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Everything posted by DonArkanio.6419

  1. Lack of time and technology. Lore and fan theories don't work for me here.
  2. I generally agree with the direction of changes; Planar Protection and Close Quarters fighting in the same trait branch. But I feel like there is too many buffs that are unneccesary. For example Malyx, Temporal Rift speed up - I don't believe these underperform in any way right now. Shiro's disgustingly high Energy costs and overall skillset need to be addressed. This entire Legend was butchered and for me, the utilities are just uninteresting and unefficient at what they do. Duelist Preperations before Shackling Waves is needed, and gaining access to block on Off-hand could allow Dearhstrike to be much more telegraphed and slower. But, I'd still rework Dearhstrike as it's a poor copy-paste of Frigid Blitz without Chill now. Herald's Crystal Hibernation and AoE healing pulses - I'm all for that and I've been talking about this for a year now. This is one of the best ways to make Shield viable. Don't increase Energy costs, decrease Functionality. This is the kind of stuff I hate about any Revenant nerfs. Instead of taking about what the Utility does, instead its cost is increased, leaving us with something like Shiro. Shiro's whole utility set costs **130 Energy (+ Upkeep, + Weapons) - this is nuts.Nerf the overpowered functionality of skills, don't up the cost.Don't increase CtA's cost. Nerf range, or damage, or Chill. CoR should be completely reworked and maybe apply weakness to get on pair with Retribution and Jalis' theme. It's silly that only the Mace covers this Condition while having no use out of it. Renegade. I already gave up on this one. I feel like we're going to nowhere with this Legend. It's the most unfun, clunky, uninteresting and uncreative E-Spec in the game for me. And it seems like it's going to stay that way, because it has good numbers. But honestly: Herald is a support E-Spec with a completely wasted weapon. Renegade is also a support E-Spec while still dealing heavy damage. Both Traitlines/ Legends give you Protection and Regeneration. Both give you Might. I feel like Herald could get a nice buff and Renegade get a complete rework to not be any kind of support.
  3. You can disable Herald Facet sounds. I agree that Shiro's IO is frustrating, same with Hammer AA. About the sounds - I'd like more variety in Legend Dialogues, and I don't get why some Races and Legenda have bugged conversations after 5 years.
  4. True, haven't thought about the PvE aspect od IO. Honestly I really don't like that skill as it's just meant to be a flat damage tool. Maybe on PvE IO's damage could be increased to +50% to match the current 0.55 damage modifier. As for Ranger Sword. It's a cool idea, and would free some space on the skill-bar.
  5. Hey there, So, Balance Update is live and I have to admit, I really enjoy the pace of the combat as it's a lot more fluid now. CC chaining is starting to be a bit problematic, but I guess Devs will address that issue. In current Balance Update Revenant lost some important traits as well as gained new ones that seem to be pretty fun and useful. In this post I want to say what I think should be changed about the current Rev in order to make it more true to its identity, Energy costs, stunbreaks, Shiro, Jalis and Ventari. Shiro and Energy Costs; Riposting Shadows and Phase TraversalI think we can agree that Shiro is pretty much a PvP-designed Legend. Since 2015 a lot of his Utilities' effects changed, be it cost or effects. Today, we're at the point where the Enrgy costs make up for how overloaded Shiro's utilities are + having spammable 600 range dodge with condition removal is a bit too much.Riposting Shadows now costs 40 Energy along the already very expensive kit; 35, 50, -8/sShiro is currently in a pretty weird spot where his Skills in PvP take 130 Energy + more with Upkeep. So, Core Revenant can get up to 100 Energy after swapping legends. Rev with E-Specs can gain up to 75. ShiroMy suggestions:Riposting Shadows Energy Cost: 40 ->30Fury is granted only on successful StunbreakPhase Traversal Energy cost: 35 -> 20Range: 1200 -> 900Quickness is granted only on successful hitNo longer grants Unblockable buffEnchanted Daggers Now grants 2x of Unblockable buffInitial healing ratio: 0.25 -> 0.3Interval removedImpossible Odds No longer grants secondary strike after attackUpkeep cost: -8 -> -6Now grants 2x of Unblockable every 1sStill grants 50% increased movement speedMH Sword Autoattack is 0.5s, meaning your hits are unblockable and deal 25% increased damageBrutal Blade (2nd AA) Cast time: 3/4s -> 1/2sJade Winds Energy cost: still 50Now grants 1s of Quickness per enemy hitWhatever wasn't mentioned in the skills, stays the same. These changes bring Shiro's Utility bar to 105 Energy + Upkeep cost. I believe that it's still a Rio much. But this skillset gives Shiro the feeling of unstoppability. I thought that reducing the range of his main in- and out- skills can make Revenants less slippery as it can be very frustrating to play against. Ventari's Protective SolaceSo, since forever the Ventari mains asked for a Stunbreak. Recent Balance Update hit Ventari pretty hard in terms of competitive play as it doesn't have the ability to break out of stun. Revenants after swapping legends are locked there for 9s, we can't do anything about being stunned while channeling Ventari. Suggestion:Puryfying Essence Energy Cost: 25 -> 30Now breaks stunsJalis and RetributionAt the moment Jalis seems fine. His kit along the Retribution traitline were greatly improved. There are still some traits that could use more love because it's Retaliation is outshined by other defense-oriented Traits. At least that's my experience. Suggestions:Rite of the Great Dwarf Now grants 50% Damage Reduction to both Damage and CondisVersed in Stone (major trait) Now gain Toughness based on a percentage of Power: 10%Hammer and Coalescence of RuinWell, we Hammer had a very rough time recently and I think that these changes don't hit the spot. Coalescence of Ruin is a pretty awful skill now. The audio is missing, it doesn't follow the terrain properly, and is no longer target skill. I think there are better ways to fix this skill. Suggestion:Coalescence of Ruin Now uses Radius instead of Range = 3x400 Radius AoEInstead of expanding linearly, the skill expands circularlyAdd audio to the skillNew visual would be needed, but this would open more options for Hammer builds. AoE CoR pairs nicely with Renegade's Summons, Jade Winds, Forced Engagement or Call to Anguish.Hammer Bolt Add "Pierces" tooltipSurge of the MistsAdd a prettier wind-up animation please. The current one is very awful and hard to read. RenegadeWhat's the Renegade? So, here are my suggestions. I hope you find them fair. Shiro was a bit tricky because it has so much stuff and it's pretty hard to change something about him without sacrifices. Feel free to post your thoughts and I'm more than happy for a constructive discussion.I feel like Revenant is in a good spot at the moment. However, there are still some things that could be tweaked.
  6. Nope, we don't need Empty Vessel, we need lower Energy costs. Jalis' (interruptable) Elite Stunbreak costs 40 Energy. Shiro's dodge Stunbreak costs 40 energy. Ventari doesn't have a Stunbreak. Shiro's whole utility bar costs 5+35+40+50=130 Energy (+upkeep) Why? Because his utilities are overloaded.For me (competitively) 40 Energy for a Utility Stunbreak while Revenant gets 50 Energy on Legend Swap is a joke. Same with Ventari - removing any way if stunbreaking kills the legend competitively.
  7. Temporal Rift exists in this game since 2015 and I don't believe that this is the skills that carries condi Revenant. If anything, I'd increase the delay for Temporal Rift to collapse, but reducing radius is pretty senseless. The skill will still hit hard, it will still be fast, and still be CC with condi. Increasing the time to react, just like Shackling Waves, is the way to go IMO. But honestly I don't find anything broken about the skill that is a huge red line in the air.
  8. Reworking Raids into Strike Missions, so that it's a whole HoT and PoF sub-plot story would be one of the best things they could do for Raids. Seriously. Raids are very poorly implemented. Instead of creating a bridge between Open World and Raids - remake Raids into Strike Missions.Of course, it's too late for this now, and I don't believe that it could ever happen. But I think it's a pretty good idea someone posted here.
  9. I don't have a problem with that requirement. And I don't believe this discourages most players. Strike Missions are a bridge between open-world and Raids. It's ANet's design choice and they simply want you to play the content they make. Don't like the content? Who's fault is that?
  10. Am I reading a joke post? Renegade is a trade-off im itself. Its design is so poor that only these massive AoE utilities can make up for how bad this E-Spec is to play. As for the F skills - Citadel Bombardment is so unreliable that you'de be better not using it at all in PvP. Might and Alacrity - it's a boonbot. So, rather than proposing to delete Renegade's skills I'd suggest trying to fix this E-Spec
  11. Agree. Overhype and underdeliver is like the worst thing that can happen to an MMO. While ESO and FF14 are literally destroying with their expansions. My guess is that ANet could actually deliver a smaller scale expansion but decided to go with the stable LW release, which in my opinion was one of the worst decisions they could make. After all, there are so many things that keep GW2 in the back of MMO market. lack of meaningful class progression, BDO is a grindfest but the combat system makes this gamelack of subscription lack of paid content, and I mean quests, campaigns, not extra bag slotslack of expansions => lack of E-Specs (lack of class progression)lack of communication for a long timelack of meaningful in-game rewardsF2P business model all the way to the end-gameF2P users being able to compete against P2P players; you can actually play the game never spending a single penny thus not giving ANet any moneyGemStore items being pushed to the front-line in order to make up for the lack of money caused by all of the aboveAnd these are, what I think, what makes the game stagnant (this is very subjective): horizontal progression - Masteries aren't a game-changer, Gliders are now unneccesary (like 90% of Masteries), Enemies have the same power level since Orr.I really like GW2 for all it has, but when I reached out for other MMO, I realized how many fantastic systems these games have. They choose and focus on the best thing they have, be it combat or lore, story-telling, visuals, PvE, PvP. ANet trying to appeal to every single person out there is actually putting itself in the cage. For me, whatever ANet is going to add, it is sadly going to be long overdue, while most games being ahead. The great and unique combat system GW2 has is overshadowed by the lack of any new additions to it. Story is presented in huge time gaps and even if it's great, you are now playing against the exact same enemies, hell - with the exact same equipment.New implementations are abandonded after a while, so whoever enjoys them is going to stay in the same spot for a very long time, without any assurance that there might be new content added to it. Maybe it's just me but I nowadays I simply can't get excited for anything new in the game. Whatever it might be, I feel like we all know the way it's gonna go. Maybe ANet is in safe spot, maybe GW2 will live on another 8 years, but the decisions made right now are influencing the game and its future whether we like it or not. TL;DR:ANet makes very poor decisions when it comes to the game design. They shift their focus from one thing to another which leaves players of dedicated content left to what they have without any future. GemStore and GW2's monetization model, and lack of any future expansions leave this game behind its competition. Sad, because GW2 is a great game.
  12. It's Shiro not Herald. And I'd say that Shiro's utilities are overloaded for the sake od being viable in PvP. I agree that the teleportation is frustrating but it's the whole utility kit that should be put on-line with other legends, so Shiro isn't a go-to on PvP. I'd say: Reduce Shiro's teleport range from 1200 to 900. Half the Quickness time. Put Shiro's evade on a 5s CD. Balance patch is coming and I'm afraid that Shiro's utilities are going to get hit very hard without much thought put into the nerfs.
  13. No, lets please not dumb the game further down The Rune CD would only be visible to you, not your enemies.
  14. I don't mean share the CD under your healthbar in PvP. so everyone can see it.I'll correct it in my post. -> It could only be visible to the player.
  15. Hey there, There are plenty of Runes in GW2 that have CDs. For example Superior Rune of the Mad King has 45s CD. I think it would be nice to have an indicator similar to Utilities that would show how much time until Rune's CD is off. I feel like it might be a nice addition and wouldn't break the game. EDIT: Rune CD Indicator is only visible to you, not enemies. What do you think?
  16. Soulbeast has more than it needs. I don't see a point in giving it another additional features.
  17. Hey there, So, with the upcoming Balance Update the stunbreak on legend swap will no longer exist. I do understand that change and to think that a heavy class can be as slippery as Revenant it is fair to assume that having 3 (+spammable) stunbreaks is a bit too much. However, Ventari is going to suffer a lot because it lacks any stunbreak or access to stability. I think that stunbreka would be a pretty nice addition to Purifying Essence.This was requested many times, but in this particular situation it's a lot more important. What do you think?
  18. Hey there, While scrolling through the YouTube page I stumbled upon the latest Hytale progression update. It's going to be a Sandbox MMO with RPG elements set in a Minecraft-y world. What caught my interest is that Hytale is going to use the system of procedurally-generated open world quests that can pop up whenever you go into the dungeon or you're near the treasure. These quests can then either end after let's say killing 20 mobs or they can go on to create a quest chain that allows you to get further rewards. I have to say that this is a pretty nice idea for an MMO, as this approach seems a lot less linear than traditional questing system. Every map in the Open World has similar features, these being: mobs, gathering nodes, hidden chests, events, veterans, and now Mastery related things. Currently Events serve a purpose of this random kind of content that appears out of nowhere and you have to go on. What if GW2 was to merge Hearts with Events and make them a lot more organic. Meta Events are a very definition of a chain quest.Different quests could result in different outcomes, so story-wise it doesn't get boring. Instead of designing 4 different quests / events that currently pop on the map, we could have 2-3 of them and each can turn out differently. Sometimes ending a little bit faster or taking longer to complete. I know that GW2 has its coding and system but I thought that Hytale's concept sounds pretty fun on the paper.
  19. Undeads carapace sounds disgusting and very unpracticable. Imagin carrying one corpse around, and now imagine carrying multiple around that surround your whole body. It is indead disgusting. But then again, the whole Zhaitan is like that - no jaw, just tendrily, snake'y dead dragon head in his mouth - that's what you get for killing an Elder Dragon!
  20. Profession name: SlayerArmor class: heavyWeapon type: spear, harpoon gunStrength:Core profession is Monster Hunter-esqe.E-Specs are based around the dead Elder Dragons. How it would play: Timing your skills would be the most efficient way to get the most out of the class. Slow high bursts of damage, very tanky and bulky class.You unlock the class via completing Core Story. In Arah you find a Ley Talisman that allows you to capture the essence of the ED you slay, so you unlock E-Specs only after killing them. Preview of the most important mechanic, Carapace - during combat the damage you take and deal counts in the Carapace F1 skill. You then are able to summon the Elder Dragon's strength changing your utilities and Elite skills for a brief time of 10s with 40s CD. Undead Carapace: surround yourself with undeads' corpses and gain ProtectionJungle Carapace: surround yourself with vines and gain ResistanceCrystal Carapace: surround yourself with Kralkatorrik's crystals and gain Retaliation Elite (without Carapace): Thrust with your spear the first foe you hit and charge for 3 seconds (enemy goes with you). If you hit the wall deal bonus damage and knock down your foe. Elite (Zhaitan): Send forth a Tide of the Undead who apply various conditions on your foes. Elite (Mordremoth): Stomp the ground and summon untargetable Jungle Vines that rapidly hit your foes. Or stomp the ground and summon immobilizing (killable) Jungle Vines. Elite (Kralkatorrik): Close your foe in a Branded Crystal for 3 seconds. Enemies can destroy the crystal to save their teammate. If they fail, the enemy takes huge damage. I could go on, but that's it for now. Oh, Harpoon Gun's shot would stick to your target, do you could pull them, push them, pull yourself to them and immobilize them. Not a damage tool.
  21. I'm all for precision, but I don't think that giving a legend almost elite-energy cost is the way to go. It sure fixes a lot of spamming problems in a short run. But looking at the bigger picture I'd say that a small CD along other minor changes could do just fine.
  22. Hey there, I am not a huge fan of Shiro and I don't like the fact that his kit overtaken the Revenant PvP scene. But at the same time I don't think these changes are ing to help Revenant overall.Jalis' main problem was his huge energy costs. And we are going the same way with the Shiro. My suggetion: Reduce functionality of Phase Traversal and Riposting Shadows, not increase their energy costs. Riposting Shadows: Reduce backwards evade from 600 units to 300 (or remove endurane and keep 600)Reduce Fury duration from 6s to 3s, or remove it completelyReduce Endurance gained rom 25 to 15 (or remove it if range stays at 600)30 Energy Costor add CD, but keep the current versionPhase Traversal: Reduce range from 1,200 to 800 or 600Reduce Quickness from 3s to 1.5s25 Energy Cost What do you think? I personally don't want to find myself not using the legend because of its' huge Energy costs.
  23. I looove the changes to CC skills having power-co 0.01 always. This is the perfect way to go.I can't speak for all the classes, so I'm particularly focusing on Revenant. Personally, I hate how Shiro's overtaken the PvP sceneon Revenant, but I believe that is not the way to go: Shiro Riposting Shadows: Increased energy cost from 30 to 40. - This is going to work against the design of Revenant, I believe. It's just too much energy for non-elite.My suggestion for nerfing Riposting Shadows would be to reduce the distance of evade by half and remove the Fury. I really get why Riposting Shadows is being nerfed - it's just toxic. But I personally don't want to find myself in a situation where I don't use the legend because of its' high Energy costs - this was one of the main Jalis' problems before balancing. Phase Traversal: WvW will now use the PvP version of the skill (35 energy cost) - Again, too much energy. Reduce the range of the skill. Problem with Shiro isn't the energy cost, it's that these two skills do too much. Change the functionality, not the cost. Anyway, I love the changes and whatever people are saying, nerf everything.
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