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Everything posted by Clownmug.8357

  1. Don't know, it'll probably be less fun though. Condi builds will likely flourish and stealth users will be able to reset fights more easily.
  2. No more Rampant Vex or Venom Enhancement? With lower power damage on top of that, the shortbow might as well be deleted from the game.
  3. Funnier one to me is nerfing Lasting Legacy and not touching Incensed Response.
  4. There was some condition nerfs, but it doesn't look like enough. It's probably not going to be fun fighting people in full dire/trailblazer gear that only have 1 second less duration on a random skill while almost all your power based skills are weaker.
  5. When everyone's disappointed, no one will be.
  6. What is the definition of scouting in this case? Seems weird that whatever it is takes 10 minutes and doesn't earn any wxp during that time.
  7. The problem is you forgot to shout "Maximize!", or "Terrorize!" if you happen to be a Predacon.
  8. Hey Clownmug, I definitely agree on Herald feeling like leveled-up Revenant, and that kinda sucks. I was actually thinking of the Corruptions changes as the crux of a fix, but I’m open to other perspectives. I think it would be nice to go from literally 1 condi legend and 2 power legends on core rev to 3 non-healer legends that could work in either the power or condi role, depending on traits Ok, I see what you're saying. That's the problem with Herald though, it's already achieved being able to work in a either power or condi roles, and even some healing roles. You can force it into pretty much any rev build and it'll work.
  9. Are these changes to Corruption just an example or the actual "fix" itself? I think where we'd really need to start is by taking away the things that make Herald seem like a straight upgrade to core rev...
  10. I like the animations, sound fx, and random voice lines. Also, sometimes while defending towers I get to wipe out small groups by just auto-attacking under Soulcleave's Summit.
  11. Standing on a wall to defend? That usually means you're outnumbered. Doesn't everyone know by now you're supposed to automatically lose when your side has fewer players? Now please buy more gems for transfers so Anet can continue improving Don Quixote Simulator 2020.
  12. It does seem like a rougher environment nowadays, but I think that's normal for a 7+ year old multiplayer game. Hopefully the Q1 balance update will shake things up enough to give newer players a fighting chance.
  13. Everything about video games is casual. You were too eager to be edgy you forgot downstate is in pretty much every game mode. Hmm, only game mode where removing it is special event for some reason though. Someone should let pro smash players know that turning off items doesn't make it competitive because they're normally in every mode.
  14. Sniff doesn't work on players in stealth. =P
  15. This is what I thought they would do when warclaw was first announced. They can't have added those stables to the desert bl spawn areas just for decoration...
  16. This is what ebg lemmings actually believe.
  17. Because you can't kite & dodge 5 players lancing you with various other unmounted damage also incoming, with 3 dodges. Even 2 players who are in pursuit, is a lot to deal with when you only have 3 dodges vs. 2 lances and whatever DPS comes in when the OOCs get close, dismount and burst. So the same opponents that you "kited" suddenly become more competent when you're mounted?
  18. How can a player be capable of "kiting" until they break combat and remount, but not capable enough to dodge the lance skill?
  19. Come back and play DH instead then, True Shot is pretty much the same thing.
  20. I don't think we need to waste players' time more, especially when all their work can be undone in 5 minutes by a random blob showing up.
  21. The devs didn't forget, that's why they're planning to neuter Warcry some more.
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