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Everything posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. And you know this, for certain? You, the player who knows about the way that ANet's data storage is architected? I hope you don't work anywhere near production anything.
  2. Sounds like a database copy got botched somewhere, and a few people really did have their progress reset. Major bummer 😞
  3. No I don't think it should either, that's annoying. I was on the logs in trib mode earlier and they're as rage inducing as ever. Honestly I just try to steer clear of w2z1 entirely. Even w2z2 is better now that I have seen how to do the cloud skip wall jump - you avoid the trib cloud AND trampoline hell.
  4. Don't suppose you were monitoring your own connection during the previous disconnects? Your own modem could have been booting you off. For example, about two months ago I started seeing sporadic disconnections from my work vpn, they were really short, only enough to kill the connection but not enough to cause any other chaos. Checked my modem logs and it was freaking out at the same time. It looked like ddos attempts but tbh, I blame my ISP - after I contacted support it magically stopped. Hmmm. Anyway, not meaning to be *that guy* who basically says 'have you tried turning it off and on again?' but for sanity's sake, you could ping -t www.google.com in your command window and carry on playing. Should you suffer a d/c you could immediately check the command window. Glad it appears fixed for you now, hope it stays that way.
  5. That is a lot of negatives because it's full of bs. Those damage numbers are entirely unreflective of actual combat. Trust me, a Revenant is not going to throw out 17K damage a second using just a single utility skill and auto attack in anything approaching normal circumstances. Actually, doing well with a Revenant is fairly difficult. For example, not so long ago its chief conditions damage build required something like 40 steps in its combo. Thief is harder to play than most professions BUT it is also a lot of fun. I would stick with it, and as others have said Thief depends greatly on using your abilities to avoid taking damage.
  6. Every time I have tried to bait that rock I have failed... Except this year, where jumping between the small rocks worked every time. Go figure!
  7. For such excellent utility the price should be fixed at 3200 gems.
  8. Yep SAB is super popular, and deserves some love. Also as you can clearly see from this thread, the SAB crowd are far more agreeable than those darn wvwers who barge into everyone else's threads to moan about how their weak take on pvp (hiding behind zergs) is somehow more important. Although I WOULD be onboard with bringing SAB to wvw, for example an 8-bit warclaw mount with superbly loud retro sfx is something I'd bring to the zerg to show everyone how fun eye burstingly bright graphics can be.
  9. Hmm going out on a limb here, but did you perhaps upgrade your computer since last time? Or somehow change your average frame rate? One thing I notice a lot is frame rate affects the timing of jumps and the registration of landings. Since last SAB I rebuilt my PC and instead of getting 40fps, I get 60 to 80. The first thing I did was turn on the framerate limiter while in SAB and capped it at 60. Reason I say all this is personally, I have found the logs to behave relatively normally, so I am wondering if it is something clientside that changed for you. With that said, storm wizard is completely messed up (he can get trapped in the middle doing his dash) so ANet definitely have made changes...
  10. I've taken multiple breaks from SAB where I did not enter it for the entire festival. Never lost any progress.
  11. Yeah all after the first one, which I was appreciative of. I actually thought they were a new 'one a year' type deal to make them a bit rarer but nope. Just a new thing to rng farm. Will still do trib for the bubbles but even one of the infusions can now be gotten without doing the requisite 16 completions per zone in trib. Trib needs a new 'cool thing' IMO, not just a title or extra achievement points, but a big flashy sign that says 'nyerr, I am better than you'.
  12. I don't think dodge jump is actually supposed to work, it just does occasionally perhaps due to how the animation system is implemented. I imagine at some point it will be on a bug fix list and we'll have to suffer trib The Way It's Meant To Be Played. I also bind it to a macro, and I lock framerate to 60fps and turn graphical effects down in SAB as well, because framerate massively affects jump timing in my experience.
  13. everyone dying horribly and randomly and the survivors coming back to try and help and also dying and then not being able to complete the bit everyone else just struggled passed so now the cycle repeats is absolutely how trib group mode should be played.
  14. Hahahaha I know right? I saw the price of cheese and bought like a year's supply for my Rev so I would never have to hand gold to you rip off merchants again. Eat my super shorts!
  15. I was actually lamenting infantile mode's existence too last night OP. I also find the mode insulting. The droll nature of running from cloud to cloud, and the way they crap out rainbows and giggle as if I have a freaking choice in the matter infuriates me. I find it ridiculous that certain achievements requiring infantile mode cannot just be auto completed by playing one of the proper, grown up modes. But NOOooOoo, I have to play my favourite festival in a diaper to get all the achievements. I was even MORE annoyed to find that hard light weapons and even reality rig mk3 could be gained without doing tribulation runs. What? Where is the skill? Arena Net plz. I am your biggest fan and so you must (I demand it) understand this all comes from a place of love: please in future require new skins to be unlocked only by finishing tribulation mode. Also turn infantile clouds into trib clouds by low chance. kthxbye.
  16. She has some obvious tells and sound effects to look out for. Generally you want to hit her with melee until the last moment before she either leans back to barf bees, or does her spin. The spin is prempted by a sound. In both cases, dodge straight through her and then run in an arc to avoid the bees / spin. You want to stay close to her though, because your window of opportunity to hit her is not that large. When I got back into SAB I found my biggest mistake was staying too far from her, it prolonged the fight and led to more hearts lost. If you don't have enough endurance to dodge, don't go in for more than a couple attacks because you will be caught out. As for the kingpin, I pay the hundred bauble fee to my slingshot and go get a coffee.
  17. You tell posters they misunderstand the reason for the evade frames failing, yet miss this very line in the OP that clearly states the nature of the problem: "As title suggests, I've been CC'd or have died to spike damage while in midair numerous times" This isn't about miss timing the start of the evade, and referring to it as such and then explaining why that may be the case, while refuting everyone who is actually on topic creates confusion. You should better clarify your position.
  18. Starting the evade is *not* the issue. This is not a case of player not hitting dodge fast enough from the perspective of the server. The evade gets cancelled mid-animation. THAT is the problem, and it isn't sporadic, it isn't out of step, it's simply too short an evade duration every single time.
  19. I wouldn't lump client/server synchronization with 'latency' because the former is as you say, far more nuanced. Latency problems would imply the length of the evade frames should match the length of the skill, even if the two don't match up. When you mentioned latency, that was my first assumption of what you meant. Regarding the skill, I find I will evade normally for a moment, as if performing a regular dodge roll. Then, I'll be affected by skills like normal yet still be in the leaping state, unable to use my own skills until I land. Other skills have periods of animation associated with an effect, and they do not appear to cancel the same way Vindi dodge does. Perhaps it pulses evade frames, and it is possible to get caught outside of them. The volume of actions taken against you in PvP for example, would be enough to break it. Yet the first evade frame would still work, giving the impression that it cuts short. Blocking rarely runs into any issue like this, so I am inclined to believe that GW2s net code can at least easily handle sustained blocks, so why does Vindi dodge fail so spectacularly when other comperable skills used in similarly 'demanding' situations do not? Maybe it is not possible to sustain evade frames the same way you can block, and this was the best ANet could do.
  20. It's good, especially in PvE where you can focus more on getting quickness from utility 2 and combining it with mace auto to build condition stacks quickly. I run celestial, because it is superbly versatile and my alacrigrade build already required it. The only downside is that I can't use Aether anymore.
  21. If you are running some celestial, don't forget that alliance has blue skills too. They are actually quite helpful. Also, f2 is handy to get endurance back - make sure you use it when it is available and consume your existing endurance first. I run full Celestial plus rev runes, I can fight champions although lack of breakbar damage means it is a bit hard to get a free moment to do all out damage. I pair Alliance up with Legendary Dwarf. I use hammers plus the elite right after legend switch for some serious tanking, especially with the heal added. Also with Dwarf and Alliance, you get boat loads of stability. Again, only problem is lack of breakbar damage, you kind of are stuck there unless you equip staff.
  22. Lol it's not latency, that's bull kitten. The evade frames do not last the entirety of the animation. It has been like this since beta. This is one big reason Vindicator isn't so good in PvP - one dodge and you telegraph your position and remain hittable without being able to act. It's a good open world specialization though.
  23. We do get some new skins though, the hard light weapons are especially cool. Going to be doing tribulation mode again tonight; my only wish is they'd remove infinite continue coins so it wouldn't be possible to cheese through it. I am howeve4 confident that tribulation cloud on w2z2 will be taking plenty of souls to the afterlife this April.
  24. Yeah the single dodge is just GG against players, it's telegraphed and once it lands even if your opponent has to dodge the drop, they are now ahead in the stamina game. I tried Vindi in wvw in beta and it was just clear that nothing short of making the profession OP can bolster the lack of double dodge. It's a really fun change to open world PvE, which is fine for me - since now I am not running variations of the same build in both PvE and WvW, but the PvP application is going to be second rate.
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