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Everything posted by DonArkanio.6419

  1. If we got Condi-Reduction by default, I think the cast time is fair. This opens up the way for new Grandmaster that isn't Auto-elite.
  2. BuT tHeY cOvEr thE entiRE PoinT on PvP!!!1! Yeah, actually - Rework Renegade, it certainly doesn't feel like Ritualist, nor a Summoner, not even a Warband leader. I don't think there is a healthy way of fixing Spirits with how they work.
  3. CoreShiro135 + 8/s Energy for the entire skillset 5 Energy - Enchanted Daggers5 + 8/s Energy - Impossible Odds35 Energy - Phase Traversal40 Energy - Riposting Shadows50 Energy - Jade WindsJalis90 + 6/s Energy for the entire skillset 5 Energy - Soothing Stone5 + 6/s Energy - Vengeful Hammers10 Energy - Forced Engagement30 Energy - Inspiring Reinforcement40 Energy - Rite of the Great DwarfVentari55 + 6/s (or all) Energy for the entire skillset 5 Energy - Ventari's Will5 + 6/s - Protective Solace20 Energy - Natural Harmony25 Energy - Puryfying Essence10 + all Energy - Energy ExpulsionMallyx110 + 6/s Energy for the whole skillset 5 Energy - Empowering Misery30 Energy - Banish Enchantment35 Energy - Pain Absorption35 - Call to Anguish5 + 6/s Energy - Embrace the DarknessElite SpecializationsHerald16/s Energy for the entire skillset (you can't use all Facets at once) 2/s Energy - Facet of Light1/s Energy - Facet of Elements2/s Energy - Facet of Strength2/s Energy - Facet of Darkness5/s Energy- Facet of Chaos3/s Energy - Facet of NatureRenegade155 + 8/s Energy for the entire skillset 5 Energy - Breakrazor's Bastion15 Energy - Razorclaw's Rage20 Energy - Icerazor's Ire30 Energy - Darkrazor's Daring10 + 8/s Energy - Soulcleave's Summit10 Energy - Heroic Command20 Energy - Orders from Above35 Energy - Citadel BombardmentWeapon SkillsSword40 Energy in total 5 Energy - Chilling Isolation15 Energy - Unrelenting Assault10 Energy - Shackling Wave10 Energy - DeathstrikeMace10 Energy in total 5 Energy - Searing Fissure5 Energy - Echoing EruptionAxe20 Energy in total 10 Energy - Frigid Blitz10 Energy - Temporal RiftStaff45 Energy in total 5 Energy - Mender's Rebuke10 Energy - Warding Rift15 Energy - Renewing Wave15 Energy - Surge of the MistsHammer35 Energy in total 5 Energy - Coalescence of Ruin5 Energy - Phase Smash10 Energy - Field of the Mists15 Energy - Drop the HammerShield (Herald)28 Energy in total 8 Energy - Envoy of Exuberance20 Energy - Crystal HibernationShortbow (Renegade)39 Energy in total 4 Energy - Bloodbane Path7 Energy - Sevenshot12 Energy - Spiritcrush16 Energy - ScorchrazorRevenant starts with 50 Energy. Resets to 50 (or 75 with Trait) on Legend swap. Core Revenant can regain 25 Energy for free. I feel like the Utility, F and Weapon skills combined are a bit too much for the starting pool of 50 Energy without any reliable way to regain Energy during combat.Using 30+ Energy skills leaves Revenant most likely unable to use the rest of its kit. Meanwhile Adrenaline is a resource that rewards the Warrior for being in combat. Initiatives allow Thief to have no CD on weapon skills and Necromancer's Shroud opens a whole new skillset rewarding Necro for being in combat. Just wanted to highlight it.
  4. Barrier blocks Condition Damage by design and is on top of your health rather than minimizng the damage you recieve. With the Traits I mentioned Barrier is IMO a lot more impactful than the Damage Reduction.
  5. Hey there, I personally love to use Rite of the Great Dwarf. It feels pretty heavy and animation is perfect to me.But I know a lot of people don't like this skill for it's insanely high Energy cost, cast time and the arguable profit of having DMG Reduction. What if we keep the "Turn into stone" VFX but instead of DMG Reduction RotG grants Barrier? Invocation already rewards using Dwarf for it's Barrier proc, Runes of Sanctuary feels like it was made for Steadfast Rejuvenation and Vengeful Hammers. And lastly, we have Salvation trait that periodically grants us Barrier depending on the number of boons we have. I could see Versed on Stone granting additional Barrier based on % of your Health / Toughness. What do you think?
  6. Yup, that's just common sense looking at the in-game example. And I think that it could be really interesting having Greatsword as a condi-weapon.On a side note. A charr legend.. with a shortbow? I mean, you could do this but I'm 100% sure people at ANet were like wth when they heard the Shortbow idea.
  7. Oh man, I think we should cut the amount of boons and conditions in game. Firebrand, Mallyx Rev or Condi Necro are the perfect examples. If boons and conditions were more profession-oriented, then I think it would be a perfect opportunity for new ones. Currently all classess have access to almost every boon and condition in the game and this makes it pretty hard to balance from a PvP / WvW perspective. But I really like the concept.
  8. Yeah, me too. I feel like Devastation and Shiro are up for some serious reworks, as they feel clunky as hell and the reward for picking those in PvP is arguable.
  9. I really like these suggestions. Pretty straightforward and wouldn't cause a lot of problem when applied. I also thought that Shortbow should be baseline for Core Revenant. My problem with Renegade is lack of synergy in itself (Weapon & Traits & Legend). Same with Herald.Corruption is a perfet example of how to make the Traitline versatile and viable accross the whole class. It opens so many new possibilites (mechanically), while Renegade and Herald Traitlines are mostly just increase, increase, number, number, number. Compared to SB, Reaper, or Berserker, Rev's E-Specs don't really change my playstyle, except the fact that I get a 2s Invulnerability. Agree on the Energy system. After 17 March patch, I feel punished and limited for having energy costs on every single ability on my skillbar. Unfortunately, I don't think that we'll see any major improvements over energy, as the creator of Revenant left a long time ago, and nowadays it feels like the current can't figure out what Revenant actually is. But yeah, to sum up: Give us more Core weapons, more Trident-like weapons and more versatility instead of Boons all over the place.
  10. That is a great idea. And I love how well written it is.I feel like Weapon Skills draw a bit from the Renegade's Shortbow, but in a good sense. I really like that it's a weapon of increased range. And the fact that GS #4 is very similar to SB #4 is great.I can really see the whole concept working in game and that's cool. A minor thing - I'd expand more on the Core Elites aspect. Decreasing the cost and cast time doesn't sound like a good way to deal with the problems of current legends and let's not forget Jade Winds deal close to 0 damage in PvP now. I don't really care about how complicated the E-Spec would be. Actually, I'd like that. And for people who find this overcomplicated - l2p. The way you described GS skills makes it very enjoyable, and while I'm against the idea of Revenant with GS, I think if we were to get one, it has to be Asgeir (or some Tengu). Great project!
  11. I'd love a weapon that changes with Legends. Not just like Trident, but more like Ele's weapons. So the weapon can be ranged or melee depending on your Legend. The skills could also change slightly.
  12. Yeah, just get rid of the desert screen please. It's been too long.
  13. No for the Ritualist and no for the Greatsword. There are a lot more interesting themes to draw from. And Ritualist is already in the game. Split into other classes. Edit: o!! edgy ritualist with a greatsword and master tewgoh. i just realized how edggy it would be. Black and red + greatsword and Asian theme
  14. TenguJotunKodanSvanirOrrian-themed legendI really don't like the idea of getting a Greatsword. I'd prefer any other weapon than GS. As for the legend, I'd like to explore something less canon
  15. Yup. I really don't see the point of having Energy if it leads Revenant unable to use both Weapons and Utilities. Thief's Initiatives affect weapons only leaving utilities to just CD. I'm fine with Revenant using Energy for literally everything including autoattacks, but for god's sake let us play the class, not wait for the resource.
  16. Oh man, I'm so happy that someone still cares for these dialogues. I hope some day we can hear the original non-bugged version.
  17. Well said. I myself used to think that Revenant = Ritualist but when I played GW1 and made both Ritualist and Dervish, the only thing connecting Revenant and Ritualist is a blindfold and summoning (still not really). Dervish I say.
  18. One time quest unlock for account should please everyone. And I'd love some story behind the E-Specs. Getting them just like we currently do is somewhat boring.
  19. RitualistThird eye iconBlindfold as iconic headpieceMist magicConnection with Canthan heroes and spiritsLight armor RevenantThird eye iconBlindfold as iconic headpieceMist magicConnection with Tyrian legends and spiritsHeavy armorChampion Ritualist PvP title NecromancerSkull iconCorpsepaintDeath magicFlesh, bone and shadow minionsLight armorChampion Phantom PvP title These are just themes, functionally and gameplay-wise Revenant is closer to Dervish.
  20. Revenant has 4 ways of regenerating Energy. go out of combatuse Core Skill F2use Invocation TraitLegend SwapCorruption has a trait that slows down energy drain on upkeep.Since Shiro Tagachi's kit is a fat and awful 135+ energy for the whole Utility i'd like to suggest a trait that increases Energy Regeneration.Ideas (one of these): Passively regenerate more energy if: You have QuicknessYou use teleportation skill; Unrelenting Assault, Frigid Blitz, Phase Traversal, Riposting Shadows, Deathstrike, Phase SmashYou are using SwordYou Siphon health from your enemy
  21. Well, I'd like to sum up what currently is in a desperate need of fixes. Weapon Skills:Axe Frigid Blitz - occassionally doesn't follow the target resulting in dealing 0 damage and energy wasteSword Unrelenting Assault - frequently doesn't follow the target resulting in 0 damage and energy wasteHammer Coalescence of Ruin - frequently disappears in the terrain resulting in 0 damage and energy wasteShortbow Bloodbane Path - frequently doesn't hit the target resulting in 0 damage and energy wasteShortbow Spiritcrush - unable to be used from behind or side. We are playing Revenant, come onShortbow Sevenshot - this skill is so unreliable against moving targets so that it's not worth using for meStaff Surge of the Mist - the wind up animation kills the purpose of the skill for me as it is no longer a reliable source of CC, I'm fine with the 0 damageLegend Skills:Shiro Riposting Shadows - the 40 energy cost for a stunbreak with an evade makes it very unrewarding. And since the Revenant can't choose its utility-set, then playing Shiro forces you to use that skill leaving you with 10 energy. 10 energy is less than the most expensive Weapon Skill. So, using Riposting Shadows after Legend Swap leaves you more vulnerable than using any other Stunbreak in Revenant's kit.Shiro Phase Traversal - again, 35 energy cost leaves you with 15 energy and while the skill itself is pretty strong it leaves Revenant being only able t spam autoattacks with Quickness until it regens some Energy back.Mallyx Banish Enchantment - 30 Energy cost is still a lot. Make it strip 2 boons and use 20 energy instead.Ventari - lacks any stunbreakTraits:Devastation Battle Scars - it's a nice concept that is poorly implemented. It promotes spammy and boring playstyle which leads you to keep autoattacking. Is it fun? Not really.HeraldRenagadeSo, overall I think that Revenant is in a pretty good spot, but it got nerfed more than it needed. I really like how Mallyx regained its' personality with the recent updates. Jalis is also a very good example of a good change. It went from being very clunky, to feeling impactful and meaningful in the Team-comp. All Ventari needs is a Stunbreak because IMO his role is very clear - you heal, clear boons and provide Regeneration - all of this on top of cool mechanics; Tablet manipulation, mobile projectile absorption, knockback and Alacrity.I hated the fact that for almost 5 years Shiro's been taking up the go-to legend slot on Revenant in PvP. But I don't think it got nerfs it deserved. What I'd suggest the Devs should do is to really looks at what Shiro was in GW1, what's his identity in GW2 and play around it. Every Core Legend starts to feel very individual and that's great. Then what is Shiro about? Damage, mobility, boonstrip, Quickness, teleports? Redefine it, and stick to the design. Not every Legend has to do tons of damage, heals, CC and cleanses. They should compliment, not work against each other.Shiro, Hammer, Staff and Shortbow feel awful to use and I hope something is going to be done about it.Herald and Renegade along Ventari became my least used legend as they are uninteresting and don't have any personality. Nothing about them makes these E-Specs interesting in terms of new mechanics or a playstyle. Herald's Traitline is mostly a huge output of passives and boons which doesn't change my gameplay. I don't use the Shield because I don't need it in any situation. Only when I feel like I'm bored of Core Off-hands. I don't mean rework the entire E-Spec, but I feel like there is nothing fun about it. Let's compare Glint to Core Legends. Condition manipulation with pull, teleportations, creating stone roads and taunting foes, summoning Ventari's tablet against what - a shining circle and a knockback? Renegade is bad against anything that isn't a huge stationary target. 3 out of 5 Shortbow skills are in a pretty bad spot. Kalla does the Boon job better than Herald and the Utility Skills are simply boring. This E-Specs is boring and lacks depth, bugs aside. Lastly,the Energy System.Stop trying to hop around the energy system, stick to it. We have weapons skills that use energy and have low or high CDs. Overloaded utility skills that are spammable and leave Revenant without any energy. And we have F skill that also use energy and CDs. This system is nuts and it deosn't serve it's purpose.Thief's F have CD and don't use Initiatie, Utility Skills have CD and don't use Initiative. Weapon skills use Initiative and are spammable - simple. Take that as an example
  22. Well, after figuring out the Revenant is closer to Dervish than the Ritualist I started to lose my interest in the Ritualist based E-Spec. Also, the Ritualist skillset was reinterpreted into GW2's Necromancer. What I would like to see is the Tengu E-Spec with Dual Daggers. I really enjoy exploring new races like Jotun, Mursaat, Tengu, Kodan or Krait.It could be much more interesting to see how other races use out classes, Krait being very necrotic for example. People don't realize that just because Rev wears a headwrap and summons legends doesn't make it a Ritualist. Though I could see this being our E-Spec. As for the weapons, hell no for the Greatsword.I'd rather get a new main-hand / Off-hand or dual new weapons, so I can finally make my choice between something other than Sword or Axe. Rev's weapons have a very interesting synergy, accessing to Chill and gap closers. Dual DaggersWarhornFocusTorch
  23. Coalescence of RuinCoalescence of Ruin is at the moment a pretty unreliable skill making Hammer very clunky. It lacks ability to target enemies, its' damage has been flattened and the Sound FX are gone. I don't think that Devs like the idea of CoR hitting as hard as it did in the past. But I believe there are other ways around it. Maybe make the skill AoE. Or make CoR be something completely different. Surge of the MistsI don't think this one needs much explanation. The wind-up time for SotM feels awful and actually does nothing but harm to the player. It's now more of a punish skill. It deosn't reward you much for good timing and positioning, since it does close to 0 damage now. Crystal HibernationI just feel like this skill could be a bit more interesting. I like the the Block and Heal function but I feel it's too selfish. Many people don't like the root, I think it can stay if this skill gave you something for being rooted. Bloodbane PathAgain, unreliable option against moving targets. Even in PvE this skill can have a hard time hitting if an enemy is running. Revenant's weapon skill require Energy, so if this skill bugs, then you pretty much throw 5 Energy into trash. Unrelenting AssaultThis skill bugs frequently, be it casting from elevated ground, not following the target, dealing 0 damage. Searing FissureSearing Fissure's VFX is bugged. The fissure goes outside of the AoE of this skill. Suggestions Bring back Duelist's Preperations to OH Sword #4 Shackling Waves.Keep the low damage of Surge of the Mists. Delete the wind-up time and make it instant cast.Add a pulse of healing wave for 5 allies after Crystal Hibernation ends.Speed up the projectiles in Bloodbane Path, or rework it.And that's about it. I feel like these weapon skills could use some love as currently I just don't enjoy using them because of their bugs, clunkiness and unrewarding functionality. What are your thoughts on this?
  24. Hey there, I was thinking about class progression in Guild Wars overall and Elite Specializations are meant to expand on the profession's theme giving it access to more skills to choose from. These come with the trade-offs (or at least that's what I heard). In GW2 professions have dedicated weapon sets +1/2 is available while using E-Spec. And lastly, each class' weapon set has it's own themed skills, so Sword skills on Guardian are different than the Sword skills on Warrior. Original Guild Wars uses a dual profession system that lets you obtain skills of other classes while still wearing your base profession's armor. Also, every class can wear every weapon.Some of the profession's skills are weapon-exclusive, meaning you have to wear a specific weapon to use a skill. So, there are lots of similarities but the combat systems are vastly different. I'm leaving Utility skills as these are also pretty different. My question is - what are the other additional combat features that could work in GW2 in both PvE and PvP? Is it dual-professions, choosable weapon-skills? Or something completely different?
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