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Everything posted by gousgou.5438

  1. The problem is that they do not nerf things in small gradual steps and give it time to get feedback and telemetry stats to check the effect of those changes. They grab the nerf stick and smash builds to the point they are unrecognizable. Anet sure needs to practice patience and faster reactions (more frequent balance changes in patches, but those changes should be smaller and more gradual).
  2. See a someone who stealths alot coming to u, dude can you wait..i need to quickly buy some target painter.If that fails.....dude there is a sentry up, can you follow me there and fight.Well if that fails also....then, dude can you wait abit, i just took this tower and need to upgrade it and put watchtower tactic. can you come fight me after that? It is seriously your mistake for not packing target painters if you play WvW. Yeah it takes 2 slots from you bags but brainless aoe 50ppl trains visit merchants often enough to empty your bags. My comment was a joke but here's the thing.I hope you know how painter and traps work.You can only set 1 at a time and it costs supply and thief can see you placing it with the animation it does.2nd, if you see red circle or him stealthing and you not fast enough, throwing the painter is a waste.3rd, thief may pick on a 50 man tail, but he'll surely be dumb to go take on a zerg head on.They need to have a small field to allow counterplay. If the thief is fast enough they should get rewarded for playing around the trap. From my experience most thieves zone in for the kill and step right on it, allowing me to turn the tables. The cost is the only problem, I believe they should drastically lower it (like 1 resource cost) or remove it altogether. The painters can seriously hamper stealth play, apart from the cost the only thing I want to see is a set of quickslots so you can use items without having the inventory open. That would be a real QoL addition to the game! As for the zerg part I seriously believe that it is braindead-follow the crowd gameplay (and I say that to stress the way more relaxed than solo or small group roaming gameplay) that allows for way more flexibility regarding resupplying, selling trash and having backups from other people. People do not use consumables like the painters and disablers enough and it is a big mistake!
  3. See a someone who stealths alot coming to u, dude can you wait..i need to quickly buy some target painter.If that fails.....dude there is a sentry up, can you follow me there and fight.Well if that fails also....then, dude can you wait abit, i just took this tower and need to upgrade it and put watchtower tactic. can you come fight me after that? It is seriously your mistake for not packing target painters if you play WvW. Yeah it takes 2 slots from you bags but brainless aoe 50ppl trains visit merchants often enough to empty your bags.
  4. EotM is a missed opportunity to shake things up a bit with WvW. They could give it the same rewards and rotate buffs/debuffs weekly (like no downstate etc). No mounts and no gliding as well to bring back the old WvW feeling as well.
  5. That would fragment the LFG into unnecessary categories. Just because someone is new it doesn't mean they don't have to learn the areas of the game. Only thing they could add to the game would be an option people could toggle to automatically take them to the appropriate map spot at LFG when they use it. Something like "Always open group searches for my current map".
  6. You mean condi gear, with power related talent selection and monk runes should work like charm and they don't? Of course there are builds that show strong synergy with skills and gear stats over a bucketload of random selections you can make!
  7. That was great, thanks for sharing it XD Just shows the guild Lucky Noobs who have won the Finals ERP (Elitist Raiding Party). Doesnt mean anybody can wear masterwork gear and hope to kill a boss.Casuals would wipe a 1000 times before even phasing the boss. 5-10k per player tbh Hey wanna know a secret? I'll tell ya. 5k dps is an auto attack chain on any power build with boons.Imagine your dps squad just auto attacking, hilarious.How dense can you beIf they are auto attacking you would have no boons. WTF are you talking about?
  8. No the change that needs to be done is shity player attitude. I make a group for daily Citadel of Flame, title of LFG was "P3 - chill run for daily" I am support tempest, a guardian joins, then a scourge. The next player to join, while we are still the the start of the dungeon (we have not even spoken to the NPC to start the run) proceeds to flame us for using useless condi builds, laughs and people start leaving the group as well as he did. What you need is reports for such kind of behavior that chops a few heads off swiftly in hopes that this shity attitude stops at last. If you somehow make dungeon rewards more valuable this attitude problem is going to intensify and new people will just abandon dungeon runs and possibly the game, burying the game on Steam reviews on their way out!
  9. this game mode keeps losing players because these kind of braindead toxic builds keep existing and not getting dealt with and it's just braindead gameplay that nobody but PvE heroes for dailies find it fun.you are not really making sense sorry If they are braindead PvE heroes an experienced PvP player should wipe the floor with them. You are obviously not the latter. Maybe play a flamethrower engineer and learn how pitiful it is as a spec, then go back to what you were playing and rejoice.
  10. Staff auto attack needs one more bounce. Staff 3 needs a meaningful change/buff. Chaos armor needs protection & weakness at 100% chance and retaliation & slow as a 33% chance or something along those line to become better imo. But the biggest problem for mirage in PvP/WvW is the loss of the dodge. Who the kitten decided this was a fix for something???
  11. I am sorry what? Unless you speak strictly for organized fractal runs this is simply not true.
  12. Please leave trident as it is. For condi builds is heavenly (and if we have more underwater content in the new expansion, it will rock!).
  13. This is what I use for my mirage for open world PvE gw2skills.net/editor/?PigAYZlFwiYJMMmJWyP+PNA-zRIYcUxXGZmChUB6dACUP8Wqy3C-e You can change Crystal Sands for any other utility you need to suit the fight/environment at hand. You can literally kill anything with this build. Arcane Thievery is a star, there are many mobs that get buffs and you can literally stomp them by stealing their buffs. You also get a very large amount of buffs by yourself. You can also swap Sigil of Malice for Sigil of the Earth.
  14. Almost every class? How do warriors, necros, revs and guardians stealth?
  15. Combine that with the thread next to this titled "People need to get over hating cc" and you have a fiesta of insanity brewing!
  16. What you are saying is that you chain CCed someone and you just slapped him with a wet towel. If there weren't another 2 people bashing at him, he would probably get up and destroy you. Rekt.5360 got it right. Ganging has nothing to do with CC.
  17. The primary reason GW2 has such a low PvP player base is simply the toxicity of this community. Thanks for this wonderful joke, I had to laugh heartily. That is by no means the main reason. In short, and first of all, ANet alone is responsible for why the player base is what it is. And only then comes everything else, and finally your assumption "the community is too toxic"! ;) I stopped playing PvP sometime during 2015 I believe for exactly that reason. You smash people, you get toxic filthy degenerate messages.You get smashed by people, you get toxic filthy degenerate messages.There was and I believe there still is no hope if reporting someone for whispering shit is not dealt with with a freaking axe from Anet. I don't think reports did any good as they hanged around, so I bailed PvP and I log on to the game from time to time (because the PvE grind is not my cup of tea).
  18. I have the same problem. Using it at the Cliffs it disconnects me. Haven't tried other locations (no addons used for my game client).
  19. You could also leave the problem and it's solution here, instead of deleting them, in case someone else also has an issue like you had (whatever that maybe be).
  20. Past 6:28 there is no video image for me.
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