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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. Stealth has little agency when players are paying attention and actually rotating properly with a non-full-on-sloth team comp. Stealth doesn't matter when most "meta" skills these days are either AoE or track. Stealth doesn't do much if the opponent can port and catch up to you as soon as you emerge. Stealth doesn't do anything for you on its own, it requires a build that's able to compliment. Stealth won't be compensating for willbender and harbinger's superior damage and equivalent mobility. Because PvP is not a single player survival mode.
  2. Charr wanted to avoid what happened to Germany in World War II.
  3. There's 0 reason to take thief ANYWHERE, except maybe cheesing in WvW. Other classes will be doing what thief has done so far, much better and more reliably.
  4. Next expansion meta will be harbinger roamer, reaper dps, scourge teamfight + support.
  5. Fair take. I think the majority of the issue for most people is how they made the commander act during many instances of season 3: the "commander doormat" -meme was born for a reason. When Braham was chiding the commander like a child and they didn't reply in kind, it felt undeserved and outlandish.
  6. But if they were near Bitterfrost beforehand, how did they get so far west so fast? Why not go there earlier (like, a decade or so)? I was under impression Primordus and Jormag both fell "asleep" immediately after Taimi's machine went off, and neither had any time to re-position themselves.
  7. This can quite easily be dismissed with a simple observation: this would be an IP suicide. If you can't see why and how, then there's no point in arguing with you; and you probably also think communism can work out.
  8. But, like, why? Why would Jormag march towards the south, only to take a quick 90¤ and go west instead? It doesn't make sense to me.
  9. I'd suggest getting into a guild that does stuff together. You can still have your personal story time on the (other) side (of the coin), but that'll get you acquainted with the beef you'll be eating later on: group instances, teamwork, communication and time management. You'll also usually always get an answer to any questions you pose in the guild chat. They'll help point you in the right direction with gear, builds and general improvement.
  10. And you believe this isn't the case? That Anet has unlimited resources, time and crew to spread over an already horizontally monstrous game? There's a word for this, and it's called naivete.
  11. Not to mention the general attitude by some players that rewards shouldn't require effort. At times I'm truly baffled; why are you playing a massive multiplayer online game that offers you a multitude of socializing activities, when you keep on asking to have all content be trivialized to suit your needs. There's a number of games out there that offer exactly what you're looking for. Why try and desperately turn a trope, a genre and an IP into something it is not. Cold - harsh - truth is, there's a number of ways to facilitate the already easy-ish access to content such as strikes; but the ones complaining are too lazy and ignorant, and blame the mismanagement of their time on the game, devs and the rest of the community. Outsourcing responsibility in this manner is the facsimile of a toddler.
  12. During the Bitterfrost Frontier storyline, an NPC mentions The Bitter Cold as an area in close proximity to Jormag. But later on, we find them sleeping as far up north (and west) as Drizzlewood Coast. And in the lore, Movement of the World, it mentions Jormag awakening "far in the north" - which would imply outside the current map. Asgeir's zone of battle with the elder dragon would also imply as much.. It would be interesting to hear a dev / writer answer to this? Did this get retconned more than once?
  13. Classes that auto-play themselves. Burst (> decent damage) combined with mobility and outrageous sustain. Or just facetank everything at face value.
  14. Dragonhunter, that fearless tier 3/4 meta contender. The funny part here is: - They have very telegraghed, easy-to-avoid damage and combos - Boons short in duration and limited by AoEs: traps and symbols. Aegis is easily stolen/stripped or proc'd by decent players before landing anything meaningful - Invisibility breaks as soon as someone steps on a trap, which means you'll have no stealth time whatsoever in a 1vX scenario. - DH's sustain outside stealth is garbage, and one of the reasons it's not a viable meta contender - look at revenant, ranger, necro and engineer: all of them are superior in terms of tankiness, mobility and sustain. If a DH kills you, they either YOINK'd it, or you got severely outplayed. It's that simple. There's literally nothing DH does that meta classes can't do, except a lot better and more reliably.
  15. By the way, as long as you aren't doing something like Chalice of Tears or Searing Ascent jumping puzzles, I'd forego using guides. It's much more satisfying to complete some of these more unique achievements / quests on your own. There's raid wings 1-3 and 4 (Forsaken Thicket and Bastion of the Penitent) that add a lot into the overall lore and help you understand the events that occurred both between the time skip (GW1-GW2), and between Personal Story (Zhaitan) and Living World Season 3. Bastion of the Penitent has some fairly easy bosses, so I'd aim to maybe complete that one if you have any form of curiosity towards raiding. Apart from the instances, I believe most players are achievement hunters - and, quite honestly, there's easily enough content to keep you busy 'till End of Dragons, there. You should also aim to collect all the pets / items / collectibles for your home instance. There's more than plenty, and some are quite tricky to get (and funny, i.e. Caudecus' cat).
  16. You get TWO (2) Gifts of Exploration per map completion on a character. And yes, all the gen 1 legendaries require one - unless you buy them instead of crafting. Gen 2 legendaries cannot be bought, though.
  17. This is fairly accurate. I'd also add that within - ranger, revenant and warrior - guardian and necromancer there are some differences between telegraphs and tells, which via the account of affecting counterplay adds to or subtracts from the learning curve / difficulty. Considering how much tankier these classes are by comparison, it has a cumulative effect on the gameplay. Feb 2020 patch furthered this cumulation, which made each of these classes more difficult to balance - which is one of the reasons warrior is "in the dumpster" to an extent, and necromancer effectively controls the meta.
  18. I've seen some very bad trolls, but this one takes the cake this year.
  19. I remember the first time someone suggested removing duoq. The outrage of angry duo queuers fearing for their rank, lol.
  20. Criticism is all good and valid, until they critique in question starts to question MMO having traits that are actually associated with MMOs for a reason. Until said critique starts to sprout things that make you question why they aren't playing a single player game like Skyrim or Legend of Zelda. People should also pay attention to stuff they're watching and listening to, and stop putting words in the devs' mouths.
  21. Ah, yes. You're clearly the superiorly informed one, despite the fact that barely any fixed facts are out. Hmm, why would any social activity be the highlight of an MMO expansion. Did you watch the stream?
  22. Jaded opinion: she could very well die.
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