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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Phoenix bird and Qin dragon (or Loong) skins would be awesome. I'd also love some type of Yin & Yang themed roller beetle.
  2. If you are looking for opinions, I wouldn't mind a new race, but it's not something I really want. I'm more interested for the Tengu to play bigger part in the future story. I want to see the Dominion of Winds and perhaps some Tengu areas in Cantha.
  3. GW2 TacO (Tactical Overlay) addon has some mouse pointers. I use YoloMouse bought from Steam. Cheap with lots of different cursors, can be used in any game.
  4. An Epileptic’s Guide To Gaming Worth reading, some good tips in there too. I hope you can solve the issue and enjoy playing.
  5. It can be overwhelming and confusing at times, the amount of content this game has. There's no hurry to do it so play at your own pace. Great tip from Rogue above. The community maintained official GW2 Wiki is very useful site, helped me countless times. Collections and other achievements can reward many different items, titles or vendor unlocks. Some of the most useful ones are likely the different converter gizmos and ascended gear, for example the specialization collections. All professions (character classes) can get two different weapons, one for each elite specialization. All ascended gear is account bound, meaning you can use them on any character you want. You can also change the attributes for most ascended gear. (Remeber to remove any upgrades before doing it.) Hope this was of some help. Most times the /map chat is also willing to help if you need quick advice while gaming.
  6. The Aurene statue is a collector's item celebrating the EoD first look/preorder. It's for those who've been wanting Anet to make another official GW2 figurine. If not mistaken the last ones came out Dec 2014 and the collectors have been waiting Anet to make more ever since. Laugh all you want but some people do collect these as a hobby, just like some collect stamps etc. No one is forcing you to buy it. As for the material choice, NPVC is not the same as regular plastic. It's very hard material (used eg. for water/sewage pipes), so clearly they went for durability. For reference, the other official GW2 figurines are made out of PVC plastic. If it was glass with that level of detail then the price would be much higher, and some people would likely break it and then ask for refunds. Personally I'm glad they did something different this time and not the normal figurine type.
  7. I hope they do fishing along the lines of* Ultima Online, where you could spawn a mini (boss) event by doing it. At times it was hard to solo some of those. *pun very much intended
  8. Each to his/her own but I enjoy doing new fashion looks, mapping, leveling toons or trying new specs, doing achies (slowly) or just chilling and chatting. Caladbolg is a reward ascended weapon of your choise for completing side story Knight of the Thorn after HoT main one. For crafting there are fast and regular (cheaper) guides at gw2crafts.net. Most importantly: have fun gaming!
  9. Could be. I did the math fast so not sure. Still not that much difference in the price before taxes and can't blame Anet for those.
  10. My pleasure. Gotta "love" them EU taxes tho. Feels like they tax us for literally everything.
  11. Without 23% VAT the Ultimate is about 62€ which is about $73.3. Without the 6.5% tax the NA price is about $74.8. So before the taxes the EU one is actually bit cheaper.
  12. Getting really tiresome trying to explain what "first look" means. They said more expansion content will be revealed as we get closer to the release.
  13. From the store page: "The price indicated for any digital products includes anticipated VAT based on the Irish VAT rate of 23 %. The applicable VAT rate may change during the course of the shopping session if you are in another location. To see how we calculate VAT, please click here."
  14. Ordered the Ultimate because I buy gems quite often and that is a good offer compared to normal price. On sidenote: bit suprised that so many people don't seem to understand what "first look" means, but then it's the internet so.. yeah, go figure.
  15. Yes, same here. Managed to preorder it too. Thank you for the fast fix Anet! ❤️
  16. Thank you. This worked for me. I'm in the EU and using Chrome (I did clear the browser cache).
  17. Just an update: the browser address I get by going to https://www.guildwars2.com/end-of-dragons is https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/end-of-dragons/ and that page says AccessDeniedx2 plus gibberish. Tried disabling my (paid F-Secure) VPN but get the same result.
  18. Cleared my Chrome browser cache and yet first link takes me to page to buy PoF (which I already have) and second link takes me to page with only text saying "AccessDeniedAccess DeniedXRTBMK8TSVHW8KWXSTgvDu/pUVVfb38IzzavWJjwyf+m802xvP5ikaLGWth/UpklYizt5jG2PFx3eRkOQNjqI5gb6jo=" Edit: Only the "AccessDenied" part stays the same when refreshing the page. The other gibberish changes.
  19. I have the same issue. Every pre-purchase EoD link I've clicked so far takes me to page to buy PoF. I am using Chrome browser.
  20. Don't know about EU but on NA I see both HoT and PoF HP trains running very regularly. Might even be a daily thing, tho can't say cause don't play daily, but still multiple times each week.
  21. Please consider adding more balloon and kite novelties. Maybe instead of designing new ones the old ones could be added in different colors, eg. Hot Air Balloon. These could be rewards from different festival vendors. Or it could be done similar way to Enchanted Colorful Snowball where you can change the color. Thank you. Edit: Now that I think of it, the original Hot Air Balloon was from the Festival of Four Winds (Queen's Jubilee), so perhaps the different color options could be added with this year's festival.
  22. I agree that industrial scale ocean fishing can be harmful. Often people do have the option to buy local and enviroment friendly products, but it takes more effort than just going to the nearest supermarket and they usually cost more. I cannot single-handedly fix the problems the world faces and I've done more than my share caring about the environment. Indeed. I think that hobby style relaxing fishing is what OP meant with the suggestion. Kinda like how Wow did it, which I found out to be oddly relaxing (altho I still like fishing irl more 😊).
  23. I will. I've always fished from my local lake and won't be stopping. I eat the fish myself and nothing goes to waste since I make fish paste from the leftovers. I also pay for a fishing permit which supports keeping the lakes and fish populations healthy. All fishing activity is not nefarious.
  24. You can actually copy+paste some basic 'alt code' special symbols like the smiley face (☺) to the ingame chat.
  25. If it was added I would likely do it quite often, but currently Anet has more important things taking the work hours. You could add a poll in this thread? Eg. Agree/Disagree/Don't care. Many might just vote without leaving a comment.
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