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Everything posted by Poormany.4507

  1. Strongly agree with this one - I think LW collection events should be scaled down to require only 2 or 3 players at most to succeed (not counting metas or larger scale events) after several months unless some other way is found to bring people back to these dead LW maps, as much fewer players are available to help with those events months (or even weeks) after the episode. The Kourna cannon event in particular comes to mind to me. Took hours just to get an event to show up, then needed at least 3-4+ players to actually get it to succeed when there's usually only 2 or maybe 3 players max at the time who were available on the map to do the event (took me several days to do what should have been an hour at most collection items). I can already barely find anyone to help with most of the LWS4 (can't imagine doing LWS3) map event achievs/collections (LFG and tags don't help and if so require at least 3+ hours of waiting).
  2. I agree with the OP that something needs to be changed about the game, and soon, as the every 2-3 month LW with 3 hours of story and a bunch of 1 AP grind 100+ times achievements is just not working anymore to keep PVE players in game long-term, as expacs were or could/should be doing. I don't think LWS2 & 3 episodes had any 100+ or even 20+ grind achievements and were mostly more skill or exploration based, compared to the recent LWS4 & 5 ones, which just seem to be made to keep players in game artificially longer without adding new content. Many, including myself, just return to the game every time there is a significant release or festival, play for a day or two, and then go back to other games/hobbies to fill in the wait gap because there's no meaningful long-term content to work towards that isn't just boring grind work. WvW and PvP haven't gotten significant changes in years to keep them interesting for players. However, giving away free stuff as OP suggests is not going to help anything.
  3. Again, the key word here is “optional”. Those that don’t like it don’t have to use it. Most sub systems in MMOs I've seen end up eventually locking non-sub players out of over half of the content because its "sub/member only", so those who don't want to spend money each month and be forced to play the game every day to get their money's worth (i.e. casual players) have little to do in game and quit as soon as they finish the non-sub content. Big NO from me to any sub system in GW2 since the series was strictly advertised as non-sub from day 1 of GW1.
  4. None of the above, only reasonable mount that's left is an underwater speed mount. Maybe a coolness factor argument for a multi-person mount, but there's not really much demand or need for it atm.
  5. They really need to have something big (i.e. an expac) after Icebrood Saga to get players back in the game for more than 2 or 3 days every 2-3 months, and that's what most PVE players are hyped for right now since they didn't do an expac after LWS4. Not doing that would be a massive letdown and would probably lose them many players that are holding out hope for an expac in the future. Doesn't necessarily have to be Cantha, but if it was, it would really help bring a lot of players back into the game.
  6. I would prefer they keep working on GW2, as there's plenty of topics and areas that haven't even begun to be explored yet (Cantha, DSD, Tengu) or are still hanging (replacing killed elder dragons, Lyssa's involvement in the story). If there were a GW3, I would like to explore areas outside of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona, as exploring the same areas 3 times in a row would just start getting boring.
  7. There's another charr that looks a lot like Rytlock. The icebrood Charr in the trailer looks way more like Ryland to me at first glance than Rytlock or Bangar. Could just be a generic model though, but with the direction the story's going, I wouldn't be surprised if Ryland becomes a major icebrood champion and has to fight Rytlock directly.
  8. Nah, pretty sure Crecia's going to end up Khan-Ur after Bangar gets icebrooded (maybe a very small chance for Ryland, but he seems to be being set up to either die or replace Rylock if the latter dies). Rytlock becoming Khan-Ur would just be Logan 2.0 and management/keeping tabs on everyone seems much more like Crecia's type of thing.
  9. They already started implementing story checkpoints a while ago now, so it's not that much effort to run back to the same point. If it's disconnecting in the middle of a story battle (not right before/after cutscenes), the problem is most likely on your internet end. LW stories are too short imo and only take like 2-4 hours max (excluding achievs and map completion) for most players to complete (even on chars with core builds), even faster if you have a party.
  10. Pretty sure Bangar, Ryland, and their group are all going to be icebrooded either way in the next one or two episodes as soon as they use Braham's bow on Jormag regardless of whether or not Jormag is directly or indirectly influencing either or both of them. Jormag knows if he goes into outright battle with the Pact, commander, Aurene, and the full Charr/Norn armies he will most likely lose the fight (especially after being seemingly weakened from the blast he received), so he will probably try to persuade large portions of those groups (likely the PC and Aurene soon) to join him to even out the field, like he already seems to have succeeded in this with Bangar's forces. I'm guessing that Jormag will target the Norn soon by going after the Spirits of the Wild and icrebrooding them to persuade their followers to join him.
  11. The map seemed well designed to me, but I would have preferred more chain events or a meta-ish event.Overall story was really good to me for a prologue chapter and was more than I had expected.Only complaint I had was that it seems like half of Dragon's Watch vanished from the story for no given reason (again) and will probably be absent during the Saga/Season.
  12. How about both getting equal amounts of focus like they should be? Rn, it just seem like some of the areas in the first option are getting close to no focus or are just being put off for later repeatedly (WvW alliances).
  13. Story bosses already got heavily nerfed during/after PoF after HoT and LWS3. Story bosses aren't even that bad, as long as you get the mechanics, and if you need help, just get one more player to help and its enough (unless you're going for achievements/challenge mode, for which you just need to get 2-3+ more players). I did PoF solo on my squishy core ele (although 1 or 2 times fighting with no armor left) and with several other core builds (didn't even break any armor on my ranger and revenant), so I definitely don't think we need more nerfs than have already been done. Otherwise it would just be a bunch of bash 1 solo fights, which would be boring with no challenge at all.
  14. I think the Pale Tree will be significantly involved when we start searching for a replacement for Mordremoth and/or continue Malyck's storyline. She's already had changes of state in response to events in the story (being unconscious after LWS2) due to being in her own instance. Storywise, I found the initial Joko storyline to be very underwhelming, as it would have been very interesting/cool if Joko had actually released the scarab plague (not the retconned human only version, which just seemed weak and not even worth pursuing) into Tyria and/or Elona. Really liked his speech at his end though and how it cast the PC's actions into a grey area. The Kralk battle story leading up to his end was well done and exciting (especially the large battle at Thunderhead), but the whole "Kralk has a personality" just did not fit into the story well as it has been told thus far and felt very shoehorned in at the end as a last minute concept.
  15. Joko at the end of Be My Guest - "So that I. May save the world. From you."One of the best lines thus far about the other side of the PCs actions in the story which is oftentimes forgotten/not mentioned.
  16. Neither, would much rather have improvements made to story and map content instead. Getting tired of these daily race request threads when it's clearly been confirmed by the devs that it's pretty much a waste of time and effort to focus on new races at this point. Maybe in GW3...
  17. Agree with this so much. I would want to do raids for the exploration, story, and team play aspect, not for rare loot or battles that require perfect meta builds. I would add a difficulty mode option and then base the raid drops/rewards based on that mode, so that hardcore raiders can still be exclusive for the good loot, while casual players can also experience the content without feeling left out or that they're not good enough like they do currently.
  18. Depends on the map and hearts. Hate map completing maps like tangled depths or those that have tedious hearts that take forever to complete.
  19. Whenever Trahearne says "Clawr Island" it always cracks me up for some reason
  20. The annoying kids in LA playing detective every time I go to the bank
  21. What's the difference between that and just taking your chest armor off? Head armor, I get some people might want to see their face, but who exactly would run around shirtless for extended periods of time other than to troll? I just don't see what the point of this would be and would prefer resources to be used for other stuff.
  22. Can barely finish any instance that has a cutscene at the end because I keep getting DCed at the end, and each instance usually takes 2+ tries to get through. Not fun at all repeating instances over and over (especially super long ones like The Departing) because of the same issue. Sadly, this has been a problem for years now and still not fixed. If they can't replicate the issue, one playthrough of The Departing is guaranteed to get at least one or two DCs.
  23. On Euro server and this happens for me almost every Tuesday and even worse during updates. Everything else works perfectly except GW2. So bad that I cannot even load a char for 6- 12 hours whenever there is an update because it gets stuck on the loading screen and eventually error messages out. Really frustrating whenever there is a release and I have to wait over a day to play it because I cannot connect to the server.
  24. City in the sky in Desert Highlands and the area when breaking out of Thunderhead Peaks map because it looks like a snowy, foggy ocean that you can barely see through, almost like expecting something to come out of the fog while riding a skimmer
  25. Sadly they seem to be adding even more spinning and flashing at the same time in recent episodes, which is even worse for me than previous content's just flashing. Really don't understand the need for the new spinning effects as they don't seem to add anything to the game (you can still attack regularly while in them) other than making people's eyes hurt.
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