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What do you do when starting a new character?

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Well after years of playing on and off I finally for the first time ever caught up on the story, just finished ice brood saga. I seen someone describe gw2 story as a roller coaster and I think that’s very accurate. Was  some highs and lows. personally feel like there was more lows than highs but it was a fun ride. That being said I don’t see myself every doing the whole story again on a new character. 


which brings up the question what do you do on your Alts or when switching mains? Do you do the whole story again. Do you pick and choose the to parts you enjoyed before? Problem is the story introduces you to new areas so not sure how to level an alt without doing it all over again. Or you can buy the scrolls I guess but you have to have the karma.


Just wondering what others do when they start a new character because even though I really love this game I can’t slog through the story again. 


Edited by Grimlineman.6759
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I have made alts for 3 main reasons:

~ to experience a new class/specialization

~to experience a new race/gender with a class (hearing the different way they shout attacks for instance.)

~ to explore a fashion theme inspired by a weapon/armor skin. 

Outside of that - I don't think I've played through the entire personal story and living world on any single character outside of my main. I do love exploring maps though or farming - even core maps. It's very relaxing for me. 

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For personal reasons, I try to complete the personal story, but only the part under My Story, those first few episodes that are unlocked every 10 levels. I feel like it's part of my characters' backgrounds. I don't bother doing the rest unless I'm trying to do specific achievements. With the Return To achievements, I'll probably run through everything once more, but that's still specifically for achievements.

You don't need the story to level up. Before even completing one racial area in the core tyria maps, you reach level 80. If you don't even want to do that, your main should have accumulated some tomes of knowledge or experience scrolls.

I don't use my alts for much, so all I do is get them to level 80 using whatever means available, tag along hero point trains to unlock my elite specs, transmute their gear if I have an idea of what I want them to look like, aaaand then they're kinda forgotten or parked somewhere and used occasionally. I log on if I feel like being a different class, or if I want to do map completion, but for the most part, they're relatively untouched.

I don't think that you need to do any story at all unless you want a specific character to be able to enter a living world map that forbids entry without first going through the associated story.

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No one has given you a clear answer yet. 


As per Link. Use the Portal Scrolls for each Living World Story map. You will have, or should collect on your main.

For expansion maps, in story journal selecting expansion beginning, and then leg it to subsequent maps from there.

Or Teleport to friend. 

Levelling is entirely on your way of going about it. 

I have one of each class max, and only my Revenant has done the story. 

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5 hours ago, Zavijah.2695 said:

No one has given you a clear answer yet. 


As per Link. Use the Portal Scrolls for each Living World Story map. You will have, or should collect on your main.

For expansion maps, in story journal selecting expansion beginning, and then leg it to subsequent maps from there.

Or Teleport to friend. 

Levelling is entirely on your way of going about it. 

I have one of each class max, and only my Revenant has done the story. 

Yeah this is the way I do it. I only do the main story once and because of the return thingy I'm doing the LS story for the second time now. I just have the teleport tomes for LS3, LS4 and the Icebrood Saga in my shared slots.


I also have the two world boss items from the gem store so that gives me extra mobility. For reference, I have 17 characters and they are maxed. Whenever I make a new character I make them level 80 right away (birthday boost and tomes). I also do WvW regularly so I unlock the hero points for one of the elite specs, usually the HoT HPs.

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It's been a while since I created a new character. I have one of each profession, and haven't seen a reason to do new ones.

Having said that, the last one or two I did I skipped story entirely. My bank is overloaded with level to 60 scrolls and leveling tomes, so instant 80. Then I either craft a set of exotic armor or buy pieces in Verdant Brink, or a combination of both depending on available currency. Depending on my LS3 currencies, I either buy ascended trinkets there or pick some up at the laurel vendor, or some combination. I craft ascended weapons, and I'm geared and ready.

Next step was enough Hero Points in PoF to get one elite spec. Though nowadays I think I'd skip the trouble and join an HP train in HoT. PoF hero points are definitely easier than HoT, but I still have trouble with some of them solo on a new character I'm not familiar with. The only difficulty with an HoT train is keeping up with the group (depends on how driven your train commander is) and seeing through the cloud of flapping wings.

With portal tomes, I've got access into endgame zones immediately. So at that point, the character is done and ready for general use. With a full complement of mounts, it's pretty easy to get into core zones as needed and unlock waypoints organically.

Why the nearly invisible font?

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