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Everything posted by monotony.4931

  1. If there's going to be a stun break on another weapon kit I'd much rather see it on the Mortar. That would be a direct buff to core without further improving the elites. That said, and although I only play core Engineer, I'm not sure I want a direct buff. Let's have another round of nerfs first!
  2. Of course. Even with all mounts unlocked it's still my generic go-to ride.
  3. Yeah. I understand now why all the Damsels of the Arena were rolling power Revenants the past couple of days. ?
  4. Condition application isn't and probably has never been a generic problem. Try killing even a DPS Guardian with a core condition Engineer. This is just one example out of many. Truth be told, condition cleanse on some classes is as much out of line as condition application is on others.
  5. This isn't even close to HoT. This is in fact miles better than anything that has happened since then. If you want to see big numbers go full Berserker. But that actually comes with a risk now. That's new.
  6. How do we see the end if we're permanently blinded?
  7. If feels all good is code for despicable then I agree that Holosmith is fine.
  8. I honestly don't see this problem? I get by with 1 stun breaker and 0 stability. I'm not even playing one of the dominant specialisations. Is it because I don't play melee?
  9. Quoting for emphasis. I agree on all of this. ? I just want to add that personally I find Holosmith the most annoying currently. For core Necromancer and condition Reverant the player makes a huge difference (as it should). I don't get that feeling from Holosmith. It seems a bit fire and forget. Please note that I don't play competitively and that I have unarguably a huge personal bias against Holosmith (?).
  10. Is that even a question? Of course they should. It's impossible to do though.
  11. I am very satisfied. This is nowhere near HoT. Other nerfs are coming.
  12. Condition damage in general is not overtuned. Core condition Engineer is still lackluster. Some professions can cleanse the conditions I apply almost instantaneously. Then their active and passive healing brings them back to full health. Those builds aren't even full support/bunker. They dish out considerable damage.
  13. Extremely strong elite specialisations, simply by being many times better than everything else, did hurt PvP even more though: they effectively removed every other option from PvP because everything that came before the latest expansion was strictly inferior to the point of turning the player that chose to roll with previous builds into dead weight. Adding more power on top of more power isn't a solution either.
  14. It makes total sense how all the superior players dissing the scrubs can't run Berserker amulet, setup a meaningful burst via CC, bait dodges and CDs, adjust their build or coordinate their damage and/or CC with other players. [Please note that this post may contain sarcasm.]
  15. Imagine the state this place would be in if we had Mercenary amulet back. :# =)
  16. I like the idea but the visual clutter in Guild Wars is too immense. I doubt you could see the footprints in anything but a duel. If I may say so, this is golden. =)
  17. IMHO yes. I got really fed up with Arena Net over the years because of their in my opinion atrocious balancing approach (mostly PvP and WvW related) but for a while now I've been thoroughly enjoying the game again. This so much so that I've found myself doing a lot of PvE too where we got to see some nice things (last update is fun) and a good lookout on the future too. It feels like the company is finally putting some effort into their game. The intention is absolutely there. Be aware though that this is all just my personal opinion and that the game is not perfect (but what really is?).
  18. Well, thats good? What do you enjoy about it? Context: I have almost entirely played 5v5 unranked since the 25th February 2020. Right now I play a Berserker amulet core Engineer. I play an hour or two a day. I was a GW and GW2 fan boy since the first beta events of both games. But since the release of HoT and up until the February 2020 reset patch I did not PvP that much because I strongly disliked the game play. Why: Here is, from the top of my head and in no particular order, why I like the game much, much better now: Thanks to the overall lower damage, I can finally play my favourite profession and build again without being a free kill. The reduction is so great I in fact can myself run a very squishy DPS amulet. The gap between the FOTM builds and other builds is smaller than before. This is an incredibly refreshing change. CC dealing no damage is great. Now bursts require a modicum of setting up. CC needs to be followed up by damage if you want to make something out of it. Pressing one button isn't enough anymore. Abilities that had damage, CC and avoidance of incoming damage all rolled in one are gone. That alone is one of the healthiest changes I can think of. AAs that took out big chunks of players' health pools are gone. Autoattacking shouldn't be a way to seriously pressure an opponent. There isn't one be-all and end-all combo anymore. Before the 25th the same rotation applied to almost any situation. That's in my book extremely boring game play. There is a very interesting and rather old video of 2 great Revenant players highlighting this point. I'll link it if I manage to find it. The longer CDs are great. Using an ability at the wrong time is more punishing. Patience is key. The game play feels far more reactive. Since you're not forced to chain abilities together anymore only to survive (and often at the same time deal big damage and CC) you can now adjust to what your opponent is doing. Outsmarting another player and then being one shotted by an unavoidable combo (that also made your opponent invulnerable in one way or another) was extremely frustrating. I'm so happy that is all gone. You actually have to work for your kills. Wait out the opponent's CDs, use your CC at an opportune time, follow up with damage, etc. Firing a hugely damaging and low CD ability through layers of defence in hopes it connects isn't good enough anymore. Actual team play is required. There are no more portable nukes that pop other players in a second or two. The difference between players working together and players doing their thing only is bigger than ever. Corpse play matters. The downed state used to be central to GW PvP before the expansions destroyed that mini game. Stomping, launching downed players, interrupting a player resurrecting his ally, applying poison, AoE CC and cleave on a downed opponent, etc. Those small plays all have use again and add another layer to the game. All good? No. Stuff needs more nerfing. Just to name the one ability I'm abusing ATM: Explosive Entrance. That ability and the associated traits feel like they were designed before the 25th paradigm change. They all need to be lowered in efficiency. Ending words Anyone who wants to dismiss my opinion because I'm a scrub I'm saving you some time: yes, like I said, I have only PvPed sporadically since HoT because I believed and I still believe that the game play had changed for the worse with both expansions. Peace out and have fun. Or don't. Thanks for the feedback! It's the whole point of having a good forum discussion. I was hoping to get some other people's opinions on here who are enjoying things. The reason we might have such radically different views too is due to the different environments we play in. I'm not a "top" player but a bit above average with several thousand hours in PvP so the stuff I run into and notice is probably different from what you run into and notice. Its good to have the different perspectives though. In all honesty: thank you for being a nice guy. ?
  19. All forms? No. Some forms? Yes. Mobility needs to be looked at, blocking (Aegis feels strong), passive healing, evasion too (both from Endurance regeneration and abilities).
  20. Pretty much this. Reworking, redesigning and bug fixing what we have should keep them busy for a long time. That would also do a lot more for diversity than the next mandatory elite.
  21. Well, thats good? What do you enjoy about it? Context: I have almost entirely played 5v5 unranked since the 25th February 2020. Right now I play a Berserker amulet core Engineer. I play an hour or two a day. I was a GW and GW2 fan boy since the first beta events of both games. But since the release of HoT and up until the February 2020 reset patch I did not PvP that much because I strongly disliked the game play. Why: Here is, from the top of my head and in no particular order, why I like the game much, much better now: Thanks to the overall lower damage, I can finally play my favourite profession and build again without being a free kill. The reduction is so great I in fact can myself run a very squishy DPS amulet. The gap between the FOTM builds and other builds is smaller than before. This is an incredibly refreshing change. CC dealing no damage is great. Now bursts require a modicum of setting up. CC needs to be followed up by damage if you want to make something out of it. Pressing one button isn't enough anymore. Abilities that had damage, CC and avoidance of incoming damage all rolled in one are gone. That alone is one of the healthiest changes I can think of. AAs that took out big chunks of players' health pools are gone. Autoattacking shouldn't be a way to seriously pressure an opponent. There isn't one be-all and end-all combo anymore. Before the 25th the same rotation applied to almost any situation. That's in my book extremely boring game play. There is a very interesting and rather old video of 2 great Revenant players highlighting this point. I'll link it if I manage to find it. The longer CDs are great. Using an ability at the wrong time is more punishing. Patience is key. The game play feels far more reactive. Since you're not forced to chain abilities together anymore only to survive (and often at the same time deal big damage and CC) you can now adjust to what your opponent is doing. Outsmarting another player and then being one shotted by an unavoidable combo (that also made your opponent invulnerable in one way or another) was extremely frustrating. I'm so happy that is all gone. You actually have to work for your kills. Wait out the opponent's CDs, use your CC at an opportune time, follow up with damage, etc. Firing a hugely damaging and low CD ability through layers of defence in hopes it connects isn't good enough anymore. Actual team play is required. There are no more portable nukes that pop other players in a second or two. The difference between players working together and players doing their thing only is bigger than ever. Corpse play matters. The downed state used to be central to GW PvP before the expansions destroyed that mini game. Stomping, launching downed players, interrupting a player resurrecting his ally, applying poison, AoE CC and cleave on a downed opponent, etc. Those small plays all have use again and add another layer to the game. All good? No. Stuff needs more nerfing. Just to name the one ability I'm abusing ATM: Explosive Entrance. That ability and the associated traits feel like they were designed before the 25th paradigm change. They all need to be lowered in efficiency. Ending words Anyone who wants to dismiss my opinion because I'm a scrub I'm saving you some time: yes, like I said, I have only PvPed sporadically since HoT because I believed and I still believe that the game play had changed for the worse with both expansions. Peace out and have fun. Or don't.
  22. I don't think that focusing on the most obvious outlier is surprising? Either way, the gap between various builds is closing. You're not totally useless anymore if you don't run the latest FOTM. That's great.
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