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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. People still play 2v2's, despite their obvious imbalance?
  2. Reaper's benefiting from the same pros that core necro is: not enough viable classes and power builds that are able to punish it quickly and sufficiently. Do I think reaper is an issue? No. Do I think necro has some issues? Yes.
  3. Silly move, but ultimate doesn't change a lot apart from in-game economy. It's a thin line they're balancing on; retaining accessibility while promoting progression through items like legendaries. The concept of this doesn't exactly bode well for the aforementioned. Then again, I've always been of the stance that we need more strictly achievement -based skins, items and gear to show off.
  4. Ranger pet has telegraphed attacks that can easily be kited out of. Also, pets like Smokescale always use Knockdown after Smoke Assault. And flashbang is telegraphed since the engineer has to dodge to get access to them. See the engineer dodging? The next attack will blind you, so avoid it.If telegraphing is an excuse for the pets, then it also is one for flashbang. its an icon vs an actual visible moveinstant attacks trigger ee too And again: the engineer has to dodge.Since when is dodging not an actual visible move? And instant attacks might trigger EE, but it is still telegraphed. You can't start a dodge and use an instant cast spell right while still dodging, there is a delay for the EE buff to apply. Meaning that if you defensive mechanics right after they finished their dodge roll, you are safe.The issue with dodging a dodge, frankly, is that you're telegraphing yourself into an easily abusable (by any half-decent player anyways) position, particularly by a holo. Same goes for wasting a block or any other defensive ability of similar caliber. You're exhausting an active ability to deal with a passive trigger. I'm sure I don't have to explain why this sounds broken on paper already.
  5. Ranger pet has telegraphed attacks that can easily be kited out of. Also, pets like Smokescale always use Knockdown after Smoke Assault. And flashbang is telegraphed since the engineer has to dodge to get access to them. See the engineer dodging? The next attack will blind you, so avoid it.If telegraphing is an excuse for the pets, then it also is one for flashbang.Last I checked, pet does not grant the ranger invuln frames for effectively ~3 seconds.
  6. Ranger pet has telegraphed attacks that can easily be kited out of. Also, pets like Smokescale always use Knockdown after Smoke Assault.What does that have to do with it being passive or not? Nothing in the game comes close to Ranger's pets in terms of passive ccs because it doesn't even require a single button press.That's wrong, though. A large portion of the usable pets' CC does require a button press. If by 'passive' you mean menacing presence as the bird swoops over you, fair enough.
  7. Ranger pet has telegraphed attacks that can easily be kited out of. Also, pets like Smokescale always use Knockdown after Smoke Assault.
  8. Considering a lot fears have tells to them I don't think any serious player considers Terror a big issue.
  9. Condi overall has just been dominant bollocks for months now. Builds like core burn guard at LEAST are able to die, but then we have trapper rune DH and druid that can literally be played by apes and would still be efficient and nigh' unkillable due to how they work.
  10. Ranger doesn't deserve to have stealth at all. I think Hunter's Shot is fair - and deserves to remain, if and when they rework / revert Protect Me! As sad as it is, ranger requires its current form and WS to survive the current meta. If not, revenant is just flatout better in every way. Holo kinda already is.
  11. It gives two extremely valuable defensive boons (stealth and superspeed) to classes that weren't balanced with stealth and superspeed in mind. Imagine if thief was a heavy armor class.
  12. Or maybe you are just angry that you cannot get to a high enough rating on those builds. The key is try and actually get good at the game instead of clicking things randomly No, Im not angry. S/p teefs were/are the easiest to predict, punish and BM right after for playing this spec. I dont like mindless builds, and this is one of them.Btw rating in 2020 xD. I can show you how to get Leg rat either on d/p or s/d teef, but that doesnt matter. You dont have to ask opinion of teefs that know what theyre doing, just look at this thread. Every1 knows that this build is mindless. Probably better delete sword and staff for thieves, cause only build that demands brain effort is dp roamer. no? d/p is one of the lowest imo.at the top its propably s/d followed by staff, and everything else just goes down down down.stealthing for 20s+ at a time -> huge brain effort You r not a thief player, right? I am and though I don’t really like the dp meta, it doesn’t feel like the other thief metas, though I think it’s a solid build for top teir. I wouldn’t mind an s/d or s/p meta or a mauraders staff meta, which I doubt would happen becuz it lacks chase potential and is high risk. Generally the thief “meta” is what Evers lowest risk these days, which doesn’t feel skillful, though not unskillful I dont think low risk means easy to play, you can escape any combat and yet kill nobody, cap nothing, plus none, and be -1 on your team.I dont think it is only about press keys, it is about rotations, battle choices, mind games, etc.I think staff and sword easier to play, there is no much variations and possibilities (dodges, vaults and staff 2 combo with steal and sword 2 + sword 3 spam + returns), but since thieves has no survivability atm, you only can get away with stealth, anyways You can't spam sword 2 + 3. Ask any actual thief player. Best way to get killed, really. i main a thief.Is this supposed to tell me something?
  13. Or maybe you are just angry that you cannot get to a high enough rating on those builds. The key is try and actually get good at the game instead of clicking things randomly No, Im not angry. S/p teefs were/are the easiest to predict, punish and BM right after for playing this spec. I dont like mindless builds, and this is one of them.Btw rating in 2020 xD. I can show you how to get Leg rat either on d/p or s/d teef, but that doesnt matter. You dont have to ask opinion of teefs that know what theyre doing, just look at this thread. Every1 knows that this build is mindless. Probably better delete sword and staff for thieves, cause only build that demands brain effort is dp roamer. no? d/p is one of the lowest imo.at the top its propably s/d followed by staff, and everything else just goes down down down.stealthing for 20s+ at a time -> huge brain effort D/P stealth uptime is fine without shadow arts...the issue is shadow arts.The trait line should not be viable in conquest PvP(or WvW imo but WvW has no balance and is a joke)It's not an issue of viability, it's an issue of an insanely efficient utility tree providing excellent offensive options as well - which was, thankfully, partially fixed in the last patch. Make no mistake, I'm not a fan of excessive stealth builds - however, the meta has enough weakness and blind spam to render d/p one of the least worrisome builds.
  14. I am not against toning down stealth in general, but that was not the point of this thread, and I feel like trapper rune is a bigger issue than class-specific stealth mechanics at the moment.
  15. Promotes low risk / high reward gameplay. 'Nuff said.
  16. To be fair, Sind's biased towards d/p thief in his opinions.
  17. I can tell you never played Revenant before these changes. 5 used to be faster, and especially 4.2 got butchered. 3 was always ever since they started to change it a DPS loss. Compare early Rev or Rev 1.5 - 2 years ago. Its pace is very different. Oh noes, rev isn't able to kill people by spamming in a rapid succession anymore. Still superior, faster porting to thief and superior burst + sustain. Stop complaining.
  18. 6-7k? How long have you not been playing, its like 5k tops, if every hit hits. I posted this comment on July 13th, and precisely on July 13 I got hit pistol kitten for 6.8k by a thief in unranked. How, when, why, I don't know since I don't play thief, but these were the numbers. The guy was better than me, that much is sure, and I don't call for nerfs on pistol whip. But buffing it again and bring back the brainless pistol whipping spam? As far as I'm concerned, it's a kitten no. If I have to be pistol kitten to death it better be because I'm facing a player better than me, and not just a pepega being carried by a skill which itself is quite bloated. Blurred frenzy got its damage nerfed to the ground because apparently it did to much; it had less evasion, less damage and no hard stun and yet it was nerfed even more, in which universe buffing pistol whip would be justifiable? Maybe cuz mesmer and thief are two completely different classes? There's probably a logical fallacy named after this but you have google so go use it. You'll never see a satisfactory answer to 'why thief get Pistol Whip when mesmer blurred frenzy was nerfed' because it's a terrible comparison in the first place. You admit you don't even play thief and have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. What kind of results could you possibly expect. Just not having to face a spammable instawin button which does everything is enough to me tbh Your wish has been granted. G'luck. Well yes, as it is right now to me is fair. It's a strong skill with a big cost, and if you know how to use it you can get some real value for yourself and your team. I feel like it's pretty balanced right now.It's not a strong skill for the cost. It's merely 'decent' with the current buffs. You're better off spamming stealth with d/p.
  19. 6-7k? How long have you not been playing, its like 5k tops, if every hit hits. You can actually get it pretty high what with the recent buffs to crit strikes. I'm consistently hitting 6.9k with zerk, scholar, critstrikes and daredevil (no dodges used, so could easily go higher). Edit: 8k if I use all my dodges xD Edit2: This is on the fattest target dummy. Not the indestructible one but the fattest one that can die.Yeah, crit strikes is so relevant because every holo, ranger and warrior will smash you for your greed.
  20. Herald and holosmith. Extremely forgiving, easy access to low-req burst little setup required. Low risk/high reward with high sustain.
  21. Or maybe you are just angry that you cannot get to a high enough rating on those builds. The key is try and actually get good at the game instead of clicking things randomly No, Im not angry. S/p teefs were/are the easiest to predict, punish and BM right after for playing this spec. I dont like mindless builds, and this is one of them.Btw rating in 2020 xD. I can show you how to get Leg rat either on d/p or s/d teef, but that doesnt matter. You dont have to ask opinion of teefs that know what theyre doing, just look at this thread. Every1 knows that this build is mindless. Probably better delete sword and staff for thieves, cause only build that demands brain effort is dp roamer. no? d/p is one of the lowest imo.at the top its propably s/d followed by staff, and everything else just goes down down down.stealthing for 20s+ at a time -> huge brain effort You r not a thief player, right? I am and though I don’t really like the dp meta, it doesn’t feel like the other thief metas, though I think it’s a solid build for top teir. I wouldn’t mind an s/d or s/p meta or a mauraders staff meta, which I doubt would happen becuz it lacks chase potential and is high risk. Generally the thief “meta” is what Evers lowest risk these days, which doesn’t feel skillful, though not unskillful I dont think low risk means easy to play, you can escape any combat and yet kill nobody, cap nothing, plus none, and be -1 on your team.I dont think it is only about press keys, it is about rotations, battle choices, mind games, etc.I think staff and sword easier to play, there is no much variations and possibilities (dodges, vaults and staff 2 combo with steal and sword 2 + sword 3 spam + returns), but since thieves has no survivability atm, you only can get away with stealth, anywaysYou can't spam sword 2 + 3. Ask any actual thief player. Best way to get killed, really.
  22. This. Guardian does not need to have such zoning potential on top of all their other AoE. Dragonhunter bow 4 is a good example of a symbol done right, though. Well, was, since they deleted bow from the game and made the class a boring bunker-fester.
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