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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. The 'small competitive adjustments' will center around Ranger/Soulbeast and will be: Boar coefficient no longer uses PvE variant (probably 584 x 1.0 or if lucky 1.5) in WvW/PvP Strider strength +120 => +60 in PvP Griffon Stance = 2 stacks might 6s => 2 stacks might 4s in WvW/PvP Touching anything else would be ludicrous as it all existed pre-patch; even Griffon Stance nerf is a bit far but CmC likes to hit FoTM (like with Drake's Tail Swipe) so I can see it happening. This should hopefully shut the PvP forum up or at least make them move on to whatever becomes overperforming because of these nerfs (probably a bunker again).
  2. They really are because knockdown has an animation component with it whereas stun does not. The animation component means that it takes longer to recover from a knockdown as you have to count the recovery frames--those who play fighting games will understand the difference here. As an analogue, that's like saying a push is no different than a pull despite direction, which is the entire difference. If you want to be pedantic then probably should ask anet why they named everything 'stun break' when only one control effect is actually a stun...
  3. We're talking probability though not literal middle, because we are talking about the matchmaker which has to work on some kind of distribution. Silver 3 is 1100-1199 which is close to 1200 anyway, just more probable most people are there skill wise to avoid overmatches. In either case, it isn't Gold 2.
  4. 4-5 stuns...please name them. They have to be actual STUNS though not just CC's you are randomly blanketing as 'stun' (like the KDs merged boar and smokescale have). Cause I know of only one stun memebeast may use and it's Hilt Bash. It's important to me because there are various CC's and competitive players either ignore them or spam them and don't bother to have any situational awareness about which does what. Also, Ele pukes stability while in earth so I have no idea how you actually avoid having it? Have to specify soulbeast here, as it's the only spec that can use its stunbreak offensively through Dolyak Stance. Otherwise stab is somewhat hard to come by, either via elite in SoTP (which I haven't seen used since like 2017) and Untamed's Elite or super short duration like Shared Anguish or Druid's CA #5. Since Dolyak is already loaded, it would be 'healthier' to remove stability from there and add it to another stunbreak, like Lightning Reflexes or something. As even without stability Dolyak is still reduced damage for stance duration and removes a bunch of movement impairing condis. This is what these forums miss with all the salting--you have to compensate for any nerfs you do. If you take from somewhere, you must make sure to give back elsewhere. That way you create balance instead of taking a hatchet to things because silvers / low golds keep getting bodied by memes.
  5. DDOS isn't malware. If that were a thing for GW2 it'd most definitely be happening in WvW where it would be far easier to pull off.
  6. Probably should google 'what is a bell curve' before you make yourself look even sillier.
  7. I think what OP means is why can't we select them while still maintaining ambush ability; so that unleash pet isn't always all CC and unleash ranger all damage. I can't think of a reason other than it would get confusing for opponents, but that line of reasoning applied before weapon master as now who knows what skills a hammer ranger has selected outside of Untamed. I'm willing to be it's in the coding as selection is a static thing and there very likely is no mechanism to have two sets of selectable flip skills, and no desire to do that when there are bigger fish to fry.
  8. Just need boon duration reduced to 3s like it is in sPvP and it'll be fine. Harbs are the least of the problems now with all the other broken crap running around now due to relic and Weapon Master.
  9. Stop cappin', you don't play real PvP from your post history 😂. But yes, on further review of videos, it seems to be an interaction with Firework relic + PvE stat creep because it crits for 7k WITH protection so...that's not great.
  10. What in the world is going on with Twilight Combo lol: https://imgur.com/a/qFIZxBG Hitting like a truck in WvW--I have ~2400 toughness and 25k health on Untamed, will have to go back and see if I had protection or not--I hope not with those numbers.... Also, imgur seemst to be flagging my link as 'erotic' for some reason 😂, probably was for the thief...
  11. Yeah, most other RPGs avoid this by calling the GW2 Ranger type of class Beastmaster instead of Ranger. Because if the class is specifically at range, they usually are referred to as Archers and do not typically need pets (but can have them). Swear the amount of random topics about guns on here the next e-spec should be called 'Gunman' and just allow the ability for us to use our pet as armed mounts.
  12. These forums are active enough to get replies daily (and it's not even reddit where most people are), so there are more than 2.5 players in sPvP lol. I'm not sure I want to know how we're arriving at half players now either 😂
  13. Oh, you can--especially IRL if you are in a field that requires teamwork such as engineering. You at points are forced to carry stupid lol. But in GW2, it isn't too hard because the entire team usually isn't 'stupid'; as the matchmaker may roll a few people in there that have no idea what is going on but usually never the entire team. If it IS the entire team, it's still a time to look inward because the chances you are the only competent player is pretty low.
  14. A lot of this depends on reaction time and build. The sound cues are there for a reason though, ignoring them weakens the point as they are part of the game and a big part of how you tell when to start burning defensives. Anyway, personally I don't have any issues with stealth one shots as my build can handle it and is built to handle it because that's the meta we're in. New players may be fine with this too--many FPS are fast paced such as Valorant. Just depends on what they've played before--and if they can't adapt then can always play WvW where unkillable bunker is very much a thing.
  15. Not even the matchmaker knows what it is, because on a bell curve the middle here is silver 3, not gold 2. Your low end should be bronze - low silver, mid range would be high silver to low gold, then top range high gold to low plat and high edge case would be high plat - legendary. Essentially bronze and legendary are currently unattainable normally, so the whole thing shifts up to where matchmaker wants non-competent in silver, competent in gold, queue dodger / serial DuoQ'er plat and wintrader / illumanati in legendary.
  16. AFK is never the right thing, it's a coward move--and shows you'd purposefully d/c to 'get to the next game quicker' if they didn't punish that. How about carry them so you win the team fights? Many, MANY times team fights are lost because of elitists ignoring downs (even on support builds with built in rez mechanics) and ignoring newer players, not calling things out in chat (i.e. go far, stay home, go mid, etc.) or just like straight dipping on a 2v2 if it looks like the partner is slightly weaker. Not a good look; take soulbeast for example--many people explode on contact to that in 2s because very few know how to avoid the burst like that. So, what does one do? Field the soulbeast for the rest of the team, and then they don't explode on contact anymore. You don't AFK lol...because if you can't field it then they're better than you and you deserve to lose. Unless you are playing only 2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 tournaments with known teammates you will be 'wasting your time' 70/80% of the time. Can cut that down if you DuoQ with a known partner, probably to 30-40% of the time. That doesn't mean you should AFK--it just weak minded. Seriously, I get GW2 is 'just a game' but thought lines like some in this topic are why a lot of times the world in general goes south. But, especially in GW2--if you can't or won't carry then either accept your ranking falling and move on or get better so you can carry. Because, carrying isn't as hard as you'd think. Just need to do map mechanics in most maps or know when not to do them and just keep taking nodes to ensure points. Also knowing how not to die yourself is probably the biggest boon for a team, as even a bad team can rally behind someone that knows how to kite and run the enemy around a bit. Hell, I've had teams see my 'Dame of the Arena' tag (or any 'X of the arena tag') and get instant morale boost--really isn't hard. Sure, there are games you will get smashed even if playing your head off. That's fine, because it's impossible to win all the time (unless you are part of the GW2llumanti and go like 200-1 on the rankings...).
  17. Nah, just need to tie more rewards to actually doing stuff--like taking nodes, holding nodes, kills, etc. Not necessarily top stats (as those can be flaky), but if you get rewards via objectives, it'll eliminate the afk. As under this system you'd have to do at least one useful thing to get rewards, otherwise nothing. Along those lines, they could institute like in WvW where you get a participation score in order to receive pips. This would be active per match basis--if you stand around and do nothing, you get nothing. Either way, if you remove rewards from losers then you kill the mode, that's pretty clear.
  18. Relic of Cerus drip goes wooo on a kitten
  19. Sounds too niche, especially if you aren't getting pips or anything. My vote is getting rid of Obsidian Sanctum, or make it instanced like you want so duelers can go whack sticks in there and rework EotM into a regular BL. As EoTM is the largest waste of dev time and resources I think I've seen--the artist budget alone for something they left practically unused is absurd. If EoTM is regular BL then you move the JP to in there, or make another one for DBL. Ruby Sanctum or whatever. Otherwise, if you want dueling or controlled fights, then sPvP lobby is the way. Otherwise, people just beating each other up under PvE stats and I never did understand the point of this--especially when it doesn't contribute anything to WvW itself.
  20. Big Game Hunter... Think I'll keep Druid...
  21. Think it's been gold 2 for over a year now, but definitely worse than six months ago. I think I had to be 1480 to just make it Top 250 back in Jan/Feb season, but now yeah, it's 1425 to make it to low end 250. Agre with Top 125 though, as you know it's bad when people make smurf accounts to farm and then THOSE accounts end up in the top 250 too. Also, someone said it in another topic, but Gold 2 seems to be where the game wants you to be right now, no matter what you do. For fun I tried to climb into Gold 3, and before I could do it even on non-main classes trying to get Ascencion...but now as soon as I get near it, like 3-4 games that are blowouts. So, wondering if there was some change to the matchmaker to center people into that bracket to try to combat that the top 250 is all but meaningless, however the titles should hold some meaning but won't if everyone makes it. To ensure that, they just rig it so that it's a lottery if you make it, unless you are actively wintrading.
  22. I get it, 2/4 of my games yesterday blowout losses, the one close loss, and then one win that started badly but then we turn it around and half their team went afk, including two people with 'X of arena' titles in their names. But sPvP has had a low pop for such a long time now which is why I said it's always been that way. Even when you do get a good time and people are on, DuoQ screws everything up because it's an automatic imbalance if both sides don't have a duo.
  23. I blame the wild disparity of stability access. War, Guard, and Ele absolutely puke it out Rev and mes sorta have access to it Ranger and necro is super situational when you can get it Engineer and thief..uh..might as well not have it they have so little access This matters because the classes that have a lot of stab access can usually cc the hell out of you (ele and war specifically, guard if you happen to wander into dragons maw, etc.)
  24. Unfortunately, matchmaker has always been like this. If you 50/50 how were you in "mid plat" (assuming plat 2)? Unless you were midway into plat 1 which might as well still be gold 3. Considering the bottom half top 250 is like 1425 now should say a LOT about the number of people playing. If your top 250s are barely scraping g3 then the volatility is going to be wild anyway because even in gold ppl play like dum dums a lot. Ya can never discount your own mistakes too--last night we lost a close game cause at the end I panic and went to try to decap far instead of a YOLO fight for home to try to win by score (we had mid but they were decapping and was 500-461 at end); while either option is whatever I consider it a blown rotation by me as I ended up getting 2v1'd far anyway.
  25. Agree/disagree: Just using melee burst ranger as it's the hot topic: The big bear is Maul--it roars. GS block is ranger holding it vertically, kick afterward looks like...a kick Sic' Em yells 'Sic Em!', Doylak Stance has a distinct grunt sound, and OWP distinct howl--though they could use visual cues. Smoke Assault is very easy to tell once you see it, it looks just like it sounds. Smoke field is the smokescale spinning in a circle basically pooing smoke. The two sword leaps don't really have a visual tell outside of serpent strike being green--this is anets fault for ruining the weapon in the name of 'deeps' though--used to have very easy visual tells on each sword skill. Boar maul has no tell neither does smokescale KD--outside of a spinning kick, but its so fast that not really useful. But the 'agree' part is I find other classes to have less tells--like I have no idea what the hell willbender is doing half the time, or really how to tell the different purple puke things mes can do. Ele similar 'wtf is going on rn' but at least has visual cues for the attunements.
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