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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. lolwat. You realize you proved my point--if you remove the agony stat you might as well delete ascended because the minor stat gain is meaningless. Unless you just like the color pink for some reason--but that's what armor dye is for. Guess if they delete ascended it will solve the problem of having to salvage it or keep it in your inventory as useless junk once you have legendary armor / rings / etc.
  2. Fantastic rebuttal. Mind enlightening all of us where else agony matters? In the event you are unaware of what agony is, refer to: Agony Resistance - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
  3. I really had to do a double take this was the PvP forum. Le'ts keep PvE activities to PvE---mods can you move this to general?
  4. Needed, maybe, the PvP forums can only hold so much salt. Fair...? Probably not. More like CMC on a water break browsing the wiki for how to balance ranger in the most ineffective way possible, considering for 90% of the playerbase soulbeast still outperforms every other ranger spec by miles regardless of what random nerfs are done to it.
  5. The counter arguments in this topic are 🤣. You can sell Gen 1 and Gen 3 legendary items on the TP. You can sell infusions on the TP (both agony and cosmetic). You can sell stabilizing matrices on the TP. You can get Ascended in Wizard's Vault and a million other places. You cannot sell Ascended on TP. There's no reason you should be unable to sell Ascended on the TP. If for some reason it tanks in price, you just take out one of the copious ways to get it (berry farming, laurels, dropping like candy from Fractals, the Vault, etc. etc.). Otherwise, make it a fractal only reward because it's only applicable in fractals as that's the only place agony matters. The couple % stat loss over exotic means nothing with all the power creep in the game, and any high-end raider or whatever (only place DPS matters) also already has legendary armor or means to run fractals to get ascended (as fractals are easier than raids).
  6. Relic of Defending = Get defense credit for repairing, however have 69% chance of damaging walls/gates instead of repairing them Relic of SMC = Gain gold for every hour your server holds SMC, after 5 hours you are automatically transferred to Maguuma. If on Maguuma, lose gold for every hour your server holds SMC, after 5 hours gain 5 gold and you are transferred to a random server
  7. Necro'ing topics sucks too. But since we're here, outside of straight blob vs blob condi tanks wreck everything in WvW. People say power burst counters it, but when the condi tanks have just as much engage/disengage and far more sustain...the power dies pretty quick.
  8. Not in sPvP it isn't. Just look at all the amulets they removed and for good reason.
  9. Pretty sure Boyce was using Untamed in AT's when teleburst was still around. Since that got nerfed, Untamed isn't viable unless you are getting farmed by someone using a smurf to get into silver games.
  10. Removing it altogether from sPvP would be a great idea, as it isn't needed there. Antitoxin was way more applicable to WvW when it was a rune because of all the cele condi trash running around; it has no place in sPvP.
  11. Name another class that has more access to stealth than thief. I.E. what 'primary' means is thief has the most access / interactions with stealth.
  12. If stealth tilts people so much, just have a damage penalty while you are in it and then create a trait on thief to bypass this (since they are primary stealth class). Then you only get bursts out of stealth from thieves who are glassy enough in sPvP to warrant it.
  13. You have to nerf Cele, Maruader, and Trailblazer first. Those gears give way too much stat bloat. I also don't want to deal with harb, willbender, and cata's anymore disengaging at will without even needing stealth like thief does because they have a million damage mitigation tools. Also on the reverse, also engaging at will and utterly deleting you in the case of willbender and fresh air ele. So, these need nerfing. You have to get rid of speed relic or nerf it. I don't want to be chased down by a core scepter thief with speed runes doing 10-15k dmg with barely telegraphed ambush skills like Twilight Combo. You also don't want them buffing bow because stacking 25 might is easy on many non-soulbeast variants, and you are just going to get something like core ranger deleting you similar to how core thief is doing right now. Protip: Strength of the Pack still exists. The tldr; is , WvW is PvE, not PvP. There should be no balancing for roaming there, only zerg--and that's only really what they balance for now. If you want 'fair' smallscale fights, then go to sPvP or accept an amulet system in WvW instead of relying on overtuned gear, food, and utility items.
  14. The point of Grim trolling? Didn't miss that point--letting it go unchecked would've been a missed opportunity though. Thanks for confirming I'm right.
  15. What also isn't being mentioned is off hours play or queue dodging, things 'top players' like to do a lot to stay in high plat. Initial placement matters a LOT here. If you are placed initially below gold for bad placement games or whatever, good luck getting to plat 1 let alone 2 without resorting to at least DuoQ.
  16. Just minor bugfix as C-based languages use "==" for equality 😉
  17. Except WvW has entire guilds who are petty and definitely would use a d/c hack to grief as they use all manner of other hacks (flying, teleporting into and under structures, downstate hacking, etc.). Just make a VOD of it happening.
  18. Man, I wish I was dumb / self-deluded enough to use words I have no idea what the proper meaning is. As it's not ironic to be pedantic about 'stun break' which applies to practically every CC in the game, but it is ironic to be pedantic about two different CC effects for the sake of forum trolling. 'Skill Hitboxes' ARE hitboxes lol. Hurtboxes can change based on race / character size and fairly sure during things like KD. Or did everyone just think they made KD for the fun of it and to be utterly redundant with stun despite the obvious animation KD has? That's actually hilarious.
  19. Here's what I think should have happened: For Maul, they went with 0.775 instead of 1.0 as my lowend thoughts, so bigger nerf than probably necessary there; sPvP and WvW as I thought because they aren't splitting modes if it wasn't split to begin with, even though it's not an issue in WvW. Hit Serpent Strike which is an analogue to just hitting Strider Strength--not sure why they directly hit sword when SS nerf would hit everything power, but its whatever. Touching Prelude Lash and to lesser extent OWP instead of Griffon Stance is super weird. Removing the immob is just catering to the toddler sPvP a certain dev likes to be creating, and the OWP nerf is stupid without bringing up weapon damage to compensate as practically all ranger weapons work on burst of some sort. They also didn't touch Dolyak Stance...which again, toddler time. This will put ranger out of AT (again), but as I've mentioned many times on these forums, I personally don't really care because these nerfs make normal ranked games easier to win now that bads can't just spam 5 buttons like old Rifle Mech and make Silver's cry. Basically, I'm just happy I no longer have to field as hard or carry as hard against other Rangers because people stay alive longer and will hopefully wait 1-2 minutes longer to rage AFK.
  20. Receiving no rewards would be necessary so people don't abuse it. Otherwise wintrading would just be blatant at that point because if the other team wants to trade, they just all surrender and move on. But seriously, no spin is going to fix that going afk is literally the most beta thing you can do in GW2.
  21. Just devil's advocate...why would it happen in fractals or story content if it's a targeted effort? Like who is going to d/c you out of a fractal group so they have a higher chance to fail? WvW, maybe, as I pointed out but you'd think they'd be d/c'ing known tags left and right. Regardless, there's so much afk going on and encouraging of afk going on by certain members of the community that you might not even notice the d/c's because ppl stand around at the drop of a hat.... Need video evidence of this though; should be easy as a few people on sPvP forums have Twitch channels...
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