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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. The one who have killed all bosses in said wing enters first when you get the pop up to enter it will be a cleared instance meaning zero mobs.You can only use mounts in the pof raids wing 5 and 6. EditShould have refreshed before replying congrats on the unlocked maps mate.
  2. Why not have a look at the lfg and join the ones offering a cleared wing? You'll explore everything (100%!) and additionally you can experience the lore because it's literally laying on the ground in form of notes, books w/e. Bosses and the few cut scenes don't add anything. Most of them can be watched as well in a cleared instance.Seems like we have a heavy lack of information here. You're clearly the first one, telling me that about cleared wings. In 6 years I only saw groups with "we need one META chrono" "One meta reaper" "Pls require 1 DPS", "1 healer or support plz" Never saw cleared wing. But thanks, will look forward If i can find that. :/ :)Or you can start your own lfg with msg like Lf cleared wing 1-6 today since its reset tomorrow and someone who cleared it during the week can see it.They then join you and go into each one in order, if not possible you will have to start 6 lfg for each one at a time.Why should people have to put it up if your the one looking for it?EditI mean not like people are mind readers knowing people want to look at cleared instances for lore when they have been out so long already =)
  3. How are you seeing these anyway are you a clicker?If so try to relearn that bad habbit mate.
  4. Well people seem to ask for a open world boss fight level of difficulty. (But scaled to 10 players)So it should have the same rewards as that right?
  5. Well they do say it can take up to 72 hours so 3 days if there is a backlog it will ofcourse take longer.
  6. I got 8 hoards all from the exotic map reward chestEditWhat I do I save up like 30-40 of the chest and open em all at once 0-2 hoards each time
  7. Not true for wow anymore you get more rewards the faster you are up to a point ofcourse, in mythic dungeons mate.
  8. They never said they would go back and make 24 and 28 slots account bound OP
  9. Shouldn't 1 druid be more then enough to cap the might? What was that frost for 1 dps about tho seems a weird comment? My guess is maybe having it in a condi based fight like sh or twins. So calling out theres only 1 power dps?Well since the person said it was w1-w4 it was neither of your guesses mate.EditWould say matthias since the corespondance was after they started w3 wasent it?
  10. Shouldn't 1 druid be more then enough to cap the might? What was that frost for 1 dps about tho seems a weird comment? My guess is maybe having it in a condi based fight like sh or twins. So calling out theres only 1 power dps?Well since the person said it was w1-w4 it was neither of your guesses mate.
  11. Was it a training run? If it wasn't then don't join a group that wants to finish the content and instead find one that offers training. The fault is on the player that joined the wrong group. If you find endless wipes fun then that's good for you. On the other hand, I'm positive lots of players prefer smooth runs. Correct that. Nobody is getting kicked for doing low damage. Kicks happen when someone playing a DPS build deals less damage than the support. Simply auto-attacking would result in the DPS doing way more damage, so they must be doing something fundamentally wrong. Which is why they are kicked in the first place. The astonishing part is about how entitled some players feel these days. Entitled to the time and effort of others. By disrespecting the rest of the team you don't earn respect back. Respect the time of others and they will respect you back. Training runs for Ascalon Catacombs?Training runs for kittening Ascalon Catacombs?!Every day we stray further from Gygax’s Light.You do know that the OP gave two senarios right?The training run was for the second example.First 1 was ac p2 kick at endSecond 1 was vale guardian kick for doing 30-40k on some skill. ( If I would guess it was a 100 blade or a built up p/p unload hit.)
  12. Thats when you talk to support, on a side note how did you access the account without contacting them anyway since hackers usualy change your password aswell.You sure it wasent a family member playing a prank on you like a big brother?
  13. Sorry for being rude but you needed ascended why? If your so busy that you cant get the money to craft or play the content that drop boxes/items (raids/fractals) I cant see why you would need it over exotics since by your lack of time you probabely dont play said conent that need the ascended anyway.
  14. What support do you want to play?My static got a heal firebrand/tank on most bosses, were he dont tank he still heal, aegis block and boons etcScourge healer can be nice on bosses witch aint a dps check like sloth and matthias for example.Heavy healers like revenant and engis elites arent really needed when you get better at the fights becouse people are supposed to get hit very rarely and if they get hit the low healing from druid and chrono should be enough to heal them back up.
  15. submit a ticket to anet support (preferably with your machines specs and the part you crashed at), they'll a- be more likely to help, and b- will amass data on this issue. far as i can tell, the people who get story disconnects get story disconnects a lot and consistently, while there is many people (i amongst them) who have never disconnected even once during a story (aside internet cutting out, that is) even on those instances prone to it. i don't work for anet so obviously i'm not the authority here but based on that pattern i assume it comes about when the game won't jive with ones computer in some way. on that note, hidden arcana also proved a particularly troublesome episode for one of my friends who is under the 'story chapters give constant issues' umbrella. Already done it in game. Thanks. I will write the part of the story here, in case it gets viewed here as well. It was at the part of "Hidden Arcana" in the Glint caves after you kill the first beast with the 1 HP "fragile" debuff strategy. Clicked on the next interactable, got the cut scene, then the cut-scene cuts out (pun intended) and you just wait for the impending "lost connection" dialogue. In game bug report wont get you specificaly any help tho mate.You have to put in a support ticket for them to be able to maybe work out the kinks with your machine. They list the problem as "verifying" in the known issues list, which means they believe they have a fix for it. Anyhow, this is one of those issues that is pretty clearly not a client issue. I don't want to be the "my computer is great, it's their servers" guy, as long as long as you promise not to be the "I don't have this issue, so it must be your computer" guy, lol. ;) You forgot the third option its not either of those but your connection bettwen server and computer so your internet providers routing guy.
  16. Comparing 1 classes mechanics druid pets, to something everyone use mounts is abit of a strech dont you think?
  17. The moment you get into the spvp arena the match in the game minds have started.It dont matter if you dc at the start or the end of the whole match prematch timer and all.
  18. submit a ticket to anet support (preferably with your machines specs and the part you crashed at), they'll a- be more likely to help, and b- will amass data on this issue. far as i can tell, the people who get story disconnects get story disconnects a lot and consistently, while there is many people (i amongst them) who have never disconnected even once during a story (aside internet cutting out, that is) even on those instances prone to it. i don't work for anet so obviously i'm not the authority here but based on that pattern i assume it comes about when the game won't jive with ones computer in some way. on that note, hidden arcana also proved a particularly troublesome episode for one of my friends who is under the 'story chapters give constant issues' umbrella. Already done it in game. Thanks. I will write the part of the story here, in case it gets viewed here as well. It was at the part of "Hidden Arcana" in the Glint caves after you kill the first beast with the 1 HP "fragile" debuff strategy. Clicked on the next interactable, got the cut scene, then the cut-scene cuts out (pun intended) and you just wait for the impending "lost connection" dialogue. In game bug report wont get you specificaly any help tho mate.You have to put in a support ticket for them to be able to maybe work out the kinks with your machine.
  19. Well I never had that problem hence why I ask if you looked hard enough for the pre events.
  20. To be fair, they usually are. Pugging raids is painful, especially if you are trying to learn the encounters, and getting into a group that has a schedule isnt any easier unless they have an absence. Well your not supposed to pug or get into experienced groups with a schedule when your learning anyway.Thats what all the training runs that specific guilds and randoms do on the lfg.Sadly most people seem to not want to train instead just get in, get the kill and go on their merry way.From own experience being in a training dhuum were people left after each pull.
  21. There are no events to push. The timer is up, but the pre events don't spawn for the full duration of the timer, that's the bug. Another bug I encountered is that the timer just doesn't appear on some maps, also leading to no pre events spawning. If I remember right the first event can spawn as far back as Bridgewatch Camp Waypoint [&BK8AAAA=]
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