon.9341's request:
  2. WTF @ Stalker's Strike: Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only. A double CD nerf for a skill that barely does anything and on a weapon that is wholly inferior to WH? Lmao. You know what, Imma shutup about WH. Anyway, Hilt Bash, Concussion Shot, and CoW are all CC's...which is why they were balanced at 25s. Bonfire and Stalker Strike makes 0 sense when that evade wasn't saving kitten anyway on 250 range. I mean, I swear to god they read the metabattle and nerfed from it...but didn't read all of it: Our curator decided this build is in the current metagame regardless of rating. The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great Dodge rolling is the most important part of your survivability and just because because of the obvious reasons. Dagger/Dagger is your more dangerous set, On Staff the skills deal almost neglibile damage, Solar Brilliance combined with the auto spam is the best you can do. 😂 Untamed - Staff/Dagger Untamed Duelist - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds I cannot stop laughing, swear that may be the best meta battle read through ever--I've always thought the build was meme and never had trouble against anyone who ran it as it can't really damage properly and can somewhat bunker but not to the level of literally any other bunker...but they are actually nerfing it and ONLY it 🤣
  3. This has been fixed; I've posted video proof of that before pretty recently. If pets are rezzing when they are dead, that is a bug at this point--and as you can see from the video in this topic, didn't even get a shadow of a chance to use lick wounds vs. player who knows what they are doing. This is true lol; typically in placement matches and such (which this was) kiting up the back works and can go high risk--did not expect someone to actually counter it. I'm not disputing that; the above explanation was more cause Grim was trying to troll haha. Again, video was just a way to show that ranger downstate more often than not does absolutely nothing. Sure, pet rez when dead is messed up but the rest of it is pretty balanced because half the pet CC's don't even hit...
  4. It'd be swap to staff => staff #3, dodge, hopefully CA is off CD, then CA into #3 => #2 combo, etc. ur welcome Like, I'm not burning equality when CA already dazes...your lack of ranger knowledge shows lol Nah, other classes have passives to pop--even if I was on soulbeast I could use dolyak for prot, etc. etc.--this version of Druid doesn't get these luxuries. Reason for late react is I was assuming rev would stay on point long enough for heal to come off CD (can see me try to use it just as rev ports to me), but they recognized the kite and came after me--was not expecting that much damage as ranger isn't allowed to do damage. I COULD kitten that rev port does too much damage, no time to react yadda yadda like SOME do for ranger, but nope---was just late reaction from me that lead to down. Let's not deflect from the real point of the vid though--other pet has to path up to me or force swap, and even when swap is forced...ranger downstate is sooo OP the pet CC entirely misses. Whoever is getting wrecked by ranger downtate seriously needs skill checks, I swear 😂.
  5. E. Wyvern needs way more than the tooltip adjusted 😂: Plz fix, thanks
  6. Has there ever been an in-between? Since all classes and specs can pretty much do anything, all you are left with is extremes in balancing. For instance, ranger over past year--had power / teleburst untamed, nerf that to get bland lb /gs power untamed, buff sword and got burst slb for a bit, destroy that, and now onto bunker untameds. There will pretty much never be a middle ground unless they utterly overhaul boons and condis and make positioning / mechanics more important again (chiefly combo fields). Not self-combo fields either--but each class would have to get one and so you'd need all of them to function together.
  7. A simple solution is separate block lists for each game mode--as someone might be an idiot in competitive but not say much in PvE. Or might only ever really play one mode, so it cleans up / organizes the list a bit.
  8. They really just need to add a ping that attaches the player's name who pulled the EWP and their guild (if they have one selected). That way at least it's easy to block griefers--won't stop them from doing it but will stop you from having to see it.
  9. For the actual topic at hand, for me, you can play anything up until about g3 as long as you know it well--after, you do need something that is meta or has tools to fight meta / carry. This has been my experience playing the same Druid build I have forever now--it can do a lot of things well but don't think it is plat viable because it's also pretty easy to shut down and went from a straight sidenode decap build to a +1 because of various nerfs. So, each season I top out at around 1470-1480 as really not that important for me to gain ranks anymore. As an aside, don't think LB untamed has been meta for a bit now; all the memer's are onto staff/dagger bunkers.
  10. Guess agree to disagree--as I believe I could be mid plat 1 just by grinding Druid support as it contains some to a lot of offense depending on how you build it. Surely this would apply to other classes too? Maybe bunker is the better word? As that covers more than just support.
  11. It's only F1-F3...F4 is pet swap lol. Then F5 is merge/unleash/CA, and F6/F7 are attack / return to me (some of those can change ordering depending on spec, but F4 is definitely pet swap no matter what). The point is yes, you can still swap but 'attack my target' and 'return to me' still function too but...no one cares lol. Anyway, to get 5 you'd have to have two pets with two CC's and those aren't commonly run (gazelle being the most common); so, a vast majority of the time you'd have 3 CC's (thunderclap + pet 1 + pet 2)--buuut if pet 1 is dead and 2 is on swap you get no CC's (see video above). What we're saying in this topic that has been lovingly derailed into downstate somehow, is that the ranger CC's on downstate is overblown. The real 'issue' is lick wounds functioning when pet was dead, but that mostly seems to have been patched (again see video above). So, if somehow, we could get this back on topic to like literally every other profession, that'd be great.
  12. Boon / Aura sharing is still an issue. Not sure any of this is solvable as it's chicken / egg; you either have more boons or more strips, and that's who wins. This holds true whether you nerf boon duration gear / boon application rates / etc. or nerf strip application rates / things like winds / etc.--whoever has more boons or strips will win. It's just right now it is really hard / impractical to have more strips as they've actively nerfed that.
  13. As a neutral here... This would agree with previous topics about lag switches being used in sPvP--if someone can selectively lag switch other players than it could very well look like a speed heal hack as they catch up. Yes; which is why we have topics like 'that ranger FFA guy'--not necessarily because Trevor is always involved, but because the trash talk from arena / higher tier sPvP always seems to find a way to spill to other places. Not that games below are substantially better, but at least you get more randoms raging instead of the group of 5-10 known tryhard/trashtalker's.
  14. Possibly, but in my experience, I've yet to see a game where I carry and don't get top stats--if I don't get top stats then the rest of the team was playing equally or better to me. The only thing that comes close in recent memory is a thief going far and getting literally all top stats as they kept home feeding--but the rest of us didn't have to do anything so I consider it warranted. That was an obvious win though--trying to think of a time where we lost and I felt I played well but didn't get any top stat, or felt someone else played better and they didn't get top stats on that loss--may have happened but I guess I'm not in high enough tier to see the win-trading / purposeful side node bunker farming for stats?
  15. That's a bug that I think has been fixed? It doesn't work for me here (~2:48 if it doesn't go there): If it's still happening, then they need to look into it, as it's same as underwater bug in WvW--while fun for us Rangers to tank 3-4 people with dead armorfish, it was definitely broken lol.
  16. Says the person posting super ranty paragraphs because they can't disprove a point lol. Ranger downstate is fine--once you improve your gameplay as others have said you'll have less trouble with it. I await your next TED talk 🧂😂
  17. Rarely and routinely aren't mutually exclusive--when I do go into downstate, I routinely have those things happen; I can see why you rage so much if these basic concepts are eluding you.
  18. Wait, what? I see you feel super strongly about downstate, but I rarely go in it myself to really care. You will get your smokescale nerf and then that's one less CC a lot of rangers have access to when you are getting wrecked by them in downstate, but somehow, I still feel a rage paragraph will result....😂
  19. All this crying for what? I routinely get stealth stomped by thieves, or stab stomped by other rangers that just pop dolyak stance, or guards / mes / ele that puke out blocks and inuvlns like nothing--or necros, who just fear the pet, or straight up just get nuked by nade engi before any downstate skill comes off CD lol. That leaves what, revs? Pretty sure they can just swap to a legend for stab.... Getting a stomp off is not a problem unless you are low skill, regardless of your class. If this is not true, tell me a class that can't circumvent two CC's to secure a stomp?
  20. Sure, but if you are bunkering side node you are not allowing the enemy to have it and possibly drawing their attention away from other nodes. It's why far node camping works so well as a lot of people will feed. If you still manage to lose while doing that, then I don't see why you shouldn't get credit for the top stats. As in, I've never seen anyone in an aisle getting top stats unless the entire team is spawn camping the other. Usually, even if you 'farm' it you have to be on a build that can generate a lot of kills, healing, bunker, etc. Even if it is opposite as you say, where someone is fighting a bunker on a node all game--at least they are doing something. If you AFK or rage you wouldn't be getting any top stat and so should lose more points.
  21. Annoying how topics always devolve into downstate discussion. Anyway, engis mech can still attack you during downstate, warrior can get up and fight after a certain period of time using all their mechanics, thief can still stealth and shadowstep, necro can still condi bomb you from downstate...etc. etc. The complaining about a few pet CC's is nuts when half the time it's on CD and you can't swap to the other one anyway. So at least 50% of the time you are only eating one potential CC if the pet has it, and all that can be avoided by either stealth stomp, stab, or simply waiting the short CC out and re-stomping (same as you'd have to with thunderclap, guard bubble, rev knockback, etc.). Also, I know this is mainly only a forum problem as from my experience ingame I always get complemented for actually using the pet in downstate. I can't think of many rangers I fight against that do it. Finally, call it 'obtuse' but all this downstate complaining? You really can only do chain CC to great effect if you are Untamed--as that smokescale KD? Can't use it on your own in downstate if not Untamed. Basically, it's not even baseline across the specs as you can only control one spec and IIRC you can't unleash and leash in downstate, so the pet has to be unleashed when you go down or you get no CC's at all.
  22. So still some duo games, some off-hours matches, 170 games played (at least 20 over required), and on some good/safe specs--only to barely graze plat 2. You see where that is going right? Considering you stream you think you would be high plat 2 or plat 3...but end up just above high p1 that most can get by grinding games and decay dodging. This tells me ELO hell exists, because as I mention before, average non-streamer that doesn't grind out games / decay dodge / off-hours dodge is going to most likely end up in g3 or somewhere mid to low p1 if they only Solo Q and are skilled.
  23. Condi roaming builds for ranger generally still perform well--even without celestial. The only one that really got hit was power soulbeast due to the OWP nerf and power in general being lackluster in WvW thanks to the bunker stats.
  24. Only thing to add is top stats should factor into this. Essentially, if you lose 490-500 and have like 3 top stats you shouldn't really lose any rank (maybe -1? lol).
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