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The WvW Skirmish Reward Track Takes Far Too Long To Complete

Kori Jenkins.9017

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4 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You really are a unique case if you played 19K hours per your signature , played for years , are bronze rank , and actually play WvW even at all just for dailies (it's 2 ranks for a daily WvW rank up chest with WvW potions).  I played mesmer in core days and I still was able to pass bronze back then mostly roaming and hiding in keeps for hours at a time on reset nights sometimes.

There's plenty of retired people that play WVW and are quite high rank so don't think that just because you are old (per your claim) that you are a special case. If you're not retirement age you really aren't that old. One of the 10k rank players I used to run with is a grandfather and one of the 40K AP retired (as in from work not WvW) players is something like 7K WVW rank.

There really isn't a demand for scouts after marked and watchtower tactics were added to the game and even if you do scout you can ask a commander to give you scout designation, which means that you get skirmish pips regardless (which is what the topic is about).

Also what you  wrote is playing the pity card and expecting the entire game to be balanced around RSI or whatever issues.  Jumping puzzles aren't for example and I have difficulty with some of them as well. You're also cursing everyone who doesn't have that problem and that is really not okay. Frequent breaks are possible within the current skirmish reward system and sometimes entire guilds take 5-10 minute breaks at spawn (annoying for everyone else).

I had a 2nd gen and 4th gen i5 (i.e. 2011 technology) up until Ryzen and with low model quality and count I was able to get ~20-30 FPS in WVW before using dxvk. So unless someone is on a laptop that is below min spec CPU-wise it's playable. On Linux if you were able to use GPU passthrough then pre-dxvk isn't an issue.

As I pointed out above in prior posts, if you can't play that long it will just take more time for the reward, I don't see how that is a problem : that holds true for everything , even openworld legendaries. It's the same for PVE raids or PVP. If you don't fullclear all wings, you will just take longer. If you don't complete Byzantium in PVP ranked then it actually is worse if you're going for legendary armor because you will be missing league tickets.

Just an FYI, tearing apart someone's posts when they're advocating for other people isn't helpful. Whether you agree or not isn't going to change the fact that these are all situations alot of players face. Whether you're right or not won't change the struggles they have to deal with in this game, which while casual is still a bit rough at times.


But I won't talk about it any further, there's dozens of threads archived on these forums talking about these things.


My original post in this thread was saying that getting to Gold tier wasn't a big deal, so I was actually supporting the argument. But the ableism in the later posts is a completely different thing entirely.

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FWIW. If you played WvW for the past 5 years and averaged 5 ranks a day you'd have 9,125 ranks. Does Zerging help with that? Sure. Playing on RBL gives you more WXP while roaming compared to the other BLs to help with that. If you wanted to get to max rank in a year it would take 27 ranks/day with no days off.

But that is over a 5 year time span. Many of the WvW achievements were made with that mindset, and rank is no exception really. 

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Well I don't think rank is really the issue but it does make a difference in pip acquisition. So by the time pips became relevant (2018?), I was like Rank 4k or something so many people didn't notice or care.

I'd also like to add that it gets affected by boosters, if you bother to use them. If you have 5 characters, you would have getting 25 birthday boosters (and 60 celebration boosters) in 5 years, and where else but wvw would you use them? But that assumes people care I guess.

Also it was possible a long time ago to actually purchase rank with laurels (and badges) I think. I don't think many people used that method but considering what I read in general discussion, people will do anything for the shiny.

I guess the extra pip acquisition was meant as a reward to long term wvw players but does that really matter if everyone gets crappy rewards? That and when you add a pointless warclaw grind, the whole game mode looks unexciting for new players.

I don't think the reward system really works for most people Tedious for those to seek legendaries, but there's also nothing really to buy with tickets if you don't want the legendaries or already have them. Conflux was such a better design though than the armor. I think more use for Embelms (maybe allow those to be converted to tickets or something, that could be useful. Maybe add a maximum conversion per week but I doubt I have to tell them that)

Emblems are at least slightly more active than this afk crap, though. And like I said, increasing the base pips would benefit everyone.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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It would be nice if the Skirmish track could be sped up just a little.  But I think it should be tied to participation to encourage activity and discourage AFK-ing.


Maybe a bonus pip each tick we participate in capturing at least three objectives (including Sentries and Monuments) or killing at least two enemy players?  Just a little something extra for actively participating.  Squads will have no trouble earning this the whole time they're running.  Roamers shouldn't have too much trouble either, cycling among Camps, Sentries, Monuments, and any fights in between.  If Anet feels extra generous, it could be a stackable bonus up to three pips per tick for maintaining a streak?


Yeah this might encourage Monument-flipping, but they could probably use some attention anyway, and more likely than not, it will lead to good fights.  Still better than people AFK-ing at spawn, and a little added incentive to be active.  It would be purely optional.  People can still AFK as they do now if they want.

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27 minutes ago, Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

But I think it should be tied to participation to encourage activity and discourage AFK-ing.

I don't see much AFKing, and from time to time you need a short break 😉

But what I see a lot is:

  • waiting for the 5min flip-timer
  • running to somewhere just to have it flipped shortly before I reach it.
  • failed sneak attacks where you got overrun by a defending squad
  • ...

Such things would fail your requirement of

32 minutes ago, Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

capturing at least three objectives

In fact you hardly ever flip 3 things in 5min, most often I flip 1-2 per 10min without AFK, and sometimes even that fails and participation goes down.

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Yeah I went back and forth between two and three objectives being the requirement.  If it's fewer than three, then maybe monuments shouldn't count.  Either way, the exact numbers are up for debate.  Just trying to think of another way to boost pips in a way that doesn't only cater to (a) high rank, (b) week-to-week streaks, or (c) AFK-ing.


I mean, as someone working towards a first legendary set of armor through WvW, I wouldn't mind a free Skirmish track rate increase of some sort, but I figured nothing's free.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would probably increase the base pips by like 2. You should also get 1 extra pip for finishing.... gold last week.

Completing a WvW daily should give skirmish track progress, effective immediately.

I would remove participation gained from killing vet creatures (why is this a thing?) but still allow resets. Reduce participation for taking a sentry or killing guards.

Escorting dolyaks to non fully upgraded structures should give more participation.

Killing a player should definitely give more participation.

I'd like to try to prevent afking but that would negatively affect people that are maintaining keeps and crap. Or if your server just sucks.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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3 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I would probably increase the base pips by like 2. You should also get 1 extra pip for finishing.... gold last week.

Completing a WvW daily should give skirmish track progress, effective immediately.

I would remove participation gained from killing vet creatures (why is this a thing?) but still allow resets. Reduce participation for taking a sentry or killing guards.

Escorting dolyaks to non fully upgraded structures should give more participation.

Killing a player should definitely give more participation.

I'd like to try to prevent afking but that would negatively affect people that are maintaining keeps and crap. Or if your server just sucks.

The verbiage suggests they want to cut hours per week but not weeks (cap).
From https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/WvW_skirmish_pip_query?

if you add 2 pips to a zero rank player they drop from 22 hours to 16 hours to hit cap ; for a gold rank player they drop from 14 hours to ~11.5 hours to hit cap ; for a mithril rank player it drops from ~11.5 hours to <10 hours.

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It is a lot of hours to put in for 365 sct's in a week.  Now I'm wondering if they balance the teams will outnumbered be a thing of the past? That's the only thing that makes the weekly grind bearable since it basically cuts play time in half.. Memories of battle are the object of affection that's hard to collect as well.  I'm a newbie still at rank 555 but I have to dedicate a lot of hours just for the MoB's and sct's.   Thanks Anet for fixing this part of the game.

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