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Everything posted by Matoro.9708

  1. I was just talking about the elites themselves, the toolbelts are fine. The overcharges from turrets are obviously good, but the problem is unlike in the past they cannot be used again until redeploying. The most useful part of the skill is the 2s AOE stun. Flame turret gives at best a 100% uptime of 1 stack of burning, IF it isn't dodged or blocked every 3s, which is like 300 dps, maybe 400 with the strike component. So maybe if someone sat around for 40 seconds taking a pee break it could be good. And that's if the turrets aren't immediately cleaved upon dropping, not even intentionally, just by accident by the enemy team. My biggest complaint though is just that it doesn't do anything unique. Blast Gyro by comparison is a 3s AEO stun, is Unblockable, has great scaling, and grants a load of might, and isn't even an elite. I would rather take many regular skills over the elite choices we have. Most of the on elite usage relics kitten themselves on the mortar kit due to cooldown scaling. I thought I'd like the citadel relic, but it's honestly as bad as the previous version.
  2. What do you mean by this? The wiki has nothing to suggest that. I've been using it a lot longer that a couple years and it's never changed.
  3. Core elites suck and IMO this is a big part of the problem. Elixir X is generally going to get you killed, I rarely survive after using it, especially since it's random, even if it's just for the stability to finish someone. Supply Crate is bad because turrets are bad, they should replace it with the gatling turret from IBS and have it actually scare people. Mortar Kit is so slow it competes with the Rocket. And there you go. Those are your 3 choices for what is supposed to be the most impactful skill you have up your sleeve. As for build diversity, here's an idea: taking Tools lets you choose your toolbelt skills as a grandmaster trait?
  4. Wait until you hear about Supply Crate xD
  5. Considering turrets are just worse banners than can die and require a trait, yeah, we are coping hard. If you want a trip down memory lane, here you go:
  6. The condi cleanse per skill was a really nice buff already. It largely functions as a selfish defensive traitline, while indirectly boosting dps. But I do think kinetic battery should just give quickness per skill instead of having it on the 5th, it's clunky. Takedown Round is also lacking identity. If you don't have boon duration, the whole vigor thing isn't super impactful. I've suggested reworking gadgeteer to make the extra effects baseline and instead make them apply alacrity, akin to having overcharged tools you can use often. But I doubt they would give that to a core traitline.
  7. The main problem is the AA which uses the same animations as tool kit, and has its problems as a result. It takes forever for the attacks to come out, particularly because the hit frame is near the end of the animation, and given how often people bob and weave in PvP it's just extremely likely you'll miss that end frame window. It also means you'll basically never finish a chain, which sucks, because the payoff is really that last attack for TK and mace. I use the wrench skin for it and RP it that way too xD
  8. With quickness you can leave a thick ring of bombs by swimming around your target, like 10 bombs making a snake of cracked dps, it's probably 2x as fast as on land. I have known for a while, but the time to post didn't feel right. Then christopher nolan came to me in a dream. So I memed it with the oppenheimer trailer:
  9. Doesn't mean we still shouldn't make our voices heard. We want green and golden moas.
  10. I'll go through things in no particular order. Elixir R - I don't think even healers take this for the tool belt skill. Similar to how the Utility Goggles rework used resistance to replace its old effect, I think this one would instead do something like gain vigor, regeneration, maybe stability or aegis. Elixirs give boons, so not a whole lot of ideas here. I just know nobody is taking a whole utility slot to defend against immobilization. Mortar Kit - 1. Please update the model. To keep the current animations, you'd have to use a rifle skin, which maybe a truncated Charzooka would work, but I have a better idea. The Aether Cannon and Stone Summit Cannon are both handheld bundles that have all needed animations. 2. Is simply to increase travel speed of the mortars. At least 50% I assume, and this wouldn't even affect most usage because I more often than not see people just fire at their feet for the fields. A drunk dolyak could dodge them in their current state. Rocket - I don't think I even need to explain this one, do I? It's an ICBM without the urgency. Toss Elixirs H, S, C, B, and U - I saw a suggestion to make these boon only tool belt skills fire off like Healing Mist from the Elixir Gun. It's a tradeoff - on one hand, you can't help that teammate who is running around like a headless chicken - on the other, you no longer need to aim or worry about missing yourself. Also, Toss Elixir B should no longer be random. It currently just gives stability and a chance for one of the boons from the main Elixir B - one might call that Boring. Giving all of them would just make it Better - also boring. Give it some other boon or unique effect. Tool Kit - The cast time and aftercast on everything in this except 4, the block, is like molasses, particularly box of nails. Otherwise, and obviously, mace kind of ripped it off, but I'd rather not get into a discussion on how to rework it here given its tender association with turrets. Does saying that word blacklist the thread? Rocket Boots - It just makes sense to make this an evade. I would be fine with increasing cooldown to compensate. Rocket Kick - If it sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck, apparently, it's not an explosion. Bandage Blast - Janky and poor animation. A cone AOE heal would be much better, and probably for server performance too. Or it could spawn actual floor bandages like Med Pack Drop, but idk. Grenadier - This could be baseline. Grenade kit is still usable without it, but this is a QOL thread. Not really a big fan of engineering kits being kitten without traits. I cheered when Bomb Kit had its day. Static Shock - Increase range to 300? Misses so often. Mine Field - Sort of similar, and has two solutions. Either make the mines be placed uniformly around you, in say a pentagonal pattern instead of randomly, or increase the blast radius to 300 per mine. Also, what would people think about having them auto detonate sooner than 60 seconds? I usually forget about them in a rotation. Gadgeteer - Gadgets are already so weak. All the grandmaster traits in Tools are of questionable efficacy. This may sound bold, but maybe make these improvements baseline, and give a benefit upon using a Gadget skill - something worth a grandmaster slot, like alacrity or stability. Personal Battering Ram - This and its toolbelt skill have the elixir gun toolbelt skill SFX. I just don't like a battering ram to sound... wet. I'm certain this could be updated from their huge SFX library. Elixir X - It's not great. If devs want to keep the transformation theme, I bet they could piece something together from all the assets of the past 10 years. It could include skills from many different things, which I think fits the concept of a mad scientist's potion. I just know nobody I've talked to likes it being random. Rifle Burst - Why does this make you glow after the grenade? Something is going on with golden particle fx. Magnetic Shield - On asura at least, the FX is usually off center and bugged. Sometimes the bubble is in front, or behind, or to the left, and so on. Just copy the positioning code from auras? Kinetic Battery - This trait encourages either spamming toolbelt skills or tactically wasting them to have quickness preloaded. The spirit of the skill is to simply reward tool belt usage with quickness, so why not give it straight up? 5 skills for 5s, so 1s of quickness/superspeed on each activation? I'd probably put an ICD on it though. Or something else entirely. Takedown Round - Name has nothing do to with what it does anymore. It is also anti-synergistic with the traitline that gives you loads of vigor and even a +50% endurance regen grandmaster. I kind of think it belongs in Explosives purely because of explosive entrance, which encourages dodging for dps. Even before when it dropped an explosive that would fit in explosives. The problem is I think there's no logical trade there. Does anyone take this over Lock On? I would probably replace it with something that adds a benefit on successful evading (partial refund of endurance)? Bomb Kit - Do we like delivering dumplings? Is this better? Not up to me. But I do think skill 3 or 4 should be replaced with Magnetic Bomb. There's more I could list, but I'll leave it to the comments I guess. Plus, I have mostly lost hope in the devs actually engaging with posts like these and have resigned myself to using it as they want us to - a place to vent.
  11. Mace was quickly cobbled together from the tool kit, the AA is the exact same which also means it's 2012 clunky. That being said - it has roughly the same power damage, and on hybrid builds you're basically doubling that with the confusion. 2 and 3 are remarkably overloaded, at least compared to other engi weapons, presumably because no tool belt for mechanist. 2: movement, good hybrid damage, 2 aoe boons, barrier, 2 aoe conditions, leap finisher, that skill does 8 things lol 3: cc and ranged hybrid damage If you compare it to just core engi, it's great. Other classes? Probably terrible.
  12. After the loss of Toss Elixir U giving a reflect/smoke wall, the only real positioning tools left from tossing elixirs is X and R. X has uses in PvP, and it becoming unaffected by projectile block would be funny as a core engi main but tbh would totally make people rage. R is really cool but ultimately never taken because Elixir R might be the worst skill in the game. Another thing that should be revisited by the balance team. However, there's no reason they can't split functionality for boon only elixirs.
  13. Well you see, people are kind of getting tired of the jade pleasure bot, so instead of releasing mech skins, they nerfed scrapper.
  14. Mortar kit has been on a placeholder skin since launch - that's 11 years. Even though many better skins now exist like the stone summit cannon or aetherblade cannon. Supply crate is just a bunch of turrets that already exist. The large gatling gun in drizzlewood would be an excellent replacement, but I've never heard a peep about it. There's a much better rifle turret skin in the LWS3 caudecus manor mission. Curiously unused. The random nature of elixir X leaves it as a very undesirable choice, on top of being just elites from two other classes. You're then left with supply crate which is similarly uninspired, or using the toilet mortar. Basically, core engi elites are on pure copium. We could have a gadget elite to maybe help, but frankly the 3 that already exist need help. They care so little about tool kit that they used the same animations for the AA on mace, and it's just as clunky, but has more damage and the confusion of 3 so it's okay. And don't get me started on traits. This game is somehow the most fixable unfixable mess.
  15. AKA seeking confirmation bias? Unless the devs give me reason to think otherwise, I see the game going into a death spiral of new yearly expansions that releases half baked stuff that ultimately give more to be frustrated over than less. I don't think they care about the actual buildcraft. I could point out dozens of core traits and utility skills across all professions that need love. Just a smidgeon of attention. But no.
  16. Function Gyro is just a better Toss Elixir R. I think Engineer should be able to experiment with swapping out toolbelt skills somehow, after all the only way to compensate for taking a racial elite is having function gyro or god forbid the green menace. And mechanist still doesn't work with med kit, lmao. Also am I the only one unhappy with the class icon? It's a hammer, but a goofy one and should be a gyro. I am taking a break from the game until they address more core features like turrets and visuals such as mortar kit's model.
  17. https://imgur.com/mmqVkdh haters will say it's not real
  18. Do you think it would be better if you could aim where you land?
  19. I don't think the suggestion was a random roll between those conditions, but just offering one of them as an option. If it were a skill released as part of an expansion, it would be: On hit: Immobilize(3 sec), Slow (3 sec), Daze (1/2 sec), 0.1 power scaling Pulse every 1/2 sec for 3 sec: cripple (2 sec), vulnerability (2 sec) Anet doesn't do custom uncleansable effects anymore really, so the idea of igniting a glued target is gone sadly. However, in the spirit of synergy, they could make it so that pistol 4 does more burn to immobilized targets, like how air blast on the flamethrower applies more burn to already burning targets. That would also be a feature if off hand pistol were an expac weapon. But it was made in 2012 so womp womp.
  20. The golem from golemancer runes works underwater lol
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