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What is Virtuoso superior at?


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2 hours ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

It's better at being all style and flash but no substance. 

I don't know if it's the traits or what but this thing just feels like it was made to be a flashy animated E-Spec rather than something genuinely functional. 


Meanwhile, Necro E-Spec Shroud go brrrrrrrr

I found an enjoyable condi shatter build with it. But the thing is, it plays almost exactly like every other condi shatter build I've played. Chrono/mirage. scepter/torch dagger/pistol. 

Only thing different is dagger and you have to trait for bleeds.

As far as power goes, it's not there. Synergy with other weapons... not there. 

Everything being projectile attacks with cast times... okay.. neat. 

It feels pretty aimless in design just for the sake of pretty animations and not having clones. Woohoo.

Mesmer was one of the most unique professions in this game due to the clone/phantasm mechanic. 

But yes, that's a good way of putting it. Flashy with no substance. The knockback utility is cool, but the rest are completely pointless. Maybe if they had a special phantasm utility, a movement utility like a port that randomly spawn you at a different location around your target like the mirage utility, and made the elite instant cast and target tracking like the holo elite with faster and higher damage with fewer hits it would be interesting.

But given how little synergy it has with other weapons, even greatsword despite this seemingly being a power oriented build, it just feels like they had a general animation theme in mind and tacked everything on last minute. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 8/20/2021 at 11:08 PM, Mik.3401 said:

As in the title, I have been wondering what Virtuoso does better than the other Mesmer specs (including core).


Is it ease of play? Maybe some better pressure at range? Does it outweigh the sacrifices?

Used to be better at burst. I say used to because they nerfed it unecessarily to the elite and some of its utilities/dagger. It doesnt do anything else, jsut dmg so nerding that is bizzare imo.

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On 8/20/2021 at 4:08 PM, Mik.3401 said:

As in the title, I have been wondering what Virtuoso does better than the other Mesmer specs (including core).


Is it ease of play? Maybe some better pressure at range? Does it outweigh the sacrifices?

There is none. It's a theme of this expansions elite specs. They're so attached to their "trade offs" idea that they've created nearly 9 dead on arrival elite specs that provide nothing of value to almost any class.

They need to get "Trade offs" out of their brain, as the idea has been stupid since it's inception, and stop trying to make sure that base specs remain good.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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3 minutes ago, Levetty.1279 said:

The GS burst would have killed it on Chronomancer. 

Perhaps, I did it only once both times, with no attempt to optimize my rotation. But I figured it was worth showing the only thing this spec is good at in my opinion. It deals quite a bit of damage in a short interval. It looks like it took me a second longer to kill the hydra this time, possibly due to the nerfs. 

Still kind of fun though, even if very samey. When I'm playing, I barely notice I'm not playing base mesmer, although it has some more quality of life. I consider it mesmer 2.0. 

They removed clones, nerfed the kit, and gave it some slightly more potent burst skills. Eh, I love mesmer, so it's hard to hate it, but I'd agree it doesn't really bring much new. The improved QoL of continuously stocking blades (ammo for shatter) makes some specs and abilities fun options now. So I really think, it's just a different take on base mesmer. But can burst like a chrono/zerker/DH/SlB/Weaver/Reaper, but you lose clones (ammo) and some defense and trade them for blades (ammo) and auto blade gen (more ammo). 

I've got to say, they made some strange design decisions with this round of elite specs. Some elite specs don't feel like they were thought of with the rest of the kit in mind.
Virtuoso: Mechanically plays almost no different than core mesmer. 
Catalyst: More melee fast cycling attunements. (core ele 2.0?)
Untamed: Helps rangers how? Roaming, skirmishing? (Core Ranger 2.0)
Bladesworn: More melee power dps, but clunky (Core Warrior Pre-release...)

The rest of them, from a design pespective at least make some sense. But they missed a chance here to not just fix the issues these classes have with core, and making brand new elite specs that bring something new to the table. I guess they do bring something new, but not relative to what players have wanted.

Mesmer: Long range nuker (they got that right). Now come up with mechanics for it. Don't just remove clones and rename shatters. Get the animation team to make us a 'mechanic'...
Elementalist: Long range nuker again. Elementalist wanted a weapon more focused on pure destruction, that relied very little on attunement swapping. Where staff is a aoe damage/support hybrid weapon. Something you could use to rain down hell on your enemies, without the tradeoffs of staff. Something with less button presses/minute.

Ranger: ZvZ, GvG WvW spec, that allows the ranger to join the likes of Scourge, Firebrand, Spellbreaker, Herald in the big fights. Same thing ele wanted in some ways. Getting 'back' their artillery damage. 

Warrior: Support Spec (And rebalance warrior utilities to offer greater value to help balance vs the cost of banners)

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