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The theme of the revenant


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All of my characters have a theme, a color scheme of a sort based on the color of their abilities. 


For example, mesmer will be purple and gold, ranger will be green and brown, guardian blue and white, necro green and black and etc.


So I made a Charr revenant, because I wanted the character to be somewhat lore-friendly (Rytlock). With revenant the ability colors seems to be black, red and maybe white? 

Problem is, that when you mix these colors you just get a poor man's Rytlock...


How do you make a Charr that screams revenant when you see it at a glance, without making a copy of an already existing hero? Any suggestions? Any pics to show a revenant that actually looks like one? ( I see too many characters around which kinda do not fit the archetype they are supposed to portray based on the cosmetics - snow white thiefs, red guardians and etc.)

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Revenant is like elementalist, there's no unifying colour theme. Arguably less so with rev, since it's like they get a new element with each spec.


Black, red and white is partially true when it comes to core weapon skills, but elite specs again break that pattern.


A predominantly black coloured heavy armour will signify a revenant to me. If can still have secondary colour details, maybe even matching the colours of your chosen legends. Blindfolds are also a signature rev piece.


You can avoid the revenant armour of you don't want to look like Rytlock. I think the runic armour looks beautiful in dark gray/black and allows secondary colours, which makes it a great choice for revenant.

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The Mistward armour isn't actually black, it's Pitch, Abyssal Ice (and Cherry).  Even the skill stops are more very dark blue and red though black isn't incorrect either.


Given the dodge animation colours the black shades red and white would probably be the most accurate but as RabbitUp said above Rwv gets a new colour with each spec and the glowing hands of different colours sort of throws off fashion wars a fair bit.  Personally I match my colours more to the theme of the build I'm using.  Eg my power support / openworld herald leans more into blues, silvers and the Glint pallet of colours (for crystal type looks), thematically I also see power / support herald as the more heroic 'Dragon Champion' type trope than dark edge red and black.  My condi specs lean more into those colours and my core specs stick to the black red and greys.  My Renegade uses more of the fiery orange type pallet than red and more charred / dark greys than black 

Edited by GrayHawk.7560
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Like people have said, revenant doesn't really have a single uniform theme because each legend really has their own theme. And in some cases, the themes might not just be the colour of your glow - Shiro's armour in GW1 was red with gold decorations, for instance. Even elementalist you can probably pretty much come up with a mostly red/blue theme, maybe with a bit of brown and/or yellow, and basically cover the elements that way.


So there's really two approaches:


One is to have different looks for builds, depending on which legend (or legends) you most expect to use with that armour. For instance, a condition set might involve a lot of purple to reflect Mallyx, while a set that you expect to mostly use with herald might involve a lot of blue (which conveniently also works for Jalis). You could possibly have some of the secondary colours be nods to other legends you might use with that armour.


Alternatively, you could go with fairly neutral colours with a general revenant theme. This is essentially Rytlock's approach. The red highlights seem to be fairly consistently associated with revenant, appearing in the PvP wheel and in most weapon skill art. For the dominant colour, anything in the grey scale would probably be appropriate. Rytlock's armour is fairly dark, but that might be a matter of his own choice (his armour was dark before becoming a revenant, but the secondary colour changed from a brownish yellow to red). A lot of skill animations for weapon skills (not to mention the special revenant dodge animation) have a misty effect that's more of a light grey, so if you want to go for a general revenant theme rather than theming around specific legends but you want to avoid looking too much like Rytlock, that's a potential approach you could take: taking a light, misty grey with red highlights rather than something close to black.

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I made a white skin charr with black and red mistward armor.

Yeah I know, not very original but it looks cool.

I also have a human revenant with mistward blindfold, hands and foot and warbeast shoulders, chest and legs. Main color is black/darkness and secondary color (blindfold eye and warbeast "orbs") is pumpkin. It looks very good IMO, as is the only gear that has received whispers of people saying they like it.

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Right now, the image links below are what I use for my Charr Revenant. The colours more closely represent Revenant as a whole although I took a bit more ad lib on the metallic parts by going faded gold (sand dye) rather that pure orange to represent Renegade. Even got that touch of blue for Herald, though I don't use the E-Spec so Herald has a smaller amount of it across the armour set. Black and Red are pretty much Core Rev hence why it has major presence. 


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On 9/5/2021 at 8:53 AM, EpicName.4523 said:

All of my characters have a theme, a color scheme of a sort based on the color of their abilities. 


For example, mesmer will be purple and gold, ranger will be green and brown, guardian blue and white, necro green and black and etc.


So I made a Charr revenant, because I wanted the character to be somewhat lore-friendly (Rytlock). With revenant the ability colors seems to be black, red and maybe white? 

Problem is, that when you mix these colors you just get a poor man's Rytlock...


How do you make a Charr that screams revenant when you see it at a glance, without making a copy of an already existing hero? Any suggestions? Any pics to show a revenant that actually looks like one? ( I see too many characters around which kinda do not fit the archetype they are supposed to portray based on the cosmetics - snow white thiefs, red guardians and etc.)

Go for the build you're playing (at the time), and base your colors around your main weapon/legend. I, personally, just stick with the dark look with red accents, but I've got a blue/spirit look for PvPing as power SB. Dunno why, I just like it, lol.

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