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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. Would take up to much space to have all my pets in suns refuge I rather have them in my "bag of holding".
  2. Well your only supposed to create 1 ticket for each problem so no wonder they closed the mass you sent in and made it on single ticket. yeah i create just one tiket,but in 45 days no one respond me,so i up this tiket and they delete this and create a new one.it's been two months since I can not log inAnd you did it at homepage not in game right?
  3. mine all the mithril and orichalcum nodes in the pof maps then mystic forge the orbs you get pof you got more amgs then the hot events dailys.
  4. We'r inside the mystic forge I think the devs can go nuts with the backgrounds =)
  5. Well considering you only had 4.5 to start with when elementalists have usualy have been betten 35-44k it is pretty minor.
  6. Defense events count at all the temples (although I think at the entrance to Arah it's based on the boss, not the event itself). For various legendary bosses, I rarely participated in the assaults. For the service medal, I think it was half assault and half defense. I sometimes even got it on failed defence event.
  7. You can only use it one time so check the open skies achievement if you dont already have them.
  8. Well your only supposed to create 1 ticket for each problem so no wonder they closed the mass you sent in and made it on single ticket.
  9. And not updating the existing ticket and instead making a new one pushes you back in the que
  10. They can't, the game has horizontal progression, if they made HoT less relevant they would kill a lot of content. Anyways, this conversation went the other way. I just wanted to see what people thought about new metas rewarding AGs. However, looks like I invoked the game economy police and the brainless farmers. Enjoy your game lads. Because insulting those opposed is always such a powerful argument. /s Please, don't feel insulted. You'll take merit off of my real insults. My idea was to have alternative maps or metas that you can do in order to earn the amalgamated gemstones or another legendary currency. We've been doing the HoT ones for 3 years now and having a 5th and or even a 6th map with a meta that gives you one more amalgamated gemstone wouldn't hurt. However everyone here is like: "Nah the economy, nah we already got Istan and SW (which are brainless at this point)". So why bother? If you want to keep on doing the same old content cause it is better for gold/hour so be it. I myself get bored after 10 mins in SW and Istan is just mindless tank and spank, while as Dragonstand and Chak Gerent might not give a good amount of gold/hour, but you get into the map, you feel the meta and even if you didn't want to be there in the beginning, you end up wanting to stay till the end. And this is coming from a guy that mains WvW and PvP content. So how should someone take being called a "brainless farmer" when playing the game the way they like if not as an insult?
  11. I would think the wiki got that very good reason but I cant spot it..... care to googlefu some for me? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PersonalityEditIf I would have to guess its the spagetti code we have in game that would break down the personal story that use it from time to time.
  12. I do not mind working to get Mystic Coins. I do mind the lack of places to get them nowadays. Perspective -Level 100 Fractal - 150 AR recommended - Full Ascended recommended - Lots of gold needed to buy or forge high enough AR to get there, including level 500 crafting.Gold and Diamond WvW - Fully geared recommend for WvW at this level, not the same stats and Fractals - Yes they are different if you are serious about WvW I would rather have more options to get Mystic Coins, the options right now are limited. They fixed Leather and Cloth when the price of those was skyrocketing. Now it is time to fix Mystic Coins. Also, the sign that people have multiple accounts to get Mystic Coins, is a sign that it is broken. No crafting is needed anymore you can just buy the + what evers from the bot merchant inside fractals if you have the materials to make them.
  13. If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes. I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute. But he dont want to do that just join some other person who do that mate.Some are leaders and some a sheep. I myself are sometimes one sometimes the other. You don’t even need to lead. This was my first time doing it and it seemed like the others knew the mechanics, because we ended it with 4 minutes left on the clock. Way to miss the point mate.
  14. If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes. I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute. But he dont want to do that just join some other person who do that mate.Some are leaders and some a sheep. I myself are sometimes one sometimes the other.
  15. if you want a diffrent alliance Im sure you will be able to switch and the switch take affect after the current match
  16. Or you could play a solo PvE build where you kill faster but actually have to pay attention? Isn't that the more reasonable solution to this issue? Stop watching TV and pushing 1 with your support firebrand and start actually playing the game. Way to put words in my mouth. For the record, I was playing warrior using whatever the current pve full zerker recommended metabuild (axe/axe). My point was, regardless of watching tv or playing hard, the time to clear on warrior was not that different (not firebrand support guardian, btw if it wasn’t obvious already). There seems to be a tendency from some players to see themselves as the lowest common denominator for gamers. When you tell them that they will deny it, but the truth is they are good at gaming, at least the combat side of it, and they see things as so simple that anyone can do what they do. Of course they don't realize that when you think that, it means that they see their ability as baseline. That's what the phrase "if I can do it, anyone can" means. They see themselves as the lowest. This makes no sense of course because clearly they are good at this game, so they should see themselves as the better players with regards to combat and that should lead to the understanding that what is easy for them, must be harder for many others who are not as good at it. They undermine their own ability in the process. It's kind of sad really when you think about it, but they really can't seem to figure out that it's easy for them because they are good at this sort of thing and come to this false conclusion that if it's easy for them, anybody can do it also. It's doubly sad that instead of being happy with their abilities, they prefer to focus on misunderstanding that not everybody can do what they can or wants to.And then we got the other side of the coin of people thinking they are gods when they are just plain bad.
  17. I would say "I can outrun a centaur" is the charm one since its abit tongue in cheek to be fair.
  18. Yah.. it'as almost as stupid as the DPS meters, kill proofs, using discord and all the other things people do to ensure the content is easy.. oh wait. No really your objection to making things easier is silly at this point. Might be rather shocking to you but many of us actually enjoy using voice communication and DPS meters with all of the data and additional information they provide through websites like dps.report. The fact that you put voice communication software and statistics/analytics tools on the same level as autoplay features is pretty laughable. Oh spare me.. The objections to giving people the tools to better their game play is deplorable and stupid. Logical fallacy. Having a script take over a majority of a players actions does not improve their skill, which would be their input. It improves their output in the game by taking over and reducing difficulty by simplifying the required inputs. Simplifying is not synonymous with improving. Actually improving a persons skill would require to improve their input. Now one can debate if gameplay should be measured in result or player skill, but in one of both cases the actual player learns and/or improves nothing (when reducing the difficulty). You are confusing skill with a game. Sorry, this is a game, not a job, not some life skill, it's pressing a few buttons, on cue. If I can have a program take some tedium of button masking from me, what is it to you? if you don't like you don't have to use it.. but to deny others this feature is beyond pitiful and spiteful.Why not watch someone else do it on youtube then you dont have to press anything at all.
  19. Were have you ever had a mystic coin drop? All I know are the daily login mystic forge daily and kill the big running anomaly once a day.
  20. about the clovers you can buy 2 a day for fractal relics+ mystic coins. ( that way you never need to gamble in the mystic forge. )
  21. I dont mind them doing this but they should cost gems tho like all the other passes.
  22. Sad to say your wrong sir/mam we are not celebrating the games birthday its becouse alot of people have saved the chars from the very first day we all get presents when game turn 6 years but we are still celebrating each of their birth days not the game.If everyone would have deleted their characters noone would have gotten their presents when the game turned 6 years.
  23. The big question then becomes, how to "train" the players to be better at the game You give them an easy mod for end-game content, just like any other MMO did, when they wipe in EASY mod, most of them start to look around and learn. Because it's a kitten meme to get wiped in easyI fail to see how they cant look around and learn in normal mode tho.
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