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Everything posted by Matoro.9708

  1. So I need to be running turrets in Raids to get change? Well, I'll see if anyone will let me try.
  2. Massive agree. All he loves about it is that it's hard hitting. Doesn't want conditions on it like flanking, or to pay attention to positioning, just unga bunga kill before you're killed. The sword was the keystone of the playstyle that drew me to ranger. I'm struggling to make up for what was lost.
  3. dawg... turrets never got their chance to even develop into a fantasy let alone become played out, they're just out played lmao There are so many possibilities for engineer to explore, I think you're just complaining about how it keeps tripping on its own failure trying to get there
  4. Usually it means number buffs, not just deleting it and putting in something from another class in essence
  5. Cool, but apples to oranges since that is stationary. For what it's worth I think that looks miles better.
  6. As in title. I've heard it called many generous names such as the iron toilet, 2012 bidet, firehose, etc. The main reason I make this post is I've heard it said that this was intended to only be a placeholder skin and that it would be updated post launch. I'm sure whoever made that promise is long gone, but Anet has made claims to improve core content with SotO and this would go a long way for good faith.
  7. So instead of the game nurturing whatever playstyle we want, it aggressively deletes whatever doesn't perform well?
  8. This has been an issue for years. As you rotate your camera, at least on an asura character, the magnetic bubble rotates tangentially around you. I realize Engineer is the least played class but it's been such a long time now that it's either being ignored or not brought up. Imagine if aura bubbles were always 5 feet to the left of your character? it would be fixed next patch. https://imgur.com/a/5BUGa4B
  9. Common misconception. GW2 actually has two roles - Quickness and Alacrity. But don't worry, sometimes you can pick both. Enjoy!
  10. Am I to read this as minority playstyles don't matter? Shall we just delete all but the most efficient classes? and "A weird dodge back" bro on god you have never even heard of the Skirmishing tree
  11. I get it - I think the idea here though is that quickness and alacrity kind of improve everything, whereas other boons are much more specific. The other boons enhance what specific stats do for you, generally speaking, and can either round out you or your allies' weaknesses or enhance your strengths - but not both. Quick/Alac just make you do everything faster and more often. There's no nuance there. It's just boring performance. I think the call to remove them is born out of that, and how you have to abandon a lot of RP choices to get them. Homogeny.
  12. At least someone with authority reads these forums...
  13. They'd bother? Imagine if this game were like OSRS and players voted on updates LOL
  14. It does when it serves the purposes of humor lol
  15. For this update, we have decided to do something stunning and brave. Instead of having the Ranger stay at range with thematic abilities, we are giving you two nearly identical leaps so you can stay as close as physically possible at all times. But that's not all. It's our hope that this change and others like it actually keep you at a distance from the class itself - an incredible new breakthrough in meta-roleplaying. Please give us your feedback, we will be eating popcorn later and could use a good laugh.
  16. 3k dps gang I understand how to be a meta build. I just hate every choice that would take me there.
  17. You're playing the class who has been begging for turret changes for 8 years now. Internalize this.
  18. Lmao nobody even mentioned shield here.
  19. The mortar kit has had a placeholder skin since launch. I think we will sooner see hell freeze over.
  20. Delete quickness and alacrity. Many traits gave uniquely named boons specific to the class - GW1 did this almost exclusively, and while often it becomes a tricky business of meta, it does provide custom buffs that avoid homogeny and the feeling of utter uselessness. As time went on GW2 removed these in favor of boons, particularly the two. I would reintroduce these in cool ways, like the soulbeast utility effects. Revert the ranger sword change, and others like it, such as the engi rifle nonsense. Lots of these pointless changes quickly kill the soul of the game and the original vision. Fix turrets when? Some days I think we should just go back to the 2014 trait system. The game could be saved, but chances are the devs won't, which is the best doomer fuel.
  21. This must be some premium, 5 Michelin star bait
  22. I gotchu dawg. I'll only comment on what I've actually sunk time into. First, know that if you're looking to RP, chances are good your build regardless of class will suck because it doesn't have sufficient access to quickness/alacrity, the kitten of the meta. Also, depending on your fashion sense, armor weight will matter most. Engineer: They recently butchered animations for the rifle, looks so dumb now. Mechanist makes the class an absolute clown. If you found the core profession appealing, know none of it carries over into the elite specs. Maybe scrapper, but you're just a boon well at that point. Holosmith turns you into an epilepsy warning, and mechanist has the ugliest jade troll I've ever seen. So yeah, chances are you'll sit there with pistol/shield, a few turrets, wondering when the balance team is going to get back with that milk. Ranger: Recently destroyed sword, used to be cool, now it's utterly soulless with 2 and 3 being literally the same skill. I have actually never felt quite so depressed at a change. They just don't care what ranger is about. I've heard people say no dev plays it, possibly true. Core ranger is very limited but you can just about get by, mostly because of your pet, lol. Druid is basically just a healer. Soulbeast has a permanent aura effect that may trigger you. Untamed makes you and your pets look like they haven't showered in 2 eons. Unless they fix sword, avoid. Anyways. Look forward to the weekly update on Tuesday for a new garishly shiny cosmetic where none of this will ever be addressed.
  23. Yeah, the new sword is awful and doesn't synergize with core ranger nearly as much as it used to. Sword/dagger and shortbow are the skirmishing line weapons. Well, that used to be the case. If I worked at Anet I would revert those changes, and since people are already getting mace main hand, maybe put some ammo leaps on that if they really prefer that playstyle. It's obvious that unless GW2 dies in the next few years, every profession's weapon choices will fill up to max, so just use the new slots, don't kill old stuff for mediocre 'buffs'. Depressing.
  24. Can someone explain to me why the new dumbed down sword is better? Is it really just unga bunga glue me to the enemy? Previously with hornet sting you could still have 2 back to back leaps in combo fields + tons of evades. Unwashed VFX is really ugly, like you and your pets are playing as a very specific part of the hulk. It's entirely turned me off the spec. I'm not really sure how to feel about the spirits. I guarantee mace/mace will have some pointless overlap with other weapons like the hammer. Mace/Shield or even just shield would've been better for buildcraft I think. Why must they release weapons symmetrically? 5 skills is 5 skills.
  25. I have fallen into a deep depression over the realization I will never have hornet sting + shield skills.
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