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Everything posted by Grimjack.8130

  1. Weaver Renegade beat Prot Holo Renegade in the 2v2, Weaver became meta. Minionmancer Renegade beat Weaver Renegade in the 2v2. Minionmancer became meta. Prot Holo beats MM 1v1 and 2v2, so it became meta. Prot Holo has no losing matchup, be it 1v1s or 2v2s. Especially practical ones that don't open up plenty of holes in a competitive comp. And here we are. You could try to force 2v2s on it with Weaver like you used to, but they just let you 1v2 it and win the teamfight and its VERY punishing to do that because Scourge exists so that node is not getting nueted anytime soon, and then Prot Holo will push the Weaver on its full cap and nuet it eventually via no cast time Shield 4. Also if Renegade isn't the meta Roamer you're playing against then Weaver's 2v2s are much worse.
  2. lmao how is one of the best traits in the game strong for this spec that makes it even better H O L Y This is the people you guys waste time arguing with. THIS PERSON. LMAOOO
  3. Wow, thank you forum user. I'll never do that again. You can't compare a skill directly to another skill on a different class and say make it the same, but you should compare it to other skills that do the same general thing for more context. Smokescreen is easily overperforming right now, and is 100% within grounds for a nerf. Probably not the skill itself, but instead making the Hidden Thief CD reduction 10%, as it buffs some of the strongest utilities around, most of which are taken with other deceptions too, like the current Condi Thief build that can take up to 4 or even 5 deceptions.
  4. They'll get upset over Mortar blinds, but Smokescreen that also destroys projectiles so its even more uninteractive? That's fine they say. Forums never change 🙂
  5. Great additions to the patch, fixes almost all of the concerns I had!
  6. nerf lightning rod this spec that has 12k hp is 99% melee range and is lgiht armor is overperforming into my holo that has just as many 5k crits that lightning rod does but from 900 range and is just as fast without even trying to spec into it and actually has condi cleanse D:
  7. yeah ur not allowed to nerf core when its the core mechanics that are overperforming! nerf somethign else instead!
  8. ele doesnt get to do damage pack it up boys, we gotta go home, fresh air is next
  9. half of lightning rods damage comes from dazes, which get to do damage, so if you wanna remove LR and buff all the daze damage by 3x ill be down, big fire buff pogchampy
  10. this is partly cuz how weaver is designed: you get locked out of 3rd weapon skills and quick attune swaps. i tried bringing this up on ele forums but most everyone was pretty upset by this pov. weaver has been used effectively in the 3 most recent mATs. anyone who says weaver is bad/useless is spouting nonsense i play FA and fire weaver as my off class and i can assure u neither of them require u to "look 30s into the future". on FA especially, u have instant access to your burst. 0 clairvoyance required well ur also not the best ele in the game and ur also not playing sword lr or LR at all apparently so player skill issue i think we can all agree that the players who make it to mAT finals/semifinals are of relatively equal skill. the fact that u were able to compete as a weaver against players of equal skill as you is undeniable evidence that weaver doesn't take much more skill to play than other meta builds unless u claim to be 5 times better than every other top player in the game, in which case we have a different problemyea the skillgap of engi players can be so huge but and oh for revs oh the difference between players is gigantic at times but oh no no no for any other spec in the game it takes 0 skill so the skill gap is very very smol ty forums
  11. this is partly cuz how weaver is designed: you get locked out of 3rd weapon skills and quick attune swaps. i tried bringing this up on ele forums but most everyone was pretty upset by this pov. weaver has been used effectively in the 3 most recent mATs. anyone who says weaver is bad/useless is spouting nonsense i play FA and fire weaver as my off class and i can assure u neither of them require u to "look 30s into the future". on FA especially, u have instant access to your burst. 0 clairvoyance requiredwell ur also not the best ele in the game and ur also not playing sword lr or LR at all apparently so player skill issue
  12. this is partly cuz how weaver is designed: you get locked out of 3rd weapon skills and quick attune swaps. i tried bringing this up on ele forums but most everyone was pretty upset by this pov. I mean, at times. It works 2 ways, Ele is very rotationally based so if you just copied what a good Ele did alot you'd be 80% of the way there already. Its very easy to just Go from Fire Earth to Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Fire, Fire, Air, Earth, Water, etc etc etc Very very very easy to do. But also its very hard to set up your Weave Self with Earth Shield CCs, with your Gale all of which have hugely different recharges, with enough damage to force defensives prior to all this, while preventing your gameplan from being screwed up and dodging important skills etc. Weaver still busted though, all it takes is determined nonskillcapped players to make it work. No version of the 4 best Weaver builds is "bad" to be honest.
  13. wow thx for telling me how bad fire weavers cleanse would be ive never played it before @Megametzler.5729
  14. Lava Skin could get slightly tuned down, not too hard since its VERY important for Sword.Stone Resonance both as a Passive and as an Active needs being toned down. Stone Resonance makes it very EASY to play Weaver. Mistakes don't matter with it really, just nerfing this by 50% or so would make the average Weaver die in many situations where they should but aren't.No one likes Mud Slide I guess but I know this thread is about Fire Weaver and this is not a Fire Weaver skill. CD increases are always weird though for Ele, maybe just make it NOT hit twice ever like I think its supposed to not.A big change would be revamping scaling with Healing Power. I'm not sure if this would kill Weaver running Healing Power amulets or not, or if it would kill the class. Not good with the actual numbers, ideally we'd get a patch of just Stone Resonance getting gutted and then if thats not enough this change next. People seem to like how Fire Weaver counters condis, but you could tone Smothering Aura transmutes down to 1. Not even a big concern of accidently nerfing Core Ele or Tempest with this change.Don't nerf Weavers damage though, its not fun thinking 30+ seconds in advance and still not being able to kill someone with a Gale Tailored Victory Pyro Vortex.Its actually stupid how you have 0 reliable finishing techniques on Fire Weaver, even into people who waste 1 stunbreak or 2+ dodges.
  15. eles have 4 attunements so they should only have 2 skills in each attunement, they shouldnt be allowed to have 20 skills thats broken wtf nerf
  16. i wanted a gizmo, and i grinded it out til i got one, now i have 4. why cant anyone else in this thread do the same? :)
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