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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. No they would not have to refund all the duplicates people bought during the years have had fair use of them before this change same with people who bought multiple salvagomatics before the account slots got introduced.
  2. slow heart?well the small balls of energy respawn pretty quick guys just jump around alittle.
  3. are you treating the npc injury in a top to bottom order mate?
  4. Why stop there why not have your servant mail the materials to so you dont have to go into home instance at all
  5. you have to turn in all the rescue before you can turn in all of some other category
  6. That many seems kinda extreme. I do know players with alts at the end of every jumping puzzle. To each their own. My guild leader has 22 alts, she likes fashion wars. I have 10 slots right now. 1 of each class and one left open for weekly key run. Let’s face it gw2 is a game where players have loads of alts. Again I don’t see the downside if Anet puts character slots on sale more frequently. And if someone decides they want 100 alts who cares what they do with them. Play as you like. The impatinet people will buy them full price thats the downside to anet.
  7. How long did people ask for a way to permanently stow our pets and now when we got it its not good enough =)
  8. By Meta event your talking about killing the big Djinn right?
  9. Well since for example cloth, leather and heavy chests dont have the same rigging they cant just let you mix and match it would clip horribly if you had medium chest with light shoulders and heavy gloves for starters.Its not as easy as you might think, I would love if anet could show how bad it would be so people would stop asking for this.
  10. Incorrect about the exp vanising it fills up a mastery line that aint maxed only vanishes if all are maxed and you dont have enough points to open up a new line.
  11. aint there 2 diffrent ones? you got normal and great so maybe you got the lesser version?
  12. You need to gather more mastery points in the region your in pof hot or core.Spend those on the mastery tab to continue to get exp.
  13. Because forcefully pushing your own idea on how to play any sort of group content is incredible ironic considering the topic. Players whose goal is efficiency are suddenly a problem while no one forces you to play with them. This whole thread is a non issue getting inflated through factless opinions. That doesn't work. Consistently seeing unreasonable demands in group request and dealing with unreasonable people is, in itself, shaping the community. And it does so for the worse. Isolationism is a fallacy; even if you think you're hiding away and aren't affecting the community, the fact is you are. PreciselyAnd I ask again to those doing it, are the pros worth the cons in the long run?I dont see how it affect you guys to see a party looking for someone who aint you,Just make your own party and demand what ever you like people to have for joining it. If I wanted only 29 year old female blonds in my party and asked for skype video call or kick, I could totaly do it. would it fill? Not in a million years. But why do that bother you guys?
  14. It sort of is. Having unreasonable requirements for content shuts out people who are experienced but unlucky, people who have differing playstyles and don't want to grind at CMs, prefer to play their individualized classes and do it well, people who are good but otherwise inexperienced, and so on. Every time somebody makes a "LNHB META CLASSES WE USE METERS", it is spitting in the face of the rest of the community, and it continually propagates the myth that these kinds of requirements are necessary for anything. There is a reason why we call this "toxicity": it spreads and poisons the community. Hostility breeds hostility, elitism breeds prejudice, and there's a reason why it took thousands of years for the concept of "inclusivity" to become a thing. When I have to make my LFG specifically say that all classes are allowed, just to prevent random joiners from hijacking it and making their own demands, there is a problem. I dont see that as a problem you ask for what you want they ask for what they want.If nothing is put up in the lfg someone will usualy fill what they think is need, leave redo lfg and do it right next time.
  15. Well thats usualy becouse those teams go for the 2 cm fractals ontop of the normal t4s. I am referring specifically to teams that have LNHB requirements while also NOT doing the CMs. I saw two of them earlier today. It's just a way to make sure you get decent players. Maybe you already cleared the CMs but the group disbanded. Maybe you don't feel like playing CMs today. In any case, there's nothing wrong with asking for whatever you feel like asking as a requirement for your group. Waht about asking for credit card number when entering the group? O_o You compare a title that you can earn in GW2 with credit card numbers? How did you make that connection?? Previous poster said there's nothing wrong in asking anything I want in my LFG.Sure you can ask dont think you will get many people joining tho.
  16. Most here is fine and a nice sarcasm post btw.Lying to a player that you need to be teached may make him not help real newbies in the future that would appriciate the help tho so dont be a dodohead.
  17. Well thats usualy becouse those teams go for the 2 cm fractals ontop of the normal t4s.
  18. Attune any infused rings and then salvage for an extra loot roll. I don't bother attuning a non-infused rings before salvage. You can get up to 10 matrixes from normal rings and 20 for the infused ones.Do you get another roll for attuned? Still not sure if its worth all the materials to get 3-30 instead of 1-10 tho.
  19. or you buy 1600 gems with cash and 400 gems with gold done. Or purchase a Gem Card that gives you 2000 Gems. No Gems left over. You can often get a discount on the cost of the Gem Card (from Authorized Retailers), as well.I was under the impression that the guy could only buy 1600 gem cards or 2800 gem cards.
  20. Well you get the salvage kits or hammers for free from the t1-t4 daily chests i got more then i can spend over the weeks.So its worth it to me but if you have to buy em I dont belive it will be.
  21. Which is what i just did - rougly ~ 12 euros spent on LoL skin about half an hour ago, cause i had that amount to blow and wanted something fun. Had gem store more tame prices on tools (as i already have full set and am not desperate) i would toss that cash at a-net, but the better deal imho got my "fun fund" money today. Just saying there are guys like me who would join in and chip in for the game, had the deals been better. If they're not, it's not that i won't spend at all. I'll just spend it elsewhere... Exactly! IF the choice is:buy a new raptor skin for 25-30€orbuy XCOM2: War of the Chosen for 39.99€ (less when Steam sales)Now guess why i'll be finishing XCOM 2 Campaign again in a couple weeks (i'm too busy to play either atm).Now if mounts were like 10€ each (~1000 gems)? I'd probably have bought 3 of them so far (Jackal, skimmer and springer, didn't like the peacock). Agreed. I would totally buy three new cars if they were $100 each. LOLThat's a sound logic. Does it compare to the game?No.Not even close...A car has specific costs in creating, materials, branding, distribution. And the cheapest you can buy a brand new car is usually around 10 000€. Gem store items don't have material or distribution costs. Also, other "cars" already in the gem store, don't cost 2000 gems. Outfits are similar in scope and use, and cost one third of the mount costs. If you compare value and possible workload on all gem store items, mounts are clearly an outlier. Even permanent tools can be justified because of the savings in gathering tools.While mounts are just an outfit for a skill with some extra sounds. Compared to Character outfits that need to be redesigned 5-10 times (because racial and gender differences) the price difference is clearly exaggerated. I was agreeing with you. Of course we, as consumers, would want prices to be lower so that we could buy more. Are you sure that game production doesnt have specific costs? Anet, last I heard, had between 300 and 350 employees. In their neck of the woods the average pay for a game dev is in the ballpark of $70k per year. The cost to employ is beteen 1.2 and 1.3. So (potentially): 70,000 x 350 x 1.3 = $31,850,000 in payroll alone. You need to read again what i posted, because i was very specific. Which is what i just did - rougly ~ 12 euros spent on LoL skin about half an hour ago, cause i had that amount to blow and wanted something fun. Had gem store more tame prices on tools (as i already have full set and am not desperate) i would toss that cash at a-net, but the better deal imho got my "fun fund" money today. Just saying there are guys like me who would join in and chip in for the game, had the deals been better. If they're not, it's not that i won't spend at all. I'll just spend it elsewhere... Exactly! IF the choice is:buy a new raptor skin for 25-30€orbuy XCOM2: War of the Chosen for 39.99€ (less when Steam sales)Now guess why i'll be finishing XCOM 2 Campaign again in a couple weeks (i'm too busy to play either atm).Now if mounts were like 10€ each (~1000 gems)? I'd probably have bought 3 of them so far (Jackal, skimmer and springer, didn't like the peacock). Agreed. I would totally buy three new cars if they were $100 each. LOLThat's a sound logic. Does it compare to the game?No.Not even close...A car has specific costs in creating, materials, branding, distribution. And the cheapest you can buy a brand new car is usually around 10 000€. Gem store items don't have material or distribution costs. Also, other "cars" already in the gem store, don't cost 2000 gems. Outfits are similar in scope and use, and cost one third of the mount costs. If you compare value and possible workload on all gem store items, mounts are clearly an outlier. Even permanent tools can be justified because of the savings in gathering tools.While mounts are just an outfit for a skill with some extra sounds. Compared to Character outfits that need to be redesigned 5-10 times (because racial and gender differences) the price difference is clearly exaggerated. I would argue that regular outfits have to be priced at the lower price point in order to achieve sales goals. An outfit competes with the vast number of armor skins in the game. So a player has a huge range of appearance options for their character making it less likely that they would choose a particular outfit. Mount skins are not the same as outfits from that perspective. It's also a regular price on the market as far as I can tell. WoW mount skins that are in the store cost as much, if not more. WoW's standard is also that they have like 100 mounts available in quests and drops, and only 10 in the store.Also pretty much all items on the WoW store cost similar money. They have single head-gear items for 15€.While in GW2 you have whole outfits for 800 gems. You have bundles with outfits, a weapon skin, back and glider skin for 2000 gems. And then a mount for 2000 gems. It's a matter of consistency. Anyway, no use making excuses or trying to question prices any more. Time will tell who was right. Payroll costs are as integral to, "creating," a product as materials. Having access to a single mount in WoW costs as much as $180 per year in rent.It dont anymore since you can play earn items with fancy skins from old dungeons and raids sell those on ah and buy your gametime for ingame gold there now.
  22. or you buy 1600 gems with cash and 400 gems with gold done.
  23. Well you can either a grind gold and turn into gems and work 10-20 hours in game atleast.or work irl 1 hour and buy gems with cash, I know whats easier/faster but its more fun to me to play the game normaly and get the gems the even slower way.
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