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Everything posted by Kaliwenda.3428

  1. I think the dress is beautiful, I can see why it's so popular.
  2. well yes and no, it could of been sea spray. But thx for your reply :3 I thought it could have been sea spray/foamy waves too, not necessarily snow. Either way, I'm interested to find out more! :)
  3. My opinion is that you're using false humility to brag. "Oh woe, these things that other people don't have were so easy for me ... " Nailed it! OP, if you need to have a super-duper-ultra-exclusive title to make you feel good about yourself, maybe stop and think about why that is. Other people having the same thing as you doesn't make you lesser for it.
  4. I like the new ones better, it's easier for me to tell which way to aim for the next checkpoint by the way the purple ribbon along the bubble is situated. I just find it a lot more intuitive than the old markers.
  5. Exactly what I was going to say. Except I was going to jump straight to asking if I could have all 567 of my unlocked minis out at once. Or if someone with all 726 could use all of them. What if I bought (another) 228 mini brown springer kits? Would I be able to use them all at once? Alongside my wardrobe minis, or instead of them? Obvious those are all very silly questions. I'm fairly certain 726 minis in the same place at the same time would be an enormous demand on any PC (not to mention take up a lot of space). But it's the logical extreme of this line of questioning. If they did add the ability to equip two at once some people would be happy and others would be frustrated because if they could just have 3 at once it would be perfect. I would genuinely like to be able to see all my minis at once, although only in an instance where I'm not trying to get anything done. Anet have to draw the line somewhere, and they decided to set the limit at one. (Another way of looking at it is that it makes the choice more meaningful - you choose the one which best suits the character or the situation or your mood, or whatever, and you can always switch them whenever it suits you.) Even if you were allowed to have an arbitrary amount out, it is unlikely that you could go above around 150 and even that would require you to be in an instance alone. On the other hand despite my lack of interest for player housing that would be the perfect place to allow you to do that ... I think PoE allows around 200 something minis in their hideous :)I was just coming here to suggest the same thing when I saw your post. I don't need or want more minis on the landscape, but I could see the appeal of letting us choose a few to have wandering around in our home instances. It would be nice too if it had a "random" option so sometimes I could see minis there that I've completely forgotten about.
  6. Wait, I thought everyone got their Orr Vista done at the bow of the airship parked in Fort Trinity? No? Just me then? Not just you, that's my preferred Orr Vista too. :) I actually prefer the one in Siren's Landing now. Use portal scroll to get to the map (free), run a short distance towards the vista (maybe stopping to use helpful banners and log a tree), springer or skyscale up to the vista, done. It's faster and doesn't have my camera do wonky things like happens running along the airship side. On topic, I'm very pleased with the skyscale in most regards. I do still use other mounts, even springer, but if I need to go up and across a gap, it's skyscale all the way.Thanks for giving me something new to try! I just got the Siren's Landing portal scroll and the Season 3 Tome, and I had a lot of fun taking the skyscale around that map to gather mats and volatile magic. :)
  7. Wait, I thought everyone got their Orr Vista done at the bow of the airship parked in Fort Trinity? No? Just me then? Not just you, that's my preferred Orr Vista too. :)
  8. I know, it's so hard to tell! Right now it looks to me like we could be looking out from some kind of cave at foamy waves and sea spray kicking up. What a great, ambiguous drawing to get us all wondering! :)
  9. I'd like to see this too. It's a lot more precise. I'd like to be able to choose to display it that way for myself, party members, and enemies.
  10. I think that's what the poster means, and I also think it's a good idea. :)
  11. I don't feel the same. And I'm not someone who's ever felt like I had to be doing the same thing that "everyone around" is. I feel sorry for people who are so easily influenced.
  12. No, I don't, and I confessed that in an earlier post, I don't know if it comes from genuine critisism for the mount or just that I am honestly 110% burned out from the long and annoying grind. :/ I can understand that. Maybe take a break from it and come back fresh in a little while. That usually helps me in that situation. :)
  13. LOL! That would have to be one hell of a trebuchet. :p Maybe the charr upgraded the treb with some good ol-asura gate tech for that extra oompf.
  14. I'm ok with LW5 right after LW4. I really do hope for an expansion after that.
  15. OP, do you have all the masteries for the skyscale?One thing I love about it is soaring down towards the ground to fill up the endurance bar, then coming back up. You can do this for quite a while, and cover a lot of ground, if you practice.
  16. War Eternal was the first episode where I was finally completely caught up with the story. It was exciting to join the crowd to experience it. I love the new map and the events, and I really love my skyscale. I look forward to season 5 and in the meantime I've been enjoying the special events and Dragon Bash. There's still so much for me to do, I have fun in the game every day, and I meet tons of great people. :)
  17. Part of the fun of world bosses for me is getting there early and talking to people. I've made a lot of friends that way. I'd miss that.
  18. This was my first festival last year, I came back to the game shortly before it started. I had a lot of fun even though I didn't realize how the Zephyrites fit into the story. I'm looking forward to getting back to it next week. :)
  19. Yeah a lot of people were complaining about it and I get why but at the same time, there really was no need to rush? I was one of the rushers with the very first way of skyscale collection completers but I found no reason to complain as I was forcing myself to rush due to my intense love for dragons. All of the complainers were literally placing themselves, of their own volition, into a position where they lost the enjoyment of the skyscale collections. That aside, 100% agree with everyone on loving the skyscale. Definitely my favorite mount and most used at the moment. I rushed the collection and was frustrated with it but I saw no reason to complain as I was purposefully rushing it when I had a high fever for the several days I had to do collections instead of sleeping in bed.... But the skyscale has made my map wandering much more interesting and satisfactory as I can now answer the questions I have of, "Can I get up to that ridiculous ledge/spire/tree?" I used it to get to a mastery point inside an airship in one of the HoT zones (forget which zone it was). I was jammed inside a bunch of metal bars and it was hard to see at times but yeah, the skyscale got me there. Good Dragon, have a fish treat! :)
  20. Someone helped me find the exact spot on the platform to dive off of. I probably would have spent another dozen hours without their help. Thank You! If anyone naively takes on this challenge, I recommend finding someone who could help. Thank god for a great GW2 community! Yes, that's how I got the dive achievement too. There is also a video that shows just how to position yourself. Stand there, hit the dodge roll key and don't touch anything else on the way down, and you fall right to the exact spot.
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