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Everything posted by DonArkanio.6419

  1. Revenant's design is pretty clear and fair. The thing is, other classes can access mostly everything for free which leaves Revs at a disadvantage. I just don't think having to wait for a skill a 1-2 sec is a bad thing. But the whole GW2 works like that - skill after skill. I can see why Riposting Shadows costs 40 Energy - but this su'cks when the enemy can do the same thing and still unload the whole kit. This feels unbalanced, and Rev here is 1:8, so obviously it's easier to tweak Rev alone.
  2. Problem with Renegade isn't numbers, it's the design. Whatever you do to Renegade in PvP is going to heavily affect the balance of that E-Spec, because it's whole utility bar is summons. Summons as a whole is a very clunky mechanic, and it can be either completely useless (against any knowledgeable player) or OP (against any inexperienced player). What I think is that Summons should only work for the animation's sake. This way we can still feel like we are summoning our Warband without piling up the immobile, clunky and uninteractive so called spirits.An example would be Ranger Warhorn 5, and Warrior Warhorn animations. I don't believe this to happen, but I can only hope. Also, merging Traits isn't a good idea - let's not forget these are mostly passives, so having access to 2 in 1 is pretty, if not too strong.Now, whether other classes can do this and not be judged, is a different subject.
  3. I don't feel like Deathstrike needs Chill. MH Sword already does that and currently, each Rev weapon-set has access to maximally 1 Chilling skill - which is as it should be.
  4. Well, we already have spears for staves.I could see Greataxe being a hammer skin, and the Axemaster Hareth's skin is just too good to be reduced to what we have in game.
  5. True, but the acquistion is exclusively through real money in LoL. But I see what you're saying. And, nothing stop ANet from sprinkling some actual updates to old legendaries that don't drastically change them.
  6. Can we delete the Hammer? I can't dodge Player Character literally dropping from the air. In all honesty, are you serious?
  7. It would be great to have Harbinger of Mordremoth back in the GemStore. Would love to but that outfit and it's been off for a while now.
  8. I wouldn't say it's correct at all. It's just another bandage on a wound..
  9. how can a introduction of a class and with a expansion flatten your raid experience when its that same expansion and class that introduced us to raids.there where no raids before that Because I can't experience the raids without having to rely on Quickness most of the time. The groups without a Chronomancers are rare.
  10. But you are asking to disable a visibility of profession mechanic. That doesn't make sense to me.
  11. What's the point of fishing in game? I can't see any reason for fishing being addition that makes sense in GW2.
  12. Hey there, I think Icebrood Saga is the most viking we can get!With that being sad, I made a concept of a custom beard for each race. I excluded humans, since they got new options with PoF. This is the first set I made. More to come. Might also add a custom human facial hair concepts in the future. I decided to go with the different option for each race, and chose the most fitting in my opinion. So, I hope you enjoy this little project, share your thoughts!
  13. Well, Quickness wouldn't be a problem if not every profession had access to it. The introduction of Chronomancers along HoT really flattened the whole Raid experience for me.
  14. Actually, I could see dungeons being added to the Personal Story, as they actually play a pretty important part when it comes to Destiny's Edge and the political situation in Tyria. Dungeons explore each race's evil faction; Nightmare Court, Sons of Svanir, Flame Legion, etc. For example, Ascalonian Catacombs play a pretty important part in the pre-HoT Living World seasons, explaining the way Sohothin and Magdaer work.
  15. Forced content. lol MMORPGs shifted from being games to being services This isn't forced content just because you or the so called playerbase thinks it's forced. I agree that ANet most likely has the statistics that show them the playability of said content, but let's not forget that the playerbase changes. And people posting on forums for more challenging content show that there (maybe) starts to be a demand for it. Nothing forced about that
  16. Oh man, I'd love it! I hate the way ranged weapons just slam that 1 attack over and over again - Guardian scepter being the biggest issue for me. Bows and rifles are kind of understandable, because there is so only so much you can do with it. But weapons like Rev's hammer, Guard's scepter, and Staves could use some improvements. I like how Guard's staff works, simple because it has an AA chain.
  17. It isn't a punishment. They released a cosmetic, that turned out to be problematic. They changed it. That's how everything should work regardless of whether someone is a fan of huge light balls or not. This should be applied to every other obnoxious cosmetic in game.
  18. I got mine yesterday and I have to say, it's amazing. The amount of artworks is overwhelming and I love to see how the style of ANet developed through the years while still keeping its identity. The book is just great.
  19. I think Battle Scars have a place in the Devastation. We can have a Trait that enhances Impossible Odds with Battle Scars effect. This way, there is a clear choice between sustain and damage. Or, make Battle Scars baseline for Devastation, so when you Trait Devastation, the Impossible Odds are always enhanced. This promotes taking Devastation when playing Shiro.
  20. I think the power from pets should be shifted to ranger. This way, you don't have to worry about pets not dealing enough damage, and they honestly deal a bit too much for how badly telegraphed they are.
  21. I think the overall design of Retribution and Jalis is pretty weird.You have a traitline designed for Retaliation, and the skill that makes use of it (taunts) Forced Engagement actually works against the idea of Retaliation because you slow down your target. Retaliation isn't a go-to line but that just doesn't make sense to me. Slow on its own is a great Condi to have, but with Jalis, I think Weakness on FE could work. Just for the purpose of clarity and removing random condis on random skills.
  22. Actually, this seems reasonable. Salvation outshines Retribution in the subject of damage mitigation. And the orbs are a bad mechanic overall. Also, I don't feel like Retribution needs the whole Retaliation line, because it doesn't really do anything with the Legend.Devastation could have a line dedicated to Quickness ans Invocation be even more about energy drain/regain.
  23. I'll add to the list. This might not be a bug but bothers me since HoT. Unable to use Vengeful Hammers during Phase Smash cast, just at the end.Temporal Rift sometimes appears underground when casted before or from elevation. Spiritcrush can't be casted from behind or side - I think it should be an option.Bloodbane Path well, this skill barely strikes 1 hit in PvP. Unrelenting Assault is a joke compared to Ranger's pet skill
  24. Coalescence of Ruin is awful to use. It feels awful and works even worse. I think the skill needs a complete rework as currently it serves no purpose in the Hammer skillset. It's just a 1200 range (not really 1200) attack. (not really attack). Either rework CoR instead putting bandages all over it, or rework the entire weapon. Shortbow just started to feel more useful than the Hammer. Though they're on the same level of buggines and use-experience.
  25. Agree. We could really use the option to toggle off the effects of other players.
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