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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. You're saying 1600 though, which makes you top 20 at the current time. I have a hard time believing that is all, mostly because you say it's 'not that hard' meaning there should be a large spread above you unless you are claiming to be one of the best sPvPers in the game. You realize the huge disparity we have here...right? OP is claiming climbing is impossible because most of PvP is toxic thrower / afk mess and here we are saying '1600 is easy'. Empirical evidence and logic points to the former so you can understand why I'm questioning the latter...?
  2. That would be so broken on Ranger with the way LB #2 tracks 🤣. That plus Sic' Em means basically perma reveal (12s every 25s)..not good. More revealed time does nothing because the people complaining about stealth aren't dying to stealth, they are dying to bursts from it or perma chasing and getting frusterated. This remains true even if say daredevil is being run and little to no stealth--the mobility alone kills and /or rages so many people. The problem with stealth for me isn't stealth it's the application rate. Revealed is just a bad solution for this as it unduly punishes thieves in the same way unblockables unduly punishes say guardians. All that's needed is a shimmer or outline to occur after: missing an attack in stealth, a set time in stealth, or applying stealth rapidly. Should be all that's needed as it still keeps stealth burst intact and the entire mechanic, just not being able to use it + mobility to create an unfair situation.
  3. Just casually browsing but saw some Ranger stuff so wanted to comment.. (it's really a general and not aimed at disputing the quoted, but just used the quoted for a discussion point) Since OP is talking competitive, you don't just 'choose not to merge' as a soulbeast--you need to merge or you lose the entire point of the spec. Staying perma unmerged means you took soulbeast trait line and get no use out of it to essentially RP core ranger... But is merging a tradeoff? Not really--the tradeoff was loss of pet swap but that's been reverted. I guess you can say you technically still have this tradeoff if you don't take the GM though; anyway, I don't think merge in any way shape or form is a tradeoff. Untamed on auto-cast is also a HUGE detriment, because again, you lose an entire traitline not to interface with your pet. That's not a tradeoff either though--it is true that Untamed has no tradeoff from core, and only enhances it. The inverse is actually true, core now has a tradeoff from Untamed because you lose control of all but your F2. Anyway, I think the topic is confusing what tradeoffs are. Like mentioned before, loss of pet swap for ranger is a tradeoff, and pets doing less damage as Druid was a tradeoff... But getting back to mesmer, clones vs. blades isn't a tradeoff, it's a different way to play. I don't claim to have really any mesmer experience, but just logically blades are a straight sidegrade to clones--they can't block or distract but they also can't straight up get nuked by AoEs.
  4. The fact that GW2 Twitch channel doesn't host VODs of the mAT's should be telling enough.
  5. From what starting rank in the season? You can get into plat after your 10 games; this is not the same as say placing into say high silver/low gold (who knows what rank OP is) and actually finishing 150 or whatever games in 1600. Anyway, for most of the forum warriors here--say you are 'in plat' and come to find out actual leaderboard rank is like 1525 lol.
  6. Have to define 'low ratings'. If you mean bronze, silver, then yeah...I don't think anyone is disputing this. If gold, then due to current population 'elo hell' most certainly exists because you are getting paired with anyone and everyone--and thusfar there has been no counterproof of hard carry solo to plat, just (at least in this topic) one random account saying they play core rev in plat without any proof. I mean, 149X with mech I can see as I was there with Druid and condi druid never really was meta (at least not in the past year when I did it)---but still kind of lol'ing at core rev in 1600, as if some magical key has been unlocked. Anyway, burden of proof is on those saying plat is possible solo with off-meta builds to actually post videos or streams doing this, not just random testimonials like the my pillow guy.
  7. It's a weird first post for sure... I'm sure you understand why it's currently impossible to combine those ideas--but if not, the hint is there is no individual rating in sPvP. Your rating is a team based one and it's impossible to win by yourself--unless the other team agrees to throw--but normally, impossible. You can literally play perfectly and everyone else on your team dies--then you are kiting a 3, 4, or 5 on 1---it's not tenable.
  8. I don't think I've ever seen a core rev in a game, and I've been as high as ~1480 when I was actively trying for Top 250. I know that is just out of plat range but I was matched with Top 10's on the leaderboard a few time and many streamers. Must truly be a unicorn.
  9. Agree; you will need a meta build and carry ability to soloq into at most I'd say p1 (~1500-~1550)--but for vast majority will cap out in the 1400 range. If you look at Top 250 it also reflects this, as most of the bottom 250 are in g3, then top 100 p1, and top 20 above that. On non-meta build or builds you like, you are probably capped at g2 maybe mid-g3, because non-meta isn't enough to carry a bad team like a meta build would be. Basically, you don't climb unless you specifically are running with people that know how to game the system (this includes DuoQ which while probably the least offensive is still gaming a SoloQ based system).
  10. They fix that a while ago, but was hilarious when it was in full effect---Ranger's were called 'aquaman' class for this reason
  11. I say turn it on and post some up, would be interesting to see
  12. Ah, I missed that it only removes it in PvE now; still I agree that while diminished it is still a very potent spec if played correctly.
  13. There are tons of them on YT--found this one at random as I'm not really biased toward any creator: Builds are mostly Dragon/Marauder based with DE, speed relic or similar--and then with elite that removes revealed among the other thief traits you can take--it's really not hard to stay alive. I don't know why we're arguing about avoiding the same Sic' Em burst that's been around for 5 years now--and it's objective fact any other ranger spec is going to get dunked unless it's like a seriously good untamed with some projectile hate built in.
  14. They will probably 'fix' it then for another 3 months it will convert 14 condis to boons.
  15. Yet ya'll on forums were very salty when Druidic Clarity cleansed 13 condis every 20 seconds... If this bug is true can actually come very close now with DC + WS/Elite--as it'd be 3 from DC + 14 from Relic + 2 from Elite--so like 19+ every 48 sec as you can probably fit two CA in that window. So, we can say if you did everything perfectly then maybe 22 condis cleanse every 48 sec with just normal traits and this relic....yeah that's totally healthy. But is something to try--I can actually make my own immob build immune to itself with this relic 🤣
  16. Mostly 7 second meme vids in unranked and what looks like a tutorial vid or two from 1-2 years ago (that naturally spams nades)...ok. Not sure how big those "gonadal's" are 🤣--gonna need a Holo video or something in at least upper gold for that. What does this even mean lol; if I were to post a vid of my main in Druid it would still use shortbow--and even if I go out of my way to post LB/GS Untamed or slb, would you say "it's always the longbow rangers"? Thanks; I'm still kind of laughing that a super off-meta build like dagger untamed is causing this much uproar--but it is what it is.
  17. I'm not sure what tier you are in, but I barely see rangers when roaming anymore in T1/T2. I see thieves' way more, albeit there are a lot of core and daredevil's now after the weaponmaster opening up scepter. But, we can speak in generals all day, but my post was specifically about stealth access between LB # 3 and all the ways DE has access to it. Anyway, Stealth IS the versatility, so I'm still unclear on what you're getting at here.
  18. Of course, because I tend to speak truth, I have a legion of low post count alts following me around that use terms like 'Nectard'.
  19. I mean, we could get a ranged rainbow mace that is condi and shoots laser beams.... But any sane person would be we'd get a double melee set that's most likely power and good for support / CC.
  20. For once the matchmaker actually put a competent solo team against a double duo team and came out with a pretty competitive match: I've fallen back into mid-g2 but I kinda want to stay here if I get more matches such as this. Also got two good examples of Ranger downstate--the first I was trying to kite off then back towards the bell, get pulled and downed--but pet is still up in bell area and other pet on CD; and by time it moves off point it dies just right as lick wounds comes up 🤣. The second I was off node after that last home fight, but could use turtle bubble to stall long enough for us to tick that +1 point and win... Anyway, even on a newish build for me and probably being the least skilled person in that match, I actually enjoyed sPvP for once.
  21. World Restructuring is exactly like EoTM--devs make a process that goes brrrr like a blender and throws everyone into big teams based on crac---err math or something. Alliances is this, but players actually can group themselves via like allying their big fak--I mean totally real non-shell guilds and stuff.
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