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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Most legends have duos because, well, they have a friendship circle that's consisting of other good players and can almost always find someone to duo queue with. Duoq is a lot easier than soloq, so why ever queue solo?
  2. I think a miracle occurred, but I actually agree with you on that one.Reaper is an underrated counter to holo. Chill is good for their out-of-forge mobility. For photon forge, cd increases are relevant. Also boonrip is hug. Reaper is not extremely annoyed by blind. The natural damage reduction of shroud and holo's lack of cc makes it hard for the holo. It depends but if the enemy doesn't have a teamfight comp, I'd put my weak sidenoder (warrior, prev etc) on the teamfight instead, so that my reaper can 1v1 holo.
  3. It sometimes hits for 5 and sometimes hits for 0.
  4. I was trying to go into Ascalon Catacombs story, just a few minutes ago. It gave me the exact same error.
  5. It's mediocre. There is too much condi for LR to be meta, but it's okay.
  6. Hi Jazz, thanks for making this thread. Core Mantra of Recovery: More healthMantra of Pain: Change from damage to boonripMantra of Concentration: Lower cooldownTime Warp: Half cooldown half durationSignet of Humility: Half cooldown half durationMirror Images: 30 seconds cooldown Restorative Illusions: Reduce base health, increase healing coefficientCritical Infusion: Increase vigor to 5sSharper Images: Slightly increase bleeding duration Staff 3: Double the damage.Staff 4: Reduce cd to 25 Greatsword can't be fixed w/o reworks so idk Sword 2: Increase damageSword 4: Increase damage Pistol 4: Increase damage coefficientPistol 5: Reduce stun duration by 0.5 sec, reduce cd by 2-3 sec Focus 4: Reduce CD Chronomancer nvm Mirage At least 75 endurance, but 100 is better.I haven't been playing much mirage so I'll leave this part to other people :)
  7. vs power rev, I with a condi build1) Reflected shiro heal2) Baited glint heal, twice3) Dodged shiro f24) CCed sword 3 once And then they did sword pve rotation on me and I died cuz no more defenses. Condi rev? Just /sleep on node until your holo +1s. Killing a crev is only about rotations, there is no build except condi mirage that can kill it 1v1. Revenant is currently S tier, as a class. Not all builds are S but most of them are S or A.
  8. That's why reading patch notes is important :p
  9. Maybe they had one player who could 1v2 your team as well
  10. Just play whatever class you want and pick the best build for it If you don't like it just play another class
  11. Open world pve: AnythingInstanced content: AnythingPvP: It depends, mostly anythingWvW: Again, it depends but mostly anything
  12. Clone health should scale with mesmer's own health.
  13. What? What???? Current condi mirage uses shatters + EM though lol What to do with mirage:1) Bring 2 back dodges (or 75 endurance)2) Heavily reduce clone ambushes' damage and buff real mesmer's ambushes3) Make IH baseline4) Make EM remove movement impairing conditions + small heal (170 base or something)
  14. Not rumors, it's definitely not today and definitely not next week. We don't know what will happen in two weeks.
  15. Nope not this week, afaik cmc confirmed it's not today.
  16. For power,Core > Mirage in wvw and pvpMirage > Core in pve
  17. So... it's a good thing? Focusing target finally matters?
  18. Disenchanter, if it hits, removes a lot of boons (chrono used to use this) and Veil is wvw only for some reason, same for feedback Other bad skills would be stunbreak mantra, signet of domination and null field.
  19. Rotations are one thing, but the game doesn't even teach the actual game mechanics. Not many people know how to 1v1 on node properly, doesn't matter if you do perfect rotations if you can't follow up on them.
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